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1000 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT (Version 2016a)

The project’s complexity and character determine the tasks and the appropriate Scope Approval Document Format for the project. Include only those specific analyses necessary for reviewers to adopt a meaningful project scope within which to develop the preliminary design.

Exhibit 7-1 in Appendix 7 of the NYSDOT Project Development Manual is used to determine the appropriate Scope Approval Document Format and requirements.

1100 Project Data Development (Version 2016a)

The State shall provide a brief written statement by the facility's jurisdictional governing body specifying whether or not plans exist to reconstruct or widen the highway segments immediately adjacent to the project within the next twenty years.

The (Consultant)(State) shall determine the influence, if any, of other existing or proposed projects in the vicinity of this project (e. g., whether a nearby highway widening would influence this project's design traffic volumes).

[Also: describe here any data within the tasks listed below that the Consultant)(State) will develop and provide.]

1101 The (Consultant)(State) shall investigate the history of the project area and collect all necessary information [specify if known] pertaining to the other projects.

1102 The (Consultant)(State) shall review the local comprehensive plan (“Master Plan”) prepared for the [insert the location] to ensure that the project is consistent with this plan. The (Consultant)(State) shall check local private development plans for any approved developments that may impact traffic operations.

1103 The (Consultant)(State) shall determine if there is/are no alternate routes that would be suitable as a permanent detour.

1104 The (Consultant)(State) shall review the approved Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and determine if the project is on it. The (Consultant)(State) shall confirm that there are no plans to reconstruct or widen this highway segment or adjoining segments within the next 20 years.

1105 The (Consultant)(State) shall obtain functional classification of the highway part of the project area.

1110 The Consultant shall determine:

• Existing mainline speed limit

• Existing operating speeds (85th percentile speeds in most cases)

• Whether the speed limit is posted

1120 [For projects with level of service worse than C] The Consultant shall develop project travel speed and delay estimates for the peak hour and average hour for:

• Existing traffic conditions

• Design year traffic for the null alternative

1130 The Consultant shall obtain or determine land use for:

• The project area as it now exists

• Future land development and terrain, including development years.

1140 The Consultant shall confirm existing vehicular access control (i.e., full control, partial control, or uncontrolled) regarding:

• Proper treatment for commercial driveways

• Conformity with NYSDOT "Policy and Standards for Entrances to State Highways"

• Proper treatment for the crossroad end of interchange ramps according to the Highway Design Manual, Chapter 6 requirements

• Conformity with ASHTO “Policy on Design Standards- Interstate System”, January 2005

1150 Existing Highway Features

[If EB 01-017 requires a pavement evaluation and the State will perform it, include the following sentence.] The State shall prepare a Pavement Evaluation and Treatment Report per EB 01-017.

[Do not include task 1300 if selecting this]

1151 The Consultant shall determine the existing highway section and features within the project limits, including:

• Number, width, type, and locations of travel lanes

• Shoulder widths and types

• Number, width, type, and locations of utilities and utility strips in each direction

• Location of curbed sections

• Width and type of median

• Width of clear zone

• Location and percent of grades

• Horizontal curve radii

• Intersection geometry and conditions

• Parking regulations and conditions within the project limits

• Right-of-way width (may be shown on a plan with references to the plan)

• Condition and adequacy of guiderail, median barriers, and impact attenuators

• Location of traffic control features and their conformity with the latest guidelines for such features

• Provisions for pedestrians and bicyclists

• Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

• Geotechnical concerns

• Lighting

• Maintenance Jurisdiction

• Transit

• Parks and recreational facilities

• Airports and train stations

• Inventory of bus routes and transit stops

(A table format for the above information is recommended; a plan or typical section may be used where appropriate)

1152 The Consultant shall determine the existing conditions and roadway sections of all abutting and intersecting adjacent highway segments

1153 The Consultant shall determine pavement and shoulder conditions within the project limits.

1160 [Include only if Section 1150 is not included] The Consultant shall provide a general assessment of drainage conditions within the project limits.

1170 The Consultant shall identify all utilities, and the respective owners, that are within the project's existing right of way.

1180 Traffic Data Development

1181 The Consultant shall provide traffic count data for existing conditions:

1182 The Consultant shall provide growth factors for forecasting.

1183 The Consultant shall provide forecast data for forecast years as follows:

Forecast Data:


• DHV (2-way)


• Vehicle Classifications

• Vehicle Operating Speeds

• Hot/Cold Start Estimates [needed for air quality analysis]

• Turning Volumes

Forecast Years:

• Present

• Estimated Time of Completion (ETC)

• ETC + 5 years

• ETC + 10 years

• ETC + 15 years

• ETC + 20 years

• ETC + 30 years

The Consultant shall forecast and provide design year volumes according to the policy in the NYSDOT Project Development Manual Appendix 5, and shall explain the basis for the design year selection.

1184 The Consultant shall provide flow diagrams for appropriate peak periods (e. g., a. m., noon, p. m.) showing existing and design year volumes on the mainline, on each approach of all intersections, and at major traffic generators.

1190 Traffic Routing

1191 The Consultant shall determine which if any school buses, emergency vehicles, or farm machinery regularly use this route.

1192 The Consultant shall determine which if any suitable detour routes are available.

1200 Project Scoping Analyses (Version 2016a)

1210 Capacity Analyses

The (Consultant)(State) shall perform capacity analyses using the latest versions of the Highway Capacity Manual and highway capacity software (HCS) or other NYSDOT approved traffic analysis software [consultants can purchase HCS from McTrans Center; see EB 99-054 and EI 96-002] [consultants can purchase HCS from McTrans Center; see EB 99-054 and EI 96-002]at mainline and intersection locations within the project limits to determine:

• Existing level of service

• Design year no build level of service

• Estimates of the duration of the poor level of service where it occurs during commuter travel periods.

1220 Accident Analysis

The State shall provide the most recent accident data including:

• NYSDOT Regional Priority Investigation Locations (PIL's)

• Accident records for the last three years

• Statewide accident rates relevant to the project area.

The Consultant shall prepare collision diagrams and associated summary sheets, and note any clusters of accidents or patterns implying inadequate geometrics, or other safety problems, within the study area limits (IAW HDM Chapter 5).

The Consultant shall compare accident rates within the project limits to statewide rates by facility type.

1230 Nonstandard Features

The (Consultant)(State) shall identify the standards as specified in the Highway Design Manual to be used under this task.

The Consultant shall identify all existing nonstandard features that are within and immediately adjacent to the project limits.

The Consultant shall identify any specific non-standard features that correlate with a high accident rate.

1240 [Include only if project involves one or more bridges.] Bridge Conditions

The following bridge(s) (is) (are) included: [Describe by BIN, feature carried, and feature crossed.]

For each bridge the State shall provide:

• Bridge Inspection and Condition Report

• NYSDOT General Recommendation

• NYSDOT Condition Rating

• FHWA Sufficiency Rating

• Statewide/ Regional priority numbers

• Bridge Management System rating

• As-built plans

Using the above information the Consultant shall extract or determine for (the) (each) bridge:

• Structure and deck type

• Year constructed

• Construction Contract number

• wearing surface type

• Length

• Number of spans and length of each

• Out to out width

• Curb-to-curb or rail-to-rail width [N/A for a bridge carrying a railroad]

• Skew angle

• Utilities carried on the bridge

• Utilities parallel to the bridge

• Possible asbestos wrapping

• R.O.W. limits

• Date of most recent inspection

• Posted weight limits and year of posting

• Vertical clearance restrictions less than the legal minimum

1241 (Vacant)

1242 The Consultant shall determine expected future conditions for the null alternative using an anticipated deterioration rate provided by the State.

1243 The Consultant shall determine existing hydraulic conditions and provide a preliminary qualitative hydraulic assessment.

1244 The Consultant shall determine potential U. S. Coast Guard involvement based on a U.S. Coast Guard Jurisdiction Checklist provided by the State.

1300 Pavement Evaluation (Version 2016a)

[Do not include if performed by the State in task 1150]

The Consultant shall perform a pavement evaluation in accordance with EB 01-017 (or replacement policy) and the current NYSDOT Pavement Rehabilitation Manual (PRM), Volumes I (Pavement Evaluation) and II (Treatment Selection). Analyses shall consider thickness design in accordance with the New York State Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual.

[If the Consultant will use a subcontractor to take the pavement cores, include the following statement and omit Task 1330:]

(Consultant shall perform the required pavement coring through the use of a subcontractor under the Subsection 8700 work.)

1310 Consultant shall directly coordinate with local government offices where necessary to obtain road history data.

1320 Consultant shall perform a field distress survey of pavement and shoulders.

1330 [Include this task only if cores will be taken by consultant employees.] The Consultant shall perform full-depth pavement coring to verify existing conditions. Specifically:

[Specify road segments being cored and for each segment the number of cores and core spacing.]

1340 The Consultant shall perform life cycle cost analyses of alternative treatments.

1350 The Consultant shall prepare a Condition Report summarizing the survey findings in the format specified in Volume I of the PRM.

1360 The Consultant shall prepare a Pavement Evaluation Report documenting the above data and activities and describing and comparing alternative pavement treatments. This report shall follow the format shown in Part 4, Volume II of the PRM but shall initially omit the "Recommendations" section.

1370 The Consultant shall transmit an initial draft along with the cores to the State for review.

The State shall determine recommended pavement treatments as part of this review, and shall provide the Consultant with all comments including the recommended treatments within _____ weeks of receipt of the initial draft.

1380 The Consultant shall revise the report to incorporate review comments (assumed minor) and to add the "Recommendations" section containing the recommended treatments. (Under Subsection 1500 the Consultant shall include the final report in the PSR as a technical appendix (and shall summarize it in the PSR text).

1400 Development of Project Scoping Alternatives (Version 2016a)

The (Consultant)(State) shall establish and provide the applicable design criteria specified in Chapter 2 of the Highway Design Manual for development of each alternative based on facility type, functional class, design classification and (where applicable) federal system.

1410 The Consultant shall develop and analyze scoping alternatives and a null alternative.

[Describe specific alternatives if known. This can be done in a form of a table or descriptive (e. g., "These shall include a single reconstruction alternative on existing alignment between Route 50 and Maple Avenue, realignment alternatives between Maple Avenue and Bruce Drive, and mainline over, mainline under, and at-grade alternatives for the railroad bridge.")]

The analysis shall include:

• Non-construction improvements and varying degrees of construction improvements, as appropriate

• Identification of general physical features and type of improvement associated with each solution

• A level of detail sufficient for evaluating and comparing alternative solutions to needs, but not a level necessary for evaluating and comparing specific design features

• Environmental, socioeconomic and community issues including context-sensitive design opportunities.

1420 The Consultant shall discuss the alternatives with the State as they are being developed, so that unfeasible alternatives can be eliminated as soon as practicable.

1430 Construction cost estimates

1431 The Consultant shall develop a cost estimate for each alternative. The (Consultant) (State) shall manage the estimate, including the pricing information. [Determine the regional policy regarding pricing input and specify clearly who will manage which portions of the estimate.]

1432 [If the project includes one or more bridges] The Consultant shall complete a Bridge Estimate Worksheet (form provided by the State) for each bridge before completing the cost estimate.

1500 Scope Approval Document (Version 2016a)

[Exhibit 7-1 in Appendix 7 of the NYSDOT Project Development Manual is used to determine the appropriate Scope Approval Document Format (IPP/FDR, PSR/FDR, DDR or PSR).]

The State shall make all determinations not specifically assigned to the Consultant which are needed to prepare the Scope Approval Document.

1510 The Consultant shall prepare the draft Scope Approval Document in accordance with the NYSDOT Project Development Manual, and shall inform the State on content and progress as necessary during its development.

1520 The Consultant shall submit a draft Scope Approval Document to the State for review.

The State shall review the draft Scope Approval Document and provide the Consultant with review comments.

1530 The Consultant shall assist the State in resolving the review comments.

1540 The Consultant shall incorporate State review comments into the draft Scope Approval Document and resubmit it as a final Scope Approval Document.

1900 Miscellaneous Project Scoping Tasks

[Include in this subsection any major project-specific scoping assignment not associated with any of the above tasks.]


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