D-link dsl-2750b firmware verizon


D-link dsl-2750b firmware verizon

? 1996-2014, , Inc. or its affiliates Verizon sent a D-link dsl 2750b and although we previously had wireless here, with not good strength or range on the less secure old router/modem, with this new device that wireless access is over. The 2750b didn't come with a user manual and the on-line Verizon version as well as the company's are worthless. Can connect via ethernet using the 2750b but wireless is equal to no connection. Once in a blue moon, a single device might access wireless for a short time. Never two devices at once. 99% of the time every attempted wireless logon gets a password failed response. This is for the exact password in the settings I see on the admin screen while looking at the 2750b settings thru ethernet. Of course, this is a Verizon console screen which might make it worthless. But it's all Verizon provides for the 2750b. A match made in hell. Details: IPhone, iPad and windows Pc all unable to access wireless - get a password failed note. Verizon techs, who are in the Phillipines and speak some English that appears associated with a checklist for people who have no computer or IT skills, go thru the usual time wasting questions (is the power on? What lights are on?). There is no human to talk to at Verizon since their profit zeal and total noncare for those who pay for their shoddy service eliminated customer support. Bottom line - have enough IT knowledge to troubleshoot and the device appears to have built in junk software/ firmware. Range is awful - barely 20 feet line of site. Have done the prudent things on devices such as "forgotten" all previous network entry attempts and continue to be unable to connect thru the 2750b. Was able to get the iphone to connect once, for about 10 minutes. When I reconnected the ethernet, no more wireless to anything. The Verizon console does not let me change the frequency - and this is way too much work for a piece of hardware that is supposed to be plug and play if I have to set static IPs or try to schedule different frequencies if more than one wireless device is to be connected. But back to basics: with PC connected via ethernet, the TV and other devices, which are all WAP2 and can see the network, cannot connect. Password fails or network disapoears. I don't believe the Verizon import of this Dlink dsl 2750b even operates on both the 2.4 and 5 ghz freqs without some superhuman overrude of the junk firmware it arrived with. Have manually entered the wireless network settings on Apple devices and windows PC, as well as Smart TV, have reset password on admin console, have restored factory settings and have tried Secure /push start on devices with the capability. Nothing works. Unless there's a real answer, next action is to toss this junk Dlink dsl 2750b in the trash, followed by saying adios to Verizon. If anything, I hope this pist alerts people to the Verizon and Dlink scam. You pay fir service and get garbage. Verizon executives: what were your bonuses this year? That money came from people your company steals from apoarently. If there's an answer to fix what appears to have impacted many people given my online research after Verizon sent this non-functional piece of junk, will give it one more try since my curiosity as to how this 2750b has not been banned globally is now peaked. Verizon stays on the list of " get rid of immediately" regardless based on lack of customer support and lack of service. On my home network I am running a D-Link DSL-2750B gateway provided by Verizon, running firmware version Every few hours (at least once or twice a day, but not at any regular interval that I've noticed), all devices on the wi-fi (any OS anywhere in the house) will show a "No internet" error for the network and time out when connecting to any websites. Cycling the power on the gateway fixes the issue immediately, though temporarily. I have not been able to artificially reproduce the issue, it just happens at seemingly random intervals. I have noticed: All of the lights on the gateway box are green. More specifically, those that are normally green (power, WLAN, DSL, Internet) are green as usual. The lights that are normally off are all off. All devices can "see" the network. It shows up in the list of available networks, but shows a message "No internet." DHCP is working just fine. The Verizon Management Console lists about 80 devices with assigned IP addresses, and the DHCP is set to assign addresses in the range of to The last time this issue happened, I rebooted my laptop, ran ipconfig, and noticed that I had received a DHCP lease for 7 days just 2 minutes prior to the current system time. So, DHCP does not appear to be the issue. I can't connect to the Verizon Management Console (default gateway, while this problem is happening. I have tried: Updating the wireless settings. I changed the 802.11 mode from 802.11b/g/n to 802.11n, made sure the FCC channel was set to "automatic," and changed the channel width to 40 MHz. About 5 hours later, the problem happened again. Tweaking the antennae. I tried adjusting the angle on the antennae, and it didn't seem to have any effect. Eliminating potential interference. I made sure there were no cables or electronics near the gateway box, which is sitting on an end table in the living room. That did not seem to help. Checking for interference from other wifi networks. We live in a rural area (hence DSL) and there are no immediate neighbors. There are only 4 wifi networks discoverable from my laptop: the DSL network in question, our hotspot downstairs (which we set up to cover gaps in coverage from the DSL), and the two printers' networks. Presently (after I cycled the power to the gateway and the internet access started working again), running netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid shows that the DSL network in question and one printer are both operating on channel 11, and the hotspot and another printer are operating on channel 1. Everything is working fine in this state. Cycling the power. Just to reiterate, this is the only fix I've discovered. When you press the power button on the back of the gateway box, wait 30 seconds, and then press it again, you can connect to the internet again (until the problem resurfaces). So, I'm wondering, can anyone recommend further troubleshooting steps? I'm really not sure what is causing this issue or how to reproduce it. Should I just buy a new gateway? I fear, if that did work, it would just be an expensive and non-specific fix. It seems there should be a setting I can change or a piece of hardware I can attempt to repair. I would appreciate any advice! I am just an IT student, so forgive my ignorance, and if there would be a better place to look for advice, please let me know (networkengineering. sent me here). Thanks again. Here you can easily Reset D Link DSL-2750B Verizon WiFi router for free. You can reset d link router with the button or Web-Based Configuration Utility. You cannot update any security settings unless you know the username and password and access the router's configuration utility. If you cannot remember the router's username and password or your login credentials stop working, you must reset your D-Link router. Factory resetting the router will erase all changes you made to the router. Internet/Wireless Settings will need to be reconfigured. D-Link DSL-2750B Verizon Reset with Button This is the simplest way to reset the D link DSL-2750B Verizon WiFi router. All routers have this Reset button. Reset delete all internet or and wireless settings on your device (IP addresses, DNS details, WiFi password, etc). Follow these steps to reset your d-link wireless router. First, Verify that your router is currently turned on and plugged into a power source. Next, Find the round Reset button on the back or bottom of your router. Take the end of a paperclip or pin. After that, press and hold down the Reset button for about 10 seconds (Some times it will take 15 seconds). The router will restart and it will take few seconds to complete the reset. Please note: Resetting the D-link router does not reset the firmware to an earlier version. It will only change all settings (Like IP addresses and DNS etc) back to factory defaults. Reset via Web-Based Configuration Utility You must need basic knowledge about computer and browser to reset D-link DSL-2750B Verizon router with Web-based configuration utility. You can easily reset and reboot with this utility. You don't need to download any software or tool for this method. This reset method deletes all internet and wireless settings on your d link router (IP addresses, DNS, WiFi password, etc). So before reset save all data if possible. Follow these steps to Reset the D-link WiFi router. Open any internet browser (like Firefox or Google Chrome etc). After that, Enter the IP Address in the URL Address field (Default IP is Next, Enter Username and Password (Default Username is admin and password id blank). Then Select Maintenance option. Then select Reset Option. Your device will be rebooted. Reset done on your D link router. Login Details for D-link DSL-2750B Verizon All D link routers don't have same login details. So you must find the right login details such as IP address, Username, and Password to reset your router. If default IP, Username and password are not worked, Follow this link to get your D-link DSL-2750B Verizon router login details. D-link DSL-2750B Verizon IP, Username and Password FAQ ? Reset D Link DSL-2750B Verizon What is the default password for D Link DSL-2750B Verizon? The default password is blank. (Means there is no password for d link router). How do I reset my D Link DSL-2750B Verizon wireless router? You can reset with a button which is located on the back or bottom side of your router. How do I find my D Link DSL-2750B Verizon username and password? You can locate the username and password, the backside of the router. How do I access my D Link DSL-2750B Verizon router settings? You must log in to web-based configuration utility to access router settings.

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