How to reset verizon router after power outage


How to reset verizon router after power outage

@localstrawberry @VZWSupport pls help 2021-06-08T04:53:27+00:00 @sgemccloud @VZWSupport Why? Just fix the issue. 2021-06-08T02:35:55+00:00 @raeraeoflight Issue still not resolved, Verizon. 2021-06-08T00:29:10+00:00 Page last updated by @localstrawberry @VZWSupport pls help 2021-0608T04:53:27+00:00 @sgemccloud @VZWSupport Why? Just fix the issue. 2021-06-08T02:35:55+00:00 @raeraeoflight Issue still not resolved, Verizon. 2021-06-08T00:29:10+00:00 Page last updated by A Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router contains a basic firewall to help protect your home network. A Firewall blocks incoming connections by nature. Sometimes you need to unblock some of these connections so you can run a game or application. This is called opening a port or port forwarding. Port forwarding is literally forwarding a port from the Internet to your home network. You need to follow the steps below to open ports in your Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router: Go ahead and setup a static IP address on the computer or device that you are forwarding these ports to. Log in to your Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router. In your Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router, navigate to the Port Forwarding section. Click the Firewall tab at the top of the screen. Click on the Port Forwarding tab at the left of the screen. Create a Port Forwarding entry. If this sounds difficult you are not alone. We will walk you through each step in opening a port for the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router. We think that forwarding a port should be easy. That's why we created Network Utilities. Our software does everything that you need to forward a port. Get Started Now! When you use Network Utilities you get your port forwarded right now! Set up a static IP address in the device that you are forwarding a port to. This is an important step that keeps your ports open even after a reboot, power outage, or other type of device or router disconnect. Recommended - Our free program will setup a static IP address for you. Download Network Utilities today! Or follow our Static IP Address guides to setup a static IP address. After setting up a static ip address on your devices you need to login to your router. Step 2 - Login To Your Verizon Router Log in to the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router. To do this you need to use a web browser because the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router uses what is called a web interface. It normally doesn't matter what web browser you use so go ahead and open up your favorite. If you don't have a favorite or are confused, open up Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. If that is confusing to you, we have simplified this step with this link: Login to your FiOS Quantum Gateway Router Once you have opened up a browser window, find the address bar. This is usually at the top of the page like the image below shows. 192.168..1.1 In the screenshot above you should see an address bar with the address of 192.168..1.1 in it. This is your router's IP address, sometimes called the computer's default gateway. The Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router's default IP address is: 192.168..1.1 Enter your router's IP address into the address bar of your browser and click the enter button on your keyboard. A box like the one below should appear. Go ahead and enter the username and password for the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router in the spaces available. Remember if you have changed them in the past, you need to enter those values. The default Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway Router Username is: admin The default Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway Router Password is: password Enter your username and password, and then click the Log In button to log in to your Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router. If the username and password that you typed in did not work, check out our Default Verizon Router Passwords page for other ideas about possible passwords. If, after trying the above list of passwords you still can't log in, you may need to reset your router. Learn how to do that by reading our How to Reset a Router guide. After resetting the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router your username and password are reverted back to factory defaults. Router settings may also change when you reset, so make a note of your current router settings before you reset. Step 3 - Find The Port Forwarding Section You should be on your routers home page once you complete logging in. Find the Port Forwarding section on the home page of the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router. Find the Firewall tab at the top of the screen and click on it. Find the Port Forwarding tab at the left of the screen and click on it. You are now on the Port Forwarding page. Step 4 - Create A Port Forward Entry Opening a port to a specific device may solve problems that you are having on your network. Make sure that it is necessary though, before opening a port, because you are effectively creating a pinhole in the firewall portion of your router that could lead to malicious traffic on your network. The risk is exceedingly low though, so don't let this warning stop you from making this change if you need it. Here are the ports to forward for Xbox Live: TCP Ports:3074 UDP Ports:3074 If you are looking for the ports for a different application you can find it by either: Find the Select IP from menu drop down menu choose the IP address that you want ports forwarded to. This can be either the IP address of your computer or any other IP address for devices on your network that you want to forward ports for. If you want to manually type in your IP address, choose Specify IP. In the Application To Forward drop down menu choose Custom Ports. Click on Advanced for more options. In the Protocol dropdown box, select the protocol type of the ports you are forwarding. Choose Both if your router has that option. Otherwise, select either TCP or UDP as needed. If you need to forward a port for both TCP and UDP and your router does not have the Both option, then you need to create two entries. Make the Specify selection in the Destination Port drop down list. The Destination Port text box accepts either a single number or a range of numbers. If you are forwarding a single port number then enter that port number into the Destination Port text box. If you are forwarding a range of ports such as 1000-2000 then you can enter the lowest number of that range into the Destination Port text box, followed by a hyphen, followed by the largest number. Select Specify from the Forward to Port drop down box. Take the same values that you entered into the Destination Port text box, and enter them into the Forward to Port text box. Click the Add button at the bottom of the page when you are completely finished to apply these changes. Test Your Open Ports Finally, test your network to see if you have forwarded ports in the Verizon FiOS Quantum Gateway router correctly. To do this you can use Network Utilities, which includes a free Open Port Checker tool. Open Port Checker is the only online port-checking tool that has Guaranteed Results. Check Out These Helpful Guides: 1. What is a Self-Organizing Network (SON)? A Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a technology that significantly improves Wi-Fi performance by automatically connecting customer devices to the optimal Wi-Fi band available and identifying and fixing Wi-Fi issues. 2. How will SON improve Wi-Fi? Connected devices will move seamlessly between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands, and between access points if a Fios Network Extender is paired with a Fios Quantum Gateway Router, optimizing your devices' Wi-Fi connection. 3. What happens to my Wi-Fi when SON is enabled? When SON is enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. Please see examples below. 4. Why will my Wi-Fi Name (SSID) with -5GHz no longer be available? In order for SON to work correctly, a single Wi-Fi name or SSID is required. The single SSID will support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, but now you will no longer have to manually select between the two Wi-Fi names. The router shall determine if devices connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands so the best performance can be provided. 5. Do I have the ability to turn SON off? Yes. If you choose to disable the Wi-Fi SON feature, the router GUI or MyFios App provides the ability to enable/disable. Please see steps below Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "Off" 6. Do I have the ability to turn SON on? Yes. SON can be enabled with the MyFios App. Please see examples below on how to enable. Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "On" 7. What security modes are supported? WPA2 is the only encryption supported by SON. 8. If I have a 3rd party router (nonVerizon), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q). Approved devices below. Other routers may provide their own version of SON which is not compatible with Verizon devices. 9. If I'm using the Fios Advanced Wi-Fi Router (MI424WR Rev. I Router) and the Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q. See approved devices in FAQ #8. 10. If I'm using the 1st Generation Fios Network Extender (WCB3000N), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q See approved devices in FAQ #8. 11. If I have a device that specifically requires connection to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, and I have a single Wi-Fi Name with SON, how do I ensure I am connected to the correct band? Follow the instructions in FAQ # 5 to turn SON off. Then make a selection to connect your device(s) to the appropriate band. 12. How do I enable SON? My Fios App is the quickest and easiest way to enable the SON enhancement. Download instructions You can also enable SON by visiting Download instructions 13. How does SON Enabled / Disable work, if my router is being replaced? If your router is being replaced (rental or purchased), and you have already opted into the SON enhancement, your new replacement router will also be SON enabled. If you have not previously opted into the SON enhancement, SON will be disabled by default, and you will need to Opt-in via the My Fios App. 14. Do I need to reboot my router and FNE after I enable / disable SON? Yes. Reboot your router after enabling or disabling the SON feature enhancement. If you have an FNE (Fios Network Extender) , reboot the FNE as well. Rebooting the router and FNE will ensure everything is reset, and your devices (phone/laptop/other devices) have the ability to disconnect and then reconnect to Wi-Fi. 15. Does my router get SON if I move my Fios to another location? Yes. If you move your Fios service from one location to another, your router will automatically receive the Self Organizing Network (SON) enhancement. With SON enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. To disable this enhancement, please refer to FAQ #13. How do I enable SON? 1. What is a Self-Organizing Network (SON)? A Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a technology that significantly improves Wi-Fi performance by automatically connecting customer devices to the optimal Wi-Fi band available and identifying and fixing Wi-Fi issues. 2. How will SON improve Wi-Fi? Connected devices will move seamlessly between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands, and between access points if a Fios Network Extender is paired with a Fios Quantum Gateway Router, optimizing your devices' Wi-Fi connection. 3. What happens to my Wi-Fi when SON is enabled? When SON is enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. Please see examples below. 4. Why will my Wi-Fi Name (SSID) with -5GHz no longer be available? In order for SON to work correctly, a single Wi-Fi name or SSID is required. The single SSID will support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, but now you will no longer have to manually select between the two Wi-Fi names. The router shall determine if devices connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands so the best performance can be provided. 5. Do I have the ability to turn SON off? Yes. If you choose to disable the Wi-Fi SON feature, the router GUI or MyFios App provides the ability to enable/disable. Please see steps below Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "Off" 6. Do I have the ability to turn SON on? Yes. SON can be enabled with the MyFios App. Please see examples below on how to enable. Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "On" 7. What security modes are supported? WPA2 is the only encryption supported by SON. 8. If I have a 3rd party router (non-Verizon), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q). Approved devices below. Other routers may provide their own version of SON which is not compatible with Verizon devices. 9. If I'm using the Fios Advanced Wi-Fi Router (MI424WR Rev. I Router) and the Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q. See approved devices in FAQ #8. 10. If I'm using the 1st Generation Fios Network Extender (WCB3000N), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q See approved devices in FAQ #8. 11. If I have a device that specifically requires connection to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, and I have a single Wi-Fi Name with SON, how do I ensure I am connected to the correct band? Follow the instructions in FAQ # 5 to turn SON off. Then make a selection to connect your device(s) to the appropriate band. 12. How do I enable SON? My Fios App is the quickest and easiest way to enable the SON enhancement. Download instructions You can also enable SON by visiting Download instructions 13. How does SON Enabled / Disable work, if my router is being replaced? If your router is being replaced (rental or purchased), and you have already opted into the SON enhancement, your new replacement router will also be SON enabled. If you have not previously opted into the SON enhancement, SON will be disabled by default, and you will need to Opt-in via the My Fios App. 14. Do I need to reboot my router and FNE after I enable / disable SON? Yes. Reboot your router after enabling or disabling the SON feature enhancement. If you have an FNE (Fios Network Extender) , reboot the FNE as well. Rebooting the router and FNE will ensure everything is reset, and your devices (phone/laptop/other devices) have the ability to disconnect and then reconnect to Wi-Fi. 15. Does my router get SON if I move my Fios to another location? Yes. If you move your Fios service from one location to another, your router will automatically receive the Self Organizing Network (SON) enhancement. With SON enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. To disable this enhancement, please refer to FAQ #13. How do I enable SON? 1. What is a Self-Organizing Network (SON)? A Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a technology that significantly improves Wi-Fi performance by automatically connecting customer devices to the optimal Wi-Fi band available and identifying and fixing Wi-Fi issues. 2. How will SON improve Wi-Fi? Connected devices will move seamlessly between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands, and between access points if a Fios Network Extender is paired with a Fios Quantum Gateway Router, optimizing your devices' Wi-Fi connection. 3. What happens to my Wi-Fi when SON is enabled? When SON is enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. Please see examples below. 4. Why will my Wi-Fi Name (SSID) with -5GHz no longer be available? In order for SON to work correctly, a single Wi-Fi name or SSID is required. The single SSID will support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, but now you will no longer have to manually select between the two Wi-Fi names. The router shall determine if devices connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands so the best performance can be provided. 5. Do I have the ability to turn SON off? Yes. If you choose to disable the Wi-Fi SON feature, the router GUI or MyFios App provides the ability to enable/disable. Please see steps below Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "Off" 6. Do I have the ability to turn SON on? Yes. SON can be enabled with the MyFios App. Please see examples below on how to enable. Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "On" 7. What security modes are supported? WPA2 is the only encryption supported by SON. 8. If I have a 3rd party router (non-Verizon), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q). Approved devices below. Other routers may provide their own version of SON which is not compatible with Verizon devices. 9. If I'm using the Fios Advanced Wi-Fi Router (MI424WR Rev. I Router) and the Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q. See approved devices in FAQ #8. 10. If I'm using the 1st Generation Fios Network Extender (WCB3000N), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q See approved devices in FAQ #8. 11. If I have a device that specifically requires connection to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, and I have a single Wi-Fi Name with SON, how do I ensure I am connected to the correct band? Follow the instructions in FAQ # 5 to turn SON off. Then make a selection to connect your device(s) to the appropriate band. 12. How do I enable SON? My Fios App is the quickest and easiest way to enable the SON enhancement. Download instructions You can also enable SON by visiting Download instructions 13. How does SON Enabled / Disable work, if my router is being replaced? If your router is being replaced (rental or purchased), and you have already opted into the SON enhancement, your new replacement router will also be SON enabled. If you have not previously opted into the SON enhancement, SON will be disabled by default, and you will need to Opt-in via the My Fios App. 14. Do I need to reboot my router and FNE after I enable / disable SON? Yes. Reboot your router after enabling or disabling the SON feature enhancement. If you have an FNE (Fios Network Extender) , reboot the FNE as well. Rebooting the router and FNE will ensure everything is reset, and your devices (phone/laptop/other devices) have the ability to disconnect and then reconnect to Wi-Fi. 15. Does my router get SON if I move my Fios to another location? Yes. If you move your Fios service from one location to another, your router will automatically receive the Self Organizing Network (SON) enhancement. With SON enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. To disable this enhancement, please refer to FAQ #13. How do I enable SON? 1. What is a Self-Organizing Network (SON)? A Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a technology that significantly improves Wi-Fi performance by automatically connecting customer devices to the optimal Wi-Fi band available and identifying and fixing Wi-Fi issues. 2. How will SON improve Wi-Fi? Connected devices will move seamlessly between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands, and between access points if a Fios Network Extender is paired with a Fios Quantum Gateway Router, optimizing your devices' Wi-Fi connection. 3. What happens to my Wi-Fi when SON is enabled? When SON is enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. Please see examples below. 4. Why will my Wi-Fi Name (SSID) with -5GHz no longer be available? In order for SON to work correctly, a single Wi-Fi name or SSID is required. The single SSID will support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, but now you will no longer have to manually select between the two Wi-Fi names. The router shall determine if devices connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands so the best performance can be provided. 5. Do I have the ability to turn SON off? Yes. If you choose to disable the Wi-Fi SON feature, the router GUI or MyFios App provides the ability to enable/disable. Please see steps below Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "Off" 6. Do I have the ability to turn SON on? Yes. SON can be enabled with the MyFios App. Please see examples below on how to enable. Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "On" 7. What security modes are supported? WPA2 is the only encryption supported by SON. 8. If I have a 3rd party router (non-Verizon), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q). Approved devices below. Other routers may provide their own version of SON which is not compatible with Verizon devices. 9. If I'm using the Fios Advanced Wi-Fi Router (MI424WR Rev. I Router) and the Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q. See approved devices in FAQ #8. 10. If I'm using the 1st Generation Fios Network Extender (WCB3000N), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q See approved devices in FAQ #8. 11. If I have a device that specifically requires connection to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, and I have a single Wi-Fi Name with SON, how do I ensure I am connected to the correct band? Follow the instructions in FAQ # 5 to turn SON off. Then make a selection to connect your device(s) to the appropriate band. 12. How do I enable SON? My Fios App is the quickest and easiest way to enable the SON enhancement. Download instructions You can also enable SON by visiting Download instructions 13. How does SON Enabled / Disable work, if my router is being replaced? If your router is being replaced (rental or purchased), and you have already opted into the SON enhancement, your new replacement router will also be SON enabled. If you have not previously opted into the SON enhancement, SON will be disabled by default, and you will need to Opt-in via the My Fios App. 14. Do I need to reboot my router and FNE after I enable / disable SON? Yes. Reboot your router after enabling or disabling the SON feature enhancement. If you have an FNE (Fios Network Extender) , reboot the FNE as well. Rebooting the router and FNE will ensure everything is reset, and your devices (phone/laptop/other devices) have the ability to disconnect and then reconnect to Wi-Fi. 15. Does my router get SON if I move my Fios to another location? Yes. If you move your Fios service from one location to another, your router will automatically receive the Self Organizing Network (SON) enhancement. With SON enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. To disable this enhancement, please refer to FAQ #13. How do I enable SON? 1. What is a Self-Organizing Network (SON)? A Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a technology that significantly improves Wi-Fi performance by automatically connecting customer devices to the optimal Wi-Fi band available and identifying and fixing Wi-Fi issues. 2. How will SON improve Wi-Fi? Connected devices will move seamlessly between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands, and between access points if a Fios Network Extender is paired with a Fios Quantum Gateway Router, optimizing your devices' Wi-Fi connection. 3. What happens to my Wi-Fi when SON is enabled? When SON is enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. Please see examples below. 4. Why will my Wi-Fi Name (SSID) with -5GHz no longer be available? In order for SON to work correctly, a single Wi-Fi name or SSID is required. The single SSID will support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, but now you will no longer have to manually select between the two Wi-Fi names. The router shall determine if devices connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands so the best performance can be provided. 5. Do I have the ability to turn SON off? Yes. If you choose to disable the Wi-Fi SON feature, the router GUI or MyFios App provides the ability to enable/disable. Please see steps below Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "Off" 6. Do I have the ability to turn SON on? Yes. SON can be enabled with the MyFios App. Please see examples below on how to enable. Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "On" 7. What security modes are supported? WPA2 is the only encryption supported by SON. 8. If I have a 3rd party router (non-Verizon), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q). Approved devices below. Other routers may provide their own version of SON which is not compatible with Verizon devices. 9. If I'm using the Fios Advanced Wi-Fi Router (MI424WR Rev. I Router) and the Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q. See approved devices in FAQ #8. 10. If I'm using the 1st Generation Fios Network Extender (WCB3000N), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q See approved devices in FAQ #8. 11. If I have a device that specifically requires connection to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, and I have a single Wi-Fi Name with SON, how do I ensure I am connected to the correct band? Follow the instructions in FAQ # 5 to turn SON off. Then make a selection to connect your device(s) to the appropriate band. 12. How do I enable SON? My Fios App is the quickest and easiest way to enable the SON enhancement. Download instructions You can also enable SON by visiting Download instructions 13. How does SON Enabled / Disable work, if my router is being replaced? If your router is being replaced (rental or purchased), and you have already opted into the SON enhancement, your new replacement router will also be SON enabled. If you have not previously opted into the SON enhancement, SON will be disabled by default, and you will need to Opt-in via the My Fios App. 14. Do I need to reboot my router and FNE after I enable / disable SON? Yes. Reboot your router after enabling or disabling the SON feature enhancement. If you have an FNE (Fios Network Extender) , reboot the FNE as well. Rebooting the router and FNE will ensure everything is reset, and your devices (phone/laptop/other devices) have the ability to disconnect and then reconnect to Wi-Fi. 15. Does my router get SON if I move my Fios to another location? Yes. If you move your Fios service from one location to another, your router will automatically receive the Self Organizing Network (SON) enhancement. With SON enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. To disable this enhancement, please refer to FAQ #13. How do I enable SON? 1. What is a Self-Organizing Network (SON)? A Self-Organizing Networks (SON) is a technology that significantly improves Wi-Fi performance by automatically connecting customer devices to the optimal Wi-Fi band available and identifying and fixing Wi-Fi issues. 2. How will SON improve Wi-Fi? Connected devices will move seamlessly between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands, and between access points if a Fios Network Extender is paired with a Fios Quantum Gateway Router, optimizing your devices' Wi-Fi connection. 3. What happens to my Wi-Fi when SON is enabled? When SON is enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. Please see examples below. 4. Why will my Wi-Fi Name (SSID) with -5GHz no longer be available? In order for SON to work correctly, a single Wi-Fi name or SSID is required. The single SSID will support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, but now you will no longer have to manually select between the two Wi-Fi names. The router shall determine if devices connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands so the best performance can be provided. 5. Do I have the ability to turn SON off? Yes. If you choose to disable the Wi-Fi SON feature, the router GUI or MyFios App provides the ability to enable/disable. Please see steps below Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "Off" 6. Do I have the ability to turn SON on? Yes. SON can be enabled with the MyFios App. Please see examples below on how to enable. Open MyFios App Select Wi-Fi settings, Select Self Organizing Network Turn SON "On" 7. What security modes are supported? WPA2 is the only encryption supported by SON. 8. If I have a 3rd party router (non-Verizon), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q). Approved devices below. Other routers may provide their own version of SON which is not compatible with Verizon devices. 9. If I'm using the Fios Advanced Wi-Fi Router (MI424WR Rev. I Router) and the Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extenders (WCB6200Q. See approved devices in FAQ #8. 10. If I'm using the 1st Generation Fios Network Extender (WCB3000N), can I have SON enabled? No. SON is only supported on Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) and Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q See approved devices in FAQ #8. 11. If I have a device that specifically requires connection to 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, and I have a single Wi-Fi Name with SON, how do I ensure I am connected to the correct band? Follow the instructions in FAQ # 5 to turn SON off. Then make a selection to connect your device(s) to the appropriate band. 12. How do I enable SON? My Fios App is the quickest and easiest way to enable the SON enhancement. Download instructions You can also enable SON by visiting Download instructions 13. How does SON Enabled / Disable work, if my router is being replaced? If your router is being replaced (rental or purchased), and you have already opted into the SON enhancement, your new replacement router will also be SON enabled. If you have not previously opted into the SON enhancement, SON will be disabled by default, and you will need to Opt-in via the My Fios App. 14. Do I need to reboot my router and FNE after I enable / disable SON? Yes. Reboot your router after enabling or disabling the SON feature enhancement. If you have an FNE (Fios Network Extender) , reboot the FNE as well. Rebooting the router and FNE will ensure everything is reset, and your devices (phone/laptop/other devices) have the ability to disconnect and then reconnect to Wi-Fi. 15. Does my router get SON if I move my Fios to another location? Yes. If you move your Fios service from one location to another, your router will automatically receive the Self Organizing Network (SON) enhancement. With SON enabled, the two unique Wi-Fi Names (SSID's) assigned to identify the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands will convert into a Single Wi-Fi Name (SSID), and retain the Wi-Fi name/password you currently have for 2.4GHz. To disable this enhancement, please refer to FAQ #13. How do I enable SON?

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