Unit 2 Practice Questions .edu

Unit 2 Practice Questions

Epidemiology 6000

1. In which of the following measures is the numerator not included in the denominator?

a. Proportion

b. Ratio

c. Rate

d. Incidence

2. Which of the following measures includes the element of time?

a. Proportion

b. Ratio

c. Rate

d. Cumulative incidence

3. Compare and contrast cumulative incidence and incidence density.

4. Which of the following measures the relative impact of premature death on society and can be used to establish public health priorities?

a. Age-specific death rate

b. Years of potential life lost

c. Case fatality rate

d. Crude death rate

5. Why do we use person-time?

6. What are some of the problems with using crude rates instead of adjusted rates?

7a. Calculate the expected deaths for Miami and Alaska using the U.S population in Table 2 as the standard population.

7b. Calculate the direct adjusted death rates for Miami and Alaska in Table 1. Are the adjusted rates the same or different?

Table 1

| |Miami |Alaska |

| Age |Population |Death Rate/1000 |Expected Deaths |Population |Death Rate/1000 |Expected Deaths |

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