Packaging Guidelines - ABB

ABB Inc.Packaging GuidelinesVersion 1.0Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Master Carton: PAGEREF _Toc339978861 \h 2Data Requirements PAGEREF _Toc339978862 \h 2Barcodes PAGEREF _Toc339978863 \h 2Label Placement PAGEREF _Toc339978864 \h 2Packing List PAGEREF _Toc339978865 \h 2Page 1 Contents PAGEREF _Toc339978866 \h 2Page 2 Contents PAGEREF _Toc339978867 \h 2International Shipments PAGEREF _Toc339978868 \h 2Commercial Invoice (Import) PAGEREF _Toc339978869 \h 2Packaging PAGEREF _Toc339978870 \h 2Export Crating: WPM Import Requirements (wood packing material). PAGEREF _Toc339978871 \h 2C-TPAT Seal Security Requirements PAGEREF _Toc339978872 \h 2Container Inspection / Sealing Verification Report PAGEREF _Toc339978873 \h 2Pallet PAGEREF _Toc339978874 \h 2Manifest PAGEREF _Toc339978875 \h 2Documentation Placement PAGEREF _Toc339978876 \h 2Multi-Part Pallet Configuration PAGEREF _Toc339978877 \h 2Master Carton:Data RequirementsStandard Label Format (4” x 6”)Must be printed on white label stock Zone ACarton Quantity (minimum height of 0.125 inches) – Human Readable with start and stop delimitersUnit of Measure (minimum height of 0.125 inches) – Human ReadableBoxes must be labeled with the count of boxes in the shipment (1 of 10, 2 of 10, 3 of 10, etc) – Human ReadableCarton Quantity - Barcode- Code 39 Barcode Format with start/stop delimiters ( * )- Minimum height of 0.31 inchesZone B“Part Number” Header (minimum height of 0.1 inches)ABB Part Number (minimum height of 0.19 inches) - Human Readable with start and stop delimitersABB Part Number - Barcode - Code 39 Barcode Format with start/stop delimiter ( * ) - Minimum height of 0.28 inchesZone C“Purchase Order Number” Header (minimum height of 0.1 inches)ABB Purchase Order Number (minimum height of 0.19 inches) - Human Readable with start and stop delimitersABB Purchase Order Number - Barcode - Code 39 Barcode Format with start/stop delimiter ( * ) - Minimum Height of 0.28 inchesZone DItem Description (minimum height of 0.19 inches) - Human ReadableZone E“Ship From” Heading (minimum height of 0.19 inches) – Human ReadableShip From Name and Address (minimum height of 0.19 inches) – Human ReadableZone F“Ship To” Heading (minimum height of 0.19 inches) – Human ReadableABB Ship To Name and Address (minimum height of 0.19 inches) – Human ReadableBarcodesCode 39 encodes:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Uppercase letters (A - Z)- (Dash), $ (Dollar), % (Percentage), (Space), . (Point), / (Slash), + (Plus) Code 39 is also known as the "Code 3/9", "Code 3 of 9", "USS Code 39", "USD-3", "Alpha39", "Type 39". Examples: Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable (poor quality – defective barcode) (incomplete – noncontinous barcodes) General RequirementsAll barcodes must be 100% visible and scanableSize requirements: ()Width of narrow element (X): the X dimension of Code 39 symbols should be defined by the application specification having due regard to the availability of equipment for the production and reading of symbols and complying with the general requirements of the application. Wide/narrow ratio (N): 2.0 : 1 to 3.0 : 1. Width of intercharacter gap (I): - minimum: equal to X; - maximum: ????for X < 0.287 mm: 5.3X; ????for X . 0.287 mm: 1.52 mm or 3X, whichever is greater. Minimum width of quiet zone: 10X. Recommended minimum bar code height for manual scanning: 5.0 mm or 15 % of symbol width excluding quiet zones, whichever is greater.Label PlacementLabels must be placed onto cartons after all packaging tape has been applied, i.e. do not cover any point of the label with tape, even if it is clear.Labels must be placed on the longest side of the carton and the adjacent short side.The leading edge is always the right-hand side of the cartonLabels must be placed no closer than 1? and 3 inches from the right edge of the carton (when possible).The bottom edge of the label should be between 1? and 3 inches from the bottom edge of the carton (when possible) Example: Packing ListPage 1 ContentsStandard US Letter Size (8.5” x 11”)Must be printed on White Paper Stock (barcodes must scan properly)Example: Invoice Number to be in upper right-hand corner (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Unique for a 2 year periodSupplier Company Letterhead (minimum height of 0.22 inches)Ship From address (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Supplier Company Representative NameSupplier Company Telephone Number“Packing List” Header (minimum height of 0.22 inches)Ship To address as identified in the ABB Purchase Order (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Ship Date (date the shipment leaves suppliers facility - MM/DD/YY (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Freight Carrier – when required by ABB (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Freight Carrier Tracking Number – when required by ABB (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Notes Field (to be 0.87 inches in height)Minimum text height of 0.19 inchesTo be used for any communication for the Consignee, especially any Hazmat materials.“Shipment Detail” Header (minimum height of 0.22 inches)ABB Purchase Order Number to be Human Readable and Barcode FormatCode 39 Barcode Format with start/stop delimiters ( * )Minimum height of 0.20 inchABB Part Number to be Human Readable and Barcode FormatCode 39 Barcode Format with start/stop delimiters ( * )Minimum height of 0.20 inchQuantity Ordered (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Original purchase order quantity for each line itemQuantity Shipped (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Quantity Shipped on this particular load for each line itemPart Description (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Country of Origin must be detailed for each line item (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Unit of Measure as requested by ABB for each line item (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Number of Cartons (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Amount of cartons shipped for this specific line (No Mixing Part Numbers in same carton)Maximum Line Items (part numbers) on page = 8 ItemsBottom Right-Hand Corner to contain page identifier (1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc)***Packing to be sorted by Purchase Order Number, then by Part Number (sequence low to high)Page 2 ContentsFormatting to follow page 1 requirements per the following exampleMaximum Part Numbers on page = 17Example: International Shipments Commercial Invoice (Import)US Customs requires certain data elements on commercial invoices for goods entering the United States. It is the Importer of Record’s responsibility to ensure that this information is on the invoice. US Customs uses this information to ensure proper classification, proper valuation, proper duty collection, to obtain trade statistics and to facilitate the release of the goods.Items Required on a Commercial Invoice:The name and address of the seller, or shipper, if the shipment is not a purchase transaction.The name and address of the purchaser, or consignee, if the shipment is not a purchase transaction. (Please show the Bill to address as: ABB, Inc. Fill-in site specific information; the Consignee/Ship to address as: ABB, Inc. as listed on PO; Drop Shipments To the delivery address for the shipment as listed on POThe invoice dateThe terms of sale of the transactionThe shipment dateThe place of the shipmentThe port/airport of destinationA detailed description of the merchandise, which includes:The common name of the merchandiseThe grade or qualityThe marks, numbers and symbols under which each item is sold and packagedThe quantity being imported in its appropriate weights or measures.The unit price of each item.The total purchase price.The currency of the transaction. All relevant charges (freight, insurance) to bring the merchandise from alongside the carrier at the port/airport of export to alongside the carrier at the first US port/airport of entry. All relevant discountsThe country of origin (meaning country of manufacture) of each item. The Harmonized Tariff System classification number of each item. Goods or services furnished for production of the merchandise not otherwise included in the invoice price (Assists). The name of the responsible individual who can readily obtain knowledge of the transaction.The entire invoice must be in ENGLISH.If an invoice is more than one page, each page must be numbered.ABB also requests the following additional itemsAll product must be properly labeled with country of manufacture per US Custom’s requirements (Made in xxx)Must be printed on White Paper Stock Information to be included in the body of the commercial invoice:ABB Bill to information including US ABB Post Office Box NumberInclude all ABB Purchase Order NumbersAdditional NotesAll shipments need to include a copy of the correct commercial invoice with US ABB PO Numbers, packing lists, inland Bill of Lading, House Air way Bill/Ocean Container Number or Bill of Lading Number and other certificates, if appropriate.The NAFTA Certificate is required, when applicable, if the item manufacture origin is either Canada or Mexico A copy of all of the shipping paperwork must be e-mailed to: usfac.imports@us.The 10 + 2 data elements that are required for ISF filings by US Customs () to be transmitted by importers (or their agents) for shipments must be provided in a timely manner prior to shipment. Packaging Export packing must survive the most severe handling, storage, transportation and climatic conditions. When utilizing Air or Ocean transportation all material must be able to with stand all types of handling, weather conditions and meet all import requirements.Export Crating: WPM Import Requirements (wood packing material). The United States Customs & Border Protection requires that all wood packing material for imports meets, with the ISPM-15, Conifer Solid wood, Heat Treatment method. Effective, July 05, 2006 Full Enforcement on all articles of regulated WPM entering the US, Non compliant WPM will not be allowed to enter the United States. Exporter must certify that all wood packing material is treated and certified in accordance to a minimum core temperature of 56 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, and by means of a visible outer Country HT Stamp. Any fines, penalties, and added costs due to inadequate or improper packaging may be charged back to the supplier.C-TPAT Seal Security RequirementsThe vendor is responsible for the sealed container. The seals are to be firmly attached at the place where the container or trailer originates from. It should be high security bolt seal or a high security cable seal that meets or exceeds the ISO standard--ISO 17712:2010. Seal number should be documented and recorded on the shipping document. The seal number must also be included in the shipping paperwork e-mail referenced in 3.3. Each container should undergo a 7 point inspection process prior to loading checking all of the following areas:If any irregularities are found, the vendor must not load the container and notify their appropriate ABB Purchasing contact for next steps.Vendor should provide a copy of the 7 point container inspection with shipping paperwork for all shipper load and count shipments. For LCL or shipments loaded by a consolidator, this is not required from the vendor.Container Inspection / Sealing Verification ReportABB Reference No.: ______________________Container Number: _______________________Date and Time: __________________________________Seven Point Container Inspection (prior to loading):Check to confirm good conditionTop FORMCHECKBOX Bottom / Floor FORMCHECKBOX Left Side Wall FORMCHECKBOX Right Side Wall FORMCHECKBOX FrontWall FORMCHECKBOX Doors FORMCHECKBOX Locking Mechanism FORMCHECKBOX Comments: Container Seal Number: __________________________________(Note: all container seals must meet ISO PAS ISO 17712 standards; Container seal number must also be recorded on shipping documents)Container Inspected and Sealed by: Company Name: ___________________________________Persons Name: ____________________________________ (printed)Signature: ________________________________________Date: ____________________________________________Attach this completed Inspections and Seal verification report to original shipping documents. Email Copy to ABB at: usfac.imports@us.Pallet ManifestStandard US Letter Size (8.5” x 11”)Example: Company Letterhead (minimum height of 0.22 inches)Shipment Date – MM/DD/YY (minimum height of 0.19 inches)“Pallet Manifest” Header (minimum height of 0.22 inches)Headers (minimum height of 0.19 inchesABB Purchase Order Number (minimum height of 0.19 inches)ABB Part Number (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Description of Part Number (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Total Quantity Shipped of Part Number on pallet (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Unit of Measure as requested by ABB (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Number of Cartons (minimum height of 0.19 inches)Amount of cartons shipped for this specific line (No Mixing Part Numbers in same carton)“Total” Footer (minimum height of 0.22 inches)Total number of Cartons for the entire pallet (should be the sum of above data)Bottom Right-Hand Corner to contain page identifier (1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc) ***Pallet Manifest to be sorted in Part Number Sequence (Low to High)Documentation PlacementPallet Manifest must be on front and back facing of pallet, in the upper right-hand corner (under stretch-wrap).Packing List must be placed be on front and back facing, in the upper left-hand corner (under stretch-wrap).Example: Multi-Part Pallet ConfigurationProduct should be stacked vertically onto palletExample: Same part number shall not cross pallets unless carton quantity is more than single pallet.Multiple PO Numbers of the same part number shall not cross pallets unless carton quantity is more than single pallet Example: ................

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