Agenda for 5/29/2008:

Meeting Title: |HL7 MITA Project | |

|Date & Time: |Weekly, Thursday |

| |11:30 PT, 12:30 Mtn, 1:30 CT, 2:30 ET |

|Join Link: | |

|Dial In Number: |770-657-9270 |

|Participant PIN: |451256 |


|Name |Affiliation |E-mail Address |Present |

|Alan Roush |Hubbert Systems |aroush@ | |

|Andrea Danes |Fox Systems |Andrea.Danes@ | |

|Bernard Jackson |Clemson University | |X |

|Bill Branch |Fox Systems |Bill.Branch@ |X |

|Brenda James |Clemson University | |X |

| | | | |

|David Walsh |eServices | |X |

|Curtis Boyd |LA Medicaid |CBOYD@dhh. | |

|Dale Webb |Illinois Medicaid |Dale.J.Webb@ | |

|Curtis Boyd |LA Medicaid |CBOYD@dhh. | |

|Dale Webb |Illinois Medicaid |Dale.J.Webb@ | |

|David Bass |CA Medicaid |David.bass@dhcs. |X |

|David Walsh |eServices |dwalsh@ | |

|David Bass |CA Medicaid |David.bass@dhcs. |X |

|Dot Ball |FourThoughtGroup |Dot.Ball@ |X |

| | | | |

|Edward DiNardo |EDS |Edward.Dinardo@ | |

|Faye Wright |KY Medicaid |Faye.C.Wright@ |X |

|Greg Anderson | | | |

| | | | |

|Jason Webster |KY Medicaid |Jason.Webster@ |X |

|Jeff Strand |EDS |Jeff.Strand@ |X |

|Joe Crisp |Noridian |joe.crisp@ | |

|June Rosploch |Kaiser Permanente   |june.rosploch@ | |

|John Lau |Maximus |johnlau@ | |

| | | | |

|Kathleen Connor |Microsoft |Kathleen.Connor@ | |

|Kristi Grunewald |MN Dept of Human Services | |X |

|Laury Hackett |Doral Dental |lahackett@ | |

|Lisa Doyle |ACS |Lisa.j.doyle@acs- | |

|Leslie Flaherty |MN Dept of Human Services | |X |

| | | | |

|Mary Kay McDaniel |Markam, Inc |mk_mcdaniel@ |X |

|Matt Miller |Fox Systems |matthew.miller@ | |

|Mel Rosenberg |NV Medicaid |mrosenberg@dhcfp. | |

|Melanie Lawrence |OK Medicaid |Melanie.Lawrence@ | |

| | | | |

|Rachel Foerster |CAQH |Rachel@rfa- | |

|Rick Howard |OR Medicaid | | |

|Roger Todd | |roger.todd@ |X |

| | | | |

|Shaun Meeks |Four Thought Group |Shaun.Meeks@ |X |

|Saravanan Regunath |CNSI |Saravanan.regunath@cns- | |

|Sherry Selover |Selover Company |sherry.selover@ | |

|Susan McClacherty |KS Health Policy Authority |susan.mcclacherty@khpa. |X |

|Tamaramy Demmitt |KS MedicaidDemmitt |Tamara.Demmitt@khpa.Tamara.demmitt@khpa.ks.go| |

| | |v | |

|Tom Merritt |Virginia Medicaid |Tom.Merritt@dmas. | |

|Don Rau |Texas HHSC |Don.Rau@hhsc.state.tx |X |

| | | | |

|Guests | | | |

|Teddy Bachour |Microsoft |Teddy.Bachour@ | |

|Bill McAuliffe |eServices Group Inc. |Bill.McAuliffe@ | |

|Tammy Demmitt |KS Medicaid |Tamara.Demmitt@khpa. | |

Agenda for 12/11/2008:

1. Call to order

Mary Kay McDaniel called the meeting to order at 1:35 CST.

2. Establish/determine minute taker

Jeff Strand took minutes.

3. Approved the Agenda

4. Approve call minutes for 12/04/2008

|Vote to Approve the call minutes from 12/04/08 as modified by Brenda James. |

|Moved |Second |Affirm |Abstain |Oppose |

|Jeff Strand |Brenda James |15 |0 |0 |

5. Announcements

➢ The Ballot period is scheduled to run December 3 through January 5, although the ballot opening for any or all pools may be delayed by up to three (3) days as ballot content preparation dictates.

➢ Need to get the modeler document complete for roles and responsibilities. All licensed members must agree to the roles.

➢ New members – Don Rau and Dave Walsh – joined the team.

➢ Mary Kay has had conversations with NASMD folks, Ann Kohler, concerning MITA Project providing them with updates. .

➢ Bill Branch informed the group that Rick Friedman and Denise Bazemore are attending the next NASMD conference and will be discussing MITA.

➢ Jennie Harvell, of DHHS ASPE, is spearheading the challenges Medicare is doing their business based on the use cases that HITSP is doing and how it is impacting Medicaids. Mary Kay is doing a high-level bullet points as well as a white paper.

➢ A letter is going through the NASMD to Kerry Weems concerning the MSIS and MDS push-back and is recommending MITA.

➢ January WGM attendees: Bill Branch and someone from CMS are planning on going. Leslie still isn’t sure. Bernard, Brenda, David have not been cleared. Jeff Strand was approved to attend.

6. Any Subworkgroup Reports/Updates

➢ Use Cases – Met Monday – more people beginning to attend. Meeting Time will be changed due to time zones. Kentucky will make an initial draft at the use cases. Healthcare group is the next use case. Collection of providers who are considered an organization, can cross-cover and receive payment as a group. Most Medicaids allow groups to bill, but not perform, services. Medicare will allow groups to perform. Different payers enroll groups in different manners so there may be some complexity in this area. There may be different legal status’ between individual providers and groups.

➢ Modelers – Met Monday – 4 people attended. Discussed getting licenses and therefore the roles and responsibilities and then the process of gaining licenses. Discussed how to manage the models as a group. How to coordinate with others who need to learn the tools. Increase participation with this team and the HL7 tooling group (Ioana). Jason asked if they have started a Frequently Asked Question section. Haven’t yet as the processes are not yet established. Joginder Madra from Gordon Point Informatics, working on the Canadian InfoWay Project may have additional information since they have already been down this path.

➢ Data Analytics – met Friday. Gave overview of worksheets and database for storing and managing the data analytics work effort. Both are posted on the Wiki. The database will allow us to add more attributes for greater evaluation capabilities. Next step is to work through what comes in the door, followed by what responses are needed and then data created as a part of the process. The Patient Administration group has an interest in this information and may wish to contribute.

7. Provider Registry Discussion – David Bass

Provider registry ballot seems fairly thin compared to the data elements needed for the provider enrollment workgroup. Reviewed Storyboard from the ballot (Add Provider Request). The Story Event worked from the perspective that the provider is already certified. This really represents the post-enrolled status. There are no processes listed for how to make those business determinations. We certainly can leverage much of their information based on the data they keep, but we need to recognize that we need to expand it significantly. We would leverage what we can from that model. Does not include items such as Financial Information, ownership, EDI capabilities. David did recommend our group look at this ballot and include any relevant reviews.

Bill Branch recommended a discussion with this group happen in January. This is already on the January Agenda. Another topic would be the hand-off of the data from the analytic group into the modeling group.

8. Gateway 5010 Project

Dave Walsh presented a slide deck about the Private Sector Technology Group Technical Architect Committee – PSTG-TAC and the Gateway 5010 project that team is working on in support of the MITA technical architecture. Explained role of various types of members including technical infrastructure, vendors, consultants and states in participating in the TAC. TAC focus is almost exclusively on the Technical Architecture needed to support MITA.

Evaluates standards by many organizations – HL7, OASIS, WS-I, CAQH for relevance in the solution. Does not produce new standards but recommends best standards to use for interoperability.

TAC is using the MITA context apply the proof of concept to the various areas such as security, interoperability, logging, auditing etc. so that multiple vendors can actually use the recommendations into real solutions.

The 5010 Gateway project will use the 270/271 use case to demonstrate the technical architecture necessary to support the MITA framework. Hopefully this demonstration will define 50% of the total technical capabilities needed to support the 79 business processes from MITA.

The 5010 Gateway project will use the EDI 5010 enhancements and the ICD-10 transition as a CATALYST - instead of a distraction - for change to allow greater MITA alignment.

4 phases in the project. Each phase has several milestones.

1) Inquire Member Eligibility Business Service. – Milestones – Stand up simple web service. Then add security, then grow to be 270/271 5010 CORE compatible.

2) CAQH CORE (HITSP T85) connectivity technical service. – Milestones – Implement Web Service, implement HTTP/s Multi-part MIME (for legacy systems), interoperability testing

3) MITA HL7 to X12 Adapter – Milestones – Collaborate with HL7 MITA workgroup, Identify HL7 RIMM elements which represent the 270/271

4) MITA Integration of phase 1 through 3. Milestones – Test harness, Client Interface, CAQH Certification

Gave brief overview of CAQH COREs goals and work.

2 Layers – Connectivity Rules (security, transport, etc.) Data Content Rules more stringently define what precisely must be in the 270/271 to be fully compliant. Big initiative to align the data content with the 5010 requirements.

David Bass asked – are these real-time or batch constraints? Answer - Initial focus is real-time, but hope to be able to support batch as well.

Was NCPDP put off to the side – Answer – just want to start with the 5010, may layer the others soon.

CORE 1 rules – matching criteria was a challenge for California due to loose requirements (fishing) Will those be tightened? Answer – CORE folks are open to suggestions for improvement. Medicaid needs to play a larger role in defining their requirements.


9. Establish Ballot Reconciliation Dates

Deferred to next meeting

10. Review Deliverables for next call

….January Agenda completion

11. To dos

➢ Mary Kay will find a HL7 vocabulary expert to discuss the vocabulary process when the group is ready for that discussion/lesson.

➢ Bill Branch will send MK copy of Sept Meeting Minutes

➢ Bill, Branch to create document to help in understanding the WSDL vs. Messages

➢ Need documentation developed describing the purposes of GForge and Wiki resources for the HL7 MITA Project

➢ Need to document Modeler Roles and Responsibilities for purposes of RSM license

➢ Mary Kay needs to identify the free tutorials and re-arrange the agenda to accommodate participation in the free tutorials. Monday’s is an Enterprise Architecture Framework tutorial.

➢ Discuss Gateway 5010 project at our next meeting, December 11th. The TAC can do a presentation on the project. Mary Kay would like to see the Value Proposition for this project. Bill will ask David Walsh to join us for a presentation.

➢ Add to agenda ways in which we can start having interactions with the SMEs.

➢ Post Canadian Infoway and NHS pearls of wisdom from prior WGMs.

12. Agenda for next call, December 18, 2008

1. Call to Order

2. Establish/determine minute taker

3. Review Agenda

4. Approve Minutes from 12//2008

5. Announcements

6. Subworkgroup reports

7. Topic 1

8. Topic 2

9. Establish Ballot Reconciliation Dates

Talk about ballot reconciliation process and completion dates for May ballot cycle

10. Review of Action Items/Deliverables

11. Next meeting Agenda

12. Adjournment

Suggestions for Next F-2-F WGM Agenda Items

➢ Provider Registry folks

➢ Overview of WSDL & Messages


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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