
FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE – MGT 3100HOMEWORK #1Calculate the confidence interval for the population standard deviation from the given values.Construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean (population SD known)Find the critical value that should be used in constructing the confidence interval. (n<30)Construct an 80% confidence interval (n<30)Calculate the sample mean for the given dataCopy data to excel=avg(numbers)Calculate the sample standard deviation for the given dataCopy data to excel=stdev.s(numbers)How large a sample would be required?Enter the critical value of the test statistic for the varianceChi-squared tableSample size for meansN= (z * standard dev./E)^2Construct an 85% confidence interval for the population proportionEnter the value of the test statistic for the varianceHOMEWORK #2Compute the weighted estimate for comparing two population proportionsCompute the value of the test statistic for comparing two population proportionsConstruct a 90% confidence interval for the ratio of the population variancesCalculate the value of the standard error for the difference in population proportionsConstruct a 98% confidence interval for the difference in population proportionsFind the critical values for the left and right endpoints for the ratio of population variancesFind the margin of error for the difference in population proportionsCompute the value of the z test statistic for the difference in population proportionsHOMEWORK #3Compute the value of the z test statistic for the difference in meansFind the critical value that should be used in constructing the confidence interval for the difference in meansFind the standard error of the sampling distribution for the difference in meansConstruct a confidence interval for the difference in meansFind the mean for paired differencesFind the standard deviation of paired differencesConstruct a confidence interval for the paired differencesCompute the value of the t test statistic for paired differencesHOMEWORK #5ANOVA TablesCalculate the sum of squares among treatmentsDF treatments x MS treatmentsTotal SS – Error SSCalculate the sum of squares of experimental errorDF error x MS errorTotal SS – Treatment SSCalculate the DF of experimental errorSS error / MS errorTotal DF – Treatment DFCalculate the F valueMS treatment / MS errorWhat is the sum of squares of sample means about the grand mean?SS, Among TreatmentsWhat is the variation of the individual measurements about their respective means?SS, ErrorWhat is the critical value of F?Use tableTwo-Way ANOVARe-organize dataWhat is the test value for the treatments?F-Value, driver/first rowWhat is the test value for the blocking?F-Value, second rowFinding critical valuesUSE STATPLUSTreatment = Factor #2, Blocking = Factor #1What is the test value for the interaction between the variables?F, Factor 1&2What is the critical value associated with this test value?F crit, Factor 1&2If there is significant interaction between the two variables, which is true?You cannot test the effect of either company or city on average daily rental ratesOne-Way ANOVADo not have to re-organize dataUse STATPLUS for all questionsWhat assumption did the researchers make about the variances in the hourly wages for each area?That they are the same across all four areasHOMEWORK #6Chi-Squared Goodness of FitExpected value = stated probability x total samplesEnter the value of the test statistic (Chi-squared GOF)Test Statistic with ProportionsUse Excel sheet templateHOMEWORK #7Error = observed y – predicted yUse Minitab/Statplus for regression linesHOMEWORK #8Use Minitab/Statplus for multiple regressionUse Excel template for SSE, etc. when given the slope and y-interceptHOMEWORK #9How much variation in the dependent variable is explained by the regression?SS, RegressionWhat is the estimated variance of the error terms?MS, ErrorWhat is the total variability of the dependent variable?SS, TotalWhat is the variance of the dependent variable?SS, Total / DF, TotalHOMEWORK #10Cubic regression with just one variable Use website or Minitab ................

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