WKS 2.1 - Temperature, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures (2 pages)

For the following questions, select an answer, and state why the other choices are incorrect.

1. Which of the following units is the SI unit for mass?

a. Gram

b. Pound

c. Liter

d. Kilogram

Why are the other choices wrong?

2. Which of the following units is the SI unit for length?

a. Inch

b. Foot

c. Meter

d. Kilometer

Why are the other choices wrong?

3. Which of the following is true about absolute zero?

a. Absolute zero occurs at zero degrees Celsius.

b. Absolute zero occurs at 273 Kelvin.

c. The Celsius scale was based off of absolute zero.

d. A crystal will be at perfect order – there is no movement.

Why are the other choices wrong?

Make the following temperature calculations.

4. Convert -213 °C to Kelvin. (60 K)

5. Convert 455 K to °C. (182°C)

6. How much does the temperature change if it goes from 60°C to 258 K? (-75 K or °C change)

Convert the following numbers into scientific notation.

1. 0.000312

7. 10450

8. 134.50

9. –103700

10. –0.0775

11. 0.00001348

Convert the following numbers into decimal form.

12. 5.58 X 102

13. 3.673 X 10–3

14. 4.567 X 105

15. –9.002 X 103

16. 8.0472 X 10–4

17. –6.3 X 10–5

WKS 2.1 - Temperature, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures (continued)

How many significant figures are in each of the quantities listed below?

1. 454 g

19. 3 x 108 m/s

20. 1.20 x 10-3 kPa

21. 0.0353 mL

22. 0 .00030400 km

23. 0.0700 mg

24. 39.0000 m

25. 29000 µL

26. 5.000 moles

27. 6.02 x 1023 atoms

28. 10.00 cL

29. 120230 mg

30. 250 Joules

31. 250. Torr

32. 3.050 x 1025 atoms

State how many ZEROS in each of the following numbers are significant. There could be none!

34. 0.003040

35. 12300

36. 450.0

37. 0.006

38. 60500

39. 98000.

Round off the given quantity 3.798075 grams to the number of significant figures indicated.

1. One Sig Fig

2. Two Sig Figs

3. Three Sig Figs

4. Four Sig Figs

5. Five Sig Figs

6. Six Sig Figs

WKS 2.2 - Rounding and Sig Figs (1 page)

Above or next to each value in the problem, write the number of significant figures in the value. Next, write in the blank the number of significant figures your answer should contain. Then, complete the calculations on your calculator and report your answer in the correct number of significant figures. Be careful about order of operations on your calculator! In no particular order, the answers can be found at the bottom of the page to double-check your answers.

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________1. (875) (9632) (458)

----------------------------------------- =

(62.118) (647.3) (623)

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________2. (735) (118)

-------------------------------------- =

(310.4) (0.00140) (218)

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________3. (37.45)(1.492) =

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________4. (2.75 X 106) (3.1 X 10-4)

---------------------------------------------- =

(9.84 X 10-3) (7.23 X 104)

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________5. (6.809 x 1012 ) / (2.379 x 10-5) / (1.209 x 109) =

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________6. (1.020) (0.00314) (17.00) =

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________7. 1.00

-------------------------------------- =

(1.02) (-2.05)

SF: _______ ANSWER: __________________________8. (3792)2 (16)4 (0.0356)6 =

WKS 2.3 - Daring Dimensional Analysis (2 pages)

You must show the dimensional analysis set-up in order to earn credit!!! NO WORK = NO CREDIT (

|1 hogshead = 7 firkin |1 torr = 1 mm Hg |1 erg = 1 x 10─7 Joules (J) |

|18 pottie = 1 firkin |1 atm = 1.0133x 105 pascal (Pa) |1 BTU = 1055 J |

|140 pottie = 1 puncheon |1 atm = 760 torr |1 oz = 16 dram |

|504 pottie = 1 tun |1 calorie = 4.184 J |1 dram = 27.343 grain |

|15 groans = 1 grunt |1 mile = 5280 ft |1 pennyweight = 24 grains |

|1 pain = 20 grunts |1 furlong = 220 yards |1 dram = 3 scruples |

|1 hurt = 8 pains |2 fardells = 1 nooke |1 pint = 4 gills |

|1 fot = 5 vum |4 nookes = 1 yard |4 quarts = 1 gallon |

|2 sop = 3 tuz |4 yards = 1 hide |1 bushel = 4 pecks |

|4 bef = 3 tuz |1 liter = 1.057 quart |1 peck = 8 quarts |

|9 fot = 2 bef |1 mile = 1.61 Km |1 lb = 454 grams (g) |

|1 inch = 2.54 cm |4 tolls = 3 smacks |1 lb = 16 oz |

|1 xack = 7 bips |8 lardos = 7 fleas |12 toils = 1 lardo |

|5 smacks = 1 bip |1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 molecules |1 inch = 2.54 cm |

1. In medieval Britain, property was often measured in units such as fardells, nookes, yards, and hides. One of the knights of the round table owned ocean front property that was 85.5 yards long. How many fardells did the knight own? (684 fardells)

2. If you drank a “Big Gulp” of Mountain Dew (44 oz), how many pennyweights worth of the Dew did you do? (8.0 x 102 pennyweights)

3. The pressure inside a plasma etch chamber used to remove material from the surface of a wafer in the manufacture of computer chips is 152 mTorr (1 mTorr = 1 x 10─3 Torr). What is the pressure in Pascals? (20.3 Pa)

4. You are in a foreign country, and are desperate for a cup of coffee. If in this far away land, a cup of coffee costs 12.0 sop, how many fot would you need to exchange? (108 fot)

WKS 2.3 - Daring Dimensional Analysis (continued)

5. The average amount of energy released in the nuclear fission of one plutonium atom is 210.0 MeV. One MeV is equal to 1 x 106 eV. 1.602 x 10-19 Joules is equal to 1 eV. How much energy (in BTUs) is released from the nuclear fission of one atom of plutonium? (3.188 x 10-14 BTU)

6. Amol recently purchased a 2.0 TB (terabyte) external hard drive to store his movies.  Assuming that a typical 90. minute, 720p HD movie requires 3.45 GB (gigabyte) of storage capacity:

a)  How many movies can Amol fit on his hard drive?  1 TB = 1 x 1012 bytes and 1 GB = 1 x 109 bytes. (≈580 movies)

b) How many hours of movie watching splendor does this represent? (870 hours)

7. What is the cost of 60 onions if 3 onions weigh 1.50 pounds and the price of onions is $0.15 per pound? Give your answer in dollars and cents. ($4.50)

8. If pecans sell for $3.00 per pound and there are 127 pecans per pound, how many pecans can you buy for $14.12? (597.8 pecans)

9. Gasoline in Europe currently costs on average 1.60 euros per liter. If you were in Europe and wanted to fill your 16.0 gallon tank on your car, what would be the price in American dollars? The current exchange rate is 1 euro = $1.32 American. ($128)

WKS 2.4 - Metric to Metric (1 page)

You must show the dimensional analysis set-up in order to earn credit!!! NO WORK = NO CREDIT (

1. How many micrograms are there in 2.45 X 102 grams? (2.45 X 108 (g)

2. Convert 145 centiliters to kiloliters. (1.45 X 10-3 KL)

3. How many centimeters are there in 362 millimeters? (36.2 cm)

4. When you convert 4.82 x 10–8 kilograms to micrograms, you get _(?)_µg. (48.2 µg)

5. 4632 liters is the same as _(?)_ nanoliters. (4.632 X 1012 nL)

6. Convert 2.11 X 106 µg to Kg. (2.11 X 10-3 Kg)

7. Convert 1.47 X 10-2 Km to mm. (1.47 X 104 mL)

8. How many Joules are in 4.56 x 102 Kilojoules? (4.56 x 105 J)

WKS 2.5 - Double Conversions & Other Practice! (1 page)

You must show the dimensional analysis set-up in order to earn credit!!! NO WORK = NO CREDIT (

1. I can ride my bicycle at a velocity of 5.655 X 106 µm/sec. Is this fast or slow? Prove your answer by converting into km/hr. (20.36 km/hr – PRETTY GOOD!)

2. The Hubble Space Telescope has collected 45.0 Terabytes (TB) of information over the last 20.0 years. If 1 TB is equivalent to 1 x 1012 bytes, how many bytes per minute has the Hubble Space Telescope collected? (4.28 X 106 bytes/min)

3. A solution of barium nitrate contains 61.2 grams per liter of solution. What would this amount be in micrograms per milliliter? (6.12 x 104 micrograms/milliliter)

4. A public school district furnishes pencils to its elementary students. The pencils the secretary orders from the district warehouse each year are packaged in boxes that contain one gross (12 dozen = 1 gross) pencils. The average use of pencils is 9.3 pencils per student over the school year. If the school's enrollment is 812 students, what is minimum number of boxes of pencils that should be ordered? (53 boxes)

5. A barbecue is being planned for 175 people. The ice cream sandwiches for desert cost $4.68 per dozen. It is assumed that the average number of sandwiches eaten per person will be 1.25. What will it cost to buy ice cream sandwiches for the barbecue to feed the 175 people? Give your answer in dollars and cents. ($85.31)

WKS 2.6 – Metric Units and Pressure Conversions (1 page)

Make the following calculations. NO WORK = NO CREDIT (

1. Match each of the following measurements to which object they would most likely be used to measure.

|_____ Width of a molecule |Kilometer |

|_____ Length of a racing track |Centimeter |

|_____ Thickness of a penny |Millimeter |

|_____ Width of a finger |Nanometer |

2. Rank the following units from smallest to largest: Kilojoules, Centijoules, Nanojoules, Millijoules, Joules

3. Which piece of equipment is used to measure atmospheric pressures? ____________________________

4. Which piece of equipment is used to measure experimental pressures? ____________________________

5. Convert a pressure of 466 torr to millimeters of mercury. (466 mm Hg)

6. Convert a pressure of 170.88 kPa to atmospheres. (1.6869 atm)

7. Convert a pressure of 455 mm Hg to atm. (0.599 atm)

8. Convert a pressure of 980 torr to kPa. (131 kPa)

9. Convert a pressure of 112.7 Pa to torr. (0.8455 torr)

10. The pressure of a gas changes from 736 torr to 1.34 atm. How much did the pressure increase in Pascals? (3.76 X 104 Pa)

11. The pressure of a gas changes from 120.5 Pa to 860 mm Hg. Did the pressure increase or decrease and by how many torr? (increase of 859 torr)

WKS 2.7 - Density (1 page)

Answer the following questions or make the calculations. NO WORK = NO CREDIT (

1. If the four density values in the table represent the four liquids in the graduated cylinder pictured on the left, which density is the value of Liquid B? WHY?

|Density Values |

|1.26 g/mL |

|0.62 g/mL |

|1.00 g/mL |

|0.82 g/mL |

2. If an object with a density of 1.05 g/mL were placed into the graduated cylinder pictured to the right, where would the object come to rest? WHY?

3. In the summertime, it is always warmer on the 2nd floor of a two-story house than it is on the first. What might account for this condition?

a. There is more warm air than cold air.

b. There is more cold air than warm air.

c. Cold air is less dense than warm air.

d. Cold air is more dense than warm air.

Justify your answer:

4. If an unknown solid weighs 84.0 grams and occupies 27.9 cm3 of space, what is its density? (3.01 g/cm3 )

5. What is the mass of a liquid having a density of 1.40 g/mL and a volume of 3090 mL? (4.33 x 103 g)

6. What volume would a 200.-gram sample of gold have if its density is known to be 19.3 g/cm3 ? (10.4 cm3 )

7. A certain liquid has density of 0.732 g/mL. How many LITERS would weigh 1.00kg? (1.37 L)

8. Kimmy threw a plastic ball in the water-filled pool for her dog to fetch. The mass of the ball was 128 grams.

a. What must the volume of the ball be to have an overall density of 0.512 g/mL? (250. mL)

b. After throwing the ball in the pool, the ball sprung a leak and began to fill with water. How many grams of water can the ball absorb before the ball sinks? (Hint: the volume of the ball is not changing.) (122 g)

WKS 2.8 – More Density! (1 page)

Make the following calculations. NO WORK = NO CREDIT (

1. A solid block of substance is 74.0 cm by 55.0cm by 35.0 cm and it weighs 569 kg. Assuming that it did not chemically react with water nor dissolve in it, would it float in water? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWER AND SHOW YOUR WORK!! (Density = 3.99 g/cm3; therefore, no, it is too dense to float in water)

2. A sample of zinc has a density of 7.14 g/cm3 and occupies a space of 104.5 cm3 . Does this sample of zinc weigh more or less than a pound? There are 454 grams in a pound. SHOW YOUR WORK!! (mass = 746 g; more)

3. A graduated cylinder filled with water has an initial volume of 45.89 mL and a mass of 129.86 grams. A rock is placed in it, changing the volume to 59.56 mL and its mass to 198.67 grams. What is the density of the rock?

(5.034 g/mL)

4. Anna Lyst is trying to find the density of an unknown solid substance. She knows that it does not dissolve in water nor chemically react with it. She puts a piece of weighing paper on the balance and finds it to weigh 1.75 grams. Then she places the unknown substance on the weighing paper, and the combined mass of the paper and the solid is 9.33 grams. The initial volume reading on her graduated cylinder is 84.18 mL. She then submerges the unknown. The meniscus now reads 85.60 mL. What is the density of the unknown substance? (5.34 g/cm3 )

5. Kim Istree has a liquid unknown which fills a graduated cylinder to the 35.0 mL mark. She places the graduated cylinder with liquid in it on the balance, and it weighs 71.00 grams. Then she empties the graduated cylinder, washes it, dries it and weighs it again. The empty cylinder weighs 37.40 grams. What is the density of the unknown liquid? (0.960 g/mL)


Answers to questions above (in no particular order):

1.2 - 0.478 916 5.44 x 10-2

55.88 1900 154 2.367 x 108


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