ADVANCE Broke Millennial


Broke Millennial

"If you haven't quite got the hang of `adulting,' follow Erin Lowry's spot-on, often funny financial advice. You'll be inspired by how she successfully sidestepped student loan debt, negotiated a 40 percent (yes, 40 percent!) raise, and managed to tackle a host of thorny money situations in her relationship, her friendships, and even with her parents and bosses. Best of all, Erin reveals how you can do all this too. Broke Millennial is not your typical personal finance book. This is the wisdom I wish I had before I made a financial mess of things in my twenties and early thirties!"

--Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, cofounder of and New York Times bestselling author of Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial


"Broke Millennial takes the typical preaching out of money lessons and replaces it with humor, empathy, and a fun, pick-your-financial-path twist, for successfully navigating all the financial questions you'll face in the real world."

--Farnoosh Torabi, financial expert and host of the award-winning podcast So Money

"This is the ultimate millennial guidebook on personal finance. Erin Lowry takes you on a journey from basic money concepts to retirement fundamentals, and from salary negotiation to home ownership. She also does a great job of reducing jargon and sharing knowledge that is practical and actionable. If there is a book you must read to get your financial life together, I highly recommend Broke Millennial."

--Jason Vitug, bestselling author of You Only Live Once: The Roadmap to Financial Wellness and a Purposeful Life

"Broke Millennial is my go-to personal finance book when I am working with millennials. It's filled with practical step-by-step instructions and guides that any twenty-or thirty-something can easily use to change their financial situation."

--Lauren Greutman, frugal living expert at

"Lowry brings into sharp focus what's going to matter money-wise to young adults starting out in the world at a time when the odds seem stacked against them. Broke Millennial is rich with specific advice to guide readers on the path to financial wellness. Millennials who may be over-spending because of #FOMO need to read this book--stat!" --Bobbi Rebell, author of How to Be a Financial Grownup: Proven Advice from

High Achievers on How to Live Your Dreams and Have Financial Freedom

"Thinking about money, especially when you don't have much, can be painful. But Erin Lowry shows that you don't need to be a mathematical genius to get on the right track. She makes it easy for people to build a financially healthy plan for life. Spend some time with this book and your financial decisions and confidence will improve, no doubt."

--Nick Clements, cofounder of

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Lowry, Erin, author. Title: Broke millennial : stop scraping by and get your financial life together / Erin Lowry. Description: First edition. | New York : TarcherPerigee, 2017. Identifiers: LCCN 2016055468 (print) | LCCN 2017008897 (ebook) | ISBN 9780143130406 (paperback) |

ISBN 9781524704056 (ebook) / Subjects: LCSH: Finance, Personal. | BISAC: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Personal Finance Money

Management. | BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Personal Finance Budgeting. | SELF-HELP Personal Growth Success. Classification: LCC HG179 .L696 2017 (print) | LCC HG179 (ebook) | DDC 332.024--dc23 LC record available at

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