Drill Sequence For NC-20051 Evaluation

Drill Sequence For NC-20051 Evaluation 2011

Each member of each flight and Cadre will be required to memorize and perform the following commands in the order listed. Excessive time used to complete the sequence, performing the sequence out of order, adding or subtracting commands, and/or departing the area will result in a lower score. Size the flight before beginning the sequence. Flight Commander must maintain three paces from the 1st Element for the entire sequence (no crossovers) except after the first “Counter, March”.

1. Fall In 24. Eyes Right

2. Present Arms 25. Ready Front

3. Report In to Head Judge* 26. To the Rear March

4. Order Arms 27. To the Rear March

5. Open Ranks March 28. Left Flank March

6. Ready Front 29. Right Flank March

7. Close Ranks March 30. Column Right March

8. Count Off 31. Forward March

9. Left Step March 32. Column Right March

10. Flight Halt 33. Forward March

11. Left Face 34. Flight Halt

12. About Face 35. Left Face

13. Forward March 36. Present Arms

14. Right Flank March 37. Report Out to Head Judge**

15. Left Flank March 38. Order Arms

16. Column Left March 39. Right Face

17. Forward March 40. Forward March

18. Counter March ***

19. Forward March

20. Counter March

*Sir, Cadet ____, request permission to begin drill evaluation.

21. Forward March

**Sir, this completes my drill evaluation.

22. Column Left March

***Give your flight “Flight Halt” on the drill pad.

23. Forward March


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