COP 3223 Section 2 Exam #1

COP 3223 Section 2 Exam #1

Form A

Spring 2008


Lecturer: Arup Guha

Directions: Answer all multiple choice questions on the scantron. Each question has a single correct answer. In case of ambiguities, choose the most accurate answer. Each of these questions is worth 2 points for a correct answer. Incorrect answers and questions left blank are worth 0 points. Hand in ONLY the scantron, keep the test questions, and take the free response section of the exam.

1) Which of these statements will compile without a warning?

A)int num, doub = "hi";

B)float num, doub = 0.32;

C)int num = 32

D)float doub = 0.365

E)None of the Above

2) Which of these does NOT allow var to be changed in main?

A)int var = 14;

B)float var = 14;

C)double var = 14;

D)#define var 14

E)None of the Above

3) Assuming that the variable num is defined as type int, what would the following statement: scanf("%d", num); do?

A)will not compile

B)will compile but will crash the program

C)will compile and run fine, but cause a logic error

D)will compile and run correctly without any logic errors

E)None of the Above

4) Each C function has a specification for how it is supposed to be called. Which of these parts is necessary?

A)Name of the function

B)Type and order of each parameter the function takes

C)The return type of the function

D)Choices A,B and C are all necessary

E)None of the Above

5) What provides an interface between the machine and user and allocates the computers resources?


B)external memory

C)operating system

D)main memory

E)None of the Above

6) What is wrong with the following: #define π = 3.14

A)There isn't a semicolon at the end of it.

B)π is not a valid identifier

C)There should not be an equal sign.

D)Both A and B

E)Both B and C

7) What is the output of the following segment of code?

int x=10,y=4;

double z=4;

printf("%.1lf\n", x/y*z);





E)None of the Above

8) Which of these is equivalent to the statement age = age – 1;?





E)None of the Above

9) What is the value of 29%9?





E)None of the Above

10) What is the value of the following expression:

2/3+(34%6 – 2.0/(8%3))+5.0/2 ?





E)None of the Above

11) Which of the following could potentially cause a run-time error, assuming that each variable used below is already declared as an int?





E)None of the Above

12) What is the value of c right before the program below terminates?


int main() {

int a,b,c;

a = 4;

b = a-2;

if (a > b)

c = b;


c = 8;

return 0;


A) 2

B) 3

C) 7

D) 8

E)None of the Above

13) Which of the following is a relational operator?

A) /=

B) !=

C) \=

D) =!

E)None of the Above

14) To what should the boolean expression in the following if statement be changed?

if (12 < points < 25)

printf("You pass the test.\n");

A)12 < points || points < 25

B)12 < points && points < 25

C)points > 11 && points < 26

D)!(12 < points < 25)

E)None of the Above

15) To what should the boolean expression in the following if statement be changed?

if (x = 5)


A) x > 5

B) x < 5

C) x != 5

D) 5 = x

E)None of the Above

The next five questions concern the following code segment:

int x:y;


printf("Enter an integer value for y);

scanf("%d", y);

printf("x = %d, y = %d\n", x*y);

16) To what should the first line be changed to be syntactically correct?

A)x:y – int;

B)int x,y

C)int x,y,

D)int x,y;

E)None of the Above

17) To what should the second line be changed to be syntactically correct?





E)None of the Above

18) Which one character has to be added to the third line to make it syntactically correct?

A) \n

B) \

C) .

D) )

E)None of the Above

19) Which one character has to be added to the fourth line to make it syntactically correct?

A) l

B) f

C) &

D) *

E)None of the Above

20) To make the fifth line execute what it is intended to do, one character must be deleted and one must be added in its place. What is the character that must be added?

A) ,

B) .

C) :

D) *

E) None of the Above

The next four questions concern completing the code segment below so that it prints out whether or not the user is eligible for a scholarship. In order to be eligible, you have to be in college fewer than 5 years, and have a 3.2 or higher GPA OR a SAT score that is 1300 or higher. Assume that the variables yrs, sat and gpa have already been declared as int, int and double and already store the appropriate values.

if ( *** expr1 *** ) {

if ( *** expr2 *** )

*** stmt3 ***


*** stmt4 ***



printf("Not eligible\n");

21) Which of the following expressions should replace *** expr1 ***?

A) gpa >= 3.2

B) yrs < 5

C) sat >= 1300

D) yrs != 5

E) None of the Above

22) Which of the following expressions should replace *** expr2 ***?

A) yrs < 5 && gpa >= 3.2

B) yrs < 5 && sat >= 1300

C) gpa >= 3.2 && sat >= 1300

D) gpa >= 3.2 || sat >= 1300

E) None of the Above

23) Which of the following statements should replace *** stmt3 ***?

A) printf("Eligible\n");

B) printf("Not Eligible\n");

24) Which of the following statements should replace *** stmt4 ***?

A) printf("Eligible\n");

B) printf("Not Eligible\n");

25) The Super Bowl commercials were dominated by beer companies. Let’s see if you were paying attention. How much does a 12 ounce can of Bud Light weigh?

a) 12 ounces

b) 16 ounces

c) 20 ounces

d) 24 ounces

e) 32 ounces

Spring 2008 COP 3223 Section 2

Exam 1 Answer Sheet

Last Name: ____________ , First Name: _____________

1) (10 pts) Complete the program below that asks the user to enter the amount of money they have in dollars to Euros. For the purposes of this problem, please define a constant to store that 1 Euro equals 1.48 dollars. Print out your final value in Euros rounded to 2 decimal places.


int main(void) {

double dollars, euros;

printf("Enter the number of dollars to convert.\n");

return 0;


2) (10 pts) Write a program that reads in a jersey number from the user (which is guaranteed to be two digits long), and prints out the reverse of that jersey number. For example, if 37 was entered, then 73 should be printed out. (Hint: use %, / and print out the digits separately.) You can not declare any extra variables.

int main(void) {

int number;

printf("Please enter your jersey number.\n");

scanf("%d", &number);

printf("The reverse of your jersey number is ");

return 0;


3) (15 pts) Write a program that generates three random integers in between 1 and 100, inclusive and then prints out the largest of these three.




int main(void) {

int num1, num2, num3, max;


return 0;


4) (15 pts) Many night clubs have the policy that allows males 21 or older and females 18 or older admission. Complete the program below so that it reads in two pieces of information: a person's gender (male=0, female=1) and age, and determines whether or not they are allowed admission to the club. If they are allowed in, print out, "Welcome!" otherwise, print out "Sorry!"

int main(void) {

int gender, age;

printf("Please enter your gender(0 for M,1 for F).\n");

scanf("%d", &gender);

printf("Please enter your age.\n");

scanf("%d", &age);

return 0;



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