Classify (good or bad) and number the cores (1,2,3

Classify (good or bad) and number the cores (1,2,3 ….. k)

Measure all clinch gaps for all the cores

Categorize them into one of the three “gap-ranges”

Range 1 (very bad clinches) – core have at least one clinch gap larger than 2.5mm

Range 2 (very good clinches) – core has all clinch gaps smaller than 1.5mm

Range 3 (mediocre clinches) – core doesn’t fall in the either one of the above categories

Perform Leak test at room temperature for all the cores, and separate the cores that have a leak >6cc.

All measurement data will be analyzed for meaningful information by creating number of graphs such as the ones below.



Following will be done with cores that have leak < 6cc:

Testing for cores that fall in Range n ( n = 1,2 or 3)

| |Temperature 1 |Temperature 2 |Temperature 3 |Temperature 4 |

|Pressure 1 |X11 |X12 |X13 |X14 |

|Pressure 2 |X21 |X22 |X23 |X24 |

|Pressure 3 |X31 |X32 |X33 |X34 |

|Pressure 4 |X41 |X42 |X43 |X44 |

Xij stands for number of cores that get exposed to the same pressure/temperature combination.

All X are same, meaning each cell will have same number of cores.

All X are randomly selected from the cores that fall under Range n.

The sequence of testing from cell – to cell and within the cell will be randomized as much as possible.

Expected is that pressure settings will be easy to randomize as well as within cell sequence. Temperatures will be harder to randomize due to outside constraints (time and equipment.)

Size of X still needs to be determined.

To illustrate would be expected results if we determined X to be = 5

For X = 5 (meaning 5 cores per cell), and since n = 3 (meaning 3 gap ranges), and number of cells = 16 total number of cores needed would = 240.

This would give us 3 tables (one for each of the three ranges) such as the one below , with each cell containing a value for leak of core (good/bad, k), with total of 240 data points.

| |Temperature 1 |Temperature 2 |Temperature 3 |Temperature 4 |

|Pressure 1 | | | | |

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|Pressure 2 | | | | |

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|Pressure 3 | | | | |

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|Pressure 4 | | | | |

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Amount of leak

Range category

1 2 3


Amount of leak

Number of clinch gaps on a core that are > 2mm

0 12


Amount of leak

Largest Gap size in mm

0 3.7


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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