May 11, 2020

The regular meeting of the Village Board, of the Village of Strum, Wisconsin, Trempealeau County, was held in the Village office on Monday, May 11, 2020.

Meeting called to order:

The meeting was called to order by the Village President, Dean Boehne at 6:30 p.m. Village Clerk, Michelle Loken, took the minutes of the meeting. The following board members were present: Berge, Thompson, Nelson, Stendahl, Heidenreich and Bjerke.

Open Meeting Law Requirements Have Been Complied With:

President Boehne announced the open meetings law requirements have been met for the meeting.

Approval of minutes:

A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Stendahl to approve the minutes from the regular Village Board Meeting held on April 13, 2020, as printed. Motion carried.

Reports from officers:

A. Zoning Commissioner:

a. Jennifer Engum – 313 – 4th Ave S – 10’X14’ Storage Shed: A motion was made by Stendahl and seconded by Nelson to approve the storage shed. Motion carried.

B. Clerk:

a. Office Hours: Loken brought up having the office closed on Friday afternoons in the summer months. With the office closed to in-person contact due to COVID-19, there is little to no activity most days. If the office could be closed at noon, vacation/comp hours can be used. The board agreed to having the office closed at noon on Fridays.


A. Personnel Committee:

a. The Flexible Time off Report was reviewed. Stendahl stated that the Federal guidelines for sick time that is COVID-19 related will be followed by the village as well.

B. Public Welfare:

a. Viking Golf & Dine LLC: Update on the course is that they are following the State of Wisconsin guideline for restrictions and are open for golf. They will continue to have carry-out food orders.

b. Crystal Lake Campground: The campground is open and the restrictions for the COVID-19 pandemic is being followed.

C. Joint Sewer Commission:

a. The phosphorus credits that are available through the rip rap project went out for bids. Heidenreich will reach out to the Rod & Gun Club to see if they are willing to help with some of the volunteer work.

D. Finance Committee:

a. Strum-Unity Fire Department met with the Village of Strum representatives and Town of Unity representative to discuss the purchase of an engine. The approximate cost to have it built is approximately $500,000.00. There will be further discussion as to the financing that we will need to obtain and how we will be paying for it.

b. A bid opening has been set up for the Johnson Creek/Crystal Lake Campground project on Thursday, May 28th, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

c. Line of Credit/Loan for Operational Expense:

i. A motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Stendahl to reach out to CCF and inquire about obtaining financing of $125,000.00 through them. Motion carried.

E. Miscellaneous:

a. Trempealeau County Emergency Management Department sent Loken a Resolution for Trempealeau County Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan for adoption. A motion was made by Stendahl and seconded by Thompson to approve Mitigation Plan. Motion carried.

b. Irwin Appraisals has scheduled Open Book for May 26, 2020 from 1:00-3:00 pm and Board of Review on June 3, 2020 from 5:00-7:00 pm.

c. Rusty Franson had asked if he would be able to rent the garage of the small house for storage. A motion was made by Stendahl and seconded by Nelson to rent out the garage on a month to month basis for $50.00 a month. Motion carried.

a. Appointments:


Village President: Dean Boehne 715-797-4069


Finance: Chairman Chuck Thompson 715-530-0080

Dave Berge 715-695-3465

Josh Stendahl 715-225-4767

Personnel: Chairman Josh Stendahl 715-225-4767

Sherry Bjerke 715-797-1019

Kirstie Heidenreich 715-563-2745

Public Safety: Chairman Sherry Bjerke 715-797-1019

Police, Fire Bldg. Reg. Chuck Thompson 715-530-3131

Kirstie Heidenreich 715-563-2745

Public Welfare: Chairman Kirstie Heidenreich 715-563-2745

Health, Relief, Parks, Chuck Thompson 715-530-3131

Recreation, Solid Waste Matt Nelson 715-695-3180

Public Works: Chairman Dave Berge 715-695-3465

Streets,Water,Sewer,Lighting Sherry Bjerke 715-797-1019

Josh Stendahl 715-225-4767

Recycling: Chairman Matt Nelson 715-695-3180

Solid Waste Management Dave Berge 715-695-3465

(715-695-3478) Phone Terry Koxlien 715-695-3530

Jt. Sewer Commission: Chairman Matt Nelson 715-695-3180

Dave Berge 715-695-3465

Village Office: 715-695-3601

Police Dept: 715-695-3513


Financial Institutions: CCF Bank 715-695-3315

Coop Credit Union 800-258-0023

Official Legal Counsel: Schaumberg Law Firm, LLC 715-597-6100

Official Newspaper: Tri-County News 715-597-3313

Emergency Gov. Director: Matt Nelson 715-695-3180

Weed Commissioner: Brenden Pagel 715-530-3961

Dam Operator: Gary Barone 715-533-3975

Assistant Brenden Pagel 715-530-3961

Zoning Commissioner: Brad Olson 715-797-1387

Board of Appeals: 2021 Scott Bjorgo 2022 JB Grangaard

2021 Levi Loesel 2023 Mike Loken

2022 Jacob Runkel

Library Board: 2021 Joan Tonn 2022 Linda Nielson

2021 Rita Berge 2023 Dave Berge

2022 Brad Vold

Election Board: Chief Insp. Mary Bjorgo Colleen Berge

Chief Insp. Louise Loken Gloria Wagner

Debra Prudlick Jane Bergerson

F. Approval of Vouchers: A motion was made by Stendahl and seconded by Heidenreich to pay the following bills. Check #’s 4541 thru 4592. Motion carried.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Stendahl to adjourn at 7:43 p.m. Motion carried.


Dean Boehne, Village President


Michelle Loken, Village Clerk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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