IABIN PA Mtg, OAS, 4/2/07

Assemble a Toolkit for PA Managers

Organization of American States (OAS)

Washington, DC, Monday April 2, 2007

A. Objective:

1. Share info on tools that are available for viewing and integrating geospatial or geo referenced data for PAs.

2. Understand/share info regarding compatibilities/incompatibilities that result from use of standards/protocols.

3. Explore strategies for improving compatibility between PA tools.

4. Integrate outcomes of IABIN Technical working group meeting with all the 5 thematic networks of IABIN (species specimens, pollinators, ecosystems, PAs, and Invasives) with other PA and biodiversity initatives

5. Continue ongoing planning for session at Bariloche Parks Congress.

IABIN Architecture

• IABIN Cataloging tool, geospatial data standards, Dublin vs. FGDC, etc.

o What is IABIN’s overall interoperability strategy to integrate

o Main barrier is to ensure metadata is in appropriate schema to interact with Conservation Geoportal, SERVIR, etc.

o IABIN to take leading role in training, metadata creation (USGS staff also available for this activity)

• How to participate in IABIN—four levels

o Level one--let people know about the resource; even if data isn’t hosted or available online, metadata record lets people know about it

o Level two—link in metadata to where data is hosted online

o Level three—data exposed as streaming web service (whether tabular, geospatial, photos, or other data)

o Level four—same as above, with standardized for integration and display with other data in decision making tools, etc.

▪ Also important to take account of data quality issues, timeliness of data updating

Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)

• Coordinated by University of Maryland, Diane Davies

• Integrates remote sensing, GIS technologies to deliver MODIES fire data to nat. resource, PA managers around world

o Overlays fire data on existing PA boundaries

o New version available soon

• Daily email alerts targeted to users in specific areas, with lat/long locations

o Three ways to specify target areas for users:

▪ Using interactive map

▪ Specific PA

▪ By country

• Google Earth overlay to visualize fire data

• MODIS subsets used to improve ranger estimates of burned area

• >700 emails a day to FIRMS community, primarily consisting of PA managers, MoE folks, etc.

o In S. Africa, text messages paid for by S. African electric company provide timely access to fire alerts

Conservation GeoPortal ()

• FGDC-compliant metadata catalog harvested from numerous NGO, government, academic sources to display geospatially referenced data

• “Channels” organized by relevant communities to provide targeted data on prioritized theme

• Links to range of resources, including metadata records, live map services, etc.

o Integrate data from different catalog resources to compare data, investigate multiple themes

o Ability to integrate map services from non-catalogued data by url

• Uses open standards map services


• Integrated visualization system for Central America

• Operated out of CATHALAC offices at City of Knowledge in Panama

• Close collaboration with FIRMS, Conservation GeoPortal

• Daily red tide, weather forecast, hydrology services

• Climate Change predictions (precipitation, sea level, ecosystem, etc)

• Disaster products—near realtime flood maps, current conditions, forecasts, 3d composite maps in Google Earth, SERVIR Viz

• Satellite surrogate for storm-predicting rad

Rapid Land Cover Mapping Tool, Global Data Toolset (GDT)


o Oriented toward conservation community, not general public, password protected to engage distinct communities and allow community editing

o Standard Arc interface

o Intregrates PA data sets from the World Database on Protected Areas, Conservation International, The Nature Conservance, and others to allow comparison between PA polygons

o Validation by lead on each subject/institution to ensure accuracy of data

• Rapid Land Cover Mapping Tool

o Allows PA managers, other knowledgeable persons to quickly identify land cover using satellite imagery, and classify using an intuitive web-based tool.

o Achieves comparable results to traditional mapping methodologies in much quicker timeframes, with variable resolution down to 25m.

TerraLook (terralook.cr.)

• Desktop-based tool, as opposed to web-enabled tool

• Based upon PA managers’ desire to obtain satellite imagery of their areas, but lack of friendly tools and data

• Collection of images on particular themes from 1975, 1990, 2000, more recent

o Toolkit to analyze scenes (v. 1.0 funded by IABIN DGF project, Spanish translation in process, v. 2.0 under development)

o Images free via USGS Global Visualization Viewer, and delivered 5-10mb jpegs

• Ability to create shape files

• Outreach via IABIN, other partners good strategy for publicizing TerraLook and its new capabilities

Next steps:

• Coordination with Boticario and PATN, building upon upcoming Brazil PA Congress, PA Consortium Meetings

• Integration of case studies/products

o Request of presenters to provide case studies showing impact, uses of their programs/tools

o Draft manual for PA managers, integrate case studies, use cases of these tools

o Thematic Networks present how their databases, strategies impact Pas

• Next meeting, early July, to begin integrating strategy for Bariloche workshop, and coordinate case studies

Annex 1, Summary of presentations, presenters

|Main topic |Objective |Target Audience |Value Added |Comments |

|Presenter (Organization) | | | | |

|IABIN GeoIntegrator (GeoSpatial Data) |Facilitate the Integration of|Biodiversity information providers |Hemispheric scope |Support WDPA, FGDC, Dublin Core standards |

|Boris Ramirez (IABIN) |GIS data through various |(Government, Institutions, NGOs) |Endorsed by 32 LAC countries |IABIN Secretariat hosted by CATHALAC |

|Eduardo Dalcin (Fundacao Boticario) |networks to make available | | |Multilingual (English, Spanish, Portuguese) |

| |data | | | |

|FIRMS |Integrate remote sensing and |Biodiversity-Conservation / Natural |Near to real time information |Extensively used in Central American |

|Minnie Wong for Diane Davies (University of |GIS technology to deliver |Resources communities (Government, |Email alerts, text messages, shape |countries |

|Maryland) |MODIS active fire data |Institutions, NGOs) |files, text files, Interactive GIS, |Google Earth compatible |

| | | |Google KML |Plans to enhance services |

| | | | |English/Spanish |

|Conservation Geo Portal |Provide online tools to |Conservation data providers and |Easy metadata entry, management and |Project of the Conservation Commons |

|Frank Biasi (National Geographic) |discover and publish metadata|users. |searching. Generic map viewer to |ESRI support |

| |describing and linking to | |display and combine live map services. |Lead by National Geographic, developed and |

| |conservation maps and data. | |Customized to conservation content. |hosted by ESRI. Participation from dozens of |

| | | | |NGOs. Initial funding from TNC, NGS, UNEP, |

| | | | |and ESRI. |

| | | | |English only |

|Dan Irwin (NASA/SERVIR) |Provide critical |Environmental information providers |Several taylor-made products and quick |Data portal development metadata promotion |

| |environmental information on |and users (Government, Institutions, |response to |and channel Management Focused on Mesoamerica|

| |a timely basis for sound |NGOs) |Visualization and animation for Central|New SERVIR Viz is a customized version of |

| |decision making and make it | |America |World Wind |

| |accessible to everybody | |Institutional capacity and training on |Google Earth compatible (GE Enterprise) |

| | | |GIS |Expansions plan to South America, Caribbean, |

| | | | |Gulf of Mexico, Africa |

| | | | |IABIN Agreement in progress |

| | | | |USAID funded |

| | | | |SERVIR Center hosted by CATHALAC |

| | | | |English/Spanish |

|GITAN’s Global Data Toolset (GDT) |Provide with a more accurate |Conservation community / |Can compare PA boundaries from |Use USGS servers |

|Crispen Wilson (USGS) |boundary information for |practitioners |different sources |WCMC, IBA, museum, human dimension, satellite|

| |scientific use | | |imagery data |

| | | | |English only |

|GITAN’s Rapid Land Cover Mapping tool |Engage local stakeholders and|Conservation community / |Data validation |Use USGS servers |

|Crispen Wilson (USGS) |locals who can better |practitioners |Detect change |WCMC, IBA, museum, human dimension, satellite|

| |interpret the data | | |imagery data |

| | | | |English only |

|TerraLook |Make satellite data easier to|General public with or without access|Make available ASTER and Landsat 1975, |Uses USGS Global Visualization Viewer to |

|Gary Geller (NASA) |obtain and use |to sophisticated tools |1990, 2000, and 2000+ images for free |produce image collections |

| | | | |that can be used with other information tools|

| | | | |Toolkit code developed by IABIN-DGF funding |

| | | | |Develop a User Manual |

| | | | |English and to be available in English |

C. Other participants

Keiko Ashida, Armando Guzman, Vince Abreu (World Bank), Alvaro Espinel, Carolina Pena (OAS), Ben Wheeler (USGS), Daan Vreugdenhil.

D. Highlight future events

Brazilian Congress on Protected Areas. June ?, 2007

Park Congress, Bariloche, first week of October, 2008

E. Next steps

Participants will meet again in early July, 2007.

Presenters will prepare case studies for the Park Congress.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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