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Name_______________________________________AP HG 1.3THINKING GEOGRAPHICALLYHow are maps made? -316865154305-228600154305Describe the last time you used a map. Was it on your phone or on paper? What did you use it for?Other Types of Maps ISOLINEConnects _____________________ all the places that have particular valuesDOT DISTRIBUTIONDepicts _____________________________ and shows how those points are ________________________________________________________ over an area.Each dot represents a predetermined number of observationsCHOROPLETHRecognizable areas are ___________________________________________ in proportion to the measurement of the variable. GRADUATED SYMBOLDisplays symbols that ____________________________ according to the value of the variableCARTOGRAM__________ of a country or US state is _________________________ to the value of a particular variable -228600-228600How are maps made?Maps are not just paper documents in textbooks. They have become essential for delivery of contemporary online services through Smartphones, tablets, and computers. Location data used in applications and devices are collected through electronic tools.Contemporary ToolsHaving largely completed the great task of accurately mapping Earth’s surface, which required several centuries, geographers have turned to Geographic Information Science to learn more about the characteristics of places. Two important technologies that developed during the past quarter century are remote sensing from satellites (to collect data) and geographic information systems (computer programs for manipulating geographic data). Geographic Information Science helps geographers to create more accurate and complex maps and to measure changes over time in the characteristics of places. 4572000367030A GIS (geographic information system) is a computer system that can capture, store, query, analyze and display geographic data. They key to GIS is geocoding: The position of any object on Earth can be measured and recorded with mathematical precision and then stored in a computer. A map can be crated by asking the computer to retrieve a number of stored objects and combine them to form an image. GIS can be used to produce maps that are more accurate and attractive than those drawn by hand. In the past, when cartographers drew maps with pen and paper, a careless moment could result in an object being placed in the wrong location, and a slip of hand could ruin hours of work. GIS is more efficient for mapmaking than pen and ink: objects can be added or removed, colors brightened or toned down, and mistakes corrected without having to tear up the hand-drawn map. The value of GIS extends beyond the ability to make complex maps more easily. Layers can be compared to show relationships among different kinds of information. To understand the impact of farming practices on water pollution, a physical geographer may wish to compare a layer of vegetation with a layer of bodies of water. GIS enables geographers to calculate whether relationships between objects on a map are significant or merely coincidental. For example, maps showing where cancer rates are relatively low or high can be combined with layers showing the location of people with various incomes and ethnicities, the location of different types of factories, and the location of mountains and valleys. GIS (GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM):3200400-1905The acquisition of data about Earth from satellites orbiting Earth or from other long-distance methods is known as remote sensing. Remote-sensing satellites scan Earth’s surface and images are transmitted in digital form to a receiving station on Earth. At any moment a satellite sensor records the image of a tiny area called a picture element or pixel. Scanners are detecting the radiation being reflected from that tiny area. A map created by remote sensing is essentially a grid containing many rows of pixels. Human geographers are interested in remote sensing to map the distribution of urban sprawl and agricultural practices. REMOTE SENSING:Our smartphones, tablets and computers are equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS), which is a system that determines the precise position of something on Earth. The GPS in use in the US includes two dozen satellites paced in predetermined orbits; a series of tracking stations to monitor and control the satellites; and receivers that compute position, velocity, and time from the satellite signals. GPS is most commonly used for navigation. Pilots of aircraft and ships stay on course with GPS. On land, GPS detects a vehicle’s current position, the motorist programs the desired destination into a GPS device, and the device provides instructions on how to reach the destination. GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM):3657600-8651875Thanks to GPS, our electronic devices provides us with a wealth of information about the specific place on Earth we currently occupy. The locations of all the information we gather and photos we take with out electronic devices are recorded through geotagging, which is identification and storage of a piece of information by its precise latitude and longitude coordinates. However, geotagging has led to concerns about privacy. GEOTAGGING:22860017780Most of the maps fed into our electronic devices are provided by a handful of companies. However, smartphones, tablets, and computers enable individuals to make maps and share them with others. Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is the creation and dissemination of geographic data contributed voluntarily and for free by individuals. VGI is part of the borader trend of citizen science, which is scientific research by amateur scientists, and participatory GIS (PGIS) which is community-based mapmaking. Citizen science and PGIS collect and disseminate local knowledge and information through electronic devices. VGI: PROS AND CONS OF GEOTAGGINGgeotagging[?d?i???-t?g‐??]-?noun, verbThe addition of geographical location data to mixed media such as photos, video, tweets or social media status updates.The last surrender of privacy by telling the whole world where you are and where you are not at any given time. Particularly loved by stalkers and robbers.-513715213995114935140970Before reading on, brainstorm PROS and CONS of geotagging. PROSCONSPROStechnology is great, but is just being misused and misunderstood by many people. Geotagging can be switched off or customized. Arguably it should be opt-in in the first place. Many are trying to raise awareness about inadvertent information sharing and helping educate people about how to gain control of their personal location info. On an iPhone it’s easy to switch geotagging off on the camera. And if you are aware of your location data and are using it wisely there are many advantages of geotagging.Sharing locations with specific friends to help meet up at concerts or festivals for exampleDocumenting holidays by having your holiday photos arranged by location or uploaded to Google Maps automaticallyAiding disaster recovery teamsSophisticated augmented reality appsOne of the biggest ways in which geotagging is currently being pushed is for?location based marketing. Now you can get push notifications from high street stores when you check-in somewhere nearby. With the advent of? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Facebook Places, and all the personal data that Facebook stores about individuals, you can bet that soon you will be receiving more and more accurately targeted marketing notifications. If you list photography as your main hobby on Facebook then you will probably be told of camera offers whenever you are near a photography shop. And because they will have access to your trends over time it will help the adverts be more refined to your movements and habits and also provide ads over mixed media depending on your tastes.CONSGiving out live information of your whereabouts is like broadcasting to burglars that you’re not at homeUnbeknownst to many people, geotagging info is automatically hidden inside photos taken with devices such as the iPhone cameraSadly we all know that pedophiles are very internet-savvy and geotagged photos of children can help them build up maps of children’s movementsCelebrities taking geotagged photos at home have unwittingly given away their home addressesMAPS!4800600-685800Name:_____________________________________Science of mapmaking = _________________________Relationship between the length on a map and that feature on the landscape = _______________A system for transferring locations from a globe to a flat map = ______________________Describe the difference between small-scale and large-scale maps.Give an example of a fractional scale and a written scale.If the scale on a map is 1:24,000 then, 1 inch on the map = _________________ inches on Earth’s surface1 inch on the map = _________________ feet on Earth’s surface? inch on the map = _________________ inches on Earth’s surface If the scale on a map reads 1 inch equals 1 mile then,? inch on the map = ______________________ miles on Earth 2 miles on Earth = ___________________ inches on the map1.5 miles on Earth = ___________________ inches on the map Which map would have the smallest scale?WorldContinentStateCityCountyDistortion is especially severe onGlobesSmall-scale mapsLarge-scale mapsTopographic mapsAll maps Vocabulary5 Themes & Mapping-685800-914400Across5. the relationship of a features size on a map to its actual size6. scientific way of transferring locations of Earth’s surface to a flat map9. type of region that’s uniform throughout10. described by something’s relationship to places around it11. this type of scale shows less land area in more detail usually used for local maps12. science of mapmaking13. refers to all of the human and physical attributes in a location16. abbreviation for computer system that can capture store and display geographic dataDown1. in movement of goods the intensity decreases as distance increases2. this type of projection shows the globe as a rectangular map3. spatial unit or group of places that share similar characteristics4. exact location7. acquisition of data about Earth’s surface from a satellite orbiting Earth8. explains where something is on Earth14. first to demonstrate Earth was spherical15. abbreviation of the system that accurately determines precise position of something ................

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