IV - Valley Air

San Joaquin Valley

Unified Air Pollution Control District


Guideline for Expedited Application Review (GEAR)

Dry-Batch Concrete Facility (> 700 yard3-Concrete/day)

| |

| |

|Approved By: Date __ |

|Seyed Sadredin |

|Director of Permit Services |


To outline the procedures for expedited processing of Authority to Construct (ATC) applications for new dry-batch concrete plant, with a capacity equal to or exceeding 700 yard3-concrete/day . These procedures will apply to processing of applications received over the counter or through the mail.


This policy applies to applications for Authority to Construct permits for new dry-batch concrete operations, with a capacity equal to or exceeding 700 yard3-concrete/day.


The applicant must complete a regular ATC Application Form and the Concrete Batch Plant Supplemental Application Form (Attachment I).

This policy applies to new dry-batch concrete plant, with a capacity equal to or exceeding 700 yard3-concrete/day, and with:

- Cement silo(s) served by bin vent filter or baghouse,

- Flyash silo(s) served by bin vent filter or baghouse,

- A cement and flyash weigh batcher served by a baghouse

- A sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher (different from the cement and flyash weigh batcher, and served by a baghouse, if BACT triggered), and

- A dust shroud vented to a baghouse (this baghouse may be shared with the cement weigh batcher) serving the truck loading operation.


The applications will be processed on an expedited basis if a complete application form and a $60 filing fee for each permit unit are submitted. Expedited projects shall be processed within 30 days of receipt of a complete application.

In order to meet the expedited time frame, the engineer assigned for preliminary review will deem the application complete (if appropriate) and write the application review.

The application review and final ATC will be submitted to the lead engineer for review and signature.

Priority processing will be preempted if the application is subject to any public noticing requirements including school notice per California Health & Safety Code (CH&SC) 42301.6 (within 1,000 feet of any K-12 school).


In order to standardize the application reviews for this source category, the application review found on the AIRNET will be used as a base document. The following pages are hard copies of the standard review for new dry-batch concrete plant. Standard emission factors and emission control efficiencies are included and may be used if manufacturer’s information is not available. This hard copy version for the GEAR Policy manual includes a copy of the required supplemental application form (Attachment I), a copy of the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) requirements (Appendix ll), and a BACT analysis (Appendix lll).

The use of this standard Application Review will ensure:

A. That the proposed project complies with the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) requirements as specified in the District’s current BACT Clearinghouse.

B. That the ATC has enforceable daily emission limitations (DELs).

C. That the proposed project complies with all applicable prohibitory rules.


To ensure uniformity, standard description are established and presented in the attached engineer evaluation, and will be used in the database:


To ensure uniformity, a standard set of conditions is attached to the engineer evaluation and will be used as a base for all applications


This GEAR will be updated as necessary to accommodate any changes in prohibitory rules or other items affecting the policy.

The Permitting Handbook will also be updated whenever this GEAR document is updated.

Each update will be posted on the AIRNET by the GEAR coordinator for comments and the coordinator will forward the updates for the Director’s approval.




Dry-Batch Concrete Facility (> 700 yard3-Concrete/day)

| | |Engineer: | |

| | |Reviewed By: | |

| | |Date: | |

|Facility Name: | | | |

|Mailing Address: | | | |

|Location Address: | | | |

| | | | |

|Contact Name: | | | |

|Telephone Number: | | | |

| | | | |

|Applications Numbers: | | | |

|Project Number: | | | |

|Deemed Complete: | | | |

{Note 1: This Gear applies to new dry-batch concrete plant, with a capacity equal to or exceeding 700 yard3-concrete/day, and with:

- Cement silo(s) served by bin vent filter or baghouse,

- Flyash silo(s) served by bin vent filter or baghouse (Note: if flyash not used at the facility, just delete the reference to flyash),

- A cement and flyash weigh batcher served by a baghouse

- A sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher (different from the cement and flyash weigh batcher, and served by a baghouse, if BACT triggered), and

- A dust shroud vented to a baghouse (this baghouse may be shared with the cement weigh batcher) serving the truck loading operation.

|Equipment |Control device |

|Facility Capacity: >700 yard3-concrete/day |

|Cement Silo(s) |Bin Vent Filter or Baghouse |

|Flyash Silo (Optional) |Bin Vent Filter or Baghouse |

|One (1) Cement and Flyash Weigh Batcher |Baghouse |

|One (1) Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh Batcher (different from the cement and flyash |Baghouse (if BACT triggered) |

|weigh batcher) | |

|Concrete Truck Loading Operation |Dust Shroud Vented to a Baghouse |

If the equipment description does not match this standard lay-out, the project does not meet the criteria of this guideline, and therefore, this Gear is not applicable and you need to look for another Gear or discuss this issue with the applicant and your supervisor}

{Note 2: For the concrete truck loading operation, it is important to define precisely the type of device used to control PM10 emissions. In particular the concrete truck loading operation will be consider controlled by a baghouse only if the dust shroud is directly connected to the baghouse with no obstruction such as feeding cone full of material and avoiding the removed air from the truck to be vented to the baghouse. If the proposed equipment does not match this requirement, this Gear is not applicable and you need to discuss this issue with the applicant and your supervisor}

{Note 3: Permit Units are:

- Sand and coarse aggregate handling operation,

- Cement truck unloading and cement storage operation, consisting of n cement silo(s),

- Eventually, flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation, consisting of n flyash silo(s),

- Dry-batch concrete operation}

{Note 4: Concrete is composed essentially of water, cement, sand (fine aggregate) and coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate may consist of gravel, crushed stone, or iron blast furnace slag.}


xxx is a new facility applying for {three (3), four (4) xxx (x)} Authority to Construct (ATC) permits to build a new dry-batch concrete facility. The daily maximum capacity of this new facility is xxx yard3-concrete/day.

The operation will include:

- a sand and coarse aggregate handling operation (ATC #x-xxxx-1-0)

- a cement truck unloading and cement storage operation consisting of xxx (x) cement storage silo{s} (ATCs #x-xxxx-2-0),

- a flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation consisting one (1) flyash storage silo (ATC #x-xxxx, -3-0) {delete if not applicable}, and

- a dry-batch concrete operation (ATC #x-xxxx-4-0).


District Rule 2201 New and Modified Stationary Source Review (December 19, 2002)

District Rule 2520 Federally Mandated Operating Permits (June 21, 2001)

District Rule 4101 Visible Emissions (November 15, 2001)

District Rule 4102 Nuisance (December 17, 1992)

District Rule 4202 Particulate Matter-Emission Rate (December 17, 1992)

CH&SC 41700 California Health and Safety Code

CH&SC 42301.6 California Health and Safety Code


The project is located at 12345 N. Street Rd. in Any City, CA. The applicant states that the equipment is {not} located within 1,000 feet of a K-12 school. Therefore, the public notification requirement of California Health and Safety Code 42301.6 is {not} applicable to this project.


Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation (ATC #x-xxxx-1-0)

Sand and coarse aggregate are deposited by front-loader into a loader hopper. Sand and coarse aggregate are then conveyed to the plant by belt conveyors and stored in inter-plant overhead storage bins.

Cement {and Flyash} Truck Unloading and Storage Operation (ATCs #x-xxxx-2-0, and –3-0)

Dry Portland cement {and flyash} is {are} transported to the site by trucks. The cement {and flyash} is {are} then transferred to the cement {and flyash} silo{s} through air pressure tubes. {Each / The} cement {and flyash} storage tank is served by a {bin vent filter / baghouse}.

Dry-Batch Concrete Operation (ATC #x-xxxx-4-0)

Concrete is batched via computer by the batcher operator from the dispatch office. Drivers back-up the concrete mixer trucks beneath the plant batch discharge.

Cement {and flyash} are auger-fed through a closed system into the cement{/flyash} weigh batcher served by a baghouse. Sand and coarse aggregate are weighed in a separate sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher {served by a baghouse}.

Sand, coarse aggregate, cement and flyash are proportioned and are then directly loaded into a ready-mix truck where they are combined. Water is finally added to the mixed load directly into the truck. The truck loading operation is served by a dust shroud vented to {a baghouse / the baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher}.

Appendix l: Concrete Dry-Batch Plant Flow Diagram

The proposed operating schedule of this operation is: xx hours/day, x days/week, and xx weeks/year.


{To ensure uniformity, the following standard equipment description will be used. Note: spell the quantity of equipment and put in parenthesis the number}

{Note: Permit Units are:

- Sand and coarse aggregate handling operation,

- Cement truck unloading and cement storage operation, consisting of n cement silo(s),

- Eventually, flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation, consisting of n flyash silo(s),

- Dry-batch concrete operation}

Proposed New Permit Units:


|Detailed Equipment Listing for Unit # xxxx-1-0 |

|Equipment the Motor Serves |Motor Power Rating |Quantity |Total Power Rating |

| |(hp) | |(hp) |

|Sand Conveyor # | | | |

|Sand Conveyor # | | | |

|Sand Conveyor # | | | |

|Coarse Aggregate Conveyor # | | | |

|Coarse Aggregate Conveyor # | | | |

|Coarse Aggregate Conveyor # | | | |

|TOTAL Electrical hp |0 |



{This is not a crude oil operation !!!!! 1 BBL = 31.5 gal (and not 42 gal) !!}

|Detailed Equipment Listing for Unit # xxxx-2-0 |

|Equipment |Equipment Description |

|Cement Silo # |Capacity |xxx BBL |x 31.5 gal/BBL = |xxx gal |

| |Bin Vent Filter / |Brand Name |Model # |xx hp |xx cfm |

| |Baghouse | | | | |

|Cement Silo # |Capacity |xxx BBL |x 31.5 gal/BBL = |xxx gal |

| |Bin Vent Filter / |Brand Name |Model # |xx hp |xx cfm |

| |Baghouse | | | | |

|Cement Silo # |Capacity |xxx BBL |x 31.5 gal/BBL = |xxx gal |

| |Bin Vent Filter / |Brand Name |Model # |xx hp |xx cfm |

| |Baghouse | | | | |



{This is not a crude oil operation !!!!! 1 BBL = 31.5 gal (and not 42 gal) !!}

|Detailed Equipment Listing for Unit # xxxx-3-0 |

|Equipment |Equipment Description |

|Flyash Silo # |Capacity |xxx BBL |x 31.5 gal/BBL = |xxx gal |

| |Bin Vent Filter / |Brand Name |Model # |xx hp |xx cfm |

| |Baghouse | | | | |

|Flyash Silo # |Capacity |xxx BBL |x 31.5 gal/BBL = |xxx gal |

| |Bin Vent Filter / |Brand Name |Model # |xx hp |xx cfm |

| |Baghouse | | | | |

{IMPORTANT NOTE: For the concrete truck loading operation, it is important to define precisely the type of device used to control PM10 emissions. In particular the concrete truck loading operation will be consider controlled by a baghouse only if the dust shroud is directly connected to the baghouse with no obstruction such as feeding cone full of material and avoiding the removed air from the truck to be vented to the baghouse. If the proposed equipment does not match this requirement, this Gear does not apply and you need to discuss this issue with the applicant and your supervisor}

{Note: the eventual baghouse serving the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher may be shared with the cement and flyash weigh batcher. If it is the case, please adjust the following equipment description to the proper description}





|Detailed Equipment Listing for Unit # xxxx-4-0 |

|Equipment the Motor Serves |Motor Power Rating |Quantity |Total Power Rating |

| |(hp) | |(hp) |

|Cement Conveyor # | | | |

|Flyash Conveyor # | | | |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Conveyor # | | | |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Conveyor # | | | |

|Baghouse Serving the Cement and Flyash Weigh Batcher | | | |

|Baghouse Serving the sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh | | | |

|Batcher | | | |

|Water Pump | | | |

|Electrical Air Compressor | | | |

|TOTAL Electrical hp |0 |


This ready-mix dry-batch concrete plant operation will emit Particulate Matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to a nominal 10 microns (PM10). The applicant is proposing to control PM10 emissions from this process by the use of:

- {Bin vent filters or baghouses} for the cement {and flyash} delivery and storage operations;

- A baghouse serving the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher {delete if not applicable to this facility}

- A baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher,

- Enclosed discharge chute from the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher served by a dust shroud sealed to the concrete truck during the loading operation, and vented to {a baghouse / the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher baghouse} to control PM10 emissions from the concrete truck loading operation, and

- Wet suppression techniques for sand and coarse aggregate handling {delete if not applicable to this facility}:

{describe the emissions points controlled by water spray, such as}

- Conveyor xxx transfer point, from the {equipment description} to the {equipment description}, {and

- Conveyor xxx transfer point, from the {equipment description} to the {equipment description}. }

ATC #x-xxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation {applicable if water sprays used to controlled moisture content of sand or coarse aggregate}

Since PM10 emissions from {equipment description} will be controlled using water sprays, the following permit conditions will be listed on permit as follows:

• Spray nozzles serving the {equipment description} shall be installed and be maintained in proper working condition at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• All spray nozzles shall be turned on prior to operation of the line and shall remain on through the process to limit visible dust emissions, and maintain moisture content requirements of this permit. [District Rule 2201]

ATCs #C-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation,

ATCs #C-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation,

ATCs #C-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

Baghouses evaluation

The air/cloth ratio for the proposed dust collectors is calculated as follows:

Air/Cloth Ratio = Air Flow Rate ( Cloth Area

{filtration cleaning method: mechanical shaking, pulse jet, reverse air}

|Equipment |Manufacturer |Filtration Cleaning |Air Flow Rate |Filter Area |A/C Ratio |

| | |Method | | | |

| | | |ft3/min |ft2 |ft/min |

|Bin Vent Filter |Brand Name | | | | |

|Serving Cement Silo # | | | | | |

|Bin Vent Filter |Brand Name | | | | |

|Serving Cement Silo # | | | | | |

|Bin Vent Filter |Brand Name | | | | |

|Serving Flyash Silo # | | | | | |

|Baghouse |Brand Name | | | | |

|Serving Sand and Coarse | | | | | |

|Aggregate Weigh Batcher | | | | | |

|Baghouse |Brand Name | | | | |

|Serving Cement {and Flyash} | | | | | |

|Weigh Batcher, {and the Dust | | | | | |

|Shroud} | | | | | |

|{Baghouse serving the Dust |Brand Name | | | | |

|Shroud} | | | | | |

{Choose the appropriate baghouse cleaning mechanism design (mechanical shaking, pulse jet, or reverse air) and address each baghouse , combined if identical or one by one if different type}

Mechanical shaking is accomplished by using a motor that drives a shaft to move a rod connected to the bags. The shaking motion and speed depends upon the vendor’s design and the composition of dust deposited on the bag. The flow of dirty gas is stopped during the cleaning process. The duration of the cleaning cycle is usually 30 seconds to a few minutes. Mechanical shaking baghouses are generally designed with air-to-cloth ratio (filtering velocity) between 2 and 6 ft/min.


The pulse jet cleaning mechanism uses a high pressure jet of air to remove the dust from the bags. The dust cake is removed from the bag by a blast of compressed air injected into the top of the bag tube. The air blast causes the bag to flex or expand as the shock wave travels down the bag tube. As the bag tube flexes, the dust cake fractures and deposited particulates are discharged from the bag. Pulse jet baghouses are generally designed with air-to-cloth ratio (filtering velocity) between 5 and 15 ft/min.


Reverse air cleaning is accomplished by stopping the flow of dirty gas into the compartment and backwashing the compartment with a low pressure flow of air. Dust is removed by merely allowing the bags to collapse, thus causing the dust cake to break and fall into the hopper. Cleaning frequency varies from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the inlet dust concentration. The cleaning duration is approximately 10 to 30 seconds. Reverse air cleaning baghouses are generally designed with very low air-to-cloth ratio (filtering velocity), which are usually between 1 and 4 ft/min.

{and, if velocity within the proper range}

The calculated air-to-cloth ratio for the proposed {mechanical shaking or pulse jet or reverse air} cleaning baghouse is xxx ft/min which is within the typical range.

Thus, the proposed baghouse is designed for optimum performances, and is expected to achieve a control efficiency of at least 99% for PM10.

{and, if velocity out of the proper range}

The calculated air-to-cloth ratio for the proposed {mechanical shaking or pulse jet or reverse air} cleaning baghouse is xxx ft/min which is {above or below} the typical range.

However this piece of equipment is described by the manufacturer as a high efficiency dust collector, and the {facility and/or the baghouse manufacturer} {has / have} assured us that the baghouse is appropriate for their operation.

Thus, the existing baghouses are designed for optimum performances, and are expected to achieve a control efficiency of at least 99% for PM10.

Permit Conditions

To ensure that each baghouse or bin vent filters will be working properly, the following conditions will be placed on ATCs #x-xxxx-x-2-0, -3-0, and -4-0.

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be maintained and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be equipped with a pressure differential gauge to indicate the pressure drop across the bags. The gauge shall be maintained in good working condition at all times and shall be located in an easily accessible location. [District Rule 2201]

• The pressure differential gage reading range shall be established per manufacturer's recommendation at the time of start-up inspection. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) cleaning frequency and duration shall be adjusted to optimize the control efficiency. [District Rule 2201]

• {73} Material removed from the dust collector(s) shall be disposed of in a manner preventing entrainment into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• A spare set of bags or filters shall be maintained on the premises at all times. [District Rule 2201]

Thus, the proposed baghouse(s) and vent filters will be considered as designed for optimum performances, and expected to achieve a control efficiency of at least 99% for PM10.

In addition, for ATC #x-xxxx-4-0 , the following permit conditions will be listed as follows:

• {if one separate baghouse is only serving the cement and weigh batcher (1 weigh batcher/1baghouse)} The baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher shall be turned on prior loading, mixing and unloading operation of the weigh batcher and shall remain on through the process. [District Rule 2201]

• {if one baghouse serving the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher(1 weigh batcher/1baghouse)} The baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher shall be turned on prior loading, mixing and unloading operation of the weigh batcher and shall remain on through the process. [District Rule 2201]

• {if one baghouse serving both cement and flyash weigh batcher, and sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher (2 weigh batchers/1baghouse)} The baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher, and the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher shall be turned on prior loading, mixing and unloading operation of the weigh batcher and shall remain on through the process. [District Rule 2201]

• The concrete truck loading operation shall be served by a dust shroud sealed to the concrete truck during loading operation, and vented to a baghouse. [District Rule 2201]

• The baghouse serving the concrete truck loading operation shall be turned on prior loading and shall remain on through the concrete loading operation. [District Rule 2201]


A. Assumptions

- Maximum potential emissions are based on a 24 hours/day, 365 days/year

- PM10 will be the only emissions associated with this project.

- We will assume that 100 % of PM is PM10

- Grain conversion: 1 pound = 7,000 grains (AP-42-Appendix A-18)

- District procedures consider any sand or coarse aggregate material processed with moisture content greater than or equal to 6% by weight, as having negligible fugitive emissions due to the extreme water saturation

Maximum daily throughput:

{if the applicant requested to set daily or annual limit, this Gear does not apply}

| |Maximum Daily Throughput |Moisture Content |Source |

|Sand |xxx ton-sand/day |x% |Applicant’s data |

|Coarse Aggregate |xxx ton-coarse aggregate/day |x% |Applicant’s data |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Combined |xxx ton-sand and coarse aggregate/day |x% |Applicant’s data |

|(on conveyors form the weigh batcher to the truck| | | |

|loading) | | | |

|Cement |xxx ton-cement/day |N/A |Applicant’s data |

|Flyash |xxx ton-flyash/day |N/A |Applicant’s data |

|Concrete |xxx yard3/day |N/A |Applicant’s data |

B. Emissions Factors

Emissions factors for this dry-batch concrete plant are listed in the following table (See next page).

{Note 1: Use the following table to identify the proper emissions factors}

{Note 2: Delete the unnecessary rows, and unnecessary controlled EF, but, since they are used to calculate controlled EF, do not delete any uncontrolled EF}

{Note 3: Make sure you select the proper EF for truck loading operation. So, carefully read table foot note (4). FYI, a simple shroud with water spray is consider “control” with EF = 0.014 lb-PM10/yard3-concrete. To be considered controlled with a baghouse, the shroud has to be directly connected to the baghouse, meaning direct duct from the shroud to the baghouse}

{Note 4: Only for very specific case use the calculation table attached in table foot note (4) to recalculate EF with different data (Wind speed, particle size multiplier), otherwise, in every other cases, use the EF as listed in the following table}



| | | |Water (spray bars, …) |Baghouse / Bin Vent Filter (7) |

| | | |Moisture < 6% |Moisture > 6% | |

|Stockpiles |lb-PM10/1,000 ft2/day |0.00382 |0.00382 x (1 - 70%) = 0.0011 |0.0 |- - - |

| | | | | | |

| |lb-PM10/acre/day |0.1666 |0.1666 x (1 - 70%) = 0.050 |0.0 | |

| | |(1) |(2) |(3) | |

|Sand Transfer Point |lb-PM10/ton-sand | | @ 3%: 0.0020 | |0.0092 x (1 - 99%) = 0.000092 |

| | |@ 1%: 0.0092 |@ 4%: 0.0013 |0.0 | |

| | | |@ 5%: 0.00097 | | |

| | |(4) |(4) |(3) | |

|Coarse Aggregate Transfer Point |lb-PM10/ton-aggregate | | @ 3%: 0.0020 | |0.0092 x (1 - 99%) = 0.000092 |

| | |@ 1%: 0.0092 |@ 4%: 0.0013 |0.0 | |

| | | |@ 5%: 0.00097 | | |

| | |(4) |(4) |(3) | |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate |lb-PM10/ton-sand & aggregate |0.0024 |0.0024 x (1 - 70%) = 0.00072 |0.0 |0.0024 x (1 - 99%) = 0.000024 |

|Weigh Batcher Loading | | |(2) |(3) | |

| | | | | |0.0024 x (1 - 90%) = 0.00024 |

|Sand and Coarse aggregate |lb-PM10/ton-sand & aggregate | | @ 3%: 0.0020 | |0.0092 x (1 - 99%) = 0.000092 |

|Weigh Batcher Unloading | |@ 1%: 0.0092 |@ 4%: 0.0013 |0.0 | |

| | | |@ 5%: 0.00097 | | |

| | |(4) |(4) |(3) | |

|Cement |lb-PM10/ton-cement |0.46 |- - - |- - - |0.00034 |

|Silo Loading (pneumatic) | | | | | |

|Fly Ash (Supplement) |lb-PM10/ton-fly ash |1.10 |- - - |- - - |0.0049 |

|Silo Loading (pneumatic) | | | | | |

|Cement |lb-PM10/ton-cement |0.0024 |- - - |- - - |0.0024 x (1 - 99%) = 0.000024 |

|Weigh batcher Loading | | | | | |

| | | | | |0.0024 x (1 - 90%) = 0.00024 |

|Fly Ash (Supplement) |lb-PM10/ton-fly ash |0.0024 |- - - |- - - |0.0024 x (1 - 99%) = 0.000024 |

|Weigh Batcher Loading | | | | | |

| | | | | |0.0024 x (1 - 90%) = 0.00024 |

|Cement and Fly Ash (Supplement) |lb-PM10/ton-cement |0.0 |- - - |- - - |0.0 |

|Weigh batcher Unloading | |(Enclosed) | | |(Enclosed) |

|(To Enclosed Screw Conveyor/Enclosed Auger) | | | | | |

|Cement and Fly Ash (Supplement) |lb-PM10/ton-cement |0.0 |- - - |- - - |0.0 |

|Enclosed Screw Conveyor /Enclosed Auger | |(Enclosed) | | |(Enclosed) |

|Concrete Truck Loading |lb-PM10/yard3-concrete |0.042 |0.014 |0.042 x (1 - 99%) = 0.00042 |

| | | |(5) | |

| | | | |0.042 x (1 - 90%) = 0.0042 |

| | | | |(6) |

Except for stockpiles, and sand and coarse aggregate transfer point, emissions factors are from AP42, Table 11.12-2, and Table 11.12-3 (for Truck Loading Operation only).

For more specific cases, refer to: - AP42, Section 11.12, Concrete Batching, Table 11.12-2 (lb-PM10/ton)

- AP42, Section 11.12, Concrete Batching, Table 11.12-3 (lb-PM10/yard3-concrete)

- AP42, Section 11.19.1, Sand And Coarse aggregate Processing

- AP42, Section 13.2.4, Aggregate Handling And storage Piles

- AP42, Section 13.2.5, Industrial Wind Erosion

(1): Emission Factors are calculated using AP42, Section 13.2.5, Industrial Wind Erosion, guideline, and based on:

- Threshold Friction Velocity: 0.54 (Worse case, Fine Coal dust on concrete pad)

- Wind Speed: 12.0 mph, per District Regulation 8 for District Rule Development (more conservative than 7.5 mph from AP42, Section 7.1.63, for Stockton)

- Conical pile with typical Us/Ur distribution.

For more specific data, use Wind Erosion Emissions from Bulk Storage Piles for Rule 8031, Bulk Materials1 calculation spreadsheet.

(2): AP42, Section 11.19.1, Sand And Gravel Processing, Paragraph, Emissions and Controls, page 11.19.1-3 indicates that water spray systems at transfer point and on material handling operations have been estimated to reduce emissions 70 to 95%. Conservatively, we will consider 70% reduction

(3): District procedures consider any aggregate material processed with moisture content greater than or equal to 6% by weight, as having negligible fugitive emissions due to the extreme water saturation.

(4): AP42, Section 13.2.4, Aggregate Handling And storage Piles, Paragraph, Predictive Emission Factor Equations, page 13.2.4-3, identifies emission factors as follows:


For uncontrolled emissions, since the material is not completely dry, we will consider 1% moisture content.

(5): AP42, Section 11.12, Concrete Batching, Paragraph 11.12-2, Emissions and Controls, identifies water sprays, shrouds, movable and telescoping chutes as control device for controlled PM10 emissions factor for this type of operation.

(6): Since the control device proposed by applicant is a shroud served by a baghouse, we will consider the PM10 emission factor proposed by AP42, Section 11.12, Concrete Batching, Table 11.12-2 (lb-PM10/ton) for uncontrolled operation, and apply 99% control efficiency.

(7): Control efficiency is considered 99% for:

- baghouses designed and operated with air-to-cloth within the typical range (see CARB Baghouse manual), or

- bin vent filters equipped with a pressure differential gauge operated in good conditions, or

- baghouse or bin vent filters with control efficiency guarantied by the manufacturer equal or exceeding 99%.

Otherwise the bin vent filter control efficiency is assumed to be 90%.

C. Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PE1)

ATC #x-xxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

As this unit is a new source, the Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PE1) is:

PE1 = 0

ATC #C-xxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

As this unit is a new source, the Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PE1) is:

PE1 = 0

ATC #C-xxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

As this unit is a new source, the Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PE1) is:

PE1 = 0

ATC #C-xxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

As this unit is a new source, the Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PE1) is:

PE1 = 0

D. Post-Project Potential to Emit (PE2)

{Note 1: It is important to precisely identify the different emissions units associated with this project.

The following Permit Unit / Emissions Unit / Emissions Point Breakdown follows the guidelines from Internal Draft Policy, Permit Unit Determination.

See following pages Permit Unit / Emissions Unit / Emissions Point Breakdown Examples.}

{Note 2: the proposed Excel spreadsheets for Emissions Unit and Permit Unit potential to emit calculation are only examples and need to be modified according to applicant’s proposal and facility lay-out}

{Note: do not attach the following process flow chart to the evaluation, this is only a guideline}

|Permit Unit: Sand And Coarse aggregate handling Operation |

|EU: Emissions Unit |EP: Emissions Point |

|EU #1: Sand Loader Hopper |EP #11: Sand Hopper Loading |

| |EP #12: Sand Hopper Unloading |

|EU #2: Sand Conveyor #1 |EP #21: Sand Conveyor Transfer Point to the Sand Bin |

|EU #3: Sand Bin |EP #31: Sand Bin Unloading |

|EU #4: Coarse Aggregate Loader Hopper |EP #41: Coarse Aggregate Hopper Loading |

| |EP #42: Coarse Aggregate Hopper Unloading |

|EU #5 Coarse Aggregate Conveyor #2 |EP #51: Coarse Aggregate Conveyor Transfer Point to the Coarse Aggregate Bin |

|EU #6: Coarse Aggregate Bin |EP #61: Coarse Aggregate Bin Unloading |

|EU #7: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Conveyor system consisting of 2 |EP #71: Transfer Point from Conveyor #3 to Conveyor #4 |

|conveyors (#3 and #4) in series (both conveyors are operated together and|EP #72: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Conveyor Unloading to the Weigh Batcher |

|considered as 1 conveyor unit), | |

|Permit Unit: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation |

|EU: Emissions Unit |EP: Emissions Point |

|EU #1: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh Batcher |EP #11: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh Batcher Loading |

| |EP #12: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh Batcher Unloading |

|EU #2: Cement and Flyash Weigh Batcher served by a Baghouse |EP #21: Baghouse serving the Cement and Flyash Weigh Batcher Loading |

| |EP #22: Cement and Flyash Weigh Batcher Unjloading |

|EU #3: Cement and Flyash Enclosed Auger |EP #31: Cement and Flyash Enclosed Auger Unloading |

|EU #4: Concrete Truck Loading Operation served by a dust Shroud vented to a |EP #41: Baghouse Serving the Concrete Truck Loading Operation |

|Baghouse (Shared with the Cement and Flyash Weigh Batcher) | |

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

The Post-Project Potential to Emit (PE2) is calculated as follows:

{Note: if sand and coarse aggregate are combined and used the same equipment, you may want to use the following table:}

{If several conveyors please apply a # to each conveyor, otherwise delete the # sign in the table below}


{Note: if sand and coarse aggregate are combined and used the same equipment, you may want to use the following table:}.

{If several conveyors please apply a # to each conveyor, otherwise delete the # sign in the table below}


ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

The Post-Project Potential to Emit (PE2) is calculated as follows:


ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

In order to consider the worse case scenario we will calculate the Post-Project Potential to Emit (PE2) using the potential to emit between cement and flyash handling, which is emissions from flyash handling.


ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation


E. Pre-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE1)

Facility emissions calculations are necessary to determine:

- if the facility is becoming a Major Source as a result of this project (SSPE2 exceeding the Major Source thresholds), and

- if offsets are triggered (SSPE2 exceeding the offsets thresholds).

Pursuant to Section 4.9 of District Rule 2201, the Pre-project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE1) is the Potential to Emit (PE) from all units with valid Authorities to Construct (ATC) or Permits to Operate (PTO) at the Stationary Source and the quantity of emission reduction credits (ERC) which have been banked since September 19, 1991 for Actual Emissions Reductions that have occurred at the source, and which have not been used on-site.

Since this a new facility, there are no existing valid ATCs, PTOs, or ERCs at the Stationary Source, and therefore, for each criteria pollutant, the SSPE1 is:

SSPE1 = 0

F. Post-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE2)

Pursuant to Section 4.10 of District Rule 2201, the Post-project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE2) is the Potential to Emit (PE) from all units with valid Authorities to Construct (ATC) or Permits to Operate (PTO) at the Stationary Source and the quantity of emission reduction credits (ERC) which have been banked since September 19, 1991 for Actual Emissions Reductions that have occurred at the source, and which have not been used on-site.

The Post-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE2) is:

|Permitted Units |SSPE2 |

| |NOX |SOX |PM10 |CO |VOC |

| |lb-/year |lb-/year |lb-/year |lb-/year |lb-/year |

|ATC #x-xxxx-1-0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation | | | | | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-2-0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 |

|Cement Truck Unloading and Storage Operation | | | | | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-3-0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 |

|Flyash Truck Unloading and Storage Operation | | | | | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-4-0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 |

|Dry-batch Concrete Operation | | | | | |

|Total Stationary Source |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|Potential to Emit (SSPE2) | | | | | |

G. Major Source Determination

The following table compares pre-project and post-project facility-wide annual emissions to the Major Source Thresholds from District Rule 2201, amended April 25, 2002, in order to determine if the facility is already or becoming a Major Source as the result of this project.

A Major Source is a source with an SSPE2, which equals or exceeds any of the following Major Source thresholds.

|Pollutant |SSPE1 |SSPE2 |Major Source Thresholds |Major |

| | | | |Source ? |

|NOX |0 lb-NOX/year |0 lb-NOX/year |50,000 lb-NOX/year |No |

|SOX |0 lb-SOX/year |0 lb-SOX/year |140,000 lb-SOX/year |No |

|PM10 |xxx lb-PM10/year |xxx lb-PM10/year |140,000 lb-PM10/year |No |

|CO |0 lb-CO/year |0 lb-CO/year |200,000 lb-CO/year |No |

|VOC |0 lb-VOC/year |0 lb-VOC/year |50,000 lb-VOC/year |No |

This new facility is not becoming a Major Source as a result of this project.

{If any Major Source threshold is exceeded: STOP…..this is not a Gear}

H. Annual Baseline Emissions (BE)

The annual BE is performed permit unit by permit unit, pollutant by pollutant, to determine the amount of offsets required, where necessary, when the SSPE1 is greater than the offset threshold.

BE = Pre-project Potential to Emit for:

- Any unit located at a non-Major Source,

- Any Highly-Utilized Emissions Unit, located at a Major Source,

- Any Fully-Offset Emissions Unit, located at a Major Source, or

- Any Clean Emissions Unit, Located at a Major Source.


BE = Historic Actual Emissions (HAE), calculated pursuant to District Rule 2201, Section 3.23.

{If any Major Source threshold is exceeded: STOP…..this is not a Gear}

The permit unit associated with this Stationary Source Project is located at a non-Major Source, therefore:

BE = Pre-Project Potential to Emit (PE1 lb/year)

Since these units are new units, and since PM10 is the only pollutant of concern associated with this project, for each unit affected by this project:

BE = PE1 = 0 lb-PM10/year

I. Quarterly Baseline Emissions (QBE)

The QBE is required, unit-by-unit, pollutant by pollutant, to determine the Quarterly Net Emissions Change below.

As discussed above, BE = PE1, therefore, for each unit:

QBE = (PE1 lb/year) / (4 qtr/year) = 0 lb-PM10/qtr

J. Quarterly Net Emissions Change (QNEC)

The QNEC is entered into PAS database and subsequently reported to CARB. For seasonal sources, or where the emissions differ quarter to quarter, then evaluate each pollutant for each quarter separately. The QNEC is calculated for each pollutant, for each unit, as the difference between the post-project quarterly permitted emissions and the quarterly baseline emissions.

QNEC = Quarterly PE2 – QBE = Quarterly PE2

Since PM10 is the only pollutant of concern affect by this project, for each unit

|Permit Unit |QNEC |

|ATC #x-xxxx-1-0 |lb-PM10/qtr |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-2-0 |lb-PM10/qtr |

|Cement Truck Unloading and Storage Operation | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-3-0 |lb-PM10/qtr |

|Flyash Truck Unloading and Storage Operation | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-4-0 |lb-PM10/qtr |

|Dry-Batch Concrete Operation | |

K. Contemporaneous Increase in Permitted Emissions (CIPE) and Title l Modification

Section 3.39 of District Rule 2201 defines a Title I Modification as “the same as a Major Modification.” District Policy APR 1125 defines a Major Modification as "any physical change in or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source that would result in a significant net emissions increase of any pollutant subject to regulation under the Act."

Calculating the CIPE is required for existing Major Sources to determine if the current project has emissions increases above Title I Modification thresholds or is required for existing non-Major Sources becoming Major Sources, to determine if the current project has emissions increases above Major Source thresholds.

As discussed in Section VII-G above, this facility is not a Major Source and not becoming a Major Source as a result of this project, therefore CIPE calculations are not necessary.

For non-Major-Source, the Title I Modification thresholds are equivalent to the Major Source Thresholds. Therefore, since this facility is not becoming a Major Source, the project is not a Title I Modification (Major Modification), and no further discussion is required.


District Rule 2201 New and Modified Stationary Source Review Rule

A. Best Available Control Technology (BACT)

1. BACT Applicability

BACT requirements are triggered on a pollutant-by-pollutant basis and on an emissions unit-by-emissions unit basis for the following:

1) Any new emissions unit with a Potential to Emit exceeding two pounds in any one day,

2) The relocation from one Stationary Source to another of an existing emissions unit with a potential to emit exceeding two pounds in any one day, and

(3) Modifications to an existing emissions unit with a valid Permit to Operate resulting in an Adjusted Increase in Permitted Emissions (AIPE) exceeding two pounds in any one day (*).

4) The pollutants for which a Title I Modification has been triggered. (regardless of Daily PE increase).

(*) Except for CO emissions from a new or modified emissions unit at a Stationary Source with an SSPE2 of less than 200,000 pounds of CO per year.

2. BACT Analysis

For new emissions units, BACT is triggered if the Potential to Emit exceeds two pounds in any one day.

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand And Coarse aggregate Handling Operation

|Emissions Units |Daily PE2 |BACT Threshold |BACT Required ? |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Loader Hopper | | | |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Conveyor xxx | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Conveyor xxx | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

|Emissions Unit |Daily PE2 |BACT Threshold |BACT Required ? |

|Cement Storage Silo {#1} Served by a Bin Vent| lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Filter | | | |

|Cement Storage Silo {#2} Served by a Bin Vent| lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Filter | | | |

ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

|Emissions Unit |Daily PE2 |BACT Threshold |BACT Required ? |

|Flyash Storage Silo Served by a Bin Vent | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Filter | | | |

|Flyash Storage Silo Served by a Bin Vent | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Filter | | | |

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

|Emissions Units |Daily PE2 |BACT Threshold |BACT Required ? |

|Cement and Flyash | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Weigh Batcher | | | |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh Batcher | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

|Concrete Truck Loading Operation | lb-PM10/day |2.0 lb/day |Yes / No |

3. Top Down BACT Analysis

As indicated above, none of the emissions units at this new facility triggers BACT.


As indicated above, BACT is triggered for the following emissions units:

{Delete any statement if not applicable}

- the sand and coarse aggregate loader hopper, {and}

- the sand and coarse aggregate conveyor #xxx, {and}

- the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher, {and}

- the cement and flyash weigh batcher, {and}

- the concrete truck loading operation.

{For each emissions unit that triggers BACT, the following discussion is required. Delete the paragraph for units that do not trigger BACT}

{Sand and Coarse Aggregate} Storage Piles {if applicable}

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of water to prevent visible emissions from the {sand and coarse aggregate} storage piles > 5% opacity.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the following permit conditions will be listed on permit as follows

• Spray nozzles serving the {equipment description} shall be installed and be maintained in proper working condition at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• All spray nozzles shall be turned on prior to operation of the line and shall remain on through the process to limit visible dust emissions, and maintain moisture content requirements of this permit. [District Rule 2201]

{Sand and Coarse Aggregate} Loader Hopper

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of water sprays on the {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the following permit conditions will be listed on permit as follows

• Spray nozzles serving the {equipment description} shall be installed and be maintained in proper working condition at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• All spray nozzles shall be turned on prior to operation of the line and shall remain on through the process to limit visible dust emissions, and maintain moisture content requirements of this permit. [District Rule 2201]

{Sand and Coarse Aggregate} Conveyor #xxx

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of water sprays on all transfer points of the {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the following permit conditions will be listed on permit as follows

• Spray nozzles serving the {equipment description} shall be installed and be maintained in proper working condition at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• All spray nozzles shall be turned on prior to operation of the line and shall remain on through the process to limit visible dust emissions, and maintain moisture content requirements of this permit. [District Rule 2201]

Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weigh Batcher

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in Appendix lll, BACT requirements are satisfied with use of a sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a baghouse with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the equipment description will identify the baghouse serving the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher, and specify that discharge chutes are enclosed and vented to the baghouse.

Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of enclosed cement conveyors, and cement storage silo vented to a bin vent filter with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the equipment description will identify the PM10 control device serving the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation, and specify that conveyors are fully enclosed.

Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of enclosed flyash conveyors, and flyash storage silo vented to a bin vent filter with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the equipment description will identify the PM10 control device serving the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation, and specify that conveyors are fully enclosed.

Cement {and Flyash} Weigh Batcher

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of a cement {and flyash} enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors; and weigh batchers and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a baghouse with 99 % PM10 control efficiency.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the equipment description will identify the enclosed conveyors and the baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher, and specify that discharge chutes are fully enclosed.

In addition the following permit condition will be listed on permit as follows:

• The baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher shall be turned on prior loading, mixing and unloading operation of the weigh batcher. [District Rule 2201]

Concrete Truck Loading Operation

For this new emissions unit, BACT requirements guideline is BACT Guideline 6.2.2 Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

See Appendix ll: BACT requirements, BACT Clearinghouse (3rd quarter, 2003) Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day.

As discussed in the top-down BACT analysis, BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of a discharge chute to a truck loading station served by a flexible shroud, which seals to the truck and vented to a baghouse with 99 % PM10 control efficiency.

See Appendix lll: BACT Analysis.

To enforce BACT requirements, the equipment description will identify the discharge chute to the concrete truck is served by dust shroud sealed to the concrete truck, and vented to a baghouse.

In addition the following permit condition will be listed on permit as follows:

• The concrete truck loading operation shall be served by a dust shroud sealed to the concrete truck during loading operation, and vented to a baghouse. [District Rule 2201]

• The baghouse serving the concrete truck loading operation shall be turned on prior loading and during all time of the concrete loading operation. [District Rule 2201]


1. Offset Applicability

Offset requirements shall be triggered on a pollutant-by-pollutant basis. Unless exempted pursuant to District Rule 2201, Section 4.6, offsets shall be required if the post-project SSPE2 equals or exceeds the following offset threshold levels.

The following table compares the Post-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE2) to the offset thresholds in order to determine if offsets are triggered as the result of this project.

|Pollutant |SSPE2 |Offset |Offsets triggered ? |

| | |Thresholds | |

|NOX |0 lb-NOX/year |20,000 lb-NOX/year |No |

|SOX |0 lb-SOX/year |54,750 lb-SOX/year |No |

|PM10 |lb-PM10/year |29,200 lb-PM10/year |Yes / No |

|CO |0 lb-CO/year |200,000 lb-CO/year |No |

|VOC |0 lb-VOC/year |20,000 lb-VOC/year |No |

2. Quantity of Offsets Required (QOR)

{if offsets are not required}

Since the SSPE2 does not exceed the offset threshold for any pollutant, offsets are not required.

{if offsets are required}

Pursuant District Rule 2201, Section 4.7.2, since SSPE1 is below the PM10 offsets threshold and SSPE2 exceeds the PM10 offsets threshold, PM10 Emission Offsets Quantity (EOQ) is calculated as follows:



DOR: Distance Offset Ratio, determined pursuant to District Rule 2201, Section 4.8

PM10 EOQ: PM10 Emission Offsets Quantity (EOQ) calculated as follows:

PM10 EOQ = Annual SSPE2 PM10 – PM10 Offsets Threshold

+ all Increase in Cargo Carrier Emissions

PM10 Emission Offsets Quantity (EOQ)

In this case there is no cargo carrier at this facility, therefore:

PM10 EOQ = (Annual SSPE2 PM10 – PM10 Offsets Threshold) x DOR

PM10 EOQ = xx lb-PM10/year – 29,200 lb-PM10/year

PM10 EOQ = xx lb-PM10/year

Since Actual Emission Reductions will be affected on a quarterly basis, therefore, the required offsets are listed is the following table.

|Amount of NOX Emissions to be Offset |

| |Annual |Quarter #1 |Quarter #2 |Quarter #3 |Quarter #4 |

|PM10 (lbs) | | | | | |

Quantity of Offsets Required (QOR)


Applicant identified a source of offsets for NOX. Based on applicant’s data, Emission Reduction Credits (ERC) Certificate Number C-498-2 shall be used to supply the required offsets.

Permit conditions will be placed on the permit to ensure that offsets will be provided for the above emissions at the proper offset ratio pursuant to Section 4.8 of Rule 2201:

• {1957} Prior to operating equipment under this Authority to Construct, permittee shall surrender (pollutant) emission reduction credits for the following quantities of emissions: 1st quarter - xxx lb, 2nd quarter - xxx lb, 3rd quarter - xxx lb, and fourth quarter - xxx lb. Offsets shall be provided at the applicable offset ratio specified in Table 4-2 of Rule 2201 (as amended 12/19/02). [District Rule 2201]

• {1983} ERC Certificate Number x-xxxx-x- shall be used to supply the required offsets, unless a revised offsetting proposal is received and approved by the District, upon which this Authority to Construct shall be reissued, administratively specifying the new offsetting proposal. Original public noticing requirements, if any, shall be duplicated prior to reissuance of this Authority to Construct. [District Rule 2201]

B. Public Notification

1. Public Notice Applicability

Public noticing is required for:

a. New Facility which is becoming a new Major Source,

b. Title I Modification,

c. Any project which results in the offset thresholds being exceeded,

d. Any new Emissions Unit with a PE greater than 100 pounds during any one day for and pollutant, and/or

e. Any project with a SSIPE (Stationary Source Increase in Permitted Emission) of greater than 20,000 lb/year for any pollutant.

2. Public Notice Analysis

a. New Facility becoming a New Major Source

This facility is a new facility and does not become Major Source as result of this project. Therefore public noticing is not required for New Major Source purposes.

b. Title I Modification

As discussed in Section Vll-K, this project does not constitute a Title l modification and therefore, public noticing is not required for Title I Modification purposes.

c. Offset Threshold

Public notification is required for modifications that increases the Pre-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE1) from a level below the emissions offsets thresholds level to a level exceeding the emissions offsets thresholds level for one or more pollutants.

|Pollutant |SSPE1 |SSPE2 |Offset |Public Notice |

| | | |Thresholds |triggered ? |

|NOX |0 lb-NOX/year |0 lb-NOX/year |20,000 lb-NOX/year |No |

|SOX |0 lb-SOX/year |0 lb-SOX/year |54,750 lb-SOX/year |No |

|PM10 |0 lb-PM10/year | lb-PM10/year |29,200 lb-PM10/year |Yes / No |

|CO |0 lb-CO/year |0 lb-CO/year |200,000 lb-CO/year |No |

|VOC |0 lb-VOC/year |0 lb-VOC/year |20,000 lb-VOC/year |No |

{if offsets are not required}

As shown above, since offsets thresholds are not exceeded, public noticing is not required for Offset Thresholds purposes.

{if offsets are required}

This is a new Stationary Source with a post-project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE2) exceeding the emissions offset thresholds level for PM10 emissions.

Since the Pre-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE1) does not exceed the emissions offsets threshold, and the Post-Project Stationary Source Potential to Emit (SSPE2) exceeds the emissions offsets threshold level for PM10 emissions, pursuant District Rule 2201, Section 5.4.3, Public notice is required.

d. Potential to Emit (PE) > 100 lb/day, for new Emission Unit

This project does not include any new emissions unit with a potential to emit exceeding 100 lb/day. Therefore Public Noticing is not required for this project for new emissions unit PE exceeding this limit.

e. Stationary Source Increase in Permitted Emissions (SSIPE) > 20,000 lb/year

Public noticing is required if the SSIPE exceeds 20,000 lb/year for any pollutant, with:


As discussed above, since this a new facility, SSPE1 = 0, and therefore:


The SSIPE is compared to the SSIPE Public Notice thresholds in the following table:

|Pollutant |SSIPE = SSPE2 |Public Notice |Public Notice Triggered ? |

| | |Thresholds | |

|NOX |0 lb-NOX/year |20,000 lb-NOX/year |No |

|SOX |0 lb-SOX/year |20,000 lb-SOX/year |No |

|PM10 |xxx lb-PM10/year |20,000 lb-PM10/year |Yes / No |

|CO |0 lb-CO/year |20,000 lb-CO/year |No |

|VOC |0 lb-VOC/year |20,000 lb-VOC/year |No |

{SSIPE < Public Notice Thresholds}

Since the SSIPE for PM10 emissions does not exceed the SSIPE public notice thresholds of 20,000 lb/year, public noticing for SSIPE is not required for this project.

{SSIPE > Public Notice Thresholds}

Since the SSIPE for PM10 emissions exceeds the SSIPE public notice thresholds of 20,000 lb/year, public noticing for SSIPE is required for this project.

3. Conclusion

As discussed above, Public Notification is not required for this project.

Daily Emission Limits (DELs)

Rule 2201, Section 5.1.9 requires Daily Emissions Limits (DELs) to be included on the Permit Requirements. DELs are required to reflect applicable emission limits and to enforce the applicability of BACT.

This will be satisfied by including the following conditions:

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0:Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

• The maximum daily throughput of sand processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall not exceed xxx ton-sand/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall not exceed xxx ton-coarse aggregate/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand hopper loading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand hopper unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate hopper loading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate hopper unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand transfer operation at each sand {and coarse aggregate} conveyor shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate transfer operation at each {sand and} coarse aggregate conveyor shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-coarse aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand bin unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate bin unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

• The maximum daily throughput of cement processed at the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not exceed xxx ton-cement/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-cement. [District Rule 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation {if flyash is used, otherwise delete}

• The maximum daily throughput of flyash processed at the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not exceed xxx ton-flyash/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• Daily PM10 emissions rate from the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-flyash. [District Rule 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

• The maximum daily throughput of concrete processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx yard3-concrete/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of cement processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-cement/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• {if flyash is used, otherwise delete} The maximum daily throughput of flyash processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-flyash/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of sand processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-sand/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of coarse aggregate processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-coarse aggregate/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher loading operation shall not exceed either of the following limits: xxx lb-PM10/ton-cement or xxx lb-PM10/ton-flyash. [District Rule 2201]

• {if flyash is used, otherwise delete} PM10 emissions rate from the cement and flyash weigh batcher loading operation shall not exceed either of the following limits: xxx lb-PM10/ton-cement or xxx lb-PM10/ton-flyash. [District Rule 2201]

• {106 Modified} There shall be no visible emissions from the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher unloading operation for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher loading operation shall not exceed either of the following limits: xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand or xxx lb-PM10/ton-coarse aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand and coarse aggregate combined. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the concrete truck loading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/yard3-concrete. [District Rule 2201]

Compliance Assurance

1. Source Testing

Initial source testing will not be required for this operation. District requires initial source testing for units with emissions >30 lb/day, but baghouse only serves weigh batchers and discharge chutes. Other dust emissions are fugitive in nature, which are difficult and costly to measure through direct source testing.

2. Monitoring

{Since EF are based on moisture content, it is required to monitor the moisture content of:

- Sand

- Coarse aggregate

- Sand and coarse aggregate combined.

The permittee shall monitor visible emissions and moisture content of sand and coarse aggregated processed through operation.

This shall be satisfied by including the following conditions:

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse aggregate Handling Operation

• {24} All haul roads and other roadways traversed by mobile equipment and/or motor vehicles shall be adequately moistened with water at such a frequency as required to prevent visible emissions equal to or in excess of 20% opacity from such roads. [District NSR Rule]

• All stockpiled sand, coarse aggregate, rock and other materials shall be maintained adequately moist to prevent visible emissions in excess of 20% opacity. [District Rule 2201]

• Visible emissions from any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any other affected facility shall not exceed 10% opacity as measured per Code of Federal Regulation, Part 60, Chapter 1, Title 40, Subpart OOO. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• {if spray nozzles used to control moisture content (Applicant’s proposal, BACT requirement, ..)}Spray nozzles serving the {equipment description, such as, sand and aggregate loader batcher, and sand and aggregate conveyors transfer points} shall be installed and be maintained in proper working condition at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• {if spray nozzles used to control moisture content (Applicant’s proposal, BACT requirement, ..)}All spray nozzles shall be turned on prior to operation of the line and shall remain on through the process to limit visible dust emissions, and maintain moisture content requirements of this permit. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of sand processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained at xxx% or greater, by weight. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained at xxx% or greater, by weight. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be measured on monthly basis and when requested by the District. [District Rule 2201]

• The percent moisture of sand processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be determined by weighing an approximately 2-lb sample of sand processed through conveyor xxx, from the {equipment designation} to {equipment designation}, bringing the sample to dryness in a drying oven, then weighing the dried sample. The weight difference is the moisture content. [District Rule 2201]

• The percent moisture of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be determined by weighing an approximately 2-lb sample of coarse aggregate processed through {equipment designation}, from the a{equipment designation} to {equipment designation}, bringing the sample to dryness in a drying oven, then weighing the dried sample. The weight difference is the moisture content. [District Rule 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

• Visible emissions from the bin vent filter serving the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101].

ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

• Visible emissions from the bin vent filter serving the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101].

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

• Visible emissions from the baghouse serving the cement weigh batcher {and the dust shroud of the truck loading operation} shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• Moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate combined discharged from the {equipment designation} onto conveyor xxx shall be maintained at xxx% or greater, by weight. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate combined processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall be measured on monthly basis and when requested by the District. [District Rule 2201]

• The percent moisture of the sand and coarse aggregate combined processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall be determined by weighing an approximately 2-lb sample of sand and coarse aggregate processed through conveyor xxx from the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher to the truck loading operation, bringing the sample to dryness in a drying oven, then weighing the dried sample; the weight difference is the moisture content. [District Rule 2201]

3. Record Keeping

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

• Records of daily amount of sand and records of daily amount of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

• Records of monthly moisture content of sand and records of monthly moisture content of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

• Records of daily amount of cement processed at the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

• Records of daily amount of flyash processed at the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

• Records of daily amount of concrete processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

• Record of monthly moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate combined processed at the concrete dry-batch operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

Ambient Air Quality Analysis { Only applicable when public notice is triggered, otherwise delete the entire paragraph}

{Note: An AAQA is conducted by the Technical Services group, for any project which has an increase in emissions and triggers public notification requirements. Discuss the AAQA results as follows}

For example:

Section 4.14.2 of this Rule requires that an ambient air quality analysis (AAQA) be conducted for the purpose of determining whether a new or modified Stationary Source will cause or make worse a violation of an air quality standard. The Technical Services Division of the SJVAPCD conducted the required analysis. Refer to Appendix X of this document for the AAQA summary sheet.

The proposed location is in an attainment area for NOX, CO, and SOX. As shown by the AAQA summary sheet the proposed equipment will not cause a violation of an air quality standard for NOX, CO, or SOX.

The proposed location is in a non-attainment area for PM10. The increase in the ambient PM10 concentration due to the proposed equipment is shown on the table titled Calculated Contribution. The levels of significance, from 40 CFR Part 51.165 (b)(2), are shown on the table titled Significance Levels.

|Significance Levels |

|Pollutant |Significance Levels ((g/m3) - 40 CFR Part 51.165 (b)(2) |

| |Annual Avg. |24 hr Avg. |8 hr Avg. |3 hr Avg. |1 hr Avg. |

|PM10 |1.0 |5 |N/A |N/A |N/A |

|Calculated Contribution |

|Pollutant |Calculated Contributions ((g/m3) |

| |Annual Avg. |24 hr Avg. |8 hr Avg. |3 hr Avg. |1 hr Avg. |

|PM10 |0.XX |X.XX |N/A |N/A |N/A |

As shown, the calculated contribution of PM10 will not exceed the EPA significance level. This project is not expected to cause or make worse a violation of an air quality standard.

District Rule 2520 Federally Mandated Operating Permits

Since this facility’s potential emissions do not exceed any major source thresholds of District Rule 2201, this facility is not a major source, and District Rule 2520 does not apply.

District Rule 4101 Visible Emissions

For operation not served by a baghouse, Section 5.0 indicates that no air contaminant shall be discharged into the atmosphere for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour, which is dark or darker than Ringlemann 1 or equivalent to 20% opacity.

For operation served by a baghouse, visible emissions shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour.

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

Permit conditions will be listed on permit as follows:

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Visible emissions from any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any other affected facility shall not exceed 10% opacity as measured per Code of Federal Regulation, Part 60, Chapter 1, Title 40, Subpart OOO. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

ATC #x-xxxx -2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

A permit condition will be listed on each permit as follows:

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Visible emissions from the bin vent filter serving the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101].

ATC #x-xxxx -3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

A permit condition will be listed on each permit as follows:

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Visible emissions from the bin vent filter serving the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101].

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

Permit conditions will be listed on permit as follows:

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Visible emissions from any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any other affected facility shall not exceed 10% opacity as measured per Code of Federal Regulation, Part 60, Chapter 1, Title 40, Subpart OOO. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• {106 Modified} There shall be no visible emissions from the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher unloading operation for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

Therefore, compliance with District Rule 4101 requirements is expected.

District Rule 4102 Nuisance

District Rule 4102 Section 4.0 prohibits of air contaminants, which could cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to the public.

CH&SC 41700 - California Health and Safety Code

The District’s Risk Management Policy for Permitting New and Modified Sources (APR 1905, 3/2/01) requires that a Risk Management Review is performed for any increase in hourly or annual emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). HAPs are limited to substances included on the list in CH&SC 44321 and that have an OEHHA approved health risk value.

This project results in increases in emissions of HAPs.

The risk associated with emissions increase for this project was reviewed by performing a prioritization in accordance with the requirements of the CAPCOA prioritization guidelines. The resulting prioritization score, acute hazard index, chronic hazard index, and cancer risk from this project is shown below.

|Health Risk Assessment Summary |

|Worst Case Potential |

|Prioritization Score |[ ] at [ ] meters |

|Cancer Risk |xxx |

|Acute Hazard Index |xxx |

|Chronic Hazard Index |xxx |

|T-BACT Required? |Yes/No |

|Project Approved? |Yes/No |

{Use one of the following paragraphs}

{Prioritization Score < to 1.0 (Project for the New Facility)}

Pursuant to the District Risk Management Policy for New and Modified Sources, since the prioritization score is equal to or less than 1.0, a screening Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is not required.

The project is approved for permitting without consideration of Toxic Best Available Control Technology (T-BACT).

In accordance with this policy, no further analysis is required, and compliance with District Rule 4102 requirements is expected.

See Appendix Il: Health Risk Assessment Summary

{OR Prioritization Score > to 1.0 and Cancer Risk < to 1.0 per million (acute and chronic indices)}

Pursuant to the District Risk Management Policy for New and Modified Sources, a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is required for projects with a prioritization score greater than 1.0. Since the prioritization score of the sum of all projects subject to District’s Risk Management Review Policy is greater than one, a HRA is requested.

District policy APR 1905 specifies that the increase in emissions associated with a proposed new source or modification project not pose a significant health risk. A cancer risk greater than 1.0 per million is considered to pose a significant risk.

Since the HRA indicates that risk is below District acute, chronic, and cancer risk thresholds, Toxic Best Available Technology (T-BACT) is not required for this project.

In accordance with the policy, no further analysis is required. As long as the unit is properly maintained and operated, it should not be a public nuisance. Therefore compliance with District Rule 4102 requirements is expected.

See Appendix Il: Health Risk Assessment Summary

{OR Prioritization Score > to 1.0 and Cancer Risk > to 1.0 per million (acute and chronic indices)}

Pursuant to the District Risk Management Policy for New and Modified Sources, a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is required for projects with a prioritization score greater than one. Since the prioritization score of the sum of all projects subject to District’s Risk Management Review Policy is greater than one, a HRA is requested.

District policy APR 1905 specifies that the increase in emissions associated with a proposed new source or modification project not pose a significant health risk. A cancer risk greater than 1.0 per million is considered to pose a significant risk.

For projects where the increase in cancer risk is greater than 1.0 per million, Toxic Best Available Technology (T-BACT) is required.

Based on the HRA results, T-BACT is required for this project.

The applicant has proposed T-BACT, therefore, compliance with District Risk Management Policy is expected.

{Note: If T-BACT is not proposed, the project cannot be approved}

The following permit conditions are required to ensure compliance with the assumptions made for the risk management review:

In accordance with the policy, no further analysis is required. As long as the unit is properly maintained and operated it should not be a public nuisance. Therefore compliance with District Rule 4102 requirements is expected.

See Appendix Il: Health Risk Assessment Summary

District Rule 4201 Particulate Matter Concentration

Assuming in the worse case 100% PM is PM10, the grain loading concentration from each baghouse or bin vent filter is calculated as follows:



None of the PM concentrations from the baghouse{s} or bin vent filter{s} exceeds the 0.1 grain/dscf threshold.

Therefore, compliance with District Rule 4201 requirements is expected.

District Rule 4202 Particulate Matter Emission Rate

Per section 4.1, particulate matter (PM) emissions from any source operation shall not exceed the allowable hourly emission rate (E) as calculated using the following applicable formulas:

E = 3.59 P0.62 (when, P = process weight rate ( 30 tons/hr)

E = 17.31 P0.16 (when, P = process weight rate ( 30 tons/hr)

ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

In order to quantify the maximum PM hourly emissions of each unit, and to be conservative, we will consider the worse case scenario which will occur when conveying coarse aggregate at xxx% moisture content {the lowest proposed moisture content} and at the conveyor with the maximum loading capacity.

The conveyor #xxx from {equipment description} to {equipment description} at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation has a xxx ton/hr maximum loading capacity.

Assuming in the worse case 100% PM is PM10, the maximum allowable PM hourly emission rate from each transfer point at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation is calculated as follows:

E = 3.59 x ppp0.62 = xx.xx lb-PM/hr


E = 17.31 x ppp0.16 = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

Using the PM10 emission factor for coarse aggregate handling operation (transfer point) at xxx% moisture content or above, the maximum PM emissions from the each transfer point at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation are expected to be:

PM = xxx lb-PM/ton-coarse aggregate x ttt ton-coarse aggregate/hr = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

PM = xx.xx lb-PM/hr < E = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

Therefore compliance with this District Rule 4202 is expected for each transfer point at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation.

ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

{if several identical cement silos served by identical bin vent filters, use the following paragraph otherwise delete it}

The cement truck unloading and cement storage operation consists of several identical silos served by identical bin vent filters, therefore showing compliance for one single cement unloading storage operation using the maximum daily capacity of the operation will demonstrate compliance of each unit.

{if several different cement silos served by different bin vent filters, compliance has to be demonstrate for each silo; otherwise delete this sentence}

{if only one cement silo, or for each different silo and bin vent filters}

The maximum cement hourly throughput at this unit is:

xxx ton-cement/day = xx.x ton-cement/hr

Assuming in the worse case 100% PM is PM10, the maximum allowable PM hourly emission rate from the bin vent filter at the cement unloading and storage operation is calculated as follows:

E = 3.59 x ppp0.62 = xx.xx lb-PM/hr


E = 17.31 x ppp0.16 = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

Using the PM10 emission factor for cement truck unloading operation, the maximum PM emissions from the cement silo during cement truck unloading operation are expected to be:

PM = xxx lb-PM/ton-cement x ttt ton-cement/hr = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

PM = xx.xx lb-PM/hr < E = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

Therefore compliance with this District Rule 4202 is expected for cement truck unloading and cement storage operation.

ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

{if several identical flyash silos served by identical bin vent filters, use the following paragraph otherwise delete it}

The flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation consists of several identical silos served by identical bin vent filters, therefore showing compliance for one single flyash unloading storage operation using the maximum daily capacity of the operation will demonstrate compliance of each unit.

{if several different flyash silos served by different bin vent filters, compliance has to be demonstrate for each silo; otherwise delete this sentence}

{if only one flyash silo, or for each different silo and bin vent filters}

The maximum flyash hourly throughput at this unit is:

xxx ton- flyash/day = xx.x ton- flyash/hr

Assuming in the worse case 100% PM is PM10, the maximum allowable PM hourly emission rate from the bin vent filter at the flyash unloading and storage operation is calculated as follows:

E = 3.59 x ppp0.62 = xx.xx lb-PM/hr


E = 17.31 x ppp0.16 = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

Using the PM10 emission factor for flyash truck unloading operation, the maximum PM emissions from the flyash silo during cement truck unloading operation are expected to be:

PM = xxx lb-PM/ton- flyash x ttt ton- flyash/hr = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

PM = xx.xx lb-PM/hr < E = xx.xx lb-PM/hr

Therefore compliance with this District Rule 4202 is expected for flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation.

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

In order to consider the worse case PM emissions at the dry-batch concrete operation we will calculate PM emission rate from the truck loading operation.

The maximum daily throughput of cement at this unit is:

3,400 yard3/day = 3,400 yard3/day x 1.901 ton-concrete/yard3-concrete

3,400 yard3/day = 6,463 ton-concrete/day

6,463 ton-concrete/day = 269.3 ton-concrete/hr

Assuming in the worse case 100% PM is PM10, the maximum allowable PM hourly emission rate from the truck loading operation is calculated as follows:

E = 17.31 x 269.30.16 = 42.4 lb-PM/hr

Maximum PM emissions from the truck loading operation are expected to be:

(0.0017 lb-PM/yard3-concrete x 3,400 yard3-concrete/day) / (24 hr/day) = 0.24 lb-PM/hr

0.24 lb-PM/hr < 42.4 lb-PM/hr

Therefore compliance with this District Rule 4202 is expected for each unit at the dry-batch concrete operation.


Issue Authorities to Construct subject to the permit conditions on the attached Draft Authority to Construct.

See Appendix Vl: Draft Authorities to Construct ATCs #C-4087-4-0, -5-0, -6-0, and –7-0.


ATC #x-xxxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

ATC #x-xxxx-4-0: Concrete Dry-Batch Operation

Fee schedule will be based on electrical motor horsepower as listed in the table below.

ATC #x-xxxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

The applicable permit schedule fees for the cement unloading and storage operation is:

- Schedule 1, Electric Motor Horsepower Schedule, or

- Schedule 5, Stationary Container Schedule

Pursuant to District Rule 3020, Permit fee Schedules, in the event that more than one fee schedule is applicable to a permit unit, the governing schedule shall be that which results in the higher fee, with the exception of service station where schedule 11 applies.

In this case:

- Based on xxx electric motor horsepower (including xxx hp for the air compressor and xxx hp for the bin vent blower) for the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation, schedule 3020-01-xxx indicates $ xxx annual fee, and

- Based on the xxx gallons maximum tank{s} storage capacity of the entire cement storage operation, schedule 3020-05-xxx indicates $ xxx annual fee. {Note the maximum tank{s} storage capacity is the sum of each individual silo’s capacity}

Therefore, we will consider schedule 3020-xxx-xxx related to the maximum {tank{s} storage capacity / electrical motor horsepower rating}, as the applicable schedule to this permit unit.

ATC #x-xxxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

The applicable permit schedule fees for the cement unloading and storage operation is:

- Schedule 1, Electric Motor Horsepower Schedule, or

- Schedule 5, Stationary Container Schedule

Pursuant to District Rule 3020, Permit fee Schedules, in the event that more than one fee schedule is applicable to a permit unit, the governing schedule shall be that which results in the higher fee, with the exception of service station where schedule 11 applies.

In this case:

- - Based on xxx electric motor horsepower (including xxx hp for the air compressor and xxx hp for the bin vent blower) for the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation, schedule 3020-01- xxx indicates $ xxx annual fee, and

- - Based on the xxx gallons maximum tank{s} storage capacity of the entire flyash storage operation, schedule 3020-05- xxx indicates $ xxx annual fee. {Note the maximum tank{s} storage capacity is the sum of each individual silo’s capacity}

Therefore, we will consider schedule 3020-xxx-xxx related to the maximum {tank{s} storage capacity / electrical motor horsepower rating}, as the applicable schedule to this permit unit.



|ATC #x-xxxx-1-0 |3020-01-x |xx Electrical hp |

|Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation | | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-2-0 |3020-{01-05}-x |{xx Electrical hp / xx gallon storage tank} |

|Cement Truck Unloading and Storage Operation | | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-3-0 |3020-{01-05}-x |{xx Electrical hp / xx gallon storage tank} |

|Flyash Truck Unloading and Storage Operation | | |

|ATC #x-xxxx-4-0 |3020-01-x |xx Electrical hp |

|Dry-batch Concrete Operation | | |

Appendix l: Process Flow Diagram

Appendix ll: BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day

Appendix lll: BACT Analysis

Appendix lV: Health Risk Assessment Summary

Appendix V: Draft Authorities to Construct (ATCs)

Appendix Vl: Emissions Profile





Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day

San Joaquin Valley

Unified Air Pollution Control District

Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Guideline 6.2.2*

| | |

|Emission Unit: Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3/day |Industry Type: Dry-Batch Concrete Plant |

| | |

| | |

| |Last Update: September 03, 2003 |

|Pollutant |Achieved in Practice or contained in SIP |Technologically |Alternate Basic Equipment |

| | |Feasible | |

| | | | |

|PM10 |Sand and Coarse Aggregate Storage Piles | | |

| | | | |

| |Sand and Coarse Aggregate storage piles adequately wetted | | |

| |to prevent visible emissions > 5% opacity. | | |

| | | | |

| |Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling (Loader Hoppers, | | |

| |Conveyors, …) |Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling (Loader Hoppers, | |

| | |Conveyors, …) | |

| |Water sprays on all emissions units and all transfer | | |

| |points. |Enclosed conveyors, and | |

| | |Charged fog sprays or water sprays with chemical | |

| | |additives on all emissions units and all transfer | |

| | |points. | |

| |Sand and Coarse Aggregate Weighing | | |

| | | | |

| |Weigh batcher and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented| | |

| |to a control device with 99 % PM10 control efficiency. | | |

| | | | |

| |Cement, Flyash and Other Supplements Storage Silos | | |

| | | | |

| |Enclosed conveyors, and | | |

| |storage silos vented to a control device with 99 % PM10 | | |

| |control efficiency | | |

| | | | |

| |Cement, Flyash and Other Supplements Handling and Weighing | | |

| | | | |

| |Enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors, and | | |

| |Weigh batchers and discharge chutes, all enclosed and | | |

| |vented to a control device with 99 % PM10 control | | |

| |efficiency | | |

| | | | |

| |Concrete Truck Loading | | |

| | | | |

| |Enclosed discharge chute to a truck loading station served | | |

| |by a flexible shroud which seals to the truck and vented to| | |

| |a control device with 99 % PM10 control | | |

| | | | |

| |Work Area | | |

| | | | |

| |Work area and access roads watered to minimize dust. | | |

*This is a Summary Page for this Class of Source - Permit Specific BACT Determinations on Next Page(s)




Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

{Sand Coarse Aggregate} Storage Piles

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the {sand and coarse aggregate} storage piles, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Sand and coarse aggregate storage piles adequately wetted to prevent visible emissions > 5% opacity.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Sand and coarse aggregate storage piles adequately wetted to prevent visible emissions > 5% opacity.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

The applicant proposed to use water to prevent visible emissions from the {sand and coarse aggregate} piles > 5% opacity.

Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of {sand and coarse aggregate} storage piles adequately wetted to prevent visible emissions > 5% opacity.

Since the facility has proposed to use water to prevent visible emissions from the {sand and coarse aggregate} piles > 5% opacity, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the {sand and coarse aggregate} storage piles are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

{Sand and Coarse Aggregate} Loader Hopper

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Technologically Feasible: Enclosed conveyors, and charged fog sprays or water sprays with chemical additives on emissions units and all transfer points.

Option 2. Achieved-in-Practice BACT: Water sprays on all emissions units and all transfer points.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Technologically Feasible: Enclosed conveyors, and charged fog sprays or water sprays with chemical additives on emissions units and all transfer points.

Option 2. Achieved-in-Practice BACT: Water sprays on all emissions units and all transfer points.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

Pursuant to District Policy APR 1305.Section lll.D, a facility with an annual Stationary Source Post Project Potential to Emit (SSPE2), less than 2 tons per year for each affected pollutant or with maximum daily facility Post Project Potential to Emit below the limits listed in the District Policy APR 1305 is a small emitter.

For this project, PM10 is the only pollutant of concern.

Pursuant to District Policy APR 1305, the small emitter PM10 Potential to Emit threshold is 2 ton-PM10/year or 30 lb-PM10/day.

{If facility is a small emitter, use the following statement, otherwise delete}

Since the daily facility-wide PM10 Potential to Emit is less than 30 lb-PM10/day, the facility is a small emitter for PM10 emissions.

Pursuant to District Policy APR 1305, if not proposed by the applicant, the use of Technologically Feasible option is not required.

Since the applicant did not proposed this Technologically Feasible option, a cost effectiveness analysis of this BACT option will not be performed.

The applicant has proposed to install water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper. Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required, and BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper.

{or, if facility is a not small emitter, use the following statement, otherwise delete}

Since the daily facility-wide PM10 Potential to Emit exceeds 30 lb-PM10/day, the facility is a not a small emitter for PM10 emissions, therefore, a cost effectiveness analysis is required for the Technologically Feasible option. {a cost effectiveness analysis for the technologically feasible option is required}.

{Cost effectiveness analysis}

{assuming the technologically option is not cost effective, use the following statement, otherwise, you need to discuss the issue with the applicant and your supervisor}

Since the cost-effectiveness threshold of PM10 reduction is $5,700 per ton, this option is not cost effective.

The applicant has proposed to install water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper. Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required for this option.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of water sprays on the {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper.

Since the facility has proposed to install water sprays on the {sand and coarse aggregate} loader hopper, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the {sand and coarse aggregate} handling operation are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

{Sand and Coarse Aggregate} Conveyor #xxx

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Technologically Feasible: Enclosed conveyors, and charged fog sprays or water sprays with chemical additives on emissions units and all transfer points.

Option 2. Achieved-in-Practice BACT: Water sprays on all emissions units and all transfer points.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Technologically Feasible: Enclosed conveyors, and charged fog sprays or water sprays with chemical additives on emissions units and all transfer points.

Option 2. Achieved-in-Practice BACT: Water sprays on all emissions units and all transfer points.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

Pursuant to District Policy APR 1305.Section lll.D, a facility with an annual Stationary Source Post Project Potential to Emit (SSPE2), less than 2 tons per year for each affected pollutant or with maximum daily facility Post Project Potential to Emit below the limits listed in the District Policy APR 1305 is a small emitter.

For this project, PM10 is the only pollutant of concern.

Pursuant to District Policy APR 1305, the small emitter PM10 Potential to Emit threshold is 2 ton-PM10/year or 30 lb-PM10/day.

{If facility is a small emitter, use the following statement, otherwise delete}

Since the daily facility-wide PM10 Potential to Emit is less than 30 lb-PM10/day, the facility is a small emitter for PM10 emissions.

Pursuant to District Policy APR 1305, if not proposed by the applicant, the use of Technologically Feasible option is not required.

Since the applicant did not proposed this option, a cost effectiveness analysis of this BACT Technologically Feasible option will not be performed.

The applicant has proposed to install water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx transfer points. Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required, and BACT requirements are satisfied with the use of water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx transfer points.

{or, if facility is a not small emitter, use the following statement, otherwise delete}

Since the daily facility-wide PM10 Potential to Emit exceeds 30 lb-PM10/day, the facility is a not a small emitter for PM10 emissions, therefore, a cost effectiveness analysis is required for the Technologically Feasible option. {a cost effectiveness analysis for the technologically feasible option is required}.

{Cost effectiveness analysis}

{assuming the technologically option is not cost effective, use the following statement, otherwise, you need to discuss the issue with the applicant and your supervisor}

Since the cost-effectiveness threshold of PM10 reduction is $5,700 per ton, this option is not cost effective.

The applicant has proposed to install water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx transfer points. Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required for this option.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of water sprays on {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx.

Since the facility has proposed to install water sprays on all transfer points of the {sand and coarse aggregate} conveyor #xxx, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the {sand and coarse aggregate} handling operation are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

{Sand and Coarse Aggregate} Weigh Batcher

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the {sand and coarse aggregate} weigh batcher, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Weigh batcher and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a control device with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Weigh batcher and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a control device with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

The applicant proposed to use a {sand and coarse aggregate} weigh batcher with enclosed discharge chutes, and vented to a baghouse with 99% PM10 emissions control efficiency.

Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of a {sand and coarse aggregate} weigh batcher and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a control device with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Since the facility has proposed to install a {sand and coarse aggregate} weigh batcher and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a baghouse with 99% PM10 emissions control efficiency, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the {sand and coarse aggregate} weigh batcher are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Enclosed conveyors and storage silos vented to a control device with 99 % control efficiency.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Enclosed conveyors and storage silos vented to a control device with 99 % control efficiency.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

The applicant proposed to use enclosed cement conveyors, and cement storage silo vented to a bin vent filter with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of a enclosed cement conveyors, and cement storage silo vented to a control device with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Since the facility has proposed to install enclosed cement conveyors, and cement storage silo vented to a bin vent filter with 99% PM10 control efficiency, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Enclosed conveyors and storage silos vented to a control device with 99 % control efficiency.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Enclosed conveyors and storage silos vented to a control device with 99 % control efficiency.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

The applicant proposed to use enclosed flyash conveyors, and flyash storage silo vented to a bin vent filter with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of a enclosed flyash conveyors, and flyash storage silo vented to a control device with 99% PM10 control efficiency.

Since the facility has proposed to install enclosed flyash conveyors, and flyash storage silo vented to a bin vent filter with 99% PM10 control efficiency, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

Cement {and Flyash} Weigh Batcher

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors; and weigh batchers and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a control device with 99 % PM10 control efficiency.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors; and weigh batchers and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a control device with 99 % PM10 control efficiency.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

The applicant proposed to use a cement {and flyash} enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors, and weigh batcher and discharge chute, all enclosed and vented to a baghouse with 99% PM10 emissions control efficiency.

Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of a cement {and flyash} enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors; and weigh batchers and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a control device with 99 % PM10 control efficiency.

Since the facility has proposed to install a cement {and flyash} enclosed weigh batcher and screw conveyors; and weigh batchers and discharge chutes, all enclosed and vented to a baghouse with 99 % PM10 control efficiency, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher are satisfied.

Top-down BACT Analysis for PM10 Emissions

Concrete Truck Loading Operation

{Delete the whole section if BACT is not triggered for this unit}

The applicable BACT Guideline is:

BACT Guideline 6.2.2, Portland Concrete – Batch Plant, > 700 yard3-concrete/day

Step 1 - Identify All Possible Control Technologies

For the concrete truck loading operation, the SJVUAPCD BACT Clearinghouse identifies:

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Discharge chute to a truck loading station served by a flexible shroud, which seals to the truck and vented to a control device with 99 % control.

Step 2 - Eliminate Technologically Infeasible Options

There is no technologically infeasible options listed.

Step 3 - Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness

Option 1. Achieved-in-Practice: Discharge chute to a truck loading station served by a flexible shroud, which seals to the truck and vented to a control device with 99 % control.

Step 4 - Cost Effectiveness Analysis

The applicant proposed to use a discharge chute to a truck loading station served by a flexible shroud which seals to the truck and vented to a baghouse with 99% PM10 emissions control efficiency.

Since the applicant’s proposal is achieved-in-practice BACT option, a cost effectiveness analysis is not required.

Step 5 - Select BACT

BACT for the emission unit is determined to be the use of a discharge chute served by a flexible shroud which seals to the truck and vented to a control device with 99 % PM10 control efficiency.

Since the facility has proposed to install a discharge chute to a truck loading station served by a flexible shroud which seals to the truck and vented to a baghouse with 99% PM10 emissions control efficiency, BACT requirements for PM10 emissions, for the concrete truck loading operation are satisfied.





ATCs #x-xxxx-1-0,


-3-0, and




{Note: Not to be included with final Engineering Evaluation.}


ATC #x-xxx-1-0: Sand and Coarse Aggregate Handling Operation

• {271} All equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition and shall be operated in a manner to minimize emissions of air contaminants into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• 98} No air contaminant shall be released into the atmosphere, which causes a public nuisance. [District Rule 4102]

• {14} Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed 0.1 grains/dscf in concentration. [District Rule 4201]

• The maximum daily throughput of sand processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall not exceed xxx ton-sand/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall not exceed xxx ton-coarse aggregate/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand hopper loading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand hopper unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate hopper loading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate hopper unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand transfer operation at each sand {and coarse aggregate} conveyor shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate transfer operation at each {sand and} coarse aggregate conveyor shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-coarse aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand bin unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the coarse aggregate bin unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Visible emissions from any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any other affected facility shall not exceed 10% opacity as measured per Code of Federal Regulation, Part 60, Chapter 1, Title 40, Subpart OOO. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• {24} All haul roads and other roadways traversed by mobile equipment and/or motor vehicles shall be adequately moistened with water at such a frequency as required to prevent visible emissions equal to or in excess of 20% opacity from such roads. [District NSR Rule]

• All stockpiled sand, coarse aggregate, rock and other materials shall be maintained adequately moist to prevent visible emissions in excess of 20% opacity. [District Rule 2201]

• {if spray nozzles used to control moisture content (Applicant’s proposal, BACT requirement, ..)}Spray nozzles serving the {equipment description, such as, sand and aggregate loader batcher, and sand and aggregate conveyors transfer points} shall be installed and be maintained in proper working condition at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• {if spray nozzles used to control moisture content (Applicant’s proposal, BACT requirement, ..)}All spray nozzles shall be turned on prior to operation of the line and shall remain on through the process to limit visible dust emissions, and maintain moisture content requirements of this permit. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of sand processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained at xxx% or greater, by weight. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained at xxx% or greater, by weight. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be measured on monthly basis and when requested by the District. [District Rule 2201]

• The percent moisture of sand processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be determined by weighing an approximately 2-lb sample of sand processed through conveyor xxx, from the {equipment designation} to {equipment designation}, bringing the sample to dryness in a drying oven, then weighing the dried sample. The weight difference is the moisture content. [District Rule 2201]

• The percent moisture of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be determined by weighing an approximately 2-lb sample of coarse aggregate processed through {equipment designation}, from the a{equipment designation} to {equipment designation}, bringing the sample to dryness in a drying oven, then weighing the dried sample. The weight difference is the moisture content. [District Rule 2201]

• Records of daily amount of sand and records of daily amount of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

• Records of monthly moisture content of sand and records of monthly moisture content of coarse aggregate processed at the sand and coarse aggregate handling operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

{Note: Not to be included with final Engineering Evaluation.}


ATC #C-xxx-2-0: Cement Truck Unloading and Cement Storage Operation

• {271} All equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition and shall be operated in a manner to minimize emissions of air contaminants into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• 98} No air contaminant shall be released into the atmosphere, which causes a public nuisance. [District Rule 4102]

• {14} Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed 0.1 grains/dscf in concentration. [District Rule 4201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be maintained and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be equipped with a pressure differential gauge to indicate the pressure drop across the bags. The gauge shall be maintained in good working condition at all times and shall be located in an easily accessible location. [District Rule 2201]

• The pressure differential gage reading range shall be established per manufacturer's recommendation at the time of start-up inspection. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) cleaning frequency and duration shall be adjusted to optimize the control efficiency. [District Rule 2201]

• {73} Material removed from the dust collector(s) shall be disposed of in a manner preventing entrainment into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• A spare set of bags or filters shall be maintained on the premises at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of cement processed at the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not exceed xxx ton-cement/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-cement. [District Rule 2201]

• Visible emissions from the bin vent filter serving the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101].

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Records of daily amount of cement processed at the cement truck unloading and cement storage operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

{Note: Not to be included with final Engineering Evaluation.}


ATC #C-xxx-3-0: Flyash Truck Unloading and Flyash Storage Operation

• {271} All equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition and shall be operated in a manner to minimize emissions of air contaminants into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• 98} No air contaminant shall be released into the atmosphere, which causes a public nuisance. [District Rule 4102]

• {14} Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed 0.1 grains/dscf in concentration. [District Rule 4201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be maintained and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be equipped with a pressure differential gauge to indicate the pressure drop across the bags. The gauge shall be maintained in good working condition at all times and shall be located in an easily accessible location. [District Rule 2201]

• The pressure differential gage reading range shall be established per manufacturer's recommendation at the time of start-up inspection. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) cleaning frequency and duration shall be adjusted to optimize the control efficiency. [District Rule 2201]

• {73} Material removed from the dust collector(s) shall be disposed of in a manner preventing entrainment into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• A spare set of bags or filters shall be maintained on the premises at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of flyash processed at the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not exceed xxx ton-flyash/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• Daily PM10 emissions rate from the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-flyash. [District Rule 2201]

• Visible emissions from the bin vent filter serving the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101].

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Records of daily amount of flyash processed at the flyash truck unloading and flyash storage operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

{Note: Not to be included with final Engineering Evaluation.}


ATC #C-xxx-4-0: Dry-Batch Concrete Operation

• {271} All equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition and shall be operated in a manner to minimize emissions of air contaminants into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• 98} No air contaminant shall be released into the atmosphere, which causes a public nuisance. [District Rule 4102]

• {14} Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed 0.1 grains/dscf in concentration. [District Rule 4201]

• The baghouse serving the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher shall be turned on prior loading, mixing and unloading operation of the weigh batcher. [District Rule 2201]

• The concrete truck loading operation shall be served by a dust shroud sealed to the concrete truck during loading operation, and vented to a baghouse. [District Rule 2201]

• The baghouse serving the concrete truck loading operation shall be turned on prior loading and during all time of the concrete loading operation. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be maintained and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) shall be equipped with a pressure differential gauge to indicate the pressure drop across the bags. The gauge shall be maintained in good working condition at all times and shall be located in an easily accessible location. [District Rule 2201]

• The pressure differential gage reading range shall be established per manufacturer's recommendation at the time of start-up inspection. [District Rule 2201]

• Baghouse(s) and vent filter(s) cleaning frequency and duration shall be adjusted to optimize the control efficiency. [District Rule 2201]

• {73} Material removed from the dust collector(s) shall be disposed of in a manner preventing entrainment into the atmosphere. [District NSR Rule]

• A spare set of bags or filters shall be maintained on the premises at all times. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of concrete processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx yard3-concrete/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of cement processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-cement/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• {if flyash is used, otherwise delete} The maximum daily throughput of flyash processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-flyash/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of sand processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-sand/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• The maximum daily throughput of coarse aggregate processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall not exceed xxx ton-coarse aggregate/day, in any one day. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher loading operation shall not exceed either of the following limits: xxx lb-PM10/ton-cement or xxx lb-PM10/ton-flyash. [District Rule 2201]

• {if flyash is used, otherwise delete} PM10 emissions rate from the cement and flyash weigh batcher loading operation shall not exceed either of the following limits: xxx lb-PM10/ton-cement or xxx lb-PM10/ton-flyash. [District Rule 2201]

• {106 Modified} There shall be no visible emissions from the cement {and flyash} weigh batcher unloading operation for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher loading operation shall not exceed either of the following limits: xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand or xxx lb-PM10/ton-coarse aggregate. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher unloading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/ton-sand and coarse aggregate combined. [District Rule 2201]

• PM10 emissions rate from the concrete truck loading operation shall not exceed xxx lb-PM10/yard3-concrete. [District Rule 2201]

• Compliance with particulate matter and opacity standards shall be determined in accordance with Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). [District Rule 4101]

• Visible emissions from the baghouse serving the cement weigh batcher {and the dust shroud of the truck loading operation} shall not equal or exceed 5% opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in one hour. [District Rules 2201 and 4101]

• Moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate combined discharged from the {equipment designation} onto conveyor xxx shall be maintained at xxx% or greater, by weight. [District Rule 2201]

• Moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate combined processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall be measured on monthly basis and when requested by the District. [District Rule 2201]

• The percent moisture of the sand and coarse aggregate combined processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall be determined by weighing an approximately 2-lb sample of sand and coarse aggregate processed through conveyor xxx from the sand and coarse aggregate weigh batcher to the truck loading operation, bringing the sample to dryness in a drying oven, then weighing the dried sample; the weight difference is the moisture content. [District Rule 2201]

• Records of daily amount of concrete processed at the dry-batch concrete operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon request. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]

• Record of monthly moisture content of sand and coarse aggregate combined processed at the concrete dry-batch operation shall be maintained, retained on-site for a period of at least five (5) years and made available for District inspection upon. [District Rules 1070 and 2201]


Supplemental Form

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

Supplemental Application Form

Concrete Batch Plant

This form must be accompanied by a completed Application for Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate form




|Batch Plant |Manufacturer (if applicable): |

|Data | |

| |Model number (if applicable): |

| |Maximum rated horsepower of all electric motors: _______________ hp |

| |(Note: Please provide a detailed list of all electric motors, including the hp rating, and the equipment served.) |

| |Is the operation powered by an internal combustion engine? [ ] Yes [ ] No |

| |(Note: If engine is rated at greater than 50 hp an IC Engine Supplemental Application form is required.) |

|Cement Silo(s) |Total number of silos: ______ |Volume of each silo: ________________ gal or ft3 (circle one) |

|Data | | |

| |Type of filter: [ ] Fabric filter [ ] Cartridge filter [ ] Other (please specify): ______________ |

|Fly Ash Silo(s) |Total number of silos: ______ |Volume of each silo: ________________ gal or ft3 (circle one) |

|Data | | |

| |Type of filter: [ ] Fabric filter [ ] Cartridge filter [ ] Other (please specify): ______________ |


|Maximum Cement Throughput |__________ ton/hr |_________ ton/day |_________ ton/yr |

|Maximum Fly Ash Throughput |__________ ton/hr |_________ ton/day |_________ ton/yr |

|Maximum Aggregate Throughput |__________ ton/hr |_________ ton/day |_________ ton/yr |_____ % moisture |

|Maximum Sand Throughput |__________ ton/hr |_________ ton/day |_________ ton/yr |_____ % moisture |

|Maximum Concrete Output |__________ yd3/hr |_________ yd3/day |_________ yd3/yr |

|Provide an Equipment Listing, Site Plan, |a) Provide an equipment listing to include the manufacturer and model number of all major components. |

|and Material Flow Chart | |

|(on a separate sheet of paper) |c) Provide a Material Flow Chart for a maximum throughput scenario. (Include all process, control, and transfer equipment, their|

| |types, and their maximum ratings. Also include transfer points, stockpiles, and air pollution control methods. |


|Type of Plant |Is this a “wet mix” loadout plant? [ ] Yes [ ] No |Is this a “dry mix” loadout plant? [ ] Yes [ ] No |


|Conveyors |Cement |[ ] Pneumatic |Quantity of transfer points controlled by: ____ Fabric Filter, |

| | |[ ] Screw/Auger |____ Bin Vent Filter, ____ Other (please specify): ____________ [ ] None |

| |Fly Ash |[ ] Pneumatic |Quantity of transfer points controlled by: ____ Fabric Filter, |

| | |[ ] Screw/Auger |____ Bin Vent Filter, ____ Other (please specify): ____________ [ ] None |

| |Sand |Number of drops/transfer points: _______ |Water spray bar used for dust control? [ ] Yes [ ] No |

| | | |Enclosed conveyors? [ ] Yes [ ] No |

| |Aggregate |Number of drops/transfer points: _______ |Water spray bar used for dust control? [ ] Yes [ ] No |

| | | |Enclosed conveyors? [ ] Yes [ ] No |

|Weigh Hoppers |Weigh hopper material: [ ] Cement|Control provided by: [ ] Baghouse [ ] Bin vent filter [ ] None |

| |[ ] Fly Ash |[ ] Other (please specify): ____________________ |

| |[ ] Sand [ ] Aggregate |(Note: If a baghouse or bin vent filter is used a Baghouse/Dust Collector Supplemental Application form is |

| | |required.) |

| |Weigh hopper material: [ ] Cement|Control provided by: [ ] Baghouse [ ] Bin vent filter [ ] None |

| |[ ] Fly Ash |[ ] Other (please specify): ____________________ |

| |[ ] Sand [ ] Aggregate |(Note: If a baghouse or bin vent filter is used a Baghouse/Dust Collector Supplemental Application form is |

| | |required.) |

| |Weigh hopper material: [ ] Cement|Control provided by: [ ] Baghouse [ ] Bin vent filter [ ] None |

| |[ ] Fly Ash |[ ] Other (please specify): ____________________ |

| |[ ] Sand [ ] Aggregate |(Note: If a baghouse or bin vent filter is used a Baghouse/Dust Collector Supplemental Application form is |

| | |required.) |

| |Weigh hopper material: [ ] Cement|Control provided by: [ ] Baghouse [ ] Bin vent filter [ ] None |

| |[ ] Fly Ash |[ ] Other (please specify): ____________________ |

| |[ ] Sand [ ] Aggregate |(Note: If a baghouse or bin vent filter is used a Baghouse/Dust Collector Supplemental Application form is |

| | |required.) |


|Total Area of Unpaved Roads within the |Area: ______ acre or ft2 (circle one) |Type of control: [ ] Water [ ] Oil/Dust Palliate |

|Plant | |[ ] Other (please specify): _________________ |

|Total Area of Aggregate Piles within the |Area: ______ acre or ft2 (circle one) |Type of control: [ ] Water [ ] Physical Covering |

|Plant | |[ ] Retaining Walls |

| | |[ ] Other (please specify): _________________ |

Describe any additional air pollution control equipment or technologies, including control efficiencies, on a separate sheet and submit it along with this form.


Example of

Permit Unit / Emissions Unit / Emission Points


EU #1

EU #4



EP #42

EP #11



EP #12

EP #42

EU #58

EU #2




EP #51

EP #21

EU #3

EU #6

EP #61

EP #31

EP #51





EU #7

EP #71

EP #72




Example of

Permit Unit / Emissions Unit / Emission Points Breakdown

EU #2

EU #1




EP #11

EP #21

EP #41

EP #12

EP #22


EU #3

EU #4


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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