Ch - 9th grade math

Practice C

Solving Absolute-Value Equations

Solve each equation.

1. [pic]( [pic] 2. 2[pic]( 0 3. [pic]( 2.5 ( 8

4. [pic]( 6 ( (4 5. (9[pic]( (63 6. [pic]( 0

7. [pic] 8. 3[pic]( (15 9. [pic]( 1.4 ( 6.2

10. [pic]( 11 11. [pic]( 3 ( 0 12. 15 = 7 ( [pic]

Answer each question.

13. A carpenter cuts boards for a construction project. Each board must be 3 meters long, but the length is allowed to differ from this value by at most 0.5 cm. Write and solve an absolute-value equation to find the minimum and maximum acceptable lengths for a board.

14. The owner of a butcher shop keeps the shop’s freezer at (5°C. It is acceptable for the temperature to differ from this value by 1.5°. Write and solve an absolute-value equation to find the minimum and maximum acceptable temperatures.

Review for Mastery

1. s ( [pic] 2. b ( 180 ( a – c

3. K ( [pic] 4. w ( [pic]

5. 12 in.

6. add –x to both sides

7. multiply both sides by 2

8. add 3r to both sides

9. a ( [pic] 10. z ( 3(y ( x)

11. m ( pn ( 3


1. l ( 375 2. P ( 2000

3. t ( 5 years

4. r ( 0.032 or 3.2%

5. $351 6. 3 years

7. $2200 8. 0.03 or 3%

9. $247 10. 5 years

11. 0.027 or 2.7%

Problem Solving

1. r ( [pic] 2. 9.1 m/s

3. 8.5 m/s 4. 0.4 m/s

5. B 6. F

7. D 8. J

Reading Strategies

1. Possible answer: 3x ( 2y ( 9

2. The equation contains only one

variable, n.

3. Yes, because it has two or more variables.

4. Divide both sides by r.

5. t ( [pic]

6. a. h ( [pic]

b. 3 cm

Solving Absolute-Value



1. (3; 2; (2; 2

2. (7; 7; 4; 4; 4; 4; (11; 3

3. 6; (6; 6; (5; 7

4. {(8, 8} 5. {(14, 14}

6. {(9, 9} 7. {(17, 17}

8. {(11, 7} 9. {(1, 11}

10. {(5, 5} 11. {(7, 3}

12. {(11, 9}

13. [pic]

14. 22 miles per gallon; 26 miles per gallon

Practice B

1. {(12, 12}

2. [pic]

3. {(10, 10}

4. {(9, 9}

5. {(8, 8}

6. {(13, 7}

7. {(1, 3}

8. {2, 8}

9. {(14, 10}

10. {(3, 3}

11. {1}

12. {3}

13. two 14. one

15. none 16. [pic]

14. 64.5(; 71.5(

Practice C

1. [pic] 2. {0}

3. {(10.5, 10.5} 4. (

5. {(7, 7} 6. {(11}

7. [pic] 8. [pic]

9. {(6.6, 8.6} 10. {(8, 3}

11. [pic] 12. [pic]

13.  [pic] 0.005; 2.995 m; 3.005 m

14. [pic] 1.5; (6.5(C; (3.5(C

Review for Mastery

1. {(6, 10} 2. {(15, 1}

3. {0, 10} 4. {(3, 3}

5. {2} 6. (

7. ( 8. {(10}


1. [pic]

2. yes; possible answer: [pic]

3. [pic]

4. [pic]

5. [pic]

6. [pic]

7. [pic]

8. [pic]

9. [pic]

10. [pic]

Problem Solving

1. [pic]; 69.98 cm; 70.02 cm

2. [pic] = 0.021; 52.979 m; 53.021 m

3. (1 and 11 4. 11.9 cm

5. B 6. G

7. C

Reading Strategies

1. one

2. two

3. none

4. one

5. none

6. two

Rates, Ratios, and Proportions


1. 20 2. 58 ft/s

3. $1.05/lb 4. 2.5 pages/min

5. y ( 4 6. x ( 18

7. m ( 2 8. t ( 75

9. b ( (4 10. x ( 1

11. 150 in. 12. 160 mi

Practice B

1. 15 2. $0.49/lb

3. 0.1 cars/min 4. 46.9 ft/s

5. y ( 5 6. x ( (0.4

7. m ( (96 8. t ( [pic]

9. b ( 20 10. x ( 3.5

11. 185 in. 12. 3.7 cm

Practice C

1. 18 2. 4.8 lb/book

3. $7.90/h 4. 293.3 ft/s

5. x ( (1.5 6. b ( (0.5

7. s ( 0.6 8. y ( 2

9. x ( 10 10. y ( [pic]

11. 125.5 ft 12. 3.2 in.

Review for Mastery

1. [pic] 2. [pic]

3. [pic]

4. [pic]; [pic]; 40,612

5. 320 c/min 6. x ( 2.5

7. k ( 3 8. a ( 10.75

9. y ( 30


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