Goflex home default username and password


Goflex home default username and password

Like several NETGEAR routers, the DGN2200 uses password as the default password. Like most passwords, this one is case sensitive. The NETGEAR DGN2200 router default username ¡ª admin ¡ª is also case sensitive. The default IP address for the NETGEAR DGN2200v1 and v4 is; the DGN2200v3

uses The "v#" appended to the router name represents one of three hardware versions in which it's available. Although the IP address isn't the same for all three, they share the same default username and password. If the default password doesn't work for your DGN2200 router, it was changed to

something else for security. Using a complex password is essential, but this also means it's difficult to remember. Getting the default password to work so you can access the router settings is easy. Reset the DGN2200 to its factory default settings. This restores custom settings to the defaults, including the username and

password. Here's how to reset a DGN2200 router: Plug in the router and power it on. Flip the router on its top so you have access to the bottom. With something small and sharp like a paperclip or pin, press and hold the Restore Factory Defaults button for 7 to 10 seconds. The Power light blinks red three times after it's

released and turns green as the router resets. Wait 15 seconds or more to be sure that the router is done resetting, then unplug the power cable for a few seconds. Plug the power cable back in, then wait 30 seconds for the NETGEAR DGN2200 to power on. When the router is reset, log in with the default IP address,

username, and password. Choose the right IP address for the specific router version. Change the default password on the router to protect against unauthorized access. Store the new password in a free password manager to have quick and easy access to it. A freshly reset router doesn't have any of your previous

settings on it. This means that the username and password are reset along with any custom DNS servers, wireless network settings, and other settings that may have been customized. Re-enter that information to set up the router as it was before. Back up the customizations to a file to simplify the reset process should

you ever need to repeat it in the future. See the Manage the Configuration File section of the DGN2200 manual (linked below) for help backing up the router settings. If router's default IP address has been changed since it was first set up, you won't be able to access the DGN2200 router at the address mentioned above.

To discover the correct IP address without resetting the router, look up the default gateway IP address on a computer that's connected to the router. Visit NETGEAR DGN2200v1 Support for everything NETGEAR has on the DGN2200 router, including user manuals, firmware downloads, support articles, and more. Be

sure to choose the correct version of your router. Here are the direct links to the manuals for all three versions: Version 1 Version 3 Version 4 Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why! If you have a Netgear, Linksys, Cisco, D-Link, or any other type of router and you¡¯re trying to figure out how to log into router in order to

configure settings, there are a couple of steps you can take. If you have never logged into the router and no one has ever set up a password, then your router will have the default username and password. You can find this information in different places depending on your router brand and setup. Let¡¯s start with the

simplest solutions. Firstly, if there is already a password on your router and you need to reset the wireless router back to the default settings, you can press the ¡°Reset¡± button that is located on the back of the router. It¡¯s usually a very small hole and you¡¯ll have to use a pin or paper clip to push the button inside for about

30 seconds. This will now reset your router to the default settings! Check Your Paperwork I normally keep the paperwork for my routers because it always has the default login info for the router in the pamphlet. Actually, now I just take a picture of the page that has the login info using my smartphone and save the image

to a folder where I store useful bits of information I need later on. However, most people don¡¯t really keep the box or the paperwork around, which is understandable. Check the Router It sounds silly, but a lot of routers have the default login info printed right on the router itself. It actually makes sense because if someone

else wanted to figure out the default login info, they can do it very easily just by know your router model number. That¡¯s why it¡¯s so important to change the default password on your wireless router so no one else can hack into it. If you have a cable modem/router from your ISP, then it¡¯s almost guaranteed to have the

login password printed on the router itself. ISPs usually add the wireless network SSID and password on the router also so that they don¡¯t have to deal with customers calling them and asking them why they can¡¯t connect. I¡¯ve seen several Verizon modems/routers and they include the password for logging into the router

also. Router Password Sites If you don¡¯t have the documentation on you or your router doesn¡¯t have the info printed on the device, then you can check out a couple of websites that basically are databases of router passwords. has an exhaustive list of all the major routers, plus a lot more brands. It

had the right username and password for my Netgear router, so it should work for you. The only problem I¡¯ve seen with this site lately is that it hasn¡¯t been updated since 2012. It still will work for most people, but if you have a newer router, you may find your model missing. is another site with a ton of

router brands and models. I have found that PortFoward actually has quite a few more models for a lot of brands than RouterPasswords, so maybe they are keeping their database more up-to-date. Make sure you scroll down to see the list of brands and list of models. That should hopefully get you back into your router

so that you can configure it the way you want. If you can¡¯t figure out the IP address for your router, read my previous post on how to find a router IP address. Once you have the IP address, simply type that into your browser window and it should bring you to the login screen for your router. Enjoy! Photo ? Rawpixel FotoliaHere's a piece of home-computer-security advice which sounds too insultingly obvious to mention: when you buy a password-protected wireless-controlled anything, you need to assign it a new custom password right away. Otherwise, your new device can easily be hacked by anybody who knows its factory-set

default password.As obvious as this recommendation sounds, astonishing numbers of people continue to ignore it. There are even voyeurism websites devoted to streaming camera footage from unprotected personal IP (Internet protocol) cameras, of the sort found in wireless home baby monitors, or even laptop or

computer webcams.It's especially important to set a strong password on your home wireless Internet router, or else hackers will find it ridiculously easy to steal your online banking information and any other sensitive data you send over your home connection.This week, security blogger Brian Krebs reported a new scam

which so far seems limited to home Internet users in Brazil but could come to the United States with ridiculous ease, because the scammers operate by takling control of home wireless routers whose owners never changed their factory-set default passwords:Sunnyvale, Calif. based security firm Proofpoint said it recently

detected a four-week spam campaign sent to a small number of organizations and targeting primarily Brazilian Internet users. The emails were made to look like they were sent by Brazil¡¯s largest Internet service provider, alerting recipients about an unpaid bill. In reality, the missives contained a link designed to hack that

same ISP¡¯s router equipment.What makes such security threats especially dangerous is that they can completely bypass ordinary computer-security tools, such as antivirus protection.Did you change the default password on your router when you first installed it? As Krebs said, ¡°If you don¡¯t know whether you¡¯ve changed

the default administrative credentials for your wired or wireless router, you probably haven¡¯t.¡±If you visit and type in the make and model of your router, you will learn its default password. If you do need to change yours, remember as always to give it its own unique password, rather than use the

same one across multiple accounts. Like most Linksys routers, the Linksys WRT120N default password is admin. Although some routers require a default username that must be entered along with the password, the WRT120N username field can be left blank; only the password is required. Information in this article

applies specifically to the Linksys WRT120N router. Linksys router passwords are always case-sensitive. The default gateway is the IP address that devices connected to the network use to access the router and the internet. The default IP address for the WRT120N router is You can enter the IP address as

a URL in a web browser to open the router settings. While the default password for the WRT120N works with the router out of the box, this default information can be changed from the router settings, which may be why you can't access the router. If you can¡¯t log in to the Linksys WRT120N with the default credentials,

reset the router to reapply the default settings and reinstate the default password. To reset a Linksys WRT120N router: Turn the router around so you can see the plugged-in cables and the red Reset button. Use a paperclip or pin to press the Reset button for approximately 5 seconds. Remove the power cable from the

back of the WRT120N for a few seconds, then plug it back in. Wait for 1-2 minutes for the router to power on fully, then make sure the network cable coming from the computer is still attached at the back of the router. Enter the router's default IP address ( into a web browser and log in with the default

password (admin). Change the router¡¯s default password to something more complex. Follow best practices for creating a strong password. You can store your online login credentials with a free password manager. Resetting a router removes all the custom settings that were configured. Therefore, settings such as the

SSID, network passwords, and guest network configurations will need to be reentered. If you just need to restore the default settings and find your password, log in to the setup page and go to Administration > Factory Defaults. After setting up the router with your custom preferences, make a backup so that you can

restore the configurations if the router is reset again in the future. To do this, open the router settings and go to Administration > Management, then select Backup Configurations. A file will be generated, which you can upload by selecting Restore Configurations on the same page to restore your settings at any time. The

Linksys WRT120N support page includes a PDF of the WRT120N manual and everything you need to know about the WRT120N router. You can also download the most recent firmware update for the Linksys WRT120N router through the Linksys WRT120N product support page. The WRT120N router only has one

hardware version, which means there¡¯s only one firmware download link available, but other Linksys routers may have several. Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why!

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