Raymond Barberesi, principal delegate of the United States, country serving as Chair of the Subcommittee, reported on progress in carrying out the Subcommittee's Work Plan for 2002, highlighting the following points:


a. Execution of the Inter-American Port Training Program. The Chair reported on the execution of the Inter-American Port Training Program in 2002, which his country’s Maritime Administration (US MARAD) had been implementing with assistance from the CIP Secretariat and funds from the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD), of the OAS. He described this work as extremely important and indicated that very good results had been obtained from the courses held in Barbados (document CECIP/doc.10/02), Peru (document CECIP/doc.11/02), Guatemala (document CECIP/doc.12/02) and Uruguay. He said that under recent security legislation in his country, these courses had been cited as a model to be followed in helping to combat security and terrorism problems. The Secretary then described other activities being conducted: the Ibero-American Courses on Port Management (Madrid) (document CECIP/doc.6/02) and Port Engineering (Santander) (document CECIP/doc.5/02), held with support from the Puertos del Estado of Spain; the Course on Port Security to Combat Illicit Drug Trafficking, in Santo Domingo (document CECIP/doc.8/02), sponsored by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) and the Dominican Port Authority; the Seminar on Port Tariffs held in Lima (document CECIP/doc.16/02) with support from UNCTAD and the Institute for Maritime Development (INDESMAR); and the Seminar on Port Efficiency and Security (Montevideo), sponsored by the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA). The Chair emphasized the importance of these activities and thanked the Secretariat and all of the cooperating institutions for their valuable contributions to this effort.

b. Fellowships for the Master’s Course in Port Management and Intermodal Transportation. The Secretary presented a report on this matter (document CECIP/doc.7/02), indicating the process followed in selecting four fellows from Colombia, Mexico and Peru for the courses in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. The Chair thanked the Fundación Instituto Portuario de Estudios and Cooperación (IPEC) of Valencia, Spain, for its contribution to this project.


c. Fellowships for the International Course on Port Planning and Management at the University of New Orleans. The Secretary presented a report on this matter (document CECIP/doc.9/02) indicating the process followed to select three fellows from Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago for the 2002 course.


d. Coordination by the Secretariat with training organizations and institutions. The Secretariat reported that it had been working with several academic institutions to develop joint activities of mutual interest. These included Universidad Marítima Internacional (Panama), Universidad del Caribe (Venezuela), the programs of TRAINMAR, ATAS, CARICOM, CAN, Universidad Austral (Argentina), and others.


e. Questionnaire. The Secretariat reported on the questionnaire to identify training needs in the port sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, which had been sent to all of the port administrations, and on the results obtained. In this connection, he presented document CECIP/doc.25/02, which provided information on the procedure followed, the results obtained from the questionnaire, and the principal conclusions and recommendations derived from it. The Chair thanked the Secretariat for its valuable contribution and urged port authorities and academic institutions in the region to draw on these conclusions and recommendations in preparing and executing their training programs.


In concluding, the Chair thanked the member countries and Secretariat for their valuable assistance in executing the Work Plan. The Chair of the Executive Board thanked the Chair of the Subcommittee for his report, which the Executive Board then approved.


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