Theatre Review maximum 1000 words


Theatre Review maximum 1000 words

This is how it will be marked

Evaluation of live


13-15 Student’s evaluation of a live theatre performance is outstanding. They are fully aware of a wide range of production values and are able to analyse the

effect this may have on an audience. Supported examples are detailed andreported with almost faultless accuracy.

10-12 Student’s evaluation of a live theatre performance is excellent. Production values are clearly understood and their significance is both analysed and evaluated. Detailed examples are relevant and accurate.

7-9 Student’s evaluation of a live theatre performance is good. They understand how production values contribute to the performance overall and are able to

evaluate what they’ve seen with clear, detailed examples.

4-6 Student’s evaluation of a live theatre performance is adequate. They are able to distinguish between the play and the production and comment on some aspects of what they’ve seen, making simple evaluative comments.

0-3 Student’s evaluation of a live theatre performance is limited. They may have focused on the play rather than the production. It will be heavily reported with little, or no evaluation.

So you will need to cover:

➢ What were your expectations of the play?

➢ Do some research into the play. What is the set/period of the play as it is written

➢ What type of space is it?

➢ Where are audience in relation to the actors?

➢ Who is performing the play?

➢ Do you know the playwright?

➢ Does the poster/programme give you any more clues?

➢ The production – what decisions have been made about the staging and style of the performance?? (Lighting/set/sound/costume)

➢ For example: if you watch a Shakespeare play that traditionally would be set in Italy, but the version you have watched is set in Mexico in the 1980s.

➢ The acting – talk in detail about particular actors and the way that they portrayed the characters. (Voice/facial expression/gesture etc)

For each point raised, give specific examples from the play seen, and talk about why (what was the desired effect on the audience)

Remember to talk about how effective it was rather than just sections that you liked.

Make notes:

Location: where is it set?

Time/period: when does it take place?

What are the key events?

Characters? Who is it about?

Plot/themes/: What is the intent of the story? Does it have a message?

Set: how is it staged? What style is it? Is it minimalistic/naturalistic? Does it change?

Lighting: How does it work to create effects? Again, is trying to be life like? Does it set mood/place?

Is it symbolic? Does it show change in place or time? Does it light the actors or have meaning? Are you blinded by them? Colours/angles/gobos/effects.

Sound: Similar points to lighting with any sound effects or music used. Does it create a particular mood/atmosphere? Does it fit with the style/period of the piece?

Actors’ performances:

Voice: what did the actor do with their voice to create the character?

Movement: how did the actor move?

Costume: what did the actor look like? Did the costume change?

Relationships: how did the actor relate to other actors and the space (proxemics) when creating their character?

Emotions: did the actor make you feel anything for their character? How did it make you feel? Sympathy/hate etc?

Provacative: did the actor make you think about things for example the themes, yourself etc? Were you fully engaged by the performance?

Costume: What are they like? What do they say about the characters?

What genre is the piece?

Does the piece draw from one or more of the practitioners that you have already studied?

Interpretation: what have the director/designer brought to the play? Remember that deliberate decisions have been made….for a reason. So what is that reason?


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