United Resolve 16-1 SDF Exercise Planning Group15 Apr 2016LETTER OF INSTRUCTION (LOI)- UNITED RESOLVE 16-11. Situation: SDF’s are invided to participate in a communications exercise (COMMEX) conducted on a national scale in conjuction with the ARRL national “Field Day”. A. Area of Operations: Each state can conduct operations at Home Station (HS) or other state organization approved local training areas (LTA). B. Friendly Forces: (1) Other state defense forces(2) Other Amateur radio or individual groups that may choose to participate2. Mission: Working within the scenario, members states utilize organic communication equipment to establish communication with other SDF’s and Amateur radio operators.3. Execution: A. Commanders Intent: To exercise interoperability and enhance operational familiarity between SDF’s and with the amateur radio community. This is designed to be a multi-mode exercise where various modes of HF radio communication are tested to determine each organizations ability to communicate. It is to be expected that not all modes will be available to all participants.B. Conduct of exercise: (1) Each state or organization with more than two participants will organize themselves in a state or organizational net. Net Control and call sign will be determined before and reported to the LOI author for inclusion into the guard chart. Guard Charts will be updated frequently and the version indicated by the “Change” number. A final version is slated to be published NLT 15 Jun 16.(2) Upon STARTEX the net control stations will roll call their subordinate net and receive their current status reports. This is a directed net exercise. (3) Station Status Reports will consist of the following information:(a) Status of local power grid:1) Power Grid Stable2) Power Grid Unstable3) Operating on alternative power systems(b) PERSTAT of personnel at local station(c) Other information relevant to the exercise(4) Relays: As this is a national exercise it is expected that stations will provide relays for distant stations making contact. This is the only time where stations may communicate without requesting permission from their net control. (5) Operating Modes and Interface with Amateur operators: This COMMEX utilizes several operating modes, and participants should let the LOI author know the modes they intend to participate in. This information will be noted on the Guard Chart.LETTER OF INSTRUCTION (LOI)- UNITED RESOLVE 16-1(a) HF SSB Voice: 1) Exercise frequencies used are issued to the VDF. If SDF’s are not capable of using these frequencies, it is recommend that contact by made by either Winlink or within the cross banding portion/60 meter portion of the exercise. 2) Participation into ARRL Field Day. SDF stations with FCC licensed Amateur operators are encouraged to participate in the Field Day and should make contact with other Amateurs on the Amateur frequencies; however, they must use their FCC issued call signs. Record contacts on Station Log Sheet (either ICS or DA form). (b) HF SSB Cross Banding: Participants (both SDF and Amateur) should consult the guard chart to determine the frequencies approparite to their status. Each group will listen on the other groups transmit frequency, but only transmit on their authorized frequencies. As this is a initial test of this technique the duration of the test is kept short.(c) HF SSB Data: All stations capable of HF email (Winlink) may send their status reports via the Winlink system to the net control. Notice that the voice net control will be changing throughout the exercise and the Winlink address will be changing. Note: Place the notation “//WK2 R/” first in the subject line. Example: Subject: //WK2 R/ SDF COMMEX Report.(d) 60 Meter Channel: There has been discussion on using these channels during emergencies as both federal and amateurs have access to it (amateurs on a secondary allocation). With this in mind, inclusion of a 60 meter channel in the COMMEX might be appropriate. Communicators who participate in this mode must be FCC licensed amateurs and use their FCC callsign.C. Control of Commex: The COMMEX will be conducted by net control as specified in the guard chart. If the designated net control is not on air within 5 minutes of the specified time, the designated assistant net control will step in and initiate net operations. If either the designated net control and the assistant cannot initiate the net, any station is expected to assume net control duties and continue the exercise. Net control for each mode will change frequently during the COMMEX to allow different stations to exercise this skill set.D. Administration: After Action Reviews (AAR) for each participating organization (whether they made contact or not) should provide a AAR to the organizer who will consolidate the AARS for final transmittal to the Exercise Control Group.4. Sustainment: Per local organization SOP. 5. Command and Signal: A. Command: No change from local SOPB. Signal(1). Time Zone: All times in this document are given in Eastern Time (ET). Adjust per your respective time zone IAW the below chart. LETTER OF INSTRUCTION (LOI)- UNITED RESOLVE 16-1Conversion ChartZULU TimeEastern Time(Romeo)Central Time(Sierra)Mountain Time(Tango)Pacific Time(Uniform)+50-1-2-3(2) Reports: (a) All stations will track their activities on ICS Form 214 (Activity Log) or DA Form 1594 (Daily Staff Journal) (b) Net Control Stations (NCS) will log and track all check-ins to include call signs and frequencies. Station logs will be kept on ICS Form 309 (Station Log Sheet) or DA Form 4341 (Radio Station Log). (c) Message traffic will utilize the ICS Form 213 or a text version for digital transmission.LTC(VA) Rick MurdockFORUnited Resolve 6-1 SDF Exercise Planning GroupATTACHMENTS:Annex A – Communications Guard ChartAnnex B – Coordination InformationAnnex C – Safety WorksheetsSee Guard Chart Published SeparatelyStation/LocationStation POCsCall-SignAmateurCall-SignPhoneVDF 3rd REGT MCP 2LT EASTON (OIC)VD3M540-450-4533SPC BARR (NCOIC)KJ4ZIW540-303-4504Civil Air Patrol (CAP)Lt. MerrittKB4QAAMAJ CowherdKB4YKVLTC CarterKB4TFYMAJ Flores (NM CAP)KB5ZSK575-693-6684California State Military ReserveCW3 Ralph Cansimbe916-716-9205CPT Kevin LukeSGT Laurence DustinKA7FIU626-372-9286LTC Walter LottPFC Christopher Ronk661-747-1500AlaskaCOL Doyle E. Holmes907-373-8527Indianna Guard ReserveIGRSFC Jeffrey KingSSG Travis VettersCPT(IN) Thomas VaughnKD9EED2LT Steve SausamanKC9SKS1SG Christopher BibleKC9ZCK1LT Mike ChambersW1IDXOhio Military ReserveOHMRLTC(OH) Robert Venables216-346-5579SGM(OH) Richard SmithLTC Roger Patrick1SG Charles RableySouth Carolina State GuardLTC(SC) Gene Retske803-732-38661LT Brian Fletcher843-224-7513Mississippi State GuardWO1 Robert Whitley601-416-1464LTC Jack GardnerPuerto Rico State GuardSGT MirandaKP4NEW787-594-2356GA Defense ForceCPT Roger ShaddickN7BU770-778-4956COL Mark Gelhardt770-331-8051CSM GreeneTN State GuardMAJ FROGATT (OIC)W1RSF615-691-3503SFC GATEWOOD (NCOIC)N2DAG615-852-7324CW4 SYKES (Operator)W4SYK615-428-9939Texas State GuardPO3 Gary Greer713-826-2873PO2 Erik Matthies512-605-996SGT Jeffrey JonesKX5JSJ903-815-4101SPC Stefan WrayKG5FSZ512-983-5852AmateurDonald BaldwinK4TSO864-207-0015 ................

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