

Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, Ph.D.

1. The father of a 1-month old baby is a personal friend of yours. He is a concerned and good father, but has told you that "while they're babies, all they need is loving care--they don't need for anyone to talk to them too much." What will you tell your friend in terms of a) milestones in the baby's first year of life, and ways that he and his wife can stimulate the baby’s language development?

2. Describe all the theories of child language development that we discussed in class. Who was the "founding father" of each theory? What are the principles espoused in each theory, and what are the clinical implications of each?

3. Define the terms semantics, syntax, morphology, and pragmatics.

4. List several paralinguistic cues in communication.What are metalinguistic skills?

5. You are talking with a friend and telling them that you are in this major. The friend says “Aren’t speech and language the same thing?” What would you tell this friend?

6. How does Dr. R. define language?

7. What is the difference between free and bound morphemes?

8. You enter a job where you work with a number of students who have difficulties with social skills. What are some important aspects of pragmatics that you will focus on teaching them?

9. What is the difference between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system?

10. List and describe the 4 lobes of the brain. What is the function of each?

11. Explain the functions of the left and right hemispheres.

14. You are talking to a friend whose baby is 6 months old. She says “As long as I just talk to him a lot—it doesn’t matter if I respond to him. All he needs is for me to talk.” What will you tell her about what current research says?


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