Open chapter Bible Study

Open chapter Bible Study

Goal of the open chapter study:

The goal of this study is to share the Gospel by looking at the claims of Jesus over the period of 8-10 weeks.

I would announce this open or “seeker” study at chapter and even put a flyer in the mail room reminding guys. We do ours at noon on Wednesdays on the back deck of the Sigma Chi house to show that it is for anyone and everyone is welcome to come sit with us.

IF you want to read through a Christian book as a group, I would hold off till the spring semester to find out what group of guys are committed to be in the study.

I would figure out about how many actives you think might come and I would go online and purchase 20 or so Bibles with the same translation and keep them in the drawers in your nice room and just pull them out each week and pass them around. The idea is that you don’t want guys uncomfortable looking up passages when you can just say, “Turn in your bibles to page 733 and we will be looking at the story of Nicodemus and Jesus in John chapter 3.”

You can either read just one chapter a week and discuss the content or you could just read a main passage of one of Jesus’ claims about himself then discuss what he meant by each claim.

Remember the idea of this study is to have open discussion in an open chapter study and discuss the claims of Christ from the book of John. Just meeting and talking through his claims is a great way for these guys to see that Jesus was way more than just a teacher but he made amazing claims about himself and then he backed them up. For example: he would heal the blind man then he would claim that he is the light of the world. He would feed the 5000 then he would say, “I am the bread of life”.

Study Questions:

John 1:1-5, 9-14 What claims were John, The author, making about Christ?

In 1:29-32, What did John the Baptist say about Jesus when john was actually 6 months older

In john 3, what was significant about what Jesus was saying to Nicodemus?

John 4:9-15: 22-26. What claims were Jesus making about himself to the woman at the well.  

John 4:35.  What does Jesus mean by saying that the fields are ripe for harvest all around you?   I believe there are people around you ready to trust Christ if we would just tell them the good news 


John 6, When Jesus feed the 5,000, what do you think was the significance of there being 12 baskets of food left? 

*possibly so that each of the disciples would have a basket to take back to Jesus so each of them saw the miracle and physically was a part of Gus blessing 

6:25-51.   What did Jesus mean by claiming he was the bread of life? 

John 7:37-52 what claim does Jesus make here? 

John 8:12-32 what claim does he claim about himself in this passage 

John 8:48-55. What does Jesus say about Abraham?  They met most likely in genius 18:1

John 9:37. What does Jesus say to the blind man he healed? 

John 10:1-21 Jesus makes several claims in this passage. What do you think they mean?

10:26-31; 37-39 why do the religious leaders want to stone Jesus? 

11: I would read though this entire chapter together. What claim does Jesus make about himself. I would at least read 1-44. But it is interesting that the religious leaders are so blind that they decide at this time to kill Christ. And later they even say they will kill Lazarus also.

John 12:24-26 what was Jesus saying in this passage?

John 12:44-50 Once again read and discuss the claim Jesus is making about himself.

John 14:1-7 A great claim that Jesus makes concerning himself. What do you think he meant?

John 15:1-12 what is Jesus saying in this passage about himself?

John 16:25-33. How has Jesus over come the world?

John 18:3-11 who is really in charge of the situation, Jesus or his enemies?

Remember what he said back in john 10:17-19

John 21: 15-17 what is Jesus asking Peter to do? How does this relate to us?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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