How to reset spark router


How to reset spark router

The perfect spot does it all; be it romance or your router! To avail the best signal and network connectivity, make sure you keep your Huawei HG659b Spark router visibly and not facing the wall or behind the curtains Auto channels might fail you once in a while; believe that you're smarter than the Huawei router! Find a seamless wireless channel instead of what the router finds automatically. This would ensure that your signal does not interfere with that of your neighbors. If you're running a Windows-based PC, you can see what channels neighboring Wi-Fi networks are using Press Start > type "cmd". Open Command prompt In command prompt type netsh wlan show all You will see a list of all wireless networks and the channels being used in your vicinity. instead of using "Auto" for the control channel, Pick the channel that has the lowest interference Check If Huawei HG659b Spark has dual-band, the more commonly used band would be 2.4GHz; however, switching to 5GHz would bring out better results! It depends on your device though; if you're running an old lad, you might have to switch back to the conventional Gaming consoles/media streamers work better when connected through Ethernet cable of Huawei HG659b Spark; in fact, as you might not be moving your TV all over the house, why connect it to the Wi-Fi at all? The gaming consoles / video streaming devices flood the network with data. This means that if possible, you should consider hardwire (using Ethernet cable) the devices that tend to consume a lot of bandwidth. Although this can sort of defeat the purpose of having wireless network, but it can actually help your overall network speed of Huawei HG659b Spark if you can hardwire the bandwidth hogs Here is something important to note! On schedule, folks, reboot your Huawei HG659b Spark router! Though routers are built to constantly be running at all times, simple tweak like regular power cycling (a fancy way of saying unplugging the power cord and shoving it back up) helps with most issues. Rebooting your Huawei HG659b Spark can fix Internet connection problems, improve slow moving connections and resolve wireless issues altogether. Try unplugging your Huawei modem on a quarterly basis to stay proactive (Never reset, always reboot modem) How do I reboot my cable modem? If you don't have Sparklight Phone, follow these instructions to reboot your modem: Locate the power cord on the back of the Cable modem. Unplug power, wait 15 seconds and then plug it back in. The lights on the modem should slowly be restored within a few minutes. Please wait until the "Online" light is solid. You may need to reboot your router and/or computer in order to reestablish an Internet connection. If you have an Arris Brand Cable Modem (likely if you currently have or had Sparklight Phone service), please follow these steps: Please locate the recessed reset button that is located on the back of your Arris modem. Use an object with a small tip to depress the reset button for 1 seconds. Avoid holding down the reset button for more than 10 seconds. Doing this will accidentally reset the modem to its factory defaults. The lights on the modem should turn off, except for the power light, and then slowly be restored within a few minutes. The services your modem provides should be restored once the "Online" light is on and no longer flashing. You may need to reboot your router and or computer in order to re-establish an Internet connection. Learn how to restore your modem back to its factory default state. This returns your modem to its out-of-the-box settings. In many cases, a reset may fix connection issues and problems. Factory reset using reset button Follow these steps to factory reset your Spark Smart Modem. Please note that by factory resetting your modem, any changes you've made to the modem settings will be restored back to default. This includes your WiFi name and password. Power on your modem. Place a paper clip or pin into the hole on the back of the modem labeled Reset. Hold the paper clip or pin down for 10 to 15 seconds and release. The modem will reboot on its own. Once the WLAN light stops flashing, the reset process is complete. Please note that factory resetting your modem does not reset the modem firmware to an earlier version. It will only change all settings back to factory default, Factory reset using modem interface Open any web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge. In the address bar, type and press enter. Enter your modem login information. By default, the User name and Password will both be admin. This information is also located on the bottom of your modem. Click Adminstration from the left hand side. Click Restore/Save/Upload Setting. Click the Restore to Factory Defaults button. Click OK and then click OK again to confirm the factory restart of your modem. All data and settings saved on your modem will be reset to default and your modem will automatically reboot. Learn more Update your WiFi network name and password Here you can easily Reset Huawei HG531s Spark WiFi router for free. You can reset Huawei router with the button or Web-Based Configuration Utility. You cannot update any security settings unless you know the username and password and access the router's configuration utility. If you cannot remember the router's username and password or your login credentials stop working, you must reset your Huawei router. Factory resetting the router will erase all changes you made to the router. Internet/Wireless Settings will need to be reconfigured. Huawei HG531s Spark Reset with Button This is the simplest way to reset the Huawei HG531s Spark WiFi router. All routers have this Reset button. Reset delete all internet or and wireless settings on your device (IP addresses, DNS details, WiFi password, etc). Follow these steps to reset your Huawei wireless router. Method ? 1 First, Verify that your router is currently turned on and plugged into a power source. Next, Find the round Reset button on the back or bottom of your router. Take the end of a paperclip or pin. After that, press and hold down the Reset button for about 10 seconds (Some times it will take 15 seconds). The router will restart and it will take few seconds to complete the reset. Method ? 2 First, Turn on your router. After that, locate the RESET button on the router. Next, Hold down the RESET button more than 10 seconds. Release the RESET button after the power LED light starts flashing. After that, Router will automatically reboot. Please note: Resetting the Huawei router does not reset the firmware to an earlier version. It will only change all settings (Like IP addresses and DNS etc) back to factory defaults. Reset via Web-Based Configuration Utility You must need basic knowledge about computer and browser to reset Huawei HG531s Spark router with Web-based configuration utility. You can easily reset and reboot with this utility. You don't need to download any software or tool for this method. This reset method deletes all internet and wireless settings on your Huawei router (IP addresses, DNS, WiFi password, etc). So before reset save all data if possible. Follow these steps to Reset the Huawei WiFi router. Open any internet browser (like Firefox or Google Chrome etc). After that, Enter the IP address Next, Enter Username and Password Next Find and select Reset or Reboot option. After that, Tap on the Reset or Reboot. Your device will be rebooted. Reset done on your Huawei router. Login Details for Huawei HG531s Spark All Huawei routers don't have same login details. So you must find the right login details such as IP address, Username, and Password to reset your router. If default IP, Username and password are not worked, Follow this link to get your Huawei HG531s Spark router login details. Huawei HG531s Spark IP, Username and Password Access to the user interface IP address: or Password: admin or LTEcpe First, Verify that your router is currently turned on and plugged into a power source. After that, Establish a connection between the device and the router via network cable or WiFi. Next, Enter IP address or URL in the address line. Then confirm with Enter button. Now Enter username and password in the open interface. Now confirm once more. FAQ ? Reset Huawei HG531s Spark What is the default password for Huawei HG531s Spark? The default password is blank. (Means there is no password for Huawei router). How do I reset my Huawei HG531s Spark wireless router? You can reset with a button which is located on the back or bottom side of your router. How do I find my Huawei HG531s Spark username and password? You can locate the username and password, the backside of the router. How do I access my Huawei HG531s Spark router settings? You must log in to web-based configuration utility to access router settings. Here you find how to configure and reset Huawei HG659b Spark Router. On a sticker on the router's case On a sticker on the router's case To connect to your router's web interface, follow these steps: Turn on router Establish a connection between the device and the router via network cable or Wi-Fi* Open web browser Enter IP address in the address bar and then confirm with `Enter' key Enter username and password in the open interface and confirm once more To reset the Huawei HG659b Spark to its default settings, you have to do the following steps: Turn on router Press Factory Reset button and hold for at least 15 seconds Device restarts automatically Default settings have been restored The unit will reboot automatically. Once the power light stops blinking, the unit has been reset and is ready to use. Resetting the router does not reset the firmware to an earlier version, but it will change all settings back to factory defaults. Rename your Huawei HG659b Spark Default Wifi Name (SSID). Some Huawei routers come with default network names (with the name of the manufacturer). We recommend to use a different name because a default name unnecessarily identifies the make of your router, making it easier for attackers to break in. It's easy for a hacker to find out the manufacturer's default password for your Huawei HG659b Spark router and then use that password to access your wireless network. So it's wise to change the administrator password for your Huawei HG659b Spark router. When you're deciding on your new password, try to pick a complex series of numbers and letters and try to avoid using a password that can be guessed easily. MAC filtering allows you to limit access to your Huawei HG659b Spark router. To enable this feature, enter into your Huawei HG659b Spark router the 12-character MAC ID of each computer that will connect to your network. Be sure to update this information if you add or remove devices. Huawei HG659b Spark router transmits your Wi-Fi network ID (the so-called SSID) to everyone. This may be changed at will by unchecking the corresponding box in the settings. Then your network will not be so easily hacked. However, as a compromise, you will have to enter the SSID every time that you connect a device to the network. This step is not mandatory. MAC filtering allows you to limit access to your Huawei HG659b Spark router. To enable this feature, enter into your Huawei HG659b Spark router the 12-character MAC ID of each computer that will connect to your network. Be sure to update this information if you add or remove devices. You wouldn't think about this at first, but where you place your Huawei HG659b Spark also has a bearing on your security. Place the Huawei HG659b Spark router as close as possible to the middle of your house. The first benefit is that all the rooms in your house have the same access to the Internet. The second benefit is that you don't want to have your wireless signal range reach too much outside your house, where it can be easily intercepted by cybercriminals. For this reason, don't place your Huawei HG659b Spark router next to a window, since there's nothing to obstruct the signal going outside your house.

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