Grade 1 Guided Reading - Scholastic Canada

Grade 1 Guided Reading

Title and Text Type

Making Things Non-fiction: description --account

Level Synopsis


See the different things kids

can make.

Text Features

High-frequency Words levels A?G

a, can, I, make

My Picture Non-fiction: description --personal account


A girl describes her drawing. ? artwork is child's own

a, cat, dog, here, is, my

Salad Non-fiction: description --personal account


A boy makes a salad.

What Can Dogs Do? Info-fiction: description --account


Descriptions of what various

dogs can do.

I, like can, dog, jump, run, this

The Ants Go Home Fiction: description --account

Is It Alive? Non-fiction: description --comparison


Follow a group of ants as they

carry home crumbs of cake.

go, home, over, the, up


Which animals are alive?

? consistent placement of text cat, is, not, this

Which animals are not alive? ? question marks

? Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2013 Literacy Place for the Early Years (NL) ? Grade One

Comprehension Focus analyzing: picture details making connections: text to self

inferring: using pictures making connections: text to self

analyzing: title and cover making connections: text to self

predicting: information making connections: text to self

inferring: using illustrations and prior knowledge evaluating: giving opinions making connections: comparing predicting: making and confirming predictions

Working with Words Focus

Oral Language and Writing Connections

LPEY Text Connections

Cross-curricular Connections

? tracking print and using print concepts

? using a known high-frequency word to support tracking

? using picture cues to support word solving

? making rhyming words

Oral: discussing Writing: I Can Make booklet

accounts: What Can Dogs Do? (A); The Ants Go Home (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); A Hot Day (C); Big and Small (C); Hair (C); Up and Down (C); What Do I Need? (C); What I Wear (C); To the Rescue (E); What's for Breakfast? (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H)

the arts (visual arts): elements of design

? using picture cues to support word solving

? using known high-frequency words to monitor matching (finger/voice matching)

? using initial consonants for word predictions

? building rhyming words

Oral: discussing Writing: book modelled on text

art: Making Things (A); My Collage (C); I Can Draw (D); Snowflakes (D); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F)

the arts (visual art): communicating information; visually documenting activities, people; representing own culture and community

? using picture cues to support word recognition

? using initial consonants to support and check word recognition

? building high-frequency words

Oral: discussing Writing: modelling the text; building sentences

food: What's for Breakfast? (F); Mmm, Lemon! (G)

social studies: needs and wants health and phys ed: healthy eating habits/ food choices

? using picture cues to read unfamiliar words

? using beginning sounds to confirm word predictions

? word part "tch" ? building words

Oral: discussing Writing: sentences

dogs: Same and Different (E); Go Home, Daisy (F); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H); Come Home, Bailey (I) animals: The Emperor's Egg (RA); Is This a Moose? (BB); Is It Alive? (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); Lost Cat (D); What Can Walk on Walls? (D); Winter Animals are Sleeping (E); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H)

science: characteristics of living things

? using picture cues to support word recognition

? building words

Oral: discussing, role-playing Writing: sentences

position and direction: Up and Down (C)

social studies: natural and constructed features of the environment/ community

? using photo cues to support word recognition and word solving

? using initial letters/sounds to read unfamiliar words

? building high-frequency words

Oral: discussing, sharing ideas Writing: What Can These Animals Do BLM

comparisons: Daytime, Nighttime (BB); How Times Change (School Days); What Can Float? (B); Same and Different (E) animals: The Emperor's Egg (RA); Is This a Moose? (BB); What Can Dogs Do? (A); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); What Can Walk on Walls? (D); Same And Different (E); Winter Animals Are Sleeping (E); Go Home, Daisy (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H); Come Home, Bailey (I)

science: characteristics of living things


Grade 1 Guided Reading

Title and Text Type

What Can Float? Non-fiction: description ?comparison

Level Synopsis


Comparing objects that float

with objects that do not float.

What Colour Is This Fish? B Non-fiction: description --account

Fish can be different colours.

A Hot Day Fiction: description --account


How different animals?and

people?cool down on a hot


Big and Small Non-fiction: description --account


Size is relative?sometimes

things look big, sometimes

things look small.

Hair Non-fiction: description --account


Descriptions of hair.

Home Run Fiction: narrative --realistic story


A boy playing T-ball keeps

trying to hit a home run.

Text Features

? two repeated language patterns

? change of language pattern on page 8

? consistent placement of texts and photos

? water line showing objects above/below water

High-frequency Words levels A?G can, I

blue, green, is, red, this, what, yellow

am, dog, I, now, said, so, the, we

? consistent placement of text ? question marks

big, I, the, what

? back-cover text ? question marks ? exclamation marks

black, have, I, is, it, long, no, red, very

? page numbers placed within the shape of a ball

big, brother, friend, home, I, it, little, mom, my, no, one, run, the

Comprehension Focus

self-monitoring: asking questions analyzing: photos and finding facts

Working with Words Focus

? identifying high-frequency words

? using initial letter to confirm word identification

Oral Language and Writing Connections

Oral: discussing Writing: label drawings

LPEY Text Connections

Cross-curricular Connections

comparisons: Daytime, Nighttime (BB); How Times Change (School Days); Is It Alive (B); We are Different (D); Same and Different (E)

science: characteristics of objects

analyzing: photographs predicting: text making connections: text to self

making connections: text to self analyzing: problem/solution

making connections: comparing inferring: using text and illustrations to make inferences

making connections: text to self; comparing

inferring: reading the pictures; reasons, feelings evaluating: the story and illustrations

? using photo cues to aid with recognition of unfamiliar words

? attending to beginning letters/letter sounds to solve unfamiliar words

? building high-frequency words

? using picture cues and initial letters to solve unfamiliar words

? using known high-frequency words to support matching one-to-one

? using the details in illustrations to aid and/or confirm word recognition

? using initial letters, letter clusters, and sounds to figure out unfamiliar words

? self-monitoring, using the repeated language pattern

? rhyming words

? using initial letter clusters to support recognition of colour words

? using picture information to aid word solving

? word families: colour words

? using picture and context cues to aid in reading of unfamiliar words

? using beginning letters and sounds to solve unfamiliar words

? building words with "un"

Oral: discussing, sharing drawings Writing: labelling

colours: I Can Draw (D) animals: The Emperor's Egg (RA); Is This a Moose? (BB); What Can Dogs Do? (A); Is It Alive? (B); What Can Walk On Walls? (D); Same and Different (E); Winter Animals Are Sleeping (E); Go Home, Daisy (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H); Come Home, Bailey (I)

science: characteristics of living things

Oral: discussing Writing: labels

accounts: Making Things (A); What Can Dogs Do? (A); The Ants Go Home (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); Up and Down (C); What Do I Need? (C); What I Wear (C); To the Rescue (E); What's for Breakfast? (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H)

science: daily and seasonal changes

Oral: discussing, explaining Writing: story

accounts: Making Things (A); What Can Dogs Do? (A); The Ants Go Home (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); A Hot Day (C); Hair (C); Up and Down (C); What Do I Need? (C); What I Wear (C); To the Rescue (E); What's for Breakfast? (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H)

science: characteristics of living things math: measurement terms and concepts; comparing measurements

Oral: discussing, sharing with a partner Writing: illustrated booklet

accounts: Making Things (A); What Can Dogs Do? (A); The Ants Go Home (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); A Hot Day (C); Up and Down (C); What Do I Need? (C); What I Wear (C); To the Rescue (E); What's for Breakfast? (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H)

health and phys ed: physical characteristics that make them similar to and different from others

Oral: discussing, giving reasons Writing: writing from another character's perspective

leisure activities with family: On Saturday (D); Here Comes the Parade (E); Going Swimming (F); Buses, Cars, and Trucks (F)

social studies: interactions in family and community health and phys ed: games, fair play

? Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2013 Literacy Place for the Early Years (NL) ? Grade One


Grade 1 Guided Reading

Title and Text Type

I Play Soccer Fiction: retell --personal account

Level Synopsis

Text Features


A girl plays soccer with friends. ? environmental print

High-frequency Words levels A?G

at, I, my, play, run, the, with

My Collage Non-fiction: description --personal account


Sensory description of objects ? consistent placement of text is, it, my

used to make a collage.

? repeated language pattern

Comprehension Focus

making connections: text to self predicting: story events

synthesizing: illustrations and information

Working with Words Focus

? using picture details to support word solving

? using picture and text cues to self-monitor

? word-building: words that rhyme with play

? identifying high-frequency words

? using photos and contextual cues to support word recognition

? using first letters for word identification

? generating rhyming words

Oral Language and Writing Connections Oral: discussing, answering questions, role-playing Writing: sentence

Oral: discussing, retelling sequence, oral rhyming Writing: T-chart of descriptive words

Spring Is Here! Non-fiction: description --magazine article

Up and Down Non-fiction: description --account

What Do I Need? Non-fiction: description --account

What I Wear Non-fiction: description --account

I Can Draw Fiction: description --personal account


A duck's journey past signs of ? sequenced photographs with a, is, the, we



? repeated sentence "Spring is


? exclamation mark

synthesizing: to form a conclusion

? using first letters and initial consonants for word recognition

? using photographs and contextual clues to support word recognition

? identifying high-frequency words

? generating rhyming patterns

Oral: discussing, oral explanation, dramatizing Writing: create a poster


Things that go up and down.

and, down, the, up

predicting: making and confirming predictions making connections: text to world

? using picture cues to support word solving

? using a known high-frequency word to monitor matching one-to-one

? beginning to use initial letters for word predictions

Oral: discussing Writing: descriptions


Clothes worn and items used ? question-and-answer format do, I, is, it, my

in different kinds of weather. ? repetitive sentence patterns

? consistent placement of text

(except page 12)

? punctuation marks (question

marks, periods, exclamation


predicting: making and confirming predictions

? identifying high-frequency words

? using question-and-answer format for word prediction

? using photo and contextual cues to support word recognition

? using first/last letters to confirm word identification

Oral: discussing, answering questions, role-playing


See how kids dress for

different activities.

am, going, I, is, this, to, what

making connections: text to self analyzing: photographs

? tracking print ? using photo cues to solve

unfamiliar words ? building high-frequency


Oral: discussing, role-playing Writing: sentence


How different elements come ? inset illustrations

together to form a picture.

are, at, big, blue, can, go, here, I, like, little, look, me, red, the, to, yellow

predicting: using text sequencing: retelling

? recalling high-frequency words to support reading of text

? using picture information to read unfamiliar words

Oral: discussing, retelling, following instructions

LPEY Text Connections

personal accounts: Helping Grandma (SR); My Picture (A); Salad (A); My Collage (C); I Can Draw (D); On Saturday (D); Paint a Mouse Face (F)

Cross-curricular Connections

health and phys. ed.: personal interests

art: Making Things (A); My Picture (A); I Can Draw (D); Snowflakes (D); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F) personal accounts: Helping Grandma (SR); My Picture (A); Salad (A); I Play Soccer (C); I Can Draw (D); On Saturday (D); Paint a Mouse Face (F)

seasons: What Do You Do in the Cold? (BB); What Do You See? A Book About the Seasons (D) magazine articles: Winter Animals Are Sleeping (E); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F)

the arts (visual art): elements of design

science: seasonal cycles

position and direction: The Ants Go Home (B)

weather: A Hot Day (C); Some Storm (G) clothing: What I Wear (C); Going Swimming (F)

science: daily and seasonal changes

clothing: What Do I Need? (C); Going Swimming (F)

art: My Picture (A); My Collage (C); Snowflakes (D); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (E); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F) colours: What Colour is This Fish? (B)

the arts (visual art): elements of design math: describe and compare figures and shapes

? Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2013 Literacy Place for the Early Years (NL) ? Grade One


Grade 1 Guided Reading

Title and Text Type Lost Cat Non-fiction: persuasive --flyer

My Show Fiction: description --humorous story

On Saturday Fiction: narrative --personal account

Snowflakes Non-fiction: description --placemat

Trucks in Action Non-fiction: description --placemat

Level Synopsis

Text Features


A flyer requests help in finding ? large headline

a missing cat.

? supportive photograph

? p rint above and below


? star-shaped inset text

? punctuation marks (question

mark, periods, exclamation


High-frequency Words levels A?G

a, and, is, she, we

Comprehension Focus

Working with Words Focus

evaluating: to form an opinion

? using first letters and initial consonant clusters for word identification

? using photo and contextual clues to support word recognition

? identifying high-frequency words

? generating rhyming patterns


A boy puts on a funny show ? environmental print

for family and friends.

a, and, big, blue, cat, come, I, is, my, red, see, this, to, will, yellow

sequencing: events inferring: using illustrations

? using picture cues to solve unfamiliar words

? word solving and building: using beginning sounds to solve unfamiliar words

? building rhyming words


Things a girl does with her dad ? consistent placement of text a, at, down, go, house, I, like, self-monitoring: asking

on Saturday from morning to ? two lines of text on each page my, play, the, to, we



? punctuation (question mark,

exclamation mark, periods)

? using picture cues to support word recognition

? finding small words in larger words

? using beginning sounds to read unfamiliar words

? recognizing high-frequency words


Set of instructions for making a ? consistent placement of text a, am, and, can, I, made, make, sequencing: to understand a ? using photographic cues and

paper snowflake.

? supportive photos

the, to, you, your


background knowledge to

? labels for required materials

support word recognition

? commas

? recognizing high-frequency


? building compound words


Six different trucks and the

? consistent placement of text as, is, it, this

work each truck does.

? repeated language patterns

? verb change in last box:


making connections/ evaluating: relate to background knowledge and form an opinion

? using picture cues to support word recognition

? using beginning sounds to read unfamiliar words

Oral Language and Writing Connections Oral: discussing, explaining, dramatizing, telling a story Writing: thank you flyer

Oral: discussing, retelling, sharing opinions Writing: story

Oral: discussing (partner and whole group), dramatizing Writing: sentences to accompany drawing

Oral: explaining steps, discussing

Oral: discussing, expressing an opinion, explaining Writing: completing sentence starters

LPEY Text Connections

Cross-curricular Connections

persuasive: Hey, Little Ant (RA); How to be an Eco Class (BB); The Best Pet (BB); Mmm, Lemon! (G) flyer: School Bus Rules (E) animals: The Emperor's Egg (RA); Is This a Moose? (BB); What Can Dogs Do? (A); Is It Alive? (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); What Can Walk on Walls? (D); Same and Different (E); Winter Animals Are Sleeping (E); Go Home, Daisy (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H); Come Home, Bailey (I)

social studies: interactions in family and community

humour: Birthday Party Pandamonium (BB); The Trouble With Geese (I) poetry/rhyme: Birthday Party Pandamonium (BB); Bubblegum, Books, and Bugs (BB); Bug Hotel (BB); Hey Diddle Diddle (BB); Come Home, Bailey (I)

leisure activities with family: Helping Grandma (SR); Home Run (C); Here Comes the Parade (E); Going Swimming (F); Buses, Cars, and Trucks (F) personal account: My Picture (A); Salad (A); I Play Soccer (C); My Collage (C); I Can Draw (D); Paint a Mouse Face (F)

social studies: individuals as members of a family; interactions in family and community

procedure: Making Ice Cream (BB); School Bus Rules (E); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F); Plant a Seed (H) art: Making Things (A); My Picture (A); My Collage (C); I Can Draw (D); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F)

the arts (visual arts): elements of design

vehicles: I Can Ride (A); To the social studies: Rescue (E); Buses, Cars, and interactions in the community Trucks (F)

? Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2013 Literacy Place for the Early Years (NL) ? Grade One


Grade 1 Guided Reading

Title and Text Type

We Are Different Non-fiction: description --comparison

Level Synopsis


Friends can all be different.

Text Features

? consistent placement of text ? repeated sentence pattern ? supportive photographs

What Can Walk on Walls? D Non-fiction: description --question and answer

Some animals can walk on walls, and some can't.

? comparison chart

What Do You See? A Book About the Seasons Non-fiction: description --report

The Accident Fiction: narrative --realistic story


Follow two trees through the ? table of contents

seasons. What else do you see ? inset magnified photos

in each season?

? flow diagram


Four friends break their

teacher's special mug.

Here Comes the Parade E Fiction: narrative --realistic story

The parade is coming, but Ben can't always see. Why?

I See Fiction: description --realistic story


A boy sees much more than

everyone else in his family.

Make It Move Non-fiction: description --report


Different toys and how you can ? labelled photographs

move them.

High-frequency Words levels A?G and, can, like, we

a, can, no on, we, yes

can, do, I, in, is, it, on, red, see, the, what, you

Comprehension Focus evaluating: to form an opinion self-monitoring: word prediction

predicting: making and confirming predictions making connections: comparing

making connections: text to self sequencing: flow chart

Working with Words Focus

? identifying high-frequency words

? using knowledge of oral language patterns to solve unfamiliar words

? using photographs and contextual cues to support word recognition

? using initial letters to predict and confirm word identification

? using picture cues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words

? using beginning sounds and letter clusters to read unfamiliar words

? building new vocabulary words

? using pictures to solve unfamiliar words

? rhyming words (spring, fall)

Oral Language and Writing Connections Oral: discussing (partner and whole group) Writing: chart

Oral: discussing, sharing opinions Writing: sentences

Oral: discussing, dramatizing Writing: picture graph

a, and, can, could, day, do, down, first, for, had, he, her, I, is, it, make, my, no, said, some, the, they, this, to, up, want, was, we, went, what, you

inferring: supporting inferences evaluating: giving opinions

? using picture and context cues to solve unfamiliar words

? b uilding high-frequency words

? "ed" endings

Oral: discussing, sharing opinions Writing: flip book, card, sentence starters

a, and, can, come, dad, down, he, here, I, is, it, look, mom, said, see, the, up, where, yes, you

inferring: supporting inferences with illustrations and text predicting: characters and plot

? using illustrations to assist with recognition of unfamiliar words

? using beginning sounds to read unfamiliar words

? building new vocabulary words

Oral: discussing, supporting ideas, sharing and discussing their writing Writing: personal experiences

a, an, brother, but, dad, do, does, family, I, in, mom, my, on, see, the, what, you

synthesizing: drawing conclusions inferring: visualizing events in the text

? using initial letters and picture Oral: discussing, supporting cues to read unfamiliar words opinion Writing: story

a, and, are, can, down, go, here, how, make, many, more, on, the, them, up, you

inferring: extending learning making connections: text to self

? using known words/word parts to solve unfamiliar words

? using picture cues to solve unfamiliar words

? building compound words

Oral: discussing, sharing opinions Writing: writing sentences

LPEY Text Connections

Cross-curricular Connections

comparison: Daytime, Nighttime (BB); How Times Change (School Days); Is It Alive? (B); What Can Float? (B); Same and Different (E)

health and phys. ed.: friendship; personal interests

Q & A format: Whose Teeth Are These? (RA); Is This a Moose? (BB); What Do You Do in the Cold? (BB)

science: characteristics of living things

reports: The Emperors Egg (RA); Make It Move (E); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H)

science: seasonal cycles

problem solving: The Trouble With Geese (I)

social studies: interactions in family and community; rules and responsibilities health and phys. ed.: games, fair play

families help each other: Who Did Jake's Chores? (F); The Birthday Surprise (G) leisure activities with family: Helping Grandma (SR); Home Run (D); On Saturday (D); Going Swimming (F); Buses, Cars, and Trucks (F)

social studies: interactions in family and community

realistic story: Art for the Birds (BB); Home Run (C); The Accident (E); Here Comes the Parade (E); Buses, Cars, and Trucks (F); Go Home, Daisy (F); Going Swimming (F); Who Did Jake's Chores? (F); The Birthday Surprise (G); Come Home, Bailey (I)

social studies: interactions in family and community

reports: The Emperor's Egg (RA); What Do You See? A Book About the Seasons (D); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H)

science: characteristics of objects

? Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2013 Literacy Place for the Early Years (NL) ? Grade One


Grade 1 Guided Reading

Title and Text Type

Same and Different Non-fiction: description --comparison

Level Synopsis

Text Features


Identifying physical similarities ? labels

and differences between a

? chart

child and a puppy.

High-frequency Words levels A?G

a, are, has, have, how, I, is, my, one, the, this, two, we

Comprehension Focus

making connections: comparing, text to self

Working with Words Focus

? using photo cues to aid in recognition of unfamiliar words

? using beginning sounds to read unfamiliar words

? building words with "ow"

School Bus Rules Non-fiction: procedure --flyer

To the Rescue Info-fiction: description --account Winter Animals Are Sleeping Non-fiction: description --magazine article


Rules for riding on the school ? consistent placement of text a, an, and, at, away, down, find, evaluating: to form an opinion ? using picture and beginning


? supportive illustrations

for, from, get, in, not, off, one,

sounds to support word

or, the, time, to, you, your


? recognizing high-frequency


? generating rhyming patterns


Different kinds of fire trucks

? fact sheet

come to the rescue when

? labelled photographs

there is a fire.

and, are, big, can, day, for, have, analyzing: finding facts here, I, is, it, more, people, see, synthesizing: integrating new the, there, they, to, who, you information

? recognizing plurals ? checking other sources to

help in word recognition


Some animals that sleep in

? text in boxes

a, in, is, it, the


? repeated language patterns

? supportive illustration

? irregular placement of text

on page

synthesizing: new information with prior knowledge

? identifying high-frequency words

? using picture cues and initial/final letters for word identification

? generating rhyming words

Buses, Cars, and Trucks F Fiction: narrative --realistic story

Jacob likes looking at buses, cars, trucks, and any other vehicles he can find.

a, and, at, but, day, did, do, I, look, love, more, no, said, saw, say, school, so, the, then, they, this, to, went, would, yes, you

inferring: characters' appreciation predicting: using cover illustration

? using pictures cues and letter-sound knowledge to read unfamiliar words

? using known word parts to read unfamiliar words

How to Draw a Sitting Cat F Non-fiction: procedure --magazine article

Instructions for how to draw a sitting cat.

? numbered steps ? supportive illustrations ? directional words and phrases

a, are, cat, each, from, here, how, is, of, on, one, put, the, there, three, to, two, will, you, your

self-monitoring/sequencing: to understand a procedure

? using picture clues and word parts to support word recognition

? identifying high-frequency words

Oral Language and Writing Connections Oral: discussing Writing: Cat Parts BLM

Oral: sharing experiences, discussing, dramatizing, interviewing Writing: flyer

LPEY Text Connections

Cross-curricular Connections

comparison: Daytime, Nighttime (BB); How Times Change (School Days); Is It Alive? (B); What Can Float? (B); We Are Different (D) dogs: What Can Dogs Do? (A); Go Home, Daisy (F); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H); Come Home, Bailey (I)

science: characteristics of living things health and phys. ed.: parts of the human body

procedure: Making Ice Cream (BB), Snowflakes (D); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F); Plant a Seed (H)

social studies: rules and responsibilities; interactions in the community

Oral: discussing Writing: retelling

vehicles: I Can Ride (A); Trucks social studies:

in Action (D); Buses, Cars, and interactions in the community,

Trucks (F)

people in the community

Oral: discussing (partner and whole group) Writing: facts to accompany an illustration

magazine articles: Spring Is Here (C); How to Draw a Sitting Cat (F) animals: The Emperor's Egg (RA); Is This a Moose? (BB); What Can Dogs Do? (A); Is It Alive? (B); What Colour Is This Fish? (B); Lost Cat (D); What Can Walk on Walls? (D); Same and Different (E); Go Home, Daisy (F); A Pod for a Baby Orca (H); True or False: Finding Out About Newfoundland Dogs (H); Come Home, Bailey (I)

science: characteristics of living things; daily and seasonal changes

Oral: discussing, dramatizing the story Writing: finishing sentence starters

vehicles: I Can Ride (A); Trucks in Action (D); To the Rescue (E) leisure activities with family: Helping Grandma (SR); On Saturday (D); Home Run (C); Here Comes the Parade (E); Going Swimming (F)

social studies: people and places in the community; interactions in family and community

Oral: discussing (partners and whole group), explaining Writing: instructions

art: Making Things (A); My Picture (A); My Collage (C); I Can Draw (D); Snowflakes (D); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F) procedure: Making Ice Cream (BB); Snowflakes (D); School Bus Rules (E); Let's Make Cards (F); Paint a Mouse Face (F); Plant a Seed (H) magazine articles: Spring Is Here (C); Winter Animals Are Sleeping (E)

the arts (visual art): elements of design math: 2-D shapes

? Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2013 Literacy Place for the Early Years (NL) ? Grade One



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