UW-Platteville SoE Lesson Planning Template

Name: Liz QuinnLesson Title: Frog Puppets (Fairytale Unit)Grade level(s)/Course: Early Childhood (2 year olds)Date taught: April 3, 2013GENERAL CONTEXTTextbook or Instructional Program referenced to guide your instruction (if any)Title:Publisher: of Publication: 2008District, school or cooperating teacher requirement or expectations that might influence your planning or delivery of instruction.This lesson will be reflective of the theme/unit being taught.Amount of time devoted each day or week in your classroom to the content or topic of your instruction. New art projects are introduced daily, and are reflective of the three week long unit currently in place. Art projects are generally related to and an introductory activity to that day’s read aloud story.Describe how ability grouping or tracking (if any) affects your planning and teaching of this content.N/AList any other special features of your school or classroom that will affect the teaching of this lesson.N/AINFORMATION ABOUT STUDENTS AND THEIR LEARNING NEEDSTotal students___10______ Males____8______ Females____2______Students with Special Needs: CategoryNumber of StudentsAccommodations and/or pertinent IEP ObjectivesStudents with IEPs0English Language Learners0Gifted05040Students with autism or other special needs0Students with Behavioral Disorders0INFORMATION ABOUT THE LESSONContent Strand – found within the Wisconsin Academic Content Standards or Wisconsin Model Early Learning StandardsListening/SpeakingEnduring Understanding and/or Essential QuestionRecognize fairytale characters have different qualities than normal animals/people.GLE(s) or EOC and Symbolic NotationWMELSIII. Language Development and CommunicationListening and UnderstandingA.EL.3- Follows directions of increasing complexityIV. Approaches to LearningCuriosity, Engagement and PersistenceA.EL.1- Displays curiosity, risk-taking and willingness to engage in new experiences.DOKLevel 1Level 1Outcome(s)The students will be able to construct a frog prince character by way of following verbal directions, as well as the teacher demonstrating the construction of the craft and being able to look at a model. Academic Language related to the lessonVocabulary: fairytale, prince, crownProcess terms: paint, roll, gluePrior Learning/Prior ThinkingThe students have had prior experience making animals/figures as crafts and creating projects using certain processes such as painting and gluing independently. The students will have also had prior experience using skills such as locating the correct spot for a particular feature of the figure via the example provided to them and/or being demonstrated alongside them working. LESSON IMPLEMENTATIONAnticipatory Set/Elicit Prior KnowledgeA few students will be called at a time to come to the table. The teacher will ask the students what they have been learning about in the classroom (“What is a prince?”, “Can a frog be a prince?”). The teacher will introduce the day’s art project as a paper bag “Frog Prince” puppet, which is a character from a fairytale, aligning with the current unit in place.Focus/Purpose StatementThe teacher will tell the students that the day’s art project is making a “Frog Prince” puppet, which is a make believe character related to the fairytale unit.Procedures After asking students what they are learning about, the teacher will introduce the art project (“Frog Prince” puppet).The teacher will show the students and example of the final product, explain and demonstrate the steps of instruction, one by one alongside the students:First, glue the frog prince’s crown on top of his head.Second, glue his green eyes under his crown.Next, roll up his red tongue and glue it to the opening of his mouth.Finally, paint his body green.Following the students’ completion of the art project, write their name on the inside of the paper bag. DifferentiationProcess- Repeat steps of instruction if needed; demonstrate construction again if necessary.Product-N/AContent- N/AClosureTeacher can ask students “What do frog princes do?”Materials and Resources Brown paper bags, red construction paper, green construction paper, black construction paper, yellow construction paperClassroom Management/Democratic PracticesThe art project will be done with all students in two small groups, one after the other finishes. The art project purpose and construction directions will be explained clearly, and re-explained to the second group of children that come to the table. The teacher wills supervise during the duration of the project, aiding them with further/repeated explanations or demonstrations in order for the product to be completed successfully.ASSESSMENTBefore the lessonGathering information about student knowledgeStudents will be asked about the current unit being studied in the classroom (“What are we learning about?”, “What is a fairytale?”)Pre-assessment that may be usedN/ADuring the lessonInformal Formative Assessment After providing verbal directions and a physical model of the frog prince puppet, observe themt o see if students are able to follow directions for assembling the art project. By observing the students constructing the puppet, an waiting for the next step to be provided to them, curiosity and engagement can be recognized.Formal Formative AssessmentN/AAt the end of the lessonFormative N/ASummativeA completed “Frog Prince” puppet provides evidence of success with following directions.Assessment RubricLESSON PLANNING CHECKLISTDoes the plan logically lay out what you will say and do? Did you include specific questions you will ask to invite, guide, and develop students’ thinking throughout the lesson?What strategies will you use? Have you included how you will set expectations for student behavior before and during the lesson (picking up materials; collaborative work time; listening behaviors, moving from one place to the next, etc.)? If students work in groups, have you included how you will group them and why that approach is appropriate to their learning needs?Have you specified how you will ensure students understand the academic language needed to succeed during this lesson?What content-specific vocabulary will you introduce and how will you introduce it?Do you plan for guided work so that students must use the ideas/skills they learn?Do you plan for students to independently work with or apply the ideas/skills?Do you include how you will differentiate for the varying needs of diverse students (gifted/remedial; ELL; social/emotional)?How will you collect evidence of students’ thinking and learning (formative assessments) during the lesson?REFLECTIONIf you have not had a conference at the completion of your lesson, or if your instructor asks for this, send a REFLECTION to your practicum supervisor. In your reflection address each of the following.Focus on student thinking and learning.What was working? What was not working? For whom? Why?Use specific examples of students’ work, actions or quotes to support your claims.What missed opportunities for student learning are you aware of that happened?If you could do it over, what might you have done to take advantage of missed opportunities to improve the learning of students with diverse needs?In your own classroom what would you teach next to build on this lesson?Link your ideas to your methods class content and readings, using appropriate and accurate quotes from text or theorists as you analyze and evaluate your work. ................

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