
First Baptist Church101 S. Wilmington StreetRaleigh, NC 27601Dr. Dumas A. Harshaw, Jr., PastorJanuary 6, 2021“Hour of Renewal”Bible Study: 1 JohnGuiding PrinciplesHearing the Story, Sharing the Story, Living the Story_____________Review_____________1 John 4:174:17a: By this, love is perfected with us,?ν το?τ? τετελε?ωται ? ?γ?πη μεθ? ?μ?ν, 4:17b: so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment,?να παρρησ?αν ?χωμεν ?ν τ? ?μ?ρ? τ?? κρ?σεω?, 4:17c: because … so also are we in this world?τι καθ?? ?κε?ν?? ?στιν, κα? ?με?? ?σμεν ?ν τ? κ?σμ? το?τ?.4:17d: just as that one (=Jesus) isκαθ?? ?κε?ν?? ?στιν Special EmphasisPerfected (τετελε?ωται) = “to perfect” or “to overcome an imperfect state”“the perfection not of God’s love in us but of our love for God”(John Stott)“Thus God’s love reaches its goal when that love is known/recognized and believed/accepted (4:16a). Thus belief is the basis for loving action because the acceptance of God’s love involves love for one another. That is its goal.”(John Painter)“The word “complete” (also translated “perfect”) does not mean “that which is flawless,” but that which is “mature.” This completeness happens as each believer’s relationship with God, who is love, grows.”(Life Application Bible Commentary)“The author begins, “This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment.” The type of love the author, has in mind when he says “love is made complete among us” here would seem to be God’s love that is with us, which completes its work so that our fear as we face the day of judgment is removed.”(Colin G. Kruse) “The function of love in the believer’s life is the impartation of a bold confidence that will enable him to stand before the judgment seat of Christ without fear or shame.”(D. Burdick, Daniel L. Akin)(Illustration by Gary M. Burge)Scripture References:John 171 Corinthians 13++++Today’s Lesson1 John 4:184:18a: There is no fear in love,φ?βο? ο?κ ?στιν ?ν τ? ?γ?π?, 4:18b: but perfect love expels fear,?λλ? ? τελε?α ?γ?πη ?ξω β?λλει τ?ν φ?βον,4:18c: because fear includes punishment,?τι ? φ?βο? κ?λασιν ?χει,4:18d: and [because] the one who fears has not been perfected in love.? δ? φοβο?μενο? ο? τετελε?ωται ?ν τ? ?γ?π?. BELIEVE THE LOVE (V.16)PRACTICE THE LOVE (V.17)ACCEPT THE LOVE (V.18)Definitions:Fear (φ?βο?)The natural human emotion of fear when a person’s perceptions of the world are overturned, such as when Jesus was walking out to the disciples on the water (John 6:19-20).It also refers to a preoccupation with one’s own reputation or status being threatened, such as when the parents of the man born blind are afraid of getting excommunicated from the synagogue (John 9:22; 7:13; 19:38; 20:19).In a similar way, Pilate feared for his own well-being at the trial of Jesus. The fear these people experienced was concern for their own welfare. It is this latter usage that appears in 4:18. What John underscores is that love does not exist in a selfish preoccupation with reputation or status. (Herbert W. Bateman) Punishment (κ?λασιν) Can refer to physical torture in this life.Can refer to eternal punishment. (Herbert W. Bateman)++++Love Human and DivineLove has its origin in God (V.7)Love has a double relationship to God (vs.7-8)By knowing God, we learn to loveBy loving we learn to know GodLove comes from God, and love leads to GodIt is by love that God is known (V.12)God’s love is demonstrated in Jesus Christ (V.9)Human love is a response to divine love (V.19)When love comes, fear goes (Vs. 17-18)Love of God and love of other people are indissolubly connected (Vs. 7,11,20,21)God Is LoveIt is the explanation of creation.It is the explanation of free will.It is the explanation of providence.It is the explanation of redemption.It is the explanation of life beyond.Son of God and Savior.It tells us that Jesus is the bringer of life (V.9).It tells us that Jesus is the restorer of the lost relationship with God (V.10).It tells us that Jesus is the Savior of the world (V.14).It tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. (William Barclay)Scripture ReferencesMatthew 25:21Romans 8:15II Corinthians 5:10“If you are fearful, you cannot enjoy your salvation. Joy stems from love, and if you have love for the Lord Jesus, for God, and for your brethren, then fear has been cast out.”J. Vernon McGee ................

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