Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

|Direct Instruction Lesson Plan |

|Name: Trevor Heydens Grade: Duration: 10 60 min lessons |

|Subject: IA Unit: Production Lesson: 12-22 Measurement and first project |

|General Learning Outcomes |

|GLO F1 Technical Communication: Communicate technical ideas and designs effectively and appropriately. |

|Specific Learning Outcomes |

|IA9.F1.1 Use several presentation programs using existing formats to digitally communicate a technical idea. |

|IA0.F1.2 Interpret a graphic presentation of a technical idea. (interpret through demonstration of comprehension in creation |

|process) |

|Learning Goal: |

|To create and interpret blueprints and relevant measurements. |

| |

|To observe safety processes when operating machinery (Band Saw). |

|Slides/Visuals/Materials |

|Assessment: Completion of Blue Prints |

|Production Rubric for final project |

|Process completion? |

|Sequence of Lesson |

|Lesson 12 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Finish Presentations |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Blueprints |

| |Ask students to create blue prints for their own home or design blue prints for a fantasy home |

| |Blue prints drafted by hand |

| |Pencil, ruler, grid paper |

| |Blue prints to be completed before the end of class |

| | |

| |First project: Model Home |

| |Remind students that the corrected blueprints are for their first project |

| |Explain project process with reference to examples: |

| |Demonstrate Blue prints of Mr. H’s house |

| |Demonstrate Draw FX program |

| |Ask students to create blue prints for their own home or design blue prints for a fantasy home |

| |Blue prints drafted by hand and on the computer Draw FX program |

| |Submit blueprints for evaluation |

| |Upon completion of blue prints demonstrate Miniature Model Home |

| |Demonstrate cutting studs and joining them into wall sections; reference construction processes |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| |Joining wall sections |

| |Assemble on 1/4 inch plywood |

| |Sand |

| |Paint as desitred |

| | |

| |Safety passports |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 13 Sub Plans for October 5th and 6th Days 4 & 5 |

|Time |Steps |

|5 Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Students will be working on their blue prints for their homes |

| |If finished students can work on measurement handouts (inches are broken into fractions ex 1/2 inch is equal|

| |to 0.5 of a whole, 1/4 inch is equal to 0.25 of a whole, and 1/8 inch is equal to 0.125 of a whole |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Blueprints |

| |Ask students to create blue prints for their own home or design blue prints for a fantasy home |

| |Blue prints drafted by hand |

| |Pencil, ruler, grid paper |

| |Blue prints to be completed before the end of class |

| | |

| |Measurement |

| | |

| |If finished students can work on measurement handouts (inches are broken into fractions ex 1/2 inch is equal|

| |to 0.5 of a whole, 1/4 inch is equal to 0.25 of a whole, and 1/8 inch is equal to 0.125 of a whole |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 14 |

|Time |Steps |

|5 Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports will be starting this or next class; so pay attention during the demonstrations; we will |

| |begin using the tools and machines as soon as every body has earned their safety passports. |

| |Begin measurement and fractions lesson with demonstration with the compound miter saw demonstration |

|45 Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| |Measurement / Fractions |

| |Introduce Band Saw |

| |Make note of hanging safety signs |

| |Explain all of the parts and safe operation (see SAFE Manitoba doc and copies of machine guides) |

| | |

| |Start with a 1x24” 1/4”plywood and ask a student what they would do if they were asked to cut it in half |

| |Lead to equal parts, halves; cut and record on chart paper that has already been pre-hung |

| |Ask what would happen if they were asked to cut it into four equal parts “Where would you cut?” |

| |Lead up to eights |

| |Now a ruler has been drawn on both the chart paper with eight equal parts with eight equal pieces of wood |

| |If paying attention students can line up and demonstrate making cuts to receive their safety passports |

| |Bring all of the pieces of wood and paper to the ‘common area’ and compare to pre-cut boards in the |

| |measurements of 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16 |

| |Discuss fractions in relation to imperial measurement |

| | |

| |Students will be provided blueprints, to scale, that are missing measurements |

| |Students will use a measuring tape to discover the measurements of each dimension |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

|10 Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area await |

|Lesson 15 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| |Demonstrate cutting studs and joining them into wall sections; reference construction processes |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 1 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Fabricate walls |

| | |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| | |

| |Safety Passports for Band Saw |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 16 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 2 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Fabricate walls |

| | |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 17 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| |Demonstrate joining wall sections into house |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 3 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Join walls on plywood |

| | |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 18 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| |Demonstrate joining wall sections into house |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 3 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Join walls on plywood |

| | |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 19 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 3 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Join walls on plywood |

| | |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| |Joining wall sections |

| |Assemble on 1/4 inch plywood |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 20 |

|Time |Steps |

| Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| |Demonstrate joining wall sections into house |

| Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 3 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |Join walls on plywood |

| | |

| |cutting studs |

| |use short toothed universal saw , miter box and bench hook with a ‘stop’ to cut studs in 8” lengths |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| |Joining wall sections |

| |Assemble on 1/4 inch plywood |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

| Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 21 |

|Time |Steps |

|10 Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

| |Demonstrate joining wall sections into house |

|35 Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 3 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| | |

| |Joining studs into wall sections |

| |With a measuring tape mark studs 2 inches apart and nail them together with finishing nails |

| |Be sure to preset nails in horizontal ‘boards’ |

| |Ripping 1/4 inch strips for ‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| |Joining wall sections |

| |Assemble on 1/4 inch plywood |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

|15 Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |

|Lesson 22 |

|Time |Steps |

|10 Min Total |Hook/Introduction/Engagement |

| |Review Agenda |

| |Safety passports |

|35 Min Total |Logical Development (including prompt questions, demos and other) |

| | |

| |Model Home: Build 3 |

| |Build the home designed in blue prints |

| |Optional: Build furniture from 1/8” masonite |

| |Using 1x6’s ripped down to 1/4x3/4”, miter box, fine toothed universal saw and 1” bench hooks |

| |‘studs with Rip Fence on Band Saw |

| |Joining wall sections |

| |Assemble on 1/4 inch plywood |

| |Paint as desired |

| | |

| |If students are finished early they can work on word searches and other handouts |

|15 Min Total |Conclusion/Review/Recap |

| |Clean Up |

| |Write Log |

| |Students are reminded to store their blueprints safely for next class |

| |Students will await debriefing and dismissal in the common area |


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