Full text of "Higher English Grammar Translation And ...

Full text of "Higher English Grammar Translation And Composition"

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Full text of "Higher English Grammar Translation And Composition"

See other formats



[ Intended For Classes IX & X ]



B.A. (hohS.), M.A. (EOg.) B,

Headmasteft Kalyannagar Vidyapith,

{Higher Secondary Mdltipurpose School for Boys)

Kalyannagar, 24-Parganas ;

Ex-Headmaster, Bosepara High School ;

Lai Baba Vidyalaya, Belur ;

Soptetime Lecturer in English,

Surendiranath College for Women, Calcutta ;

Examirter, West Bengal hoifd 'of

Secondary Education.




'Published by ;

A. R. Mullick

57/1, Oollege Street

Calcu tta- 1 2

First FniriON 1958

Printed at :

(O Aurora Printers

57, Sree Gopal Nfullick Hane

Calcutta- 1 2

Sarvamangala Printing Works

1/lA, Baishnab SanuAilani Lane



This book has been written strictly in accordance with

the Revised Syllabus recently introduced by the West Bengal

Board of Secondary Education (1956).

Every care has been taken to make the book suitable to

our boys and girls for whom it is meant. Grammar, Translation

and Composition, taken together, form the entire syllabus.

1 have tried, within the limited scope of the book, to do justice

to each of them. English is a world language to-day, yet it is a

foreign tongue to us. This is a fact which should never be lost

sight of.

The treaties makes an attempt to meet all the requirements

of students for whom it is intended. Chapters on ^Articles” and

^‘Change of Voice” in /‘Grammar” have been presented in a

simple manner. Tabular forms, where ^lecessary, have been

added to enable the students to have a clear conception.

The lessons on Mode of Narration^ Punctuation, Use of Pre-

position, Transformation of Sentences, Group Verbs, and

Idioms have also been dealt with most carefully.

Particular stress has also been laid on the Chapters on

Trai^lation and Composition by introducing the modern methods

of Free Translation, Comprehension, Summery-Letter-and^

Paragra ph-writing,

1 shall deem my humble labours amply rewarded if

the young learners, for whom the book is meant are really

benefited by it.

1 owe a debt of gratilude to Professor Ganesh Saha^

Department of English, Lai Baba College, Belur, whose

valuable suggestions have been of great use of to me in the

preparation of the book.



( CoYeriBg aasM IS * K )

I. Prose Selection ... * IS Madln.

A. Poetry Selection ... 15 MaA».

N.B. There should be 20 pages of reading material m

Prose in Class IX and 40 pages in Class X. Students

are expected to read 150 lines of verses in each of

the two classes. Short questions should be set lo

test the pupirs general understanding of the meaning

of the pieces prescribed. Questions on explanatloi^

critical appreciation, or historical background,

should be avoided.

3. Grammar — 15 Marks.

Use of prepositions, use of articles, punctuation, trans-

formation of sentences, change of voice and mode of

narration, group verbs, idioms.

4 . Translation ... 15 Marks

(Rendering of simple narrative passage from mottisr

tongue into English.)

5. Composition ... 30 Masks

(Summary, Comprehension, Letter-writing, Paragaaph-






Cbspter I.

Use of Articles








Use of Prepositions



Group Verbs



Direct & Indirect Speeche?




Transformcition of Sentences


♦ J









Revision of PRfvioi s Lessons



1. Sentences ••• 1*4

2 Articles & Nouns ••• S-T

3. Common Nouns & Articles 7-f

4. Collective Nouns & Articles *“ 9-11

5. Material Nouns & Articles *>* It

4. Abstract Nouns & Articles ... 13-14



Lesson : Tenses :

1. The Present Tense



2. The Past Tense


3. The Future Tense

• ••


4, Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

• ••


.s. Simple and Causative Verbs

• ••


Chapter III. Moods

• ••


Chapter IV. Voice

• ••


Chapter V. Cases

47. sn

Chapter VI. Translation of Passages :

A. Introduction ; Narrative Passages

Worked-Out ... 51-53

B. Passages for Translation


Chapter VII. Comprehension Test

(Answering Questions From An

Unseen Passage)

Chapter vnii Summary- Writing

Chapter IX. Letter-Writing

Chapter X. Paragraph- Writing




• ••


English Grammar, Composition & Translation



I. ‘A*, ‘An* and ‘The* — these three words are called

‘Articles’, though they are actually adjectives.

(i) Articles are of two kinds : Definite and Indefinite

{ Tl )

(ii) ‘The* is called the Definite Article, and 'A' and ‘^n’

are called the Indefinite Articles.

(iii) ‘The’ is called the Definite Article because it refers

to a particular person or thing ^ as, the man^a particular

man ; the picture = a particular picture.

(iv) ‘A’ and ‘An’ do not refer to any particular person or

thing. Hence they are called Indefinite Articles ; as — a

boy — any boy ; an umbrella = any umbrella.

(v) Articles are generally used before a Common Noun

in the singular number j as — a cow ^ a book \ an ox ; an

apple ‘ the pen • the book j the cow.

But the Definite Article {The) is also used before a Common

Noun in the plural number^ when it is particularised ^ as—

The. boys are playing in the field.

Here we mean those hoys who have already been referred

to, or who are present before us. Hence hoys have

been particularised here. But when we say, ^'Children are

fond of sweets,*’ we refer not to particular children, but to

children in general. Here the ohildr^ have been generalised.

N. B. No singular Common Noun is generally used without an

artiole. Thus, we cannot say, *^Cow eats grass**’ The correct form

should be : ^The cow, or a cow eats grasSi



(vi) A and An differ not in their meaning, but in their

uses; as — a boy — one boy, an eye = one eye.

JI. Uses of the Indefinite Article ‘A’ :

*A’ is used before : —

(i) A consonant ; as — a man ; a dog ^ a*tree • a pen.

(ii) The vowels sounded as ‘yw’ ( ^ as— a unit, a

university, a European, a unique success, a

eulogy, etc.

(iii) ‘O’ sounded as ) ; as — a one-rupee note ;

a one-eyed man ; such a one, etc.

III. Uses of the Indefinite Article ‘An’ :

‘An’ is used before ; —

(i) A vowel ; as — an apple, an ocean, an elephant, etc.

(ii) Single consonants beginning with a vowel sound ;

as — an M.L.A., an M.B., an I.C S., etc.

(iii) A silent ‘A’ ; as — an hour, an heir^ an honour, an

honest man, etc.

(iv) An aspirated ‘fe’ ( 'h ' ),

when the accent is laid on the second syllable ;

as — an historical event, an hotel, an heroic

action, etc.

N. B- (i) Sometimes ‘A’ or *Ari is used to denote a or c/ajj :

as — A camel is a beast of burden. A student should learn his lessons

attentively. An owl is an ugly bird. ( Generalising ‘A» and 'An* )

(ii) 'A* is sometimes used as a preposition ; as — Bam Babu went a-

hunting (a=on)

(iii) 'A* is also used to indicate an individual sense ; as, A boy came

to see me yesterday. ( Individualising ‘A* )

Uses of the Indefinite Article ‘A’

( at a glance )

‘A’ is used :

1. Before a

consonant :

a horse, a man, a tree,

a hook, a word, a place,

4^ worm, a boy,

a letter, etc.

2. Before the

vowels sbunded as

‘yu’ :

a univarsity, a unit,

a European, a owe,

a useful book, etc.

3. Before ‘O’

sounded as

‘wa’ («Tn) ;

a one-eyed man,

a one-way tralbo,

a one-man Commission,

a one- rupee note, etc.



Uses of the Indefinite Article 'An’

( at a glance )

‘An’ is used :

1. Before a

Vowel :

an old man,

an Off}*, an ins#^ct,

an Indian, an

Plnglishmau, an

owl, an apple, an

idiot, an oaglc,

an artist, etc.

2. Before single

consonants :

when they

begin with a

vowel sound :

an A., an M.P.,

an M.D., an

T.C.S.. an :m.L.A., '

an l.AF.S., etc.

.3. Before a

silent ‘h’ :

an heir, an hour,

an honest man,

an honorary

post, etc-

' 4. Before an

aspirated ‘h’

‘h’ '• :

an hotel, an

historical event,

an heroic action,

an hypothesis etc-

N.B. Though *A’ 13 f^flnerally iisocl before singular Common Nouns,

it is also used before plural Oommon Nouns when they are preceded by such

few Jiundred, thousand \ As-afew \)oy^, a hiindved boys, a thou-

sand hooks, etc.

IV. Uses of the Definite Article ‘The! :

*The’ is used :

(i) Before a Singular Common Noun to indicate a

whole class or species as — The cow is a useful animal.

The horse can run fast.

This is called 'Generalising ‘The’.

(ii) Before Singular nouns having no plural forms, as —

the sky, the earth, the east, the sun, the moon etc.

(iii) Before nouns to refer to a person or thing known or

already mentioned , as— I attended the meeting. He entered

into the temple. Hari gave the beggar a rupee.

This is called Familiar ‘The’.

(iv) Before an adjective with a plural sense, when it

denotes a class of persons, as— Tlie rich (---rich men) should

not hate the poor ( = poor men). All respect the pious (=the

pious men).

(v) Before adjectives in the Superlative degree and other

words used in a Superlative sense : as —Lila is the fairest of

the girls of this village. Ram is the head boy in the class.



(vi) Before some Singular Common Nouns and Adjectives

to express an abstract idea ^ as — Ail the mother (motherly

feelings) rose in her. The future (futurity) is uncertain.

King Lear was groping in the dark (darkness).

(vii) Before Commm Nouns separately delink by adjectives,

adjectival 'phrases or clauses \ as — He had plucked the white

lotus. The boy whom you ^aw the other day is ray brother.

Rabindranath, the immortal poet, commanded universal

respect. The way to be happy is sacrifice.

(viii) As an adverb before comparatives : as — The earlier,

the better. The more he gets, the more he wants.

This is called ^Instrumental The'

(ix) Before the names of oceans, seas, bays, gulfs, rivers,

straits, groups of islands, mountain ranges, descriptive

geographical names,, the names of holy books and famous

works, newspapers and journals, noted public places and

remarkable historical events as mentioned below

respectively ; —

the Pacific Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal,

the Persian Gulf, the Ganges, the Palk Straits, the Andamans,

Himalayas, Punjab, the Geeta, the Iliad, the Amrita

Bazar Patrika, the Modern Review, the High Court, the

French Revolution, the Reformation, etc.

(x) Before the name of a nation or community to denote

all its people in a plural sense ; as — the French, the English,

the Japanese, the Bengalees, the Hindus, the Muslims, etc.

(xi) As a substitute for the possessive adjective before

a common noun ; as— The robber struck the traveller on the

(his) head. He looked me in the (•« his) face. Pull him by

tte(=hia)ear. *

(xii) Before an adjective to mean a particular part of a

thing; as — He entered into tte ( — midst) of the forest.

Ramesh likes the yellow ( ) of an egg.

(xiii) Before a noun to denote a profession ; as — He is.

desirous of joining the bar.


(xiv) Before a proper name to indicate a fj/pe ; as —

Baukimohaiidra is the Scott of Bengal. Michael is the

Milton of Bengal.

(xv) Before some adjectives qualifying proper names ;

as — Akbar the Great was the Emperor of India. George (he

Third was the King of England.

(xvi) Before the dates of months ; as — the 26th January,


V. Omission of Articles :

(i) Articles are never used before Proper, Material or

Abstract Nouns unless they are particularised ; as — Milton

(but, Michael, the Milton of India) gold (but, the gold of this

ring) ; rice (but, the rice of Barisal) ; beauty (but, the beauty of


(ii) No article is u§ed before a Common Noun in the

plural number^ except when it is particularised j as— Students

should respect their teachers (but, The students of this school

are respectful to their teachers).

(iii) Articles are also omitted :

Before a Common Noun used in its widest sense ; as —

(a) Man (in the sense of mankind — ) is mortal.

(b) Man, bird or beast — all are mortal, (c) What kind or sort

of book is this ?

(iv) Before the nouns father and mother when they mean

my father and my mother ; iis— Father loves me dearly

( « My father loves me dearly). Mother is exceedingly glad

at my success. (Here, mother ^my mother)

(v) Before the noun God (in the sense of the Supreme

Being — ) ; as— God is merciful.

(vi) Before Common Nouns qualified by pronominal^

distributive or numeral adjectives ^ as — each boy, every man,

several books, no girl. etc.

(vii) Before the name of a single mountain or single

island ; as — Everest, the loftiest peak of the Himalayas ;

Java, Ceylon, etc.



(viii) In many idiomatic phrases ; as — by train, to set foot

on, to send word, from top to bottom, on earthy at nighty by

day, etc.

(ix) Before the a) names of languages, (b) the names of most

streets and (c) the names of most diseases j as — (a) Bengali,

English, Sanskrit, French, (b) Amherst Street, Cornwallis

Street, (c) fever, etc.

(x) Before titles used as nouns in apposition to Proper

Nouns either before or after them ; as— Qaecw Elizabeth ;

Elizabeth, Queen of England ; Emperor Ashok ; Ashok, Emperor

of India ^ etc.

(xi) Before Common Nouns indicating some rank^ occupa-

tion, etc., when they are used as complements ; as — (a) He be-

came king, (b) They elected him Chairman, (c) He M^as

appointed Principal of Serampore Missionary College.

(xii) Before Common Nouns used in pairs : as — From

country to country, husband and wife, hand in hand, arm in

arm, etc.

(xiii) Before Common Nouns in the Vocative Case ; as —

Come to me, brother. Believe in God, friend. What do you.

want, boy ?

VI. Repetition of Articles :

When two or more nouns, joined the conjunction and,

refer to diflFerent persons or things, the article is to be repeated

before each j but if they refer to the same person or thing,

the article should be used before the first \ as —

(a) The Headmaster and the Secretary have decided it.

( two separate persons).

The Headmaster and Secretary has decided it ( one and the

same person).

(b) Lila has plucked a white and a blue flower ( two

different flowers, one white and the other blue).

'Lila has plucked a white and blue flower ( one and the same

flower which is partly white and partly blue).



Tabular Forms

of :

L Some important uses of the Indefinite Article,


Generalising ‘A’

A cow is a useful


A horse can nm

f fast.

A lamb is .i meek


A camel is a beast of


I Individualising ‘A

A boy came to see mo


A shoe^makcr made

my shoes.

A peon delivered this

letter to me.

A Icrmit was bathing

in the Ganges.

*A’ used as a


Hari Babu went

a-himting ( a--on) the

other dayv.

Jadu earns eighty rupees

a month ( =per )

Ho walks five miles

an hour ( ^-in an hour) or

(-per hour)

His wage is ten rupees

a day (a»in a day, i.e.

per day).

2. Some important uses of the Definite Article,


• ( at a glance )

Familiar ‘The’



Defining ‘The*

1 have got back

the pen that I

lost yesterday.

The cow thatl

bought that day

is missing.


Ealidas was the

greatest poet of

his time.


shows /Ae way

to be happy.

The earth moves

round the bud.

I attended the


He entered into

the forest.

Jadu gave the

beggar a pice.

Ram is swimming

in the lake.

He remained in the


The cow is a


\ The dog is a

I faithful animal.

! The mason builds

I our houses.

The carpenter

makes our


The weaver

i sapj^ies us with



The more, the


The sooner

you do it, the

better for you.

The more you

read, the more

you will learn.

The more ho

gets, the more

he desires.


III. Other Uses of ‘The’ :

Possessive ‘The’

‘The* used before an

adjective to denote

an abstract idea

*l‘he* used before

nouns to express an

abstract idea

The policeman struck

the thief on l/ie head.

I pulled the naughty

boy by t/ie ear.

He stared me in

/he face.

The future (futurity) is

quite uncertain.

He is groping in

the dark*

Rabindranath was a

lover of the beautiful-

All the mother

(motherly feelings)

rose in her heart.

The father in him could •

not bear the sight.

The poet in him

saw the vision.

Exercise 1

1. Put suitable indefinite articles before the following :

cow, Englishman, University, heir, ewe, M. D., I. C. S.,

heroic action, honourable minister, tree, boy, elephant,

umbrella, lion.

2. Correct the errors in : —

(a) I have read Geeta. (6) I know a boy who came

to you yesterday, (c) Virtuous are happy, (d) The cows

oat grass, (c) Ram Babu is the M. A. (/) The English

is a rich language, {g) Book that I bought yesterday has

been lost, (fe) He is an European, (i) The honesty is

the best policy, (j) Jadu is a honest man; (h) Nobody

loves liar. (1) Amal is very good boy. (w) We. drink ^the

water, {n) He speaks truth, (o) Paresh tells lie. (p)

Everybody wants the happiness, (q) Goodness of the boy

is praise-worthy, (f) There is an University in Calcutta,

(tf) A idle man cannot prosper in life, (i) Active men

attain the prosperity in life.

3. Pill in the blanks with suitable articles : —

(0 He is — old man!" (u) Paresh lives in— capital

city of Delhi, (m) Everybody hates — liar. (»v) —Ganges

is a sacred river to — Hindus, (v) He is — M.L.A. (vi)

— one-eyisd boy came to me the other day. {vii) — umbrella

is lying on the floor, (viii) The owl is — Hgly bird, (fa)

He is a lover of — beautiful. (*) — cow is a usefjd animal.




I. What a Voice is : The particular form of a verb which

shows in a sentence whether its subject acU (i.e., does

'something), or is anted upon (i.e. something is done to the sub-

ject), is called Voice.

II. Voice is of two kinds :

The Active Voice and The Passive Voice

{a) Active Voice : When the subject of a sentence

does something, the verb is said to be in the active form ;

as — Hari tvriies a letter. Lila 'pliLcks flowers.

{h) Passive Voice : When the Fubject does not act, but

is acted upon^ the form of the verb is said to be passive ;

as — A letter is written by Hari. Flowers are plucked by Lila.

1IL Rules for the change of the the Active Voice into

the Passive Voice :

{a) The object of the verb in the Active Voice becomes

the subject in the Passive Voice ; as —



He loves me.

I am loved by bim.

Hari reads a book.

A book is read by Hari.

Jadu tells a story.

A story is told by Jadii.

I eat rice.

Rice is eaten by me.

(h) The subject of the verb in the Active Voice

becomes the object in the Passive Voice, usually preceded

by the preposition by j as —



I buy a pen.

Haren beats u dog.

A pen is bought by rm.

A dog is beaten by Haren.

(c^ The verb in the Active Voice is changed into its

Past Participle form in the Passive Voice and is preceded by



stjme form of the verb "to be\ according to the nesr subject

(in the Passive Voice) ; as —

Aetive Passive

Amala sinffs a song. A song is sunff by Amala.

i know him. He is known to me ( =by me).

Exercise 2

Change the Voice of : —

(a) Jadu brings a picture, (b) Hari writes a poem,

(c) They know me. (d) He plays football, (e) Ramesb.

likes meat, (e) Shila draws a picture, (g) Rabin recites

a poem, (i) Everybody hates a liar.


IV. When a verb having itoo Objects in the Active Voice

is changed into the Passive Voice, either of the two objects

becomes the subject, and the other is retained as the object

which as called the Retained Object ^ as — T gave him a pen.

Here the verb ‘gave* has two objects :

(i) Pen (direct) and (ii) him (indirect).

So, the Passive Form should be as follows : —



I gave him a pen.

A pen was given him by me.


He was given a pen by me.

V. Quasi-Passive Verbs : There are some transitive verbs

which are active in form, but passive in sense. They are

partly active and partly passive, and are, therefore, called

Quasi- Passive Verbs (Quasi = half) : as —

(a) The mango sweet = The mango is sweet when it is


(b) It /eels hard » It is hard when it is felt.

(c) The book is printing book is being printed.

(d) The flower smells sweet — The flower is sweet when it is smelt.

(e) Rice is sdling in the market — Rice is being sold in the^


(f) The water in the pot M boiling=:Tbe water in the pot is-

being boiled.



VL Intransitive Verbs in tbe Passive Voice : An Intransitive'

Verb cannot, as a rule, be changed into the Passive Voice. But

when it takes a Cognate Object ( ) or

becomes transitive by adding a preposition to it, it may be

changed into the Passive Voice ; as —



He fought a good fight.

(cognate object)

A good fight was fought by


Hari dreamt a dream.

(cognate object)

A dream was dreamt by Hari.

He laughed a hearty laugh

(cognate object)

A hearty laugh was laughed

by him. »

They laughed at the lame man.

(Group verb)

The lame man was laughed nt

by them.

He acted unon (Group verb or |

Prepositional verb) this


This rule was acted upon by


I cannot rely on (Group verb)


He cannot be relied on by


VII. Passive Forms of Imperatives : A verb in the Imperative

Mood in the Active Voice is changed into the Passive Voice

generally by using the word ‘let’ at the beginning of the

sentence ; as —



Do it.

Tell him to come here.

Inform your father of it.

Let it be done

Let him be told to come here.

Let your father be informed

of it.

Let him do it.

Let it be done by him.

Chart showing the rules for changing the Active Voice

into the Passive Voice :



VIII. Reflexive and Factitive Objects can never be used

as Subjects in the Passive Voice ; as —

(a) The Reflexive Object :



He hurt himself.

He was hurt by himself

(not, Himself was hurt by him).

You befooled yourself. I

You were befooled by


(not, Yourself were befooled

by you.)

(b) The Factitive Object :


1 Passive

They elected him President

1 He was elected President

1 by them.

The Governing Body of

the College appointed him


I He was appointed Principal

by the Governing Body of the


Miscellaneous Examples

of :

The Interchange of Active and Passive Voices :



Everybody respects a

learned man.

A learned man is respected

by everybody.

He k»pt his word always.

His word tms always kept

by him.



Voice ( Miscellaneous Examples )



Hari is learning his lessons


His lessons are being learnt

by Hari attentively*

The boys were playing


Football wets being played

1 by the boys.

He has done the work


1 'J'he work has been

j done smoothly by him.

They have been doing the

work for two hours.

! The work has been being

do7ie by them for two liours.

Hari hadfi7iished his writing

before Ram came.

His writing had been

finished by Hari before Kara


Naren ivill buy a pen.

A pen will be bought by


Jadu will be tea ling the


The book will be being read

by Jadu.

I shall have done the work

before Hari comes.

The work xvill have feecw

done by mo before Hari comes.

Ramen tvill have been doing

the work for five days.

The work will have been being

done by Ramen for five days.

Write the letter at once.

Let the letter be written at

once (by you).

Let Ram sing a' song.

Let a song be sung by Ram.

Gopal gave me a watch.

A watch urns given me by

Gopal, or, I was given a watch

by Gopal.

Who has done the work ?

By whom has the work

b^n done ?

Will you pluck flowers ?

Will flowers be plucked by

you ?

1 do not know who ha^

done the work.

It is not known to me by

whom the work has been done.



A Summary of the Buies of the change of Voice :

Buie /. If the Principal Verb in the Active Voice

is used in the Indefinite form of any Tense it is changed into

its Past Participle form in the Passive Voice and some form

of the verb ‘to he^ is used before it according to the requirement

of the subject : as —

Present Indefinite



Ganesh loves Haresh.

Haresh is loved by Ganesh.

Amal writer a letter.

A letter is written by Amal,

Past Indefinite

He helped the man.

The man was helped by


Madan sang a song.

A song was sung by Madan.

Future Indefinite

Paresh will read the book.

The book will be read by


Nani will take tea.


Tea will he taken by


Rule IL If the Principal Verb in the Active Voice is used

in the Continuous form of any Tense, it is changed into its

Past Participle form in the Passive Voice and the same

continuous form of the verb ‘to be*, f^uch as *is being\ 'was

hting\ ^will be being^ etc. are to be used according to the

requirement of the Subject y as —

Present Continuous



He is writing a letter.

A letter is being written

by him.



Past Contionous

He waB writing a letter.

A letter was being written

by him.

Future Goutinuous

He will be writing a letter.

A letter will be being

smitten by him.

Rule III. It the Principal Verb in the Active Voice be

used in the Perfect form pf any tense, it is changed into its

Past Participle /or /w in the Passive Voice and before it, such

forms of the verb ‘to be’ as Vhas been^ ^have been\ 'will have

beenf 'shall have been,^ etc. are used according to the require-

ment of the Subject ; as —

Present Perfect



Hari has done the work.

The work has been done by


They have seen the saint. ; The saint has been seen

j by them.

Past Perfect

Jadu had done the work

before Madhu carne.

The work had beea done by

Jadu before Madhu came.

Future Perfect

I shall have done the work

before he comes.

^ The work will have been

done by me before he comes.

He uill have learnt his

lesson before Jatin goes away.

His lesson wiU have been

learnt by him before Jatin

goes away.



Jiule IV, If the Priueipal Verb in the Active Voice be used

in the Perfect Continuoue form of any tense, it is changed

into its Past Participle form and before it such forme

of the verb ‘to be' as been being f 7iave been being\ *had

been heing^ are used according to the requirement of the

Subject ; as —

Present Perfect Continuous




liamesh has hef^n doing

sums for two hours. ‘

Sums have been being dune

by Ramesh for two hours.

Past Perfect Continuous

Kamesh had beau doing the

work before (iopal wiino. j

The work had. been being

done by Ramesh before (ippal


Future Perfect Continuous


Ramesh will have been

performing his duties before

Karen arrives.

His duties vnll hive been

being performed by liamesh

before Karen arrives. '


Change the Voices of the following

1. Kam reads his books, very attentively.

2, Paresh is not "known te them.

3^ Inform your father of the matter.




4. Jadu is takiag his breakfast.

5. Lot Jatin pluck the flower..

6. Amaresh is not doing the work seriously.

7. Do the work at once.

8. Pratibha has learnt her lesson very well. ^

9. Jatin had been working out sums for one hour.

10. Jadav and Madhav played football.

11. They were learning their lesson attentively.

12. Hxren did not do the work properly.

13. Write a letter fo him.

14. Sound him about the matter.

15. Ho does not listen to my words.

16. Wo talked about the matter for an hour.

17. Move the table from here.

18. Warn him against bad company.

19. Bear this in mind.

20. Paresh sang a nice song.

21. Tapati and her younger sister shared between them-

selves all the oranges.

22. The Magistrate committed the case to the sessions.

[ Examples from 'Selections From English Prose ]

( Worked out )

Change the Voice of ; —

1. The sundial marked all the famous moments of

Isaac’s life.

2. He possessed a wonderful faculty \of acquiring

knowledge by the simplest means.

3. T have now finished my anecdotes of Isaac Newton’s


'4. Isaac was the first that found out the nature of light.

5. Did you never hear the story of Newton and his

tittle, dog Diamond ?



6. Almost any man would have sent the dog to

'immediate death.

7. He cared little for earthly fame and honours and felt no

pride in the vastness of his learning..

S. All that he learned only made him feel how little he

•knew in comparison to what remained to be known.

9. How the personage haunted my dreams 1 need

scarcely tell you.

10. T remember him as if it were yesterday.

11. Mostly he would not speak when ho was spoken to.

12. T would see him in a thousand forms and in a

thousand diabolicn.l expressions.

13. Though I was so terrified by the idea of the seafaring

man with one leg, I was far less afraid of the Captain himself

than anybody else who knew* him.

14. [f you do not put that knife this instant in your

pocket, I promise, upon my honour, you shall hang at next


15. He was only once crossed (hiring liis stay at the inn.

Answers to the above

1. All the famous moments of Isacc’s life were tnarhed

'by the sundial.

2. A wonderful faculty of acquiring knowledge by the

simplest means was possessed by him.

3. My anecdotes of Isaac Newton’s boyhood have now

6een finished by me.

4. Isaac was the first hy whom the nature of light was

found out

5. Was not the story of Newton and his little dog

Diamond ever heard by you ?



(>. Tfie dog woM havfi. been sent to immediate death bjr

almost any man.

7. Earthly fame and honours irere, little cared for by him

and no pride in the Viastness of his learning ivas felt by him.

8. He was made by iill that was learnt b^^ him ‘to’ feel

how little was known to him in comparison to what remained

to be known.

9. You need scarcely be told by me how my dreams v^rro

haunted by that personage.

10. He is remembered by me as if it were yesterday.

11. Mostly lie w(mld not speak when anybody .'^pohe

to him.

12. He wo^ild he see7i- by me in a thousand forms and in

a thousand diabolical expressions.

13. Though the idea of the sea-faring man with one leg

so terrified me, 1 was far less afraid of the captain himself

than anybody else to whom he 7vas known,

14. If that knife is not put by you this instant in your

pocket, upon my honour, it is promised by me that you shall

he hanged the next assizes (or, that you shall be hanged, at the

mxt assizes as promised by me,

15. Somebody crossed him only once duiing his stay at

the inn.



1. Definition :

A \\ord which is placed hoi'ore a noun or a pronoun to

show its relation to some other word i)i the sentence is called

a Preposition : as —

Put the book on the tabic. Ho is going to school.

Note : The Noun or its equivalent which is preceded by

a Preposition is called its Object which it governs : as —

Hari is sitting on a *chair\ Here the word is a

preposition^ and the word ^chair^ is its object. Thus, we find

that a preposition is placed before the object which is governed

by it. But Prepositions are also used after their objects in the

following cases : —

(a) When an Interrogative Pronoun or Adverb is

used as an Object (to a Preposition) ; as —

What is Agra )ioted for ? fVkere has the man come from ?

* (b) 111 the case of the omission of the Relative

Pronoun or when the word that is used as a Relative

Pronoun j as —

The land we live in is called India. This is the book I

spoke o/ yesterday. (The land we live-in = The land in which

we live. The book I spoke of — The book that I spoke of).

Here, the Relative Pronouns \vhich* and Hhai* (or ^ which* ) have

been omitted. Similarly, The man that you refer to is my


N,B. Prepositiom are also used sometimes after whom or

which in adjective clauses ; as —

The boy 2 vhom you spoke to, has stood first in the H. S.

Examination this year. The country which the English live

in is called England.



IT- Prepositions are of different kinds ; namely —

(i) Simple, (ii) Compound, (iii) Participial (iv) Double,

(v) Disguised, (vi) Phrase Prepositions or Prepositional

Phrases, etc.

(а) Simple Prepositions : At, hy, after^ in^ icith^ to, out,

under, from, out, throuyh^ over, etc. are

Simple Propositions.

(б) Compound Prepositions are generally formed by

prefixing simple prepositions to nouns, adjectives, or adverbs ;

as — beside (by + side), within (with + in), behind (by + hind),

amidst (on+ midst), around (on + roiind), about (on + by + out),


[JV.P. be ( — by), a ( — on).]

(c) When present and past participles are used as

prepositions, they are called Participal Prepositious ; as—

Regarding Ram, I know nothing. The two friends went 'past

the village.

(d) Double Prepositions are formed by writing two

simple prepositions for the expression of a sense ; as —

Nobody responded to my call from within the room. The

man took out a picture from under his pillow.

(e) When the prepositions, of and on, are used in their

shortened forms as 'o’ and 'a’ they arc said to be Disguised*

Prepositions ; as — Hari’s income is fifty rupees a Aveek

(a=oti). Ram Babu went a-hunting yesterday (n = ow).

They arrived at 5 O’ clock (0*^of).

(/) When tw^o or more words are used together ending

in a preposition^ or with the force of a single preposition^

they are called Phrase Prepositions or Preposional Phrases ;

as, — by dint of, according to, in spite of, in respect of, mving

to, etc.

Appropriate Prepositions

The Prepositions which are, in a sense, appropriate to

certain words, are called Appropriate Prepositions $ as —

Abide by ( ) a decision — A teacher always

abides by the decision of the Managing Commitee.


Abide with a person, in or at a place — How long will you

abide with him in Delhi ?

" Abound in or with ) :

Tigers abound in the Sundarbans. The Sundarbans abound

vnth or in tigers.

. Absent from — The student was absent from school, (a


Absorbed in something ( C^tWl )— He was

absorbed in meditation.

> Abstain from ( <|^ ) — Paresh abstained from.


^ Access to a person or a place ( C^PtWl

) — We have no access to him. They had free

access to the meeting.

Accede to — Our Chairman is accessible to all (


^ Accede to a request — I/cannot accede to your request (

Acceptable ( ) to — His offer of money was not

acceptable to me.

' Acquainted ( ) with — He is not at all acquainted

with me.

" Accompanied by (a person), with (a thing) — I went to Puri

accompanied by Bam ( ). Jadu is attacked with

fever accompanied with dysentery.

" Accord to, with — Vour plan almost accords with mine.

(Accord with— )

(Accord to— ^ ^^1)— The University accorded

recognition to the College. A warm reception was accorded

to the Prime Minister.

Acquit o/-^( cm ^ f

The judge acquitted him of the charge of theft. (


Accused ( ) o/— He was accused of murdW.

Accustomed ( ) to — I am accustomed to early-rising.


Account ( Cf'Qfll, C?«^1 } /or —As Secretary of

the club,/ Jadu must account for every pice spent by him. You

‘Will have to account for your negligence of duty

Adhere ( ^T‘41 ) to— I must adhere to

my own principle.

Addicted ( ) to — Anil is addicted to drinking (

). [always used in bad /tense].

Admit of — His fault admits of no excuse (

Admit (one) to, into (a place, class, etc.) — Ho was admitted

into the Presidency College. I got my son admitted to

Class VI.

Afraid ( ) of — Hari is afraid of me.

Adjacent ( ) to — Jadu’s house is adjacent to mine.

Agree to ( a proposal ), toith (a jjerson), on (a point) — I

eannot agree to your proposal* I cannot agree with you on

this point.

AlBx ( Wt(^!r1 Cif'QIIl ) to or on — The peon affixed a stamp

to or on the envelope.

Aim ( 91^1 ) at— We must aim at doing good

to our country. The fowler aimed at the swan.

Afflicted ( fif|, ) toith — He is afflicted with grief.

Nabin is afflicted with asthma.

Alarmed ( ) at^ by, for — Bam Babu was alarmed at

(or, by) the report. His mother is alarmed for the safety

of his journey.

Aloof from — He keeps aloof ( )/rom evil company.

Allot to — We should properly perform the duties allotted

< ) to us.

Ambition ( ) /or — He has ambition for higher


Ambitious ( ) «/ — Gopal is ambitious of

a scholarship.

Amazed ( ) at — Everybody was amazed at his


Amonut (verb) to— 'The total cost amounts to fifty rupees.

AmouQt (noun) of — 1 paid him an amount of thirty rupees.


Amased ( «n/A— Kverybod}' was amused

*at his caricatures.

Amenable ( ) to — Selfish people are not

amenable to reason.

Angry ( ) with Father is angry tnith me.

,, for for my inability to do the work.

,, about or at He is angry about or at our defeat

in tlie football tournament.

Annex ( C*f A co])y of

•character certificate has been annexed to the application.

Annoyed ( with a person at something — I was

annoyed loith him at his rudeness.

Answer ( Cf^eTH, CWm) ) for, fo— Hari had to

answer for his conduct. The studeids answered to the


Anxiety ( ) for, about — Motlier was in great anxiety

for iny safely. Wo are ir anxiety about his rcwsult.

Anxious ( ) for, about — He is always anxious

for monetary gain. Wo are all anxious about his result.

Appeal ^^1) tOyfor, a^/a/nc^/— Shakespeare's dra-nias

have a direct appeal (noun) to the heart. I appealed to him

/br considering the case favourably. Ho appealed against

the judgement of the low'er court.

Apologise ( ’spm ) f^o a person for some offence —

The student appologised to the teacher for his misbehaviour.

Appetite ( ) for — He has no appetite for food.

Apply ( '^^1, ) to, /or— I applied to the

Secretary of the school for the post of a teacher.

Appoint ( ) to—^We appointed him to the post of

a clerk.

Appointed ( ) to — He was appointed to the post

of a supervisor.

Apprise ( ^1 *i*s^t*^ Cir6ll1 ) o/— I shall apprise you of

the matter in due time.

Appropriate ( ) to — His action was appropriate

*to the occasion.


Approve ( ) of — They all approved of my*


Approve, is also used as a transitive verb without

using the preposition of ; as — I approved his action,^

Apt ( ) at or in — He is apt at or in music.

Aptitude ( ) for — He has an aptitude for-


Arrive ( ) at a place, in a country — He arrived

at Puri. He arrived in India.

Ascribe ( — I do not like to ascribe any

motive to his sincere activity.

Ask (a person) /or something — I asked Ram for a book.

Ask (something) o/ or /rom a person-— I asked book of,

or from Ram.

Aspire ( ) after, to—Ko aspired after

(or, to) fame.

Aspiration ( ) after, for — He had no aspiration

for (or, after) fame.

Ashamed ( etf%^ ) of — I am cTshamed of your conduct.

Assign ( ) to — We must properly perform the^

duties assigned to us.

Assent ( — noun ) to — He has assent to my proposal.

„ ( verb )— He assented to my proposal.

Associated ( ) with, in — He is associated ‘ with

many an organisation. Jadu is associated with Ram in the*


Assure ( ^^>11 ) of — I cannot assure you of the job.

Assurance ( ifR ) of — He gave me assurance of

his help.

Astonished ( ) at — I am astonished at the boldnesS'

of the boy.

Atone ( ) for — He atoned for his sins.

Attach ( ) to — He attached a certificate to the-

appli cation.



Attacked ^ ) bif, with — The traveller was attacked

by miscreants ( ). He has been attacked inth diarrhoea

( ).

Attain (to) — He attained ( ) to glory in life.

[Attain is also used as a transitive verb without to ]

Attend ( CFOUl firV, ) fo— Attend to

your studies. The student att(‘nded to his teacher’s


Attend ( ) on or upon — The inirso attended on or-

upQ7i the patient.

Attribute ( ^^1 ) to — His failure^ may be

attributed to his illness.

Authority [ (i) '8rf«ri^4, (ii) (iii)

(iv) 41t*I1*fI 1 for, over, of, on — (i) What authority have

you for this y (ii) Ho has no authority over his brother,

(iii^ He acted on the authority ff/' tJie Government circular,

(iv) He is an authoritj^ on chemistry.

Avail ( ) oneself of someth ing-rHe availed

himself of the opportunity. Itarn availed himself of the-

morning train.

Available ( ) to— The

books are not available to us.

Averse /o or /row — tShyama! i ; averse (o or from labour.

( ).

Avenge ( 3£(R5C“ft^ ) oneself on somebody — He

avenged himself on the murderer of his father.

Aware ( ) of — Pratap is fully aware of the-


Awake to — The Premier is awake ( ) to our needs.

Bar ( '^t^l ) to — Idleness is a bar to success.

Bare o/— This tree is bare of leaves ( ).

Based ( ) on — This news is not based o» truth.

Beg ( ) /or, of— I . begged him for

money. I begged money of him. I begged for his help.

Behave ( ) towards ^ mth — Behave gently

towards all. He does not know how to behave with a.



Begin fr<m, with, upou~{i) They bogaii from the first

chapter, (ii) Let us begin with the first, (iii) We should begin

■upon our first task now.

Believe i»— He does not believe in ghosts ( ^ Hi


Belong to — (i) This propertj' belongs to me (^fi|

HTfsiHf Hi ’sitHtH )• (u) He belongs to Patna

( fHHtH )• (iii) He belongs to the Communist Party

( l^fH ).

Bent ( H'^i ) ow — He is bent on doing this.

Beneficial ( ) to — Early rising is beneficial to health.

Bereft of — ^The woman is bereft of children ( ).

Bestow ( TflH ^H1 ) on— (iled bestows His ble.s.sings on all.

Be.set ( CH1&^ ) with — The path of glory is besot with

dangers and difficulties.

Beware ( Hi HtHHt'H lf«Hl } o/— Beware of the danger.

Bias ( o(^*rt'5, C^tHf ) <0 or towanh—An upright man has

no bias to (or, toioarda) anylrody.

Blind ( 'si^, ) of, or in, to — Ho is blind of, or in

one eye. He is blind to his friend’s faults.

Blessed with, j'n— He is blessed with oratory ( Hl^*!^,

•HtRl^1*lt^ HMS ). He is blessed in his children (


Blush ( ) af, /or — He blushed at his own

faults. I blushed with shame for him at his foolishneM.

Bom ( ) of, in — Jatin wa.s born of poor parents. He

was born in a poor family,

Boast ( ^H1 ) of— Do not btoast of your health.

Borrow o/ or /ro»t— He borrowed fifty rupees from or of

•me ( CH '■TtHtH )• '

Burdened ( 1 burdened wUh a huge

•expenditure ( HHI )•


29 -

Burst ( ) out, into — On hearing his funny story,

tliey burst out laughing. The poor man burst into tears at

this evil news.

Busy ( ) at, in, about— I am now Imsy at work.

Ram is busy in doing sums. Everyone here is busy ivith

his own selfish end. Jadu seems to be busy about nothing.

Buy a thing of a person, from a sh(»p— I bought a pen of

him. He bought a soup from the shop.

Callous ( ) to — Don’t bo calloiifi to the suffering

of others.


Capacity ( ) for — Nabin has no capacity for writing.

Capable ( ) of — Naresh is capable of liardship.

Care (noun) o/, /or — He does not take care of his health.

His father takes special care for him.

Care ( ) for, about — Naren does not care (rerb)

for his enemy. He cares little for money. I do not care (verb)

about vreeXih.

Careful ( ) of, about — Kamesh is always careful of,

or about, his duties.

Careless ( ) o/, ahoMf — Jatin is c areless of or about

his health.

Cautious ( ) of — He is cautious of the danger.

Caution ( ) against — He took proper cantion (noun).

against theft.

Caution ( (igaimt — He was duly rautioned

(fjainsf theft.

Cause of, for — What is the cause of his delay { The man

has no cause /or anxiety.

Change for, into — This is a change for the better. The

sage changed the mouse into a tiger.

Charge of, against— They brought a charge ( ) of

theft against Amal.

ChuTge with, arjainst, for,to—'SLe was charge 1 (verb) with

(or, against) murder ( ). He charged

imthing for this extra work. They charged this expense to

my account.



Catch ag — ‘A drowning man will catch ag a straw.’

Cheat of — They cheated the man of bis «11.

Claim on or upon, againati to — He has a claim ( ) on,

or upon your giatitude ( ). I have every^ claim to the

..prpperty. He has no claim (tgainat me. His claim for

compensation was rejected.

Clear of — His path was clear ( ) of all obstacles.

Cling ( ) /o — Cling to your own principle (

Minder all circumstances.

Close ( adv. ) to — Tbeir house is close to ours.

Close (verb) with — iJam Babu closed with \ accepted —

) the oflFer.

Clothed in, with — She was clothed ( ) in a

fine dress. The chairman was clothed with shame (


Clue ( ) to — They found out a clue to this robbery.

Coincide ( f5(«T ) f('ith — Their views do not coincide

with mine.

Comment ( ^^1 ) on — He made no comment ( noun )

.on my action. He did not comment (verb) on my action.

Commence ( ) on, with — Our examination

will commence on Wednesday next. The meeting commenced

'vnth a song.

Communicate ( ) to, vnth — He

communicated the news to me. I communicated with him on

the subject.

Commit to — He committed the poem to memory ( c»f

Common ( ) — Death is common to all living beings.

Compete ( ) with, for — I shall compete with

you for the prize.

Compare ( ?F4l1 ) tvith ( ), to

( )— Ram can be compared with Shyam.

The earth can be compared to an orange.

Complain ( ) against, to, o/— He complained

against me to the Headmaster. 1 have nothing to complain of.



nr against your conduct. They always complain of your


Compassion ( ) Jor^ on — They have no

compassion for me. I crave ( ) your compassion

(M me.

Compensate ( ) a person with something /or

a loss — I shall compensate you for the Joss of your watch

with money.

Comply ( ) with—l shall

comply with your request.

Composed ( ) of — This ])oem is composed of five


Conducive to — Morning walk is conducive fo health.

Conceal ( ^^1 ) from — He concealed the matter

front me.

Congratulate ( ) a person on his sucess —

He congratulated me on my success.

Connive ( ' C?^1, ) at-rl must not

connive at the faults of my son.

Concerned in, /or, about^ at — I am not at all concerned

( ) in the matter, I am greatly concerned for my son’s

safety ( ). We arc much concerned

( ) at your failure. Why are you so much concerned

' about the result ?

Concession ( ) to — There will be no concession to the

price of the book.

Condemn ( if'Q C*fe^1 ) to — The murderer was condemned

to death ( ).

Concur ( ) loith a person in something or on

a point— Jadu concurred with me in this matter, or on this


Condole ( ) with a person

in his sorrow — We condoled viith him in his bereavement

Confer ow, with f about — The Government of India conferred

»( Jft«l him the title of ‘Bharat-ratna*. The


President conferred mih the members of tb^ Committee about

the matter ( W ).

Confess ( ) to— Ho confessed to this

fault of his.

Confession o/ — This is a frank confession of hib defect.

N,B, ^Confess* may also be used as a transitive verb •, as — He confessed

his fault at last.

Confide ( ^^1 ) in, to—L cannot confide in u

a man like him. We should not confide ( )

our secrets io an unreliable man like Judab.

Confident ( ) of— We cannot 1)0 so cofi-

dent of success.

Confined ( ^^1^^ ) in, to — The convict is confined

in Jail. He has been confined to bed ( ) for a couple

of days ( ). The essay competition is confined

( ) to the students of class Vlll only.

Conform ( ) to, with — You must conform to the

rules ( ). Their views conform with

mine ( ^tC%’ ).

Conformity with — He acted in conformity ivith rules (

Confuse ( C^al1 ) wt7A — Liberty should not be

confused with unbridled licence

Congenial to — The climate here is not congenial ( )

his health.

Consist of, in — A football team consists ( ) of eleven

idayers. Happiness consists ( ) in sacrifice.

Consistent ( ) with, in — His actions are not

consistent y^ith his words. We must be consistent in our


Consequent o/i — Consequenron his illness (

), he could not appear at the examination (

5|lt ).

Conspicuous for, by , — Ganesh Babu is conspicuous ( f^f%l )

for his simplicity. Kamal is conspicuous ( X

by his absence.



Consult ( ) with a person about it thing— He con-

sulted tmih me ahovi the matter.

Contact ( ) u4th — He came in contact iviih

scholars. 1 have no contact with him.

Contemporary ( ) with^ of — He is contemporary

(adj.) with me. He is a contemporary (noun) of Hari Babu.

Contest ( ^^1 ) loith a person for

a thing — He contested vnth me far the prize.

Contented ( ) with — Everyone should remain conten-

ted with his own position.

Contiguous ( ) to — Their house is contiguous to ours.

Contrast #o, hrAwerji, with — i) A striking contrast ( )

lies between the two brothers, ii) Ham’s character is a great

contrast to Shyam’s. iii) Contrast the character of Aiirangzeb

•with that of Akbar.

Contrary ( ) to — His actions are quite contrary to

his words. He acted contrary to the rule.

Contribute ( C*f ^41 } — He contributed a large

sum to the relief fund.

Control ( ) o/, over — The man has no control over

his son. Ham has no control of (or, over) himself.

Converse ( ) ii>ith a person

about a matter — He conversed y/ith me about the matter.

Conversant ( ) wiih—Ue is

thoroughly conversant with politics.

Converted ( ) to, into^The sage con-

verted the mouse into a oat. Nab in was converted to Islam

( ).

Convict (verb) o/— He was convicted of theft (

Convince ( ^tiai ) of— We all

are convinced of Jadu’s sincerity.

Cope ( ) mth — 1 cannot cope with him in music.

Correspond ^ ’ Correspond with

him about the matter. Your words do not correspond (

^ ) to facts. Gopal’s views correspond with mine.

G.— 3



Count upon^for — They count ( ) much upon your

help. Shyamal’s advice counted for nothing (

Covetous ( ) of — Don^t be covetous of riches

Crave /or— He craves ( )for fame.

Craving ( ) for — He has a great craving /or wealth.

Credit ( Sr:si1 ^"<1, c^m) ^1 verbj to, with—

(i) I credited fifty rupees to his account, (ii) The success of the

play was credited to Ram. Bam was credited with the success

of the play ( ).

Cure ( '-^^1 ) o/ — I can cure (verb) you of jour

dysentery ( ).

Cure ( )/or — There is no cure for this disease.

Curiosity ( ) /or, about — Naresh has a great

curiosity for the subject. He has no curiosity about the matter.

Dawn on — At last, good sense dawned on him (

C ?<(1 ).

Dead to — He is dead to all sense of shame ( c>f ).

Deaf ( ) to, of or in — He remained deaf to all our

entreaties. The boy is deaf of, or in one ear.

Deal in, with — He deals in paper ( ).

He deals politely loith all ( ). He

dealt with the subject in detail

Deal Ottf ( ) — He dealt on^ the mangoes to all

present in the hall.

Debar from — Madbu was debarred from Government

Service 5T?Cl? ?I1

Decide on (or, upon), for, against ( ) —

He is yet to decide upon the^ system of work. The case has

been decided /or Babin, but against Jatin.

Dedicate ( ^^1 ) to — He dedicated his life to the

service of the country.

Deduce J^^O/roni— The truth may be deduced /row

the premises.



Defend ( ) from, against — Defend your country

from the enemy by all means. Defend your country against

all attacks of the enemy.

Deficient ( ^t51 ) in — Our country is deficient in

food. He is deficient in English.

Defer ( m ) to— Don’t defer anything

to the future.

Die of a disease, from the effect of something, hy a weapon

or poison, etc. — He died of heart-disease. He died from

excessive labour. He died by poison or by a sword.

Differ /row, with, about, on (a point) in — This book differs

from that ( ). I differ toiih him on this point. The

jury differ in their opinions about the case.

Deliberate ( ai1csit5ii1 •*^1, f5«1 )

upon — They deliberated upon the subject for a couple of hours.

Delight in — He takes (or, finds) delight in music (


Delighted at, with — Rahman is delighted at his success. The

boy is deiightod ( ) with his new dress.

Deliver from, to— He delivered his country

from foreign domination ( ) The Peon delivered

the letter to the addressee.

Demand (verb) something of, or from a person — Hemeh

demanded the money of, or fro7n Ram (

?tr^ ). He demanded of Jadu

what he wanted. There is a great demand of people for David

Copperfield ( ) {demand —

Dependent ( ) on or upon — He is dependent upon

(or, on) none but himself.

Depend on or upon — He depends entirely upon (or, on) his

elder brother.

Deprive ( ) of — He has been deprived of bis

legitimate right ( grT^j ).

Derive ( ) from — We derive no benefit

from this book.



Derogator}’ ( ) to— Such an act is derogatory to his

.dignity ( ).

Descend ^51) /ro>n— He

descended from the mountain. They descended from an

ancient king.

Deacendent ( ) of — They are descendents of a king.

Deserving ( ) of — He is deserving of this post.

Devolve .upon, to — The responsibility of the business

• devolved upon him ( ).

Ham Babu devolved, the charge of, the oflScc on Shyam Babu

( '*(^‘1 ). On the

, death of Rahim’s father, the property devolved to or upo-n him.

Devote to — He devoted his life to the service of humanity

( 3rfJI5iaftr'S?l ). He

does not devote adequate time to his studies ( c»j '3t^t9

<2fwtf d »i>ni c??r in ).

Diflference between, from — There is no difference bettoeen

the two pictures (^fsi ijcsfj Rlt). The dilference of

a triangle from a quadrilaterat is obvious.

Different ( ^ ) /row— This book is different

r/trot» that.. ,

Diffident ( C»ft59IT>ltil ) o/— He is diffident of

passing the examination. ,,

. I , Dhiappoint.ed at, of, in, ioi/At— H e was disappointed (

oi this reply from you. I was disappointed of

the prize. , I was disappointed in the prize (

i?1 ). I am disappointed with my

eldest son.

Disagree with — He disagreed ivith me in this matter (

Disgusted ( ) with, dt, for — Father is disgusted with me

at my failure. I was disgusted with him for his inactivity.

Dispense 2 vith fo— His services have been dispensed vHth

( C*f Equal justice is dispensed

to one and all by God.



Displeased at, for, icith — I tun 'displeased dt my son’s

idleness. I am displeased with my son for his idleness.

Dispose ( C?'«’91, ) o/— He disposed

of his furniture. The Magistrate disposed of the case. 'ittiey''

disposed of their quarrel. ' *

Desire of ^ for ( ) — He has a great desire /or (or,

of) fame.

Desirous of ( ) — He is desirous' o/fame.

Desist /rom f ) — He ha.s desisted /row sin.

Despair of ( ^1 ^'6^1 )— Hari despaired of sube'ess

ill the examination.

Destined to (M?ffv5^ ^fi[«tf^),/or All things-

on earth are destined to decay. Abdul is destined for the post.,

Destitute of — He is destitute of any property ( ).

Destructive ( ) to, o/— Over-eating <

( ) is destructive ,«o (or, for) health. ' ' - ? m

Detatch ( ) from — Ho has been dotatched /row,

the organisation. * l

Deter ( ) /row— Nothing can deter him from

going there.

Determined ( ) o»--Jadu is determined on doing

this. if

Detrimental ; io—Vfc should do nothing detrimen- *

tal lo the interest of the country. - .*

Deviate ( ) from — You must not deviate from

the right path.

Devoid of — He is devoid of c,ommon sense (

). r , ,

Detract ( Jt*! ^<11 ) />■<»» — This lapse on bis part detracts;

/rom his reputation ( )^ . ;

Design ( ) up<m — The criminal h^d a ‘desigp

Shjamal Babu’s life. ; > :

Designed ( ?| 'SffeC'Sl^ ) for — This Grammar is|.

designed /<»■ the students of classes V and VI.

Derogate ( |t*T ) Jfom — This is sure to derogate from

your dignity. •



Distinct ( ) /row — This book is quite distinct from

its former edition.

Distinction ( ) beiwem^ from— There is a striking

distinction between the two books. There is no ^distinction of

this from that.

Distinguish ( ^1 ) between, from, by—

I cannot distinguish between the two words. The two brothers

can be distinguished /ro/;?. each other only by their voices.

Distrust ( ^1 ) of — Your distrust of so good a

neighbour as Bam Babu is not at all desirable.

Divert /row, to ( ^^1 )— The

temptation of wealth ( ) diverted his mind from

the right path to the vicious one.

Divide between, among, into — I divided

rupees ten between the two workers. Divide the mangoes

among the five boys. The property was divided into four


Dominate ( ) over — He dominates# over all.

Doubt ( noun ) of, ob^mt — There is no doubt of or

about his arrival.

Doubtful ( ) o/— Nobody is doubtful of his sincerity.

Due ^0— A sum of thirty rupees is due to him. Tho

success of the dramatic performance ( ) is due

to him ( due to him = ^t^t^^ ).

Disqualified ( ) for, from — He is

disqualified for the post of a professor. Paresh is disqualified

from taking part in the competition.

Dispute ( ) with a person about something —

I have no dispute with him about the matter.

Dissent ( ^^1 ^/row— He dissented from my

views on the subject.

Dissimilar ( ) to — This book is dissimilar

to that.

* Dominate is also used as a transitive verb ; as— Ho Dominates

us all.



Dissnade ( ) from — I dissuaded him from

doing this.

Dull 0 / hearing — Jamini is dull of bearing.

Dull something — He is dull at painting.

Dwell in ( ) — He dwells in a cottage.

Dwell upon ( )— Jadu Babu dwelt upon the

problem of unemployment in the meeting.

Divested ( ; divest ) o/--King Lear was

divested of all his powers (by bis two elder daughters).

Eager ( ) /or, aftej\ about — Bara is eager

for {or, after ) fame and prosperity ( ), I am not

eager about the mat ter.

Eligible ( C^t^J )for — Only graduates are eligible

for the post.

Easy of — This work is not easy of ‘performance’ ( ).

Elicit ( ^^1 ) from — T failed to elicit any reply

from him.

Emerge ( ?6in ) from— A great deal

of trouble emerged from it. A jackal emerged from the bush.

Enamoured of — He is cnaraoured ( ) of the charming

scenery. The young man was enamoured of the girl’s beauty.

Encroach ( <51^515 ^'<1 ) on or uyon one’s land,

rights, or time, etc. — He encroached upon ray land (or, rights

or, time).

End ( '<11

^^1 ; verb) : Extravagance ( ) is sure to end

in misery.

Endowed ( c^tCJll Tf^l ) mth—lBoac was

endowed urith a wonderful faculty of acquiring knowledge

by the simplest means.

Enjoin ( fSfrtn CifO?l1, W ^^1, )

on (or, upon) — This act is enjoined on us all. Good sense

enjoins on us that we should be just and honest.

Enraged ( ) unih a person at his conduct, or for



doing something — I was enraged with him at his behaviour.

Bam is enraged with Shyam for not going there.

Enter ( ) into, upon — Hari entgred into the

dense forest. The actor then entered upon the stage. He

has entered upon his career of a lawyer.

Entertained ( ) by, with, at—

They were warmly entertained hy the workers with a dramatic

performance at their factory hall.

Entitled ( ) to — Bam is entitled to the benefit of

provident fund.

Entrust ( ) to^ with—1 cannot entrust

him with such an important task. T cannot entrust such an

important task to him.

Envious ( ) of — Jadu is always envious of me.

Envy ( noun ) of at — A contented ( >1^1 ) man

has envy of none. He has no envy of oi at anybody’s prosperity.

Equal ( ) to, with, in — This book is equal to

that in value. He was equal to the occasion. A worker or a

clerk is not equal in rank with an officer.

Equivalent ( ^ ) to — This word is equivalent

to that.

Escape /row, o/— There is no escape — noun) of Bara

from this danger. The convict ( ) escaped

( )/row the prison.

Essential /o —Education is essential to a nation.

Exact ( ^^1 ) from — They exacted illegal money /row

the people.

Excel ( C^tr^l Rcnm*! ) iw--“The blind man

excels in music.

Exception to, ( with the exception of ) — An exception

(^Tf%3FV) to this general rule also exists. The teacher punished

all with the exception of Bamani.

Exchange withy for, of — ( In exchange for = ) : I

exchanged ( ) my pen for his. Exchange of views



with others adds to one’s general knowlcge. I gave him nothing

in exchange for his books. ‘

Exclude ( Cif'6111, ^SF ) /ro/w— He has

been excluded /rom the list of successful candidates.

Exclusive of ( ) — He draws a salary of five

hundred rupees exclusive of allowances.

Excuse /or, from — There is no excuse ( **J*5I1 ) for

your delay. He may be excused from the payment of fine.

Exempt ( ) from — We cannot exempt you

from the admission fee.

Expect of, from ( ) — Such a rude behaviour is not

expected of a boy like him. I expect this favour from you,

(or, of you).

Expert ( f^^«| ) at, in — Hari is expert, or an expert

( ) at violin. J«‘idu is expert in music.

Expose ( )— His true ^

nature has been exposed to all by Gopal. Do not expose this

medicine to heat. Ho is easily exposed to cold (


Exposure ( ) Vo—He is

suflFering from influenza owing to exposure to cold. The

exposure of his hypocrisy to others was made by Jatin.

Exult { ) m, over, a«— He

exults in his success. Don’t exult over anybody at or in his ‘


Faith ( ) in^ idth — He has firm faith m him.

I did not expect that he would break faith with you (

Faithful ( ) ifo-^This serv^ant is very « loyal and *

faithful to his teacher. '

False ) : <o ’Nobody should b© false to his friend.

Familiar ( ) with^ to- ‘Anil is familiar

fjoith Sunil. This plabe is familiar to me. • '

Fatal ( )"fo— An^ Operation without '»»ehIoroform '

ds often fatal to a patient. ^ . t



Favourable ( )/or, to — The calmness of the Ganges^

was favourable for our journey by boat. Hari’s action waa

favourable to Karim.

(In) Favour of ( ) — His remarks iv^re not in

favour of me.

Favourite ( ; noun) of — He is a favourite of

Ram Babu.

Favourite ( — He is favourite (adj) with

Ram Babu.

Fear ( ) o/, from — He has fled away for fear of life.

He was in constant fcar/rom this dangerous man.

Fearful ( ) of — Paresli Babu is fearful of

unknown dangers from robbers.

Fearless ( ) of — Jadu is fearless of any consequence

of the action.

Feed oa, -The mother is feeding her child with milk

( ; trans. verb). We feed on rice and bread

( 'Q ; intr. verb).

Feel ( 5:^ ^^1 ) for, in — A real friend always feels

for his friend in his misery ( ).

Fight ( ) with, for, against — Netaji always fought

with or against the foreign rulers /or the freedom of India.

Fire at, upon ( isfSf ) — The hunter fired at the deer.

The Police Commissioner ordered firing upon the unruly mob.

Fit ( ) for — He is not at all fit for the post.

Fix ( ) on,

to, up, at — The tiger fixed its eyes on its prey. The peon fixed

the slip to the file. The memory of the sight remained

fixed in his mind. The date of the conference is yet to be

fixed up. His salary has been fixed at Rs. 200/-.

Fond 0/— Cats are fond of milk ( ). Gita hag no

fondness for meat.

Foreign to— Such treachery is quite foreign ( ) to *

his disposition ( ). This is foreign to me (



Forgetful ( ?1 f filial ) of—

Naresh is often forgetful of his own amenities ( ^1 )•

Free ( ) /rom, of — He is now quite free from all fears.

I gave him the book free of cost. He freed (verb) me from

the danger. You should not be so free of your money.

( ^1 ).

Frown at^ on — Fortune frowned on him (

). The village school master often frowned at

( ^^15 ) the young boys of the school.

Glance ( ’5-3J ) of, over — Ram glanced'

at me while I was passing by their house. I glanced over his

writing. He had a glance (n ) over my application.

Glory ( ) in — Parents glory in the success of

their children.

Grateful ( You should remain grateful to him for

what he has done for you. '

Greedy ( ) o/— Anup is always greedy of money.

Shyam Babu is not at all greedy of wealth.

Greed ( )for — Asim has no greed /or wealth.

Guard /rom, Gopal is the only boy who guards

( ^^1 ) me from or against all dangers. Be on your guard

against pick-pickets.

Guilty ( ) (/—They are guilty of theft.

Hanker ( ) cifter — He never hankers after


Hatred ( ^«ri ) of, for — I have no hatred of or for Ram. He

has a great hatred of conspiracy ( ).

Heedless ( ) o/~Heis heedless o/ his parents’


Heir ( ) to^ of — Hari is the heir of his maternal

uncle. Jadu is an heir to this property.

Hesitate ( ) at — Why should you hesitate

at this ?



Hint ( ) aU against — I have' already hinted at

their conspiracy against yon.

Hopeful (T5lWf%^) o/-He is hopeful o/,his brother’s, victory.


Hopeless ( ) of — Abani is hopeless of his success

in the examination.

Hostile ( ) to — ^They are hostile to us in all affairs.

Identical with — Their views are identical with


Ignorant ( ) of — I am quite ignorant of tho matter.

Til o/, with — Jadu is ill of ( or, toith ) fever ( ).

His opposition to my action will go ill with him (


Immaterial ( ) to — Your idea is imma-

terial to our scheme ( ).

Immersed ( ) in — His lavishness immersed him in

debt. The imago of the goddess ^vas immersed (

) in the Ganges.

Impart to — The teacher is impartiiig instructions ( f»f^1 <^1

^*TC*r*f ) to his students.

Impatient ( ) of ^ for- — His father is impatient

of his long silence. He is impatient for the prize.

Implicated ( ) hi — flam is not implicated in the


Import into (a country) from (another) — Food grains are

now imported into India from Canada.

Impose ( ) on or upon — A new tax has been

imposed upon the people. Don’t impose such a heavy task

on me.

Impress ( ^T<*f ) (something) upon (one’s

mind), (one) with (something) — The charming scenery was

impressed upon his. mind. The teacher impressed his student

with lofty ideas.

Impute ( ) to— Vie imputed all the blamie to



45 ^

Incentive ( ) to — Your inspiration will serve as an

incentive to his activity.

Include ( ) in — His name has not been included

in the list. ’

Inclusive ( ) o/— I have to pay ‘ a house rent of

Ks. 80/ inclusive of electric charges.

Inculcate ( ?1 ) (an idea) in or npon

(one’s mind)— Our Headmaster inculcated the idea of social

service u'pon ( or, in ) my mind.

Indebted ( ) to — You are indebted \o him for his active

help ( ) to you.

Independent ( ) — India is now independent o/

foreign domination ( ).

Indifferent ( ) to — Jle js indifferent to our weal or

woe ( ).

Indignant ( ) with (one) at (one's conduct) — I am

indignant mth him at hii^ ill-treatment.

Indispensable ( ) to — This book is indispensable

to me.

Indulge ( (2f!2tir mUh--I>oi\\ indulge in idleness.

I never indulge my children with my silence in their faults.

Indulgent ( is never indulgent to his.


Infected ( — The whole village is infected

with cholera. ^ ’

Infested ( ) with — This forest is infested with tigers.

Inflict ( Ff'Qiftil ) on— A severe punishment was inflicted

07i him.

Influence ( noun ) with, over, upon— He has great

influence over (or, with) his students. The instruction had a

great influence upon Jadu’s mind. . . . , ;

Inform ( ) a person of something—

1 informed him of the matter.

Infuse ( ) twip— The leader

infused the spirit of self-sacrifice into bis followers.



Inherent ( ) in — The spirit of benevolence is inherent

in him.

Initiated into — He was initiated into Christianity.

Innocent ( ) of — He is innocent of the q^ime.

Inquire (Enquire) of, about, into — He inquired of Ram

'( ) about the matter. The police inquired

• (or, enquired) into the matter.

Insensible ( ) to — Jatin is insensible to all sense of

humiliation ( ).

Insist ^^1) on— Don't insist on his

going there.

Inspire ( ) witb^ into, in — The Saint’s instruc-

tions inspired them loiih the noble spirit of benevolence

( ). He inspired the spirit of benevolence on or inio us.

Instill ( ^^1 ) into — You instilled moral courage

inJto their hearts.

Intent ( ) on — I am intent on doing this.

Interest ( ) in — He takes great interest

in gardening. I have no interest in his personal affairs.

Interested ( ) in — He is highly interested in


Interfere ( ^^1 ) with, in — I do not like to interfere

with or in others’ affairs. Why should you interfe e with him

in his personal affairs ?

Intimate ( adj. ) with — He is most intimate with me.

Intimate to (verb) — Intimate cif'GUl) this news to me.

Introduce ( ) to — I introduced him to our



Intrude upon, into — Why should he intrude upon my

valuable time ( ). I don’t like to

intrude into his reading room.

Invested ( ) with — The prince was invested mth

royal powers.

Invest ( fet^1 ) in — He invested five lakhs of

.rupees in the business.



Invite ( ) to— He was invited to the

■' function.

Involved ( ) tn— Ram is involved in the matter.

.'He is involved in debt ( ^<| ).

Jealous ( ) of — Don’t be jealous of others’

, prosperity ( ).

Jeer ( ) at — You should not jeer at the lame man.

Jest ( ) at — Nobody should jest at an elderly man.

Judge ( ?P^1, '^'tt'9‘1 ) hy—k man

should not be judged hy his outer form ( ^1


Justification ( ) for, of — There is no justifica-

tion /or, or of your action.

Key ( ) to — Perseverance is the key to success.

Lack ( ) of — He has no lack of money. I am lacking

in real friends.

Lament ( ^41 ) oven, /or -He is

lamenting over ( or, for ) the loss of his property. (Lament is

also used as a transitive verb).

Laugh at ( <F41, ^§1 )— One should not laugh at

a lame man.

Lavish ( adj.) of (money), in expenditure.

My elder brother is lavish (adj.) of money. ‘ You must not

be lavish in your expenditure.

Lavish ( verb) on or npon— Ram Babu

lavished his praises upon him.

Lean ( ^4 4*^1, ci*l Cif'e^t, C?«5b

*t^1, ) on or upon him for help. The old woman

leaned upon her staff. The boy stood leaning against the

wall. The judge leaned to the side of the poor woman*

Liable ( ) to, for— The cashier is liable to

punishment for misappropriation ot money. Jadu was

responsible for this loss of money.

Libel ( ) on — The pamphlet

served as a libel on his fair name.



Likeness ( ) to — The boy has great likeness to bis

elder brother.

Liking ( ) for — He has a great liking for

the boy.

Liberal ( ) of, to — Jadu Babu* is liberal of‘

advice. He is liberal to the poor.

Long ( ) for, after — There is none but longs

for (or, after) happiness.

Lost in, to — The saint is lost in meditation (

). The young man is lost to all sense of decency.

Loyal ( ) to — The dog is very loyal to its master.

Made of — This table is made of teak wood (

Martyr ( ) to — He embraced death as a martyr to-

liberty ( iSCl ).

Match (noun) for — Hari is no match for Ram ( ^

sni ).

Match (verb) tcith ( f3(i?( ) — His dress

matches loith his appearance.

Meditate ( ^^1 ) upon — Hari Babu is meditating

upon his past activities.

Meet ( mth an accident ) — He met with a bus accident on

the way. Ram met with no difficulty (

^ ) on the way.

Mindful ( ) of — Jadu is always mindful of

his duties.

Mix ( C3l*t1 ) in (society), with a person — He never mixes

in bad society. Don’t mix with a dishonest person.

Mourn ( cH\^ ) for — Everybody mourned for

his loss ( >2f^H ).

Moved ( ) with (pity), by (entreaty), to (fears)—

Ram Babu was moved with pity at the sight of his miserable

condition. He was moved to tears at the sight of the-

pitiable condition of the poor man. A cruel man like him

is never moved by any entreaty.


Murmur ( 'srf%C5lt’f ?1 al<FH ^1 ) at, against. The

employees of this ofScc murmur at their low scale of pa}".

The people are murmuring against reduction of the rationed

quantity of rice.

Natural ( ) to — Attachment to their children

is natural to all mothers.

Necessity ( ) o/, /or, to — What is the nacessity

oj going there ? There is no necessity for these articles.

This book is a great necessity to me.

Need (n) /or, (in) need of — I have no need for money. He

is in great need of money.

Neglect o/, in — He was punished for neglect of duty.

Kam was punished for neglect in doing his duty.

Negligent of j neglectful of — He is negligent ( )

of (or, neglectful of) duty.

Object ( ) to — 1 object to your going there.

Objection ( — I have no objection to

going there. He has no objection against (or, ^o) the scheme

( ).

Oblige ( ^^1) («* person) with or by

doing something — Hari Babu obliged me vdlh a favourable


response to my prayer. He obliged me by supplying the order

in time.

Obliged ( ) to (a person) for a thing — 1 am obliged

to you for your kind help.

Obstacle ( ) fo-»-Want of money is an obstacle

to the success of his plan.

Occupied ( ) with, in — He is occupied with

gardening. Hari is occupied m writing books.

Occur fo— An idea occurred to his mind all on a sudden

Offend ( ) againM (some rule), with (a person)

at (something) — He has offended against 'politeness ( ).

Hari Babu was offended ( ) with you at your opposition

of his proposal.

Offence dfV^) against^ aJ— His action was an

offence against morality. Don’t take offence at his words.

G.— 4



Offensive ( — Your action is

offensive to the authorities. Wine is offensive to my stomach.

Officiate ^^1)~Sudhir Babu is officiating

for Bam Babu in the post of Headmaster.

Open ^0 — The function is open to all.

Opportunity ( ) /or, of — There is no opportunity

for his studies. I have no opportunity of doing this.

Opposed ( ) to — He is opposed to my proposal.

Opposite ( ) to — His views are quite opposite to


Opjjosition ( ) to — Tliere was a strange opposition

to his proposal.

Originate ( ^vQin ) with (a person),

in or from something — The Durgea Puja festival originated

with Sree Bam Chandra. This law suit originated in (or from)

their internal disputes.

Overwheliped ( ) with^ at — He was overwhelmed

with grief at his father’s death.

Owe ( ) to — I owe five hundred rupees to him

Parallel ( ) to, with — These 'two straight lines are

parallel to each other. The laws made by the Government

must run parallel with moral laws.

Parody ( ) on, or of — This poem is a parody

on (or, of) me.

Part with, from — He cannot part mth ( ) that

book. The two friends parted ( ) from each other

with tearful eyes.

Partake ( ^'^^1 ) of — They partook of some sweets.

Partial ) io— Hari is not partial to anybody.

Partiality ( T f<^ — partiality for his


, y^artiouliir ( ) about, in — Hem Babu is very particular

is duty. Lila is very particular in her dress.

pitiable in ( ) — He participated loith

is never - ..

46 function.



Passion ( ) for — Shila has a passion

for painting.

Patient ( ) of (suffering), under ( diflSculties) — Ram is

patient of hardship. He always remained patient U7ider


Patience ( ) with — I have lost all patience with you.

(At) Peace with — They always live at peace ( )

with one another.

Peculiar to — This dress is peculiar to him.

Penetrate ( ^^1 ) through^ into — The hunter

penetrated into the dense forest through an opening.

Penitent ( ) for — He is penitent /or his folly.

Persevere ( ) in— He per-

severed in achieving his object.

Persist ( c®?? ) i7i — The boy persisted in entering the


Pity ( if5l, )for — Paresh Babu feels pity for beggars.

Play city on — They are playing at dice ( i ).

He is pLaying on a violin ( ).

Pleased ( ) wlth^ at — He is pleased with you at your

good conduct.

Plead ( ^ ) ivithy for, or against

— Ram pleaded 7 vith Shyani for justice (or, against the injustice

done to him).

Plunged in, into — Hari Babu is plunged ( f^3l4 ) in deep

thought. Jadu plunged into the Ganges.

Point out, at, to — He pointed out ray defects ( cifl^

1%eT ). The fowler • pointed ( ) his arrow at

the bird. Jadu Babu pointed to the defects of the plan.

Polite in, to ( ) — We should be always polite in our

dealings loith others. He is always polite to his superiors.

Ponder over, on — He is pondering ( ) on or

over the matter.

Poor ( ) in — He is very poor in moral courage


Popular ( ) with, for — Jadu is popular with all

for his politeness ( ).

Possessed of, with, by — He is possessed of immense wealth

( C»T ^ ). He was possessed uith a bright idea

( ) Jadu was

possessed by devil ( ).

Precaution ( ) agamst — Ho took necessary

l)recaution against influenza.

Prel’er ( ^?|l ) to — T perfer reading to writing.

Preferable ( Learning is pre-

ferable to riches.

Preference to^for — He has particular preference for Pam to

all other candidates.

Prepare ( ^6111 )for, against — The boys prepared w'ell

for the examination. They are preparing against any future


Preparatory ( ) to — This leave is preparatory

to his retirement.

Prejudice against — I have no prejudice against


Prejudicial ( ) to — He has done nothing

prejudicial to society.

Present C?'Q!Il) (something) to (a person), (a person)

with something — He presented a pen to me. He presented me

tvith a pen.

Preside ( ^^1 ) over, at — Naresh Babu i>resided

over (or, at) the function.

Prevail on or upon, against, over, with — I prevailed upon

him to attend the meeting ( ). He jjrevailed

oi;er (or, against) all obstacl^ )•

Virtue prevails' over vice in the long run ( )• His

arguments failed to prevail ( ) with him.

Prevent ( ^^1 ) from — I prevented him

from doing this wrong.

Previous to ( ) — I received a letter from him previous

to this.



Prey to — He was a prey to various ailments (

^ Pride (noun) in — He takes pride in liis wealth.

Pride (verb) w— Ho prides himself on his wealth.

Proud of-^He is proud ( ) of his wealth.

Prior to ( ) — T met him prior to my departure.

Proceed ( ) ivith, to, from, arjainst — He

proceeded with his work in the teeth of all opposition (

). At last, he proceeded to (or towards) Delhi

from Agra. He proceeded against Ram (

) in the High Court.

Proricient ( ) on, at — lie is proficient in Sanskrit

literature. Jadu is proficient in (or, at) painting.

Profit ( 99^1 ) by — Thave profited a great

deal by his advice.

Profitable ( ) to — This business is not at all

profitable to me.

Prompt ( ) in, at — lie is always prompt in

everything. Hahirn is prompt at figures.

Prohibit ( ) fro7n — I prohibited him

from doing tJiisi

Prone ( ) to — The man is prone io idleness

( ).

Proof against — Hem is i>roof against any iillureincnt

( ).

Proportionate ( ) to, (In) proportion to- His

intellect is proportionate (or, in j)roportion) to his age.

Protect ( ) against, from — He protected me from

(or, against) all dangers.

Protection ( ) against’-Ho took proper protection

against influenza.

Provide ( ^^1 ) against (the evil day) for

(children), (a person) irith (something), (something) to (a

person) : Wo must provide against the rainy day. You

must provide /or your children. I provided him ivith a book

(or, provided a book to him).



Provision ( ) /or —I should make provision for my


Pursuant to, (In) pursuance of ( ) — You must do

everything pursuant to (or, in pursuance of ) your father's


Qualified ( C^t^T ) /or— Ram Babu is qualified /or

the post of a Headmaster.

Quick ( ) o/, ai— Jadu is quick o/* understaii

ding. He is very quick at figures.

Quarrel ( ) with (a person), about or for or over

(something) — The two brothers quarrelled irith each other

abotU (or, for or over) their paternal property.

Ready ( ) with, at, for — We have come ready with

the necessary money. He is ready at figures. We are

always ready /or this action.

Roasau ( ) for — There is no reason for your

doing this.

Reason (verb) 2 rith (a person) about (something) — He is

always in the habit of arguing with me about everything.

Rebel ( ) against — The people rebelled

against the cruel king.

Reconciled loitJi, to — The two brothers were reconciled

( ) with each other at long last. He has

reconciled (intransitive verb) to his fate (

fHWC? ).

Recover ( ^^1 ) from — Hari has recovered

from, illness.

Reduce (v. ) to — The sage reduced the tiger

again to a mouse.

Reduced to ( )— The manuscript papers were

reduced to ashes { ). They have been reduced to

poverty ( )•

Refer ( ) — He referred the matter to the

Chairman. Jadu Babu referred to me in his speech.

Refrain ( ) from — Ho refrained from drinking

at last.



Regard ( et^l, noun )— I have profound regard for him.

(In or with) Regard to — Wo know nothing in or with

regard to the matter.

Regardful of ; Regardless ( ^1 )

of — He is regardful of hi.'^ own interests. Ram is regardless

of his own welfare.

Rejoice ( ) at, in, over. My

mother rejoiced at my success in the examination. It is

inhuman to rejoice over others* misfortunes.

Relieve ( ) frotn, of— lie has been

greatly relieved of his troubles by his brother. This drug

has relieved him from (or, of) pain.

Relation with, to, of, between — There is a friendly relation

( ) o/Ram with Shyam. I have no relation to (or with)

him. There is a friendly relation between the two brothers.

Relate to — This matter, does not relate to his failure

( <4^ C^tCTI ).

Related to : Ram and Sliyam are related ( )

to each other.

Rely ( ^'51 ) o?i — You can’t rely on him in such an

important matter.

Relieve ( ^•31 ) of, or from — This medicine is sure to

relieve you of (or, from) your ache. He was relieved of the

charge of theft ( ).

Relevant ( ) to — What he says is not at all

relevant to the point of our discussion.

Remind ( ) of — He reminded me of the matter

in due time.

Remarkable ( ) /or— Jadu is remarkable

for his ready wit.

Remedy ( ) for, or against — A remedy for (or,

against) this national degradation must be devised.

Repent ( ^^1 ) of — He repents of his past misdeede.

Repentant ( ) o/— Amal is repentant of his

arrogance ( ).



Kepentance { ) for — He has no repentance for

his misbehaviour.

Responsible ( ) to (some authority — ) for (some

action) — You are responsible to the Managing Committee of

the school /or your action.

Respect ( ) for — He has great respect for liis


Respectful ( ) to — Ram is respectful to his superiors.

Itespond ( ) to — He responded to

the call of the country.

Rest ( on or upon — To grant, or not to

grant his application rests with the SecTetary. You must not

rest ^ipon his assurance for help.

Resort ( 'STfafU C*l'6iri, 4^1 ) to — Don’t resort to

unfair means in the examination.

Restore (

) to — Jadu restored Madhu’s money to him. The

electric current was restored to normalcy ( )

after two hours.

Result ( ) Qf — What is the result of your examination ?

Result ( ^6^1 ^1 ^ verb) from (a cau.se)

in : Many a disease results from over-eating ( ).

Over* eating often results in serious illness.

Retire ( ^^1 ) from, lo — He retired from

service at the age of 08. They retired to bed at 1 a.m.

Restrict ( ^-^1) to — The eligibility of this post

is not restricted to caste and creed.

Revenge ( noun), ( ) on, /or—

— Ratan took revenge on Madan for his conspiracy against

him. Ratan revenged himself^ on Madhu for his conspiracy

against him.

Rich ( ) in — India is rich m natural resources

< «ttf )■

Reward ( ) mth, /or—He was rewarded toWt a

medal for his artistic skill { )•



Rob ( ) (a person) of something —

The miscreant ( ) robbed him of Ins money.

Safe ( ) from — ]labin is now quite safe from

all dangers.

Save ( ) from — O fJod ! Save me from this


Satisfactory ( ) to — His result is not satisfactory

to us.

Satisfied ( ) wilh^ of^ at — Nobody is satisfied wiih

him at his behaviour. Ho is satisfied (convinced) of my


Satisfaction ( ) aty wit/ty in — I have great satisfaction

at (or, ivith) his result in the B.A. Examination. He finds

satisfaction in social work.

Sanguine ( ) of — Ram is sanguine of success.

Sensible ( ) o/—! am sensible of the impending

danger ( ).

Sensitive ( ) to — Kamtsh is sensitive to

■censure ( ).

Search (noun) for — Wc made a thorough search (

) for the letter.

(In) Search of ( ) — They wont out in search of food.

Sentence ( If C? 6^.11 ) to, for -The culprit was sentenced

io death for murder.

Shame ( ) at, for — Wc feel shame at (or for) your

rudeness (

Short of — I am, at present, short of money (

Shrink ( ^1 ) from— lie always shrinks

from performing his duties.

Side with— I shall always side with you (

Sick of, for— I am sick of ( ) this town life. He is

sick ( ) for hdme.

Similar ( This sum is similar to that.



Similarity ( ^ lTj»lT ) o/, between — There is similarity of

this book with that. There is similarity between the two


Slave ( ) to, of — Nobody should be a slave to

his passions. You must not be the slave of your passions.

Slow ( ) at, in, of — Ram is slow of speech, but

not at accounts. Jadu is always slow in his decision.

Smile upon, at — The goddess of fortune smiled upon him

( ). Jadu smiled at Jatin’s

boast of learning ( )

Smell (verb) of — This water smells of Kerosene oil (


Sorry ( ) at, for — He became sorry at your remark.

He is not at all sorry for his rude behaviour with Rahim.

Stain ( noun) upo7i — This is a stain upon his fair


Stain ( verb) with — The battle-field was stained

with blood.

Stare ( — Ram stared at Kasem.

Ram stared Kasem m the face.

(To be) Startled ( ) at — He was startled at the

roar of the cloud.

Stick to ( )— Always stick to your

own principle.

Stick in ( ^"9^1 ^1 )— The car stuck in

the mud.

Stick at ( ) — Ho sticks at nothing to carry out his

own selfish end.

Strange to ( ) —This word is strange to me.

Subject (noun) of, for — Unemployment problen

is the'fsubject of (or, for) our diseq^sion ( ).

Subject (adjective and verb) to — All things on earth are

subject ( ) to decay ( ). We are subjected ( )

to a lot of troubles here.

Submit ( ^t*11 ) to — We should, on no.

account ( ), submit to humiliation ( )•



Subordinate ( ^ ) to— I am subordinate to him

in rank.

Subscribe to ( Sfifl CW'Q^I, ff-sill,

*lTrf^ ?l ) : He subscribed to the flood

relief fund. I subscribe to the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Hircn

subscribes to my opinion.

Subsequent to — He joined the bar subsequent to his marriage

( ).

Subsist on (c^tta[1 f%l '3’P‘I ^tFl).

The Bengalees subsist mainly on rice.

Succeed in, to — He succeeeded (

examination. Karim succeeded ( ) to his

father’s property. Akbar succeeded his father, Humayun, to

the throne of Delhi.

Sufficient ( ) for : This food is sufficient for us.

Suffer ( Cat’ll, ) froniyfor — He has been suffering

fro?n fever for five days. You will have to suffer in the long run

( ) for your idleness.

Suitable ( ) to, for — This room is not at all

suitable /or, or to me. The arrangement was suitable to the


Suited /or, to — He is suited ( ) for lectureship. The

lecture delivered by him was suited ( ) to the occasion.

Supplement (noun), supplementary (adj.) to ( ) —

This examination is supplementary (or a supplevient) to the

previous one.

Supply ( ) a person with something j

(supply something) to a person — I shall supply you with a pen.

I shall supply a pen to you.

Sure ( ) of — He is sure of brilliant success in the


Surprised ( ) at, by — We were surprised at (or by) his

unexpected success.

Suspect ( ) o/— Nobody suspects him of his.


Suspicious ( ) of — We are suspicious of his honesty.


Susceptible ( ) to — He is easily sus-

ceptible to heat and cold.

Sympathise ( ^^1 ) with — Vidyaaagar always

sympathised with the poor.

Sympathy ( ) with, for — We have no sympthy/or,

(or, with) this rogue ( ^5% ).

Taste ( ) for — I have no taste for painting.

Taste of ( )— We have already

had some taste of famine ( ). An idle man is

sure to taste of ultimate misery ( ^f^sr ). This water tastes

of salt ( )•

Testify ( C?GTl1 ) to- — I am ready to testify to his


Thankful (grateful, ) to^ for — We are ever thankful

to you for your generosity ( ).

Thirst (noun and verb) fot^ after — He has an ardent

thirst /or or after knowledge ( ). There

is no man but thirsts for, (or after) happiness.

Tide oyer— ) : He will not be able

to tide over this difficulty.

Tired of with ( ) — I am tired of warning him

against spelling mistakes. He is tired with hard labour.

Tolerant ( ) of — Akbar was tolerant of all religious

creeds ( JjW ).

Touch at a place), ivith (pity), upon (a subject or point) —

Th ' ship touched ( ) at Ceylon. Everyono present

was touched ( ) with pity at the sight of his deplo-

rable condition. The speaker ( ) touched upon (

) the point in his speech.

Trade Indiii trades with foreign countries

in raw materials ( ).

Treat 0/ (a subject ), (a person), to (some feast) — This

book treats of philosophy ( 0*)^ ).

He does not know how to treat ( ) with a gentleman.

He treated ( ) us to a grand feast.



Trespass ( ^^1,

^ 511 )— in, on, agaimt — Trespassing in this

X)rotected garden is punishable by law ( ).

I do not like to trespass on your valuable time. No student

should trespass against the rules of the school he rends in.

Triumpli ( y>8\n ) over — Abdulla triumplied over al!

obstacles ( ).

True to, of — Naren Babu is true in his word (

). What is true of Ram is also true of Shyam i

T-’P >1^T, >|vST ).

Trust in, to, with-r-Tnint in (Jod ( ).

Trust to ( ) to your x^^^rcnts’ decision. We cannot

trust him irith money. (


Tyrannise ( ) over — A cruel king tyrannises

over his i)ooi)lo.

Unequal to — Jadu is unequal to the task ( ).

United ( f5|f%^ ) wUh — We are united with them.

Kam was united in marriage ( ) (vith Sita.

Urge ( ) npon — We urge it wpon the

people to contribute to the flood relief fund.

Use ( c2Jc?lt«rit, ) of, for, in — There is no use of these

things at present. I have no use for this pen. There is no

use in doing this.

Useful ( ) to, for — The cow is very useful

to us for her valuable service (to us) in many ways.

Vain ( ) of — Haren is vain of his wealth.

Vary ( ) from — This book varies from

that. (At) variance with — I am at variance with you on

this point.

Versed ( He is well versed in


Vest ( ) with, iw— He was vested

the power of a Magistrate. The ^ power of a Magistrate^

was vested in him. ^

Victim ( ^fSi, ) to — He fell a victim to hia

own misdeed.



Vie ( ) with—1 am unable to

vie with him.

(Inj view o/( ) — In view of his tender age the

boy may be pardoned this time.

(With a) view to — He went to Delhi with a view to

(participating in a conference ( ^Ufrl'9 ).

Void (Devid) of — He is void of common sense.

Vote ( c«lS ) /or, against — The members voted for

.Ram against Shyam.

Wait /or — I waited for him at the station.

Wait wpon ( CKA] '<] )— The servant is

waiting upon lijs master.

Want ( 'Sf ) of, wanting m — They have no want (noun)

of money. They are wanting in common sense.

Warn ( ) o/, against — He was duly warned of

the ‘ianger. 1 warned him repeatedly against drinking.

Weak ( ^t5l, of — He is very weak in English.

Shyamal is not weak of understanding ( )•

Wink at ( ^Tl Cf^t, )— He winks at

his son’s faults.

Wish ( <|1 ^^1 ) for — Most people wish for


Wonder ( ) at — Everybody wondered at

his failure.

Wonder to — It was a great wonder to all.

Worthy ( ) of— A brilliant scholar like him

is worthy of praise.

Yield ( ) ^o— The rebellious

subjects of the king yielded to him in the long last.

Yearn ( ) for — A sojourner ( ) ardently

yearns for his homeland.

Yearning ( ) — A man ^living in a foreign country

has a great yearning for his native land.

Zealous ( ) for, in — They were zealous for

liberty. He is zealous in social work.

Zeal ( ) for — He has zeal for painting.


Group Verbs

1. Act :

Act against ( -^<11 ) — The boy acted against the

•will of his parents.

Act u]} to ( C‘^tWl )— You must act up

io your father’s instruction.

Act under — He atted under the orders of the authorities.

Act npon (or, on) — Acting upo7i (or, on) my suggestion

'( ), he succeeded in his attempt.

2. Bear :

Bear away ( stf^CTltf»t\S1 Sit'S )— Poet

Rabindranath bo7*e away the Nobel Prize.

Bear down ( ) — The prince bore down all his


Bore off ( «?ft^ ^^1 ) — Ram bore off the first prize.

Bear up ( ) — Hope bore him up in his misery.

Bear w7/t ( )— Flesh and blood ( ■tffn )

cannot bear with such an insull.

Bear out to confirm) — His words beur out Ram’s


Bear on or upon — His remark does not bear on (or, upon)

the question.

3. Break :

Break away ( ) — Tlie culprit broke away

from the jail.

Break down ( ) — His 'health has broken down

owing to serious illness.

Break forth ( ?Jt«« ^tf^^ C?«11 Cf«1l1 )— The bear

broke forth from the jungle.



Break in ( C'<F^1 ^1 4fC^n ^51 )— The-

thieves broke in the door and entered the room at dead of

night ( ).

Break into ( ) — The robbers liivke into the

house at midnight.

Break in upon ( Cif'6^1 C^]m]

) — The police broke in upon the robbers when

they were dividing their booties.

Break off { ) — Ram broke off in the middle

of his story.

Breakout ( ^ pf^Bi )— An

epidemic broke out in the city. The ruffian broke out oF the


Break through ( cm )-~The burglars

broke through the rear gate of the house.

Break up ( C^fm] )— Our school breaks

up at 4-30 p. m. The police broke up the meeting.

Break with ( )— Friends should

not break with each other.

4. Bring :

Bring about ( ) — Their own folly brought about

their ruin.

Bring doum ( ^^1 )— His defeat

brought down ( ) his pride. It is the duty of the Govt,

to bring down ( ) the price of essential food-stuff.

Bring forth ( ^^1 )— She brought forth

a male child. A good tree brings forth fresh leaves.

Bring on ( )— Unwholesome ( ) food

brings on disease.

Bring out ( ^T% ^^1 )— The old edition of the book

being exhausted, a new edition has been brought out.

The investigation brought out ( ) his conspiracy

( ) against his brother.

Bring round ( ^tWtnJ )— The medicine brought the.

patient round.


6 &

Bring under ( to subdue, ) — The unruly boy was

ultimately brought under by the Headmaster.

Bring up ( ) — His aunt brought him %ip.

Bring forward ( ^t^ll ijl&W ; to bring

to view or notice ) — He brought forward a strong argument in

the meeting.

Bring over ( fe'ffwsll )— At last, he was

brought over to our side.

5. Burst :

Burst forth ( )— Tears burst

forth from her eyes. A bear btirst forth from the bush.

Burst into (tears) — He burst into tears at this


) — The moon burst out from the cloud8.r

He burst out crying. Jadu burst out laughing cat this.

Burst upon ( to fall upon suddenly^

i )

— The rufSans burst upon him in his lonely room. A terriblo

sound burst upon our ears.

6. Call :

Call at ( C^\i{ )--He called on me at

my house yesterday.

Call on or upon ( WU'\Z^^ ]—He called

071 me yesterday. We call upon the people to contribute

their mite to the Flood Relief fund.

Call /or )— The authoritie s call for an

explanation of his conduct.

Call /ortt ( )— This task

will call forth all his energies.

Call in (to send for, )—

He caUed in a doctor for his brother’s treatment.

Call off ( ^181, )— The sound

called off my attention. The workers caUed off their strike.

G— 5


Cull out ( )— The boy called out

^‘thief I thief in fear. The general called out to his soldiers,


Call over ( )— The teacher

has called over the names on the roll.

Call to ( ) — He called to me from the garden.

Call up [ ) — Nobody here could call up the

name of the man.

7. Carry :

Carry about ( 5^) )— He always carries

about a pistol witli him.

Carry awai/ ( )— (i) The

spoon was carried away by a crow. The ant was being carried

away by the current of the river.

(ii) The eloquence of the orator ( ) carried away the


Carry off ( «»^in 4it*l 5l1n )—

(i) The robbers earned offM her ornaments.

(ii) The epidemic carriel off a large number of people,

(iii) They carried off the goods to the ship.

Carry on ( ) — They are carrying on their

business well.

The clerk is carrying on his duties properly.

Carry out ( ) — He always carries out my orders.

8. Cast :

Cast away

Cast aside > C«f'6^1 ;

Cast off J

— ^He has cast away (or, cast aside^ or cast off) his old shoes.

Cast doum ( ^^1 )— His failure in the

examination cast him down.

Cast out ( ) — He was cast out of the Brahmin

society. '



Ciist )— He catit iip the

atone at ease. The silver coin was cast up by the boy.

9. Catch ;

Catch at ( 0581 )

— A drowning man wili caich at a straw.

Catch on ( ^ j ) — Tl.e book hs'^ anajht on popular

•afaoi nation i^or, fancy).

Catch up ( tii<5^1 ; to pick nj) quickly; ;

He caught up the gold coin from the ground.

Catch up idtii ( ^T^IM

“5(fi;£i5i, 'is'-sil ) — The policeman chased the thief, but tailed to

catch up with him. A lorry caught up trith another on the

Circular Hoad.

10. Come :

Como about ( to take place) — 1 do not kijow how it

came about.

Comei across (5^1^ >\\^-\\ — We came across that

man on the way.

Come by ( ] — Wliere did you come by this nice stone ?

Come dotm ( m «?!')— He

came down from the roof. The price of rice has not

come down.

Come o/ ( — He comes of a respectable family

( * 151 ^ ).

CoiDe off ( 5'«11 ^§1, to take place ) — The

examinatioif comes off to-morrow.

Come out ( )— A new edition of

the book will soon come out.

Come round ( ) — The patient

has come round.

Come over ( *tC^ ^t«1, 5

Ti[m^ C^tC^n ^1 ^C5? )— He

will never come over to our side. A sudden change came over

him after his marriage.



Gome to ( •ifssitc'f to amount to ) — The expenditure

will come to twenty rupees.

Come upon ( »it^K *lt’«5I1 )— I came upon the man

on the way.

Come up to (one’s expectation)— iJis result in the exami-

nation has not come up to our expectation. (

11. Cry:

Cry doom ( 5P511, ^*<11 ^5l1, to depreciate )— His

opponents cried down his activities.

Cry to ( wt^tWI, Stt'f-Rl ^511 )— The refugees cried to

the Government for relief.

Cry /or ( to desire, ^91 ) — The beggar cries for an

old piece of cloth.

Cry up ( ^5fr TMtll ^*I1, )— Every shop-keeper

cries up his own articles.

12. Gut:

Cut down ( ^1091 ^95 )— The wood-

cutter cut down the tree with a sharp axe. I can, by no means,

( C^tPII 913^ 5l1, 3PCT^»!1 ), cut down my expenditure

( «I95 ).

Cut off ( f|a ^91, fiB ^91 )— The

murderer cut off the head of the man. He has cut off all

connection with me.

Cut up ( 97<n Cir'«9l ; «l'9 ^<9 )— Ram’s cri-

ticism cu^ him up. The servant cut up the loaf.

18. Deal.

Deal in ( ) — He deal^in rice.

Deal out (^9*1 9^91 ; to distribute) — Deal out the mangoes

among the boys.

Deal twfh ( 9T99t9 ^9l } f<9CT C9|91 9l 991 )

—He deals well with me. This book deals viA polities. This

clerk deals u/ith oases of the promotion of menials.



14. Do:

Do away with ( ^f5ni ^^1, to abolish )— The

oustom has been done away with.

Do for ( C^'TWI )—

(i) This piece of cloth will do for bis turban, (ii) He has been

done for owing to the failure ( 5'e?il ) of his business.

Do into ( )— He did the poem

itUo a piece of prose. The passage was done into (

) English.

Do over ( ^t<f ^^1 ) — I am unable to do it over.

Do on ( ’ISl ) — He has done on his shirt.

Do off ( CJp9l1 )— He has done off his shirt.

Do up ( ^TC»n *!t5rtWl j 3Ff% C?t«f ?|f4l )— She has done

up her hair ( ). I am quite done up (

) with the labour of my office.

Do wiUi ( Kt^l )— I have not yet

done with him. I have nothing to do teith them ( >llif

'artsHH C^tWI JItt )• What will you do with this ? (

^ ? ).

15. Draw :

Draw aside ( ) — We drm aside to let

the oar pass by.

Draw neor ( ) — Our examination is drawing


Draw back ( trt'syj )— Yon must not draw back from

your promise.

Draw OM< ( ?tf?? »f411 ) — They can draw out wine

from the juice of the vine. He drew out his sword to kill bis


Draw off ( ^'6111 )— The army drew off from the


Draw to ( ^ -We drew his attention

to the matter. I drew to him at the first sight ( 'STtft ■


Draw up ( ^^1 )— The general drew , tip the

soldiers in battle-array. He drew up (drafted) an application.

16. Drive :

Drive at ( ^^1 )“-*I cannot make out what

he is driving! at ).

Drive away, ( CifGVl ) — He was driven away from

the school.

Drive out ( ) — The boy was driven

out of the school.

17. Fall:

Fall away ( )-~All his companions have

fallen away in his adversity. I have much fallen away


Fall hack ( ) — Their enemies have falle/n back.

Fall back upon ( )— He has nothing

to fall back upon now.

Fall in with ( )— I fell in ivith

the man on the way. I cannot fall in with you on this


Fall oflF ( 5f»l )— His hair is falling off. The

number of students of this school has fallen off.

Fall on or upon ( )— The robbers fell upon the


Fall out ^^1) -They are falling out with one another

over their father’s property.

Fall through ( ^>QV1 )— Their plan has fallen through

for want of money.

Fall to ( )— The hungry beggars

fell to eating (the food given to them).

18. Get :

Get about ( viitf ^ C^iptWI )— Haren is unal?le to

get about owing to illness.



Get at ( C^tWl ^1 C^tC^I U% *rt« •

At last, wo get at the truth.

Get amay ( escaf>e ) — The culprit tried to

get atvay from the prison, but failed.

Get down ( )— He got down from the

running train.

Get off ( escape ) — The thief got off unhurt.

OetoH ( to progress) — He is getting on veil

with his studies.

Get out ( ^'^^1 ) — He got out of the room.

Get over overcome) — He got over all obstacles

( ).

Get through ( c»l^ finish, ^51 )— IJo has ^ot

through the book twice. He h;is got through the examination

with credit.

Get to ( reach ) — He got to tlie place at dusk.

Get up ( rise) — I gist up from bed earlj^ in the morning.

19. Give :

Give away ( ffsi )— He gave away money to the poor.

Give in ( ) — Diider no chcumslarices, will

he give in.

Give off{ emit )— This rose gives off sweet smell.

Give out ( divulge, Don’t give out

the secret.

Give over ( ) — The thief was given over (handed)

to the police.

Give up ( *^^1 ) — He has given up his bad habit of

drinking. .

Give tvay ( yield )— He will never give way

to his enemy.

20. Oa :

Go about ( move about ) — He is in the habit

of going about. Go about your own business ( ^sr fWI )i.


Go abroad ( ^t'9111 )— He weM abroad

for higher studies.

Go against ( JJT'SSI j )— I cannot go

against yon. I cannot go against my mother’s 'will* .

Go beyond ( ^>11 ) — Nobody should go ■ beyond

his limits.

Qo by ( ’5r5*i'9«f follow )— Go by the advice of your

parents. Bamesh toent by a false name there.

Go down — His evidence did not go dotm ( >l^T ^‘fT

) in the court. They reached there after the sun had

gone dotm (=set).

Go for ( to be regarded ) — The scoundrel

went for a saint there.

Go in/or ( Tl ^^1 )— He

is unable to go in for the T. A. S. Examination this year

owing to illness.

Go o/f ( *|'v(s ) — The marriage ceremony ivetU off


Go on (continue, «lt^1 )—Go on

with your studies. The play was then going on.

Go ovt — The light went out ( cfis\ ) unexpectedly

( ).

Go over ( ) — I have no time

to go over (look over) the papers. He will never go over to

their side from yours.

Go through ( finish ; siVT f^lll =11

) — I have gone through the book thrice. He has

gone through a lot of difScnlties.

Go up ( *rt'9ll1 ) — The price of food-stuff has gone up.

21. Hand:

Hand down ( )— Tables are handed

down from age to age’.

Hand tn ( )~He handed in the letter

at the post office. Vidyasagar handed in his resignation

At once.



Hand over ( )— The ruffian was

handed over to the police.

22. Hang:

Hang oftotrf ( C^TWI TtW^ )— Touts

^ ) often hang about (loiter about) a court

of law.

Hang back ( pig )— You must not

hang back from your path of duty.

Hang down ( )— The man hung down

his head in shame.

Hang on, or upon ( Hold fast, ;

c^tWI fit'®? ).— Hair always hangs

on (sticks to) its own point. He hangs on his brother for his

subsistence ( ).

Hang over ( postpone)— The suit has been

hung over.

Hang Mp ( ) — He hung up a picture on the wall.

23. Hold:

Hold back ( flftl )— You must

not hold it back from your father. You should go on

advancing instead of holding back.

Hold by ( 9fTf?f5l adhere to ) — HtM by your friend

in your danger.

Hold in ( ) — He could hold »n his temper even

in times of excitement.

Hold off{ ; ?|RI «rt^1 )— Always

AoW off from evil company. 1 shall go there if the rain

holds off.

Hold on ( ) — We held on our course of action

Sri the teeth of opposition.

Hold out ( 4r*ltf^ flVl? )--They held

out their helping- hand to me. Don’t hold out for two weeks.

Hold over ( )— The ease has been hdd over.



Hold to (stick to, <<1^1 ) — Always hold ta^

your own principle.

Hold up ( )— ffo/d up

ycfur head. All work has been held up for a month. He

held up his spirit under all circumstances.

HoJtl tvHh ( ) — I cannot hold tnlh you on

this point.

24. Keep :

Keep at ( )— If you keep at your

work, you will shine in life.

Keep aicay ( ) — The boy is in the habit of

keeping away from school.

Keep hack (conceal, csft*l5i ) — Keep hack nothing from

your bosom friend.

Keep in ( ) — Always keep in your passions.

Keep in with ( )— J am unable

to keep in with such a selfish man.

Keep off — He always kept off from evil company.

Keep on ( ) — He kept on singing.

Keep to ( ) — He always keeps to his own


Keep up ( )—Try to keep up the

good name of your family. Ram kept up the whole night ( ^t>r


Keep 5f1 c?Giri )—

He shut all the doors and windows of the room to keep out

the cold, ;

Lay aside )— He laid his clothes aside.

Lay by { ) — Try to lay by something for the


Lay doum ( )— He laid

down his life for the sake of his country. These rules were laid

down by a sage. The rebels laid down their arms at last.

Lay in ( *l^?[ store up ) — Ants always lay in food for*

the future.


Lay up with ( ^'<3^1, to bebed-ridden ) — He has beeiTi

laid up with fever for five days.

25. Look :

Look about He is lookhig about in fear.

Look after ( <) )— The old man has

none to look after him.

Look down upon ( ^^(1 ) — The rich should not look down

upon the poor.

Look /or ^ W )—He is looking a job.

We anxiously looked for his arrival.

Look forward to ( < <11 )— We looked forward

to his arrival.

Look into [ enquire into, ) — Kindly look into

the matter and do the needful.

Look upon ( "SITM <|1 )- Hi* looks upon me as

his brother.

Look out for ( -^^^1 ) — He is looking out for an oppor-


Look over ( ^^1 ) — He looked over the accounts.

Look through ( C?^1 ^

f® ^-5 f?^1 C^r^l ) — He looked through my writings. I looked out

through the window.

Look to ( c^f'^^il— attend to ; depend on) —

Look to your own business. Loofe to^Ood for help.

Look up ( find out ^ ^41 ) — Look up the word in the

dictionary. He looked up ( )•

Look up to ( ^ci, ) — Look up to God for help..

I look wp to ( - look upon ) him as my brother.

26. Uake :

Make after ( chase ) — They made after the-


Make away with ( kill ) —The servant made awajf'

with his master.


Make /or— This ship will make for ( ) the port

■of Bombay.

Make off ( )— The miscreant ( ) made off

i^’ith his costly umbrella.

Make out ( understand, ) — I am unable to make out the

meaning of his speech.

Make over ( )— He made over charge to Bam.

Make up for (compensate for, ) — This will

make up for the loss of the money.

Make up ( )— Try to

make up your defects. He made up his loss. They made up

their dispute. He made up his mind to do the work.

-27. Pass :

Pass away ( die ■

disappear ) — He passed away at the age of eighty*. All

his obstacles have now passed away.

Pass by ( overlook ; f^CTT )— Such

-defects cannot be passed by. We passed by ( walked past )

his house.

Pass /or ( ) — He passes for a scholar in

that uncultured village.

Pass off ( ) — Don’t try to pass off this false coin.

Pass on (proceed ; hand on) — They passed on to another

wbject. They passed on the letter to me.

Pass ihrmgh ( C^cstl 5«(I %t )— I

had to pass through great obstacles.

28. Put:

Pat down ( )— The boy put down what his teacher had


Pat forth { 4tc*t»f ) — We should pul forth all our energy

for the welfare of oar country.

Put in ( ifttt VH11, »IW )—

He put in an application. Bam put in a claim to the property.

Jadn put in a word for me. '



Fntoffi C^«I1 )— Don’t put

off anything for the future. Ho put off' his shoes.

Put on ( wear) ^Put on your dress.

Put out ( CTGUl ) — I asked him to put out the lamp.

Put up ( )— He puta

up in a boarding house. The shop-keeper put up a sign-


Put tip with(^^ tolerate) — I cannot pti^ up ivith

such an insult.

29. Run :

Run after pursue ) — He always runs after


Run ai attack) — A cat ran at a mouse.

Run army ( ) — ^The thief has run away with

his bag.

Run into— Re has run int^ debts ( ).

Run off ( )— The thief ran off at the

sight of the police.

Run out ( ) — All his property has been rtiti out.

Run over ( ^?1 ) — A dog was run over by a car.

Run through (waste, sit ^^1 )~He has run through all hia



See into (know) — We cannot see into the future.

See off ( *lCf f»ni1 f^ipt*

elf's?! ) — We saw him off at the station.

See through ( c?ftC^t Ft^ltfV ?! Tt?! )— Panna

MW through the evil design of Banabir.

See to ( c?ilCSH Cif?1 )— Kindly ««e to

this appeal of mine.

31. Set:

Set abot/i ( ) — He eei about hie work at o.nce.

Set aside ?f?1, ?WHrTbe Supreme


iJoart sei aside the judgement of the Calcutta High Court.

Ram Babu sef aside (or, apart) a portion of his income

for charity.

Set. down ( subdue) — Ho wa^ setm doimi by me

for his insolence. He did not set down ( ) my

objection in his report.

^et forth ( ; ^tarl ^^1 )— He could not set forth

his views properly. They then set forth on their journey.

Set i/i — The) rainy season will soon set in (^15^


Set off ( eit'lil ) — They set off for Patna yesterday.

Set on ( C?^^1 ) — They set a do:.' on the


Set out ( ^^1 ) — They will set out for Bombay.

Set to ( ) — They set to work at once.

Set ) — Vidya,8aga,r set up a High School in

his village.

52. Sit :

Sit /or (appear at an examination, ) — He is

going to sit for his examination this year.

Sit ow or ttpow ( i

C?^^1 ) — The weight will sit heavily on him. The

crow sat on its eggs ( = incubated its eggs, ).

Sit up ( ^(5^1 )— He could not sit up owing

to an attack of fever. He sat up the whole night to nurse

the patient.

53. Stand :

Stand against ( RlWtRrsI #^1 ) — There was none to stand

gainst him.

Stand by ( ^ ) — I shall always stand

by you.

Stand /or ( Tl ^'eni ; )-^VMy

few people stand for the poor.



The sower in the parable stands for Jesus Christ.

jStand off ( )— He stood off (kept aloof) from the


Stand over ( ) — Let the matter stand over for

a few days.

Stand to (stick to, ) — You must stand to your

own principle.

>tand up ( ^"5^ defend ) — Ho stood up for

the refugees.

34. Take :

Take after ( resemble) — Children take after their


Take back ( withdraw) — You must not take

back your promise.

Take down ( CiT'6?t) — He took down notes from

the book.

Take /or ( ^1

^^1 ) — I took him for a lawyer.

Take in ( ^^1 j )—They will not be able t.>

take him in. I cannot take in what he says.

Take off ( tpfUl C^5|1 ) — Take off your shoes.

Take over ( ) — He took over the charge

of the office.

Take to ( adopt j to be. addicted

to ) — Never take to unfair means. He took to begging, at last.

Bam has taken to smoking.

Take up ( ) — He took up the burden or responsibi-

lity on his own shoulder. Jadu Babu took up the cause of the


Take upon — I have to take upon myself the burden of our


Take up with ( )— He is taken up the task

writing a book.



86. Tell:

Tell against ( ) — ^Your action tells against him.

Tell upon--{ affect ) — Over-eating tells upon one’a


36. Turn :

Turn aside ( deviate ) — Never turn aside from

the path of virtue.

Turn away ( ^^^1^ ^^1 ) — The manager turned away a few^


Turn down ( )— Thej>^ tur^ied down my offer.

Turn to or into ( )—Turn this,

passage into English.

Turn out ( *^^1 )—The boy was turned^

out of the examination hall. The factory turns out a lot of

aluminium articles.

Turn off ( dismiss, ^^^1^ )— The servant was turned'

off by his master.

Turn over— He turned over a new leaf — ( c*^


Turn up ( ^'e^l ) — ^Ram turned up in time.

Tom up (one’s nose) — Haresh turned up his nose at-

his offer.

Turn to ( ffC^ ) — We should turn to God for


37. Work :

Work at sptw — He is toorking at the table.

Work on ( ^file's «(t^1 ) — worked on till midnight.

Work upon { )— The leader of the Unioa

knew how to work upon the fdhlings of the workers.

Work out (a sum) — ^iHe could not work out the sum (

7%^ *t1C^ *11^ ). l?he machine has been worked out

( ) and is, therefore, onservioeable.

Work on { some principle )— -He always worked an his owa

principle (i.e. according to his own principle ),



Work up ( ’(Til, excite ) — The eloquence of his fierjr

speech worked up the audience against the policy of the-

British Oovernment.

Let :

Let down ( to drop, CT'SH ) — The woman Ut

down the bucket into the well to draw water from it.

Let in ( allow one to enter into a room, etc. —

Cif'enl ) — ^The naughty boy wanted

to enter into the Headmaster’s room, but he was not let «».

Let into ( C^tRI cr«I1 )— An

unreliable man like him must not be let into the official secrets.

Let off ( ftf^1 Cf'BTl, ^ ^1, let one go away ) — They

let the ruffian off after giving him a sound thrashing.

Let out ( ^71*1 )— The ^ecrets of the house should not

be let out.

^151 CY'6?1 — This flat is to let out.




I. Definitions :

1. Direct Narration

When a speech is directly reported by quoting the

actual words used by the speaker, it is called the Direct

Narration or Speech *, as—

Bam says, ‘7 read the Oeeta^^*

Hari says ‘7 tcent to Delhi

2. Indirect Narration

When the speech of a person is reported indirectly by

another person in his own words by giving the substance

of the words used by the speaker, without changing their

meaning, it is called the Indirect Narration or Speech ; as —

Bam says that he reads the Oeeta.

Hari says that he went to Delhi.

H. Beporting Verb and Beported Speech :

(a) The Verb that is used to report a speech is called

the Reporting Verb, and the speech which is reported is

called the Reported Speech.

vc) The actual words of the speaker which are quoted

in the Direct Speech are put within inverted Commas

and a Comma ( , ) is used after the Reporting Verb ^ as —

He says, am goifig to school.”

Amal says, **Bonesty is the best policy.

Note : The Comma used after the Beporting Verb, and

the Inoerted Commas within which the actual words of the /

speaker are quoted in the Direct Narration, are omitted ^ i

in the corresponding Indirect Narration.



III. General Roles tor ehangiog a Direct Form of Speeeh

into an Indirect Form : —

I. Assertive Sentences :

(a) In the case of an Assertive Sentence the Conjuno*

tion that is generally used before the reported speech ; and

the tense of the verb of the reported speech remains

unchanged, if the reporting vorb is used in the present or

future tense; as —

Direct* :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Jatin says, ‘-‘I rise early in the morning.*'

Jatin says Ouit he rises early in the morning.

Hari will say, “I cannot go there.”

Hari will say thoA he cannot go ther^.

He says, “Naren will come to-morrow.”

He says that Naren will come to-morrow.

Haren has said,^*! shall go there.”

Hari has said thcA he will go there.

You will say, “I am poor.”

You will say that you are poor.

(b) The following changes take place in the Indirect

Speech, when the reporting verb is used in the past tense ;

(i) The present tense in the reported speech is changed

into the corresponding past tense ; as —

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indireet :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :


Indireet :

Bam said, ”I can do it.”

Bam said that he could do it.

Sudhir said, *T go there.”

Sudhir said that he teeni there.

Madhu said. “I am reading.”

Madhu said that he was reading.

Hari said, "I have done it.”. .

'Hari said, that he had done it.

Harerii said, niay go there.”

Batesh said that he might go thdre.



(ii) Tbe fatore tense in the reported speech is changed

into the corresponding future in the past tense, as—

Direct : Mahim said, “I shall go to Delhi.”

Indirect : Mahim said that he would go to Defhi.

Direct : Paresh said, “1 shall not do it.”

Indirect : Paresh said that he would not do it.

Direct : I said, shall read the book.”

Indirect : I said that I should read the book.

(iii) The Past Indetlnitive Tense in the reported speech

is changed into the corresponding Past Perfect tense ; as —

Direct : Sasil said, ‘*1 went there.’*

Indirect : Sasil said that he had gone there.

Direct ; He said, “I did the work.”

Indirect : He said that he had done the work.

Direct : Amar said, “I saw him.”

Indirect : Amar said that he hod seen him.

(iv) The Past Continuous Tense in the reported speech is

changed into the corresponding Past Perfect Continuous

Tense ; as—

Direct i Shyam said, “I was then reading a book.”

Indirect : Shyam said that he had been reading then.

Direct : Bamen said, “Hari was doing the work.”

Indirect : Bamen said that Hari had been doing the work.

(c) The tense of the Verb of the reported speech • is

unchangeable, if it (the reported speech) refers to some umvsr*

sed truth or habitual fact ; as —

Direct : ' Our teacher sai4, "The sun rises in the east.”

Indirect : Our teachet said that the sun rises in the east.

Direct : Qopal said, “The earth moves round the sun.”

Indirect : Gopal said that the earth moves round the sun.

Direot : Bamesh said, “God is all-powerful.”

Indiieot 3 Bamesh said that Ghxl'Midl-powerfol.



Direct : Hiren said, “HonMty is the best pohoy.”

Indirect : Hiren said that honesty is the best policy.

Direct 9 Xaresh said, “Forgiveness is the noblest revenge.”

Indirect ; Naresh said that forgiveness is the noblest revenge.

(d) The Persons of Pronouns and Verbs in the Indirect

Speech must correspond to the persons of the individuals

referred to in the Direct Speech ; as —

Direct : He said to me, “You may go there.”

Indirect : He told me that / might go there.

Direct : He said to me, “You are idle.”

Indirect : He told me that you were idle.

Direct : I said to him, “You will be able to do it.”

Indirect : 1 UM him that he would be able to do it.

Direct : You said to me, “You cannot go there.”

Indirect : Yon tcdd me that I could not go there.


N.B. Students are instructed to write “told me”, “told yon,”

. “told him”, etc. before “that” in the Indirect Speech

in places of “said to me,” “said to you”, 'said to him”

used in the Direct Speech as shown in the above



I. Change the following into the Indited Form of Speech

Bam said, “I am going to Delhi.”

Hari said, “I shall not do the work.”

- Jadu said, “Jatin oaimot do the sum.”

Ha(ren said to Naren, “Yon are my bosom friend”.

Paresh said to Mahesh, “Dod is almighty”.

Faritosh said to Mahitosb, “Virtue saves the virtuous.”

You said to him, “I shidl see you to-morrow.”

Nabih Said' t'> y(Ai, “You will not be able to do it.”

He said to me, “You will be rewarded.”


Harish said to me, “I have done the work/*

Amal said to him, "You did not go there.”

Shyamal said to me, *‘Foa were absent from school

^ that day.”

1 said to him, *‘You committed a serious blunder.”

Hari said to me, “Qod is the creator of the universe.”

Aparesh said to him, will not go there, if you do

not go.”

Pulak said to him, ‘‘The Headmaster was angry with


He said to you, “You were wrong in doing so.”

Father said to me, “God is all-merciful.”

I said to him, “You are ill, so you cannot go there.”

II, Turn irUo the Direct Farm of Speech : —

1. I said that I could do the work easily.

2. Haren said that he had gone to Delhi.

3. Paresh told me that as he was ill, he could not attend

the meeting.

4. Naren said that honesty is the best policy.

5. Mokareni said that God is all in all.

6. Pranab told Madhab that he would wait for him at the


7. He told me that he would not go to our house.

8. Ramesh told NAresh that he (Ramesh) would be glad if

he (Naresh) did it.

9. I told him that the sun does not move round the earth,

but the earth moves round it (the sun).

10. He told you that you would pass the examination, but

he would fail in it.

11. Indubala told Shymal that she would not go to Patna

with him.

snueoT ADD htdibbot wsboAbb


II. Interrogative Sentences :

t e reported speech is an Interrogative Sentence, the

interrogative form should be converted into a statement by

ohanging the reporting verb into aeh or enquire folloved by

the conjunction wheOier^ or if, in the case of the ans\rer of

the question being either yes or no ; but whether, or if should

never be used in oases where the questions are introduced by

InterrogaUve Pronouns or Adjectives or Adverbs, such as who,

what, which, where, when, how, why ; as —


Shyam said to me, “Do you know it

Syam asked (or, enquired of) me if (or, whether)

I knew it.

Naren said to him, “Are you going to school

Naren asked him if he was going to school.

He said to ydti, “Will you go there

He asked (or, enquired of) you whether you would

go there.


Direct : He said to Ramen, “When will you do it ?*’

Indirect : He asked Bamen when he (Bamen) would do it.

Direct : I said to him, “What do you want V*

Indirect ; I asked him what he wanted.

Direct ; You said to him, “Where are you going ?”

Indirect : Yon asked him where he wcw going.

Direct ; I said to Jadu, “How have yon done it ?

Indirect : I adeed Jadu how he had done it.

Direct : He said to me, "Why do you do so 1“

Indirect : He asked me why I did so.

Direct ;

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

N.B'., in cases o/^Interregatthre Senteneee the Con^m^im

“tint* is iievsr used.



. 1. Turn into the Indirect Form of Sjpeech : —

(a) Amal said to me, "What will you bring for me from

Delhi f

(b) Paresh said to him, “Where will you get it 1 ”

(0) Naresh said to you, “How did you do the work ?”

(d) Harish said to them, “When shall I meet you I”

(e) Pijush said to Madhu, “Why have they become so

sorry ?”

(f) Karim said to Rahim, “Which of the books do you

want ?”

(g) Kanai said to Balai, “Shall I wait for you

(h) They said to me, “Will you not sit for the examination V*

(1) She said to my sister, “Do you attend school regularly I”

(j) I said to them, “Have you passed the examination

2. Turn into the Direct Form of Speech —

(a) I asked the man who he was and from where he had

arrived (there).

(b) Nabin asked me whether I bad done my duty.

(c) Joydeb enquired of him how he worked the sum out.

(d) Durgesb asked Bahmat if he (Bahamat) bad recognised

him (Durgesh).

(e) The teacher asked the boy what he was late for.

(f) Jasim asked Abdulla why he had done the work.

(g) Ali asked Kasem when he (Ali) would meet him (Kasem).

HI. ImperaUve Sentences :

If the reported speech is an impwative sentence, .the

reporting verb should be changed into some such verbs as

requeet, beg, command, entreat, tett as the case may be

aeooiding to the sense of the speech, and the Inqwratlve

Mood should be converted into the Infinitive Ifood 4 as -



Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect r

Direct :

Indirect ;

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect ;

Direct :

Indirect :

The master said to his servant, * 'Bring me a glass

of water.”

The master orde.red his servant to bring him a glass

of water.

I said to him, “Do not go there.”

1 told (or, ordered, or, advised) him not to go there.

He said to me, “Please teach me English.”

He requested me to tmch him English,

I said to him, “Be kind to me.”

1 entreated or begged him to be kind to me.

The general said to the soldiers, “Fight to the


The general commanded (or, ordered) the soldiers

to fight to the last.

Jadu said, “Madhu, come here.”

Jadu told Madhu to go there.

The speaker sfiid, “Friends, listen to me,”

Addressing them as friends, the speaker requested

them to listen to him,

“0 God, have pity on me,” he said.

He prayed to God to have pity on him.

He shouted, “Be off, scoundrel.”.

He ordered the scoundrel to be off.

or, He shouted to the scoundrel to be off.

or, Calling the person (oP, fellow) a scoundrel, he

ordered him to be off.

The clerk said to the ofScer, “Kindly grant me

three days’ leave. Sir”.

The clerk respectfully requested the Officer to grant

him three days' leave kindly.

III(A). Imperative Sentences with 'Let’,

a) If the word, “let”, occurs in the reported speech to

express ■ a proposal or suggestion, the word 'shouW is

substituted for Ui, -and the reporting verb is changed into

^propose or suggest ; or as—




Indireot :

Direot :

Indirect :

Ganesh said to me, *'Let us do it'*.

Ganesh proposed or suggested to me ihat we should'

do it.

I said to him, Let us have a walk by j>he riversido.

I proposed or suggested to him that we should have

a walk by the riverside.

(b) If let is not used to express a proposal or suggestion, the

words might, or might be (Mowed, or some other word or words,

such as clearly expresses the sense implied by *let' should be

used ; as —

Direot : Jadu said, “Let him say what he knows”.

Indirect : Jadu said that he might (or, might be (Mowed to)

say what he knew.

Direct : I said to him, “Let me go there”.

Indirect : I requested him that I might be allowed to go

there, or, I requested him to (Mow me to

go there.

Direot : He said, “Let me take a little rest”.

Indirect : He wanted that he might take a little rest.


1. Twm into the Indire<d Form of Narration (Speech) : —

(a) Bam said to Shyam, “Come to me”.

(b) Hari said to me, “Tell me what to do”.

(0) The teacher said to the students, “Don’t make a noise

in the class.”

(d) She said to Amal, “Do not run in the sun’*.

(e) Father said to me, “Alwa(^s learn your lessons attend


(f) Jadu said to you, “Brother, don’t be displeased with me”..

(g) ^lak said to Dipab, “Let me do the work alone”.

(h) I said to him, “Bring me a glass of water”.

(1) Haresh said to tiie lady. “Mother, kindly let me go ^ere'*’



(i) The officer said to the clerk, ^ ^Attend office punctiially,

or necessary action will be taken against yon”.

(k) He said to the manager, ‘^Kindly grant me three da 3 n 9 ’'


2. Turn irUo the Direct Form of Narration

(a) Jatin told me to help him in the matter.

(b) I requested him to accompany me to the station!

(c) He ordered his .servant to bring him a cup of milk.

(d) The general commanded the soldiers to march on.

(e) We proposed to them that we should pay a visit to Puri.

(f) He suggested to me that we should avail ourselves of the-

morning train.

(g) Ram begged his father that he might be allowed to do

the work.

(h) The beggar entreated the ricli man to give him a piece

of cloth,

(i) Shyamal told me the boy might do whatever he liked.


Note : ^Vhen any confusion arises about the use of the appro-

priate verb for the introduction of the reported speech

in an imperative sentence, it is safe for students to

use tell in the Indirect speech m*%he sense of request^

order, command, etc.

IV. Optative Sentences :

In the case of an Optative sentence, the optative f6rm is

transformed into a statement by changing the reporting verb

into some other verb expressing wish^ or prayer^ as required,

by the sense of the reported speech : As for examples,

Direct : Mother said to me, *'May you live long.”

Indirect : Mother prayed (or, wished) that I might live long._

or, Mother wished me a long life.


Direct : I said to her, “May you live in peace.”

Indirect ; I unshed (or, prayed) that she might live in peace.

Direct : May God bless you”, said father to me.

Indirect : Father prayed that God migU bless mp.

V. Exclamatory Sentences :

If the reported speech in the direct form is an exclamation^

it is turned into a statement by changing the reporting verb

into such other verb as expresses the sense of ezdamation^

wish or prayer^ etc. as well as by introducing some new word,

or words for the completion of the sense.

In such cases there is always the omission of interjections

and interjectional phrases : e. g.,

Direct He said to me, “How happy you are f’

Indirect He told me that I was very happy.

Direct He said, “Alas f I am undone !”

Indirect He exclaimed with sorrow (or, grief) that he was


Direct Hari said to mo, “Good-bye, brother.”

Indirect Addressing me as a friend^ Hari bade me good-bye.

Direct Ram said, “Hurrah f We have scored a goal.”

Indirect Ram exclaimed with joy that they had scored a goal.

Direct He said, "‘Bravo, my brother has secured a


Indirect He exclaimed with delight that his brother had

secured a scholarship.

Direct He said, “Upon God f I did not do it.”

Indirect He swore by Ood that he had not done it.

Direct He said to me, “What a fool you are j”

Indirect He exclaimed thaJt I was a great fool.


1 . Turn into the Indirect Form of Speech : —


1. He said to me, **May you be happy”. 2. Bam said to

^hyam, “How glad' I am to see you f” 3. She said to her son,



'*May God grant you a long life/ 4. Haren said, "What an

unfortunate man I am / 5. They said, "How intelligent the

boy is / 6. He said, “By God \ I know nothing of it.”


(a) Hares said, ^ Hurrah t Our team has won a goal.”

(b) Paresh said to Mahesh, "How fortunate you are t”

(c) Jatin said to Rabin, "Good-bye, dear friend.”

(d) They said to Shyamal, "How kind of you i”

(e) Amal said, "How funn\^ f You venture to do so i”

(f) He said, “What a*good idea f’’

(g) Janaki said to Madhabi, "Had 1 been a fairy j”

(h) Naresh said, ‘Tf I were a king !”

(i) Karim said, "Had I the wings of a dove

(j) Ajay said to Sanjay, "How nice your writing is

(k) The poor widow said, "Alas ] T have none to look after me".

(l) He said, "What was our joy to see him after such a long


VI. Words expressing nearness of time and place are

generally changed into kindred words indicating remoteness

of time and place in the Indirect speech ; as —


This is





These „




Now ,,


Here „


'Hither „



Thus „


Hence „




Hereby „



(In) this way „


(In) that way

Ago „

- M



To-day „



That day

To morrow „



(The next daj/,

Yesterday ,,



iThe following day

The previous day

Last nightly

The previous night

Next week „

f >

• 9

The following week





Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

ibireot :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :


He said, 'This man has done the work.”

He said that that man had dori^ the work.

Naren said, ^'These are good boys.”

Naren said that those are good boys. *

I said to him, **¥00 may go now.”

I told him that he might go then.

He said to me, "Come hither,'^

He told me to go thither.

She said to Ram, "Act thus'"

She told Ram to act so.

Rahim said to him, "Go Aewce.”

Rahim ordered him to go thence.

You said, "I went to Delhi three months ogro”.

You said that you had gone to Delhi three months


Latiff said, "I have come home to-day \

Latiff said that he had gone home that day.

He said, "I shall go there to-morrow."

He said that he would go there the next day.

I said to him, ‘‘I went to Belgharia yesterday",

I told him that I had gone to Belgharia the previ-

ous day.

He said, ‘‘Hari passed the B. A. Examination

last year".

He said that Hari had-passed the B. A. Examina-

tion the previous year.

They said, *‘We shall visit Puri next week".

They said that they would visit Puri the following


.N,B. (a) The word “it” is nevei^ changed into “that”, though

similar in meaning to the pronoun this ; "it" is

always unchangeable.

(b) The words, this^ here^ thus etc. are not required to

be changed if they indicate such things as are present

before the speaker.



Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :

Direct :

Indirect :


Ganesh said, **I can do it easily”.

Ganesh said thai he couU do it easily.

Tapan said, ”None can be happy here on earth:

Tapan said that none can be happy here on earth.

He came here and said to me, ‘'I shall stay here”.

He came here and told me that he would stay here.

Pointing to this house, he said to mo, “This

belonged to me one year ago.”

Pointing to this house, he told me that this house

had belonged to him one year before.

On doing the work in this way, he said to me,

“If you act thus, you will be able to do it”.

On doing the work in this way, he told or advised

me that if J acted thus, I should be able to do it.

, Exercise

1. Turn into the Indirect Form of Narration i —

(a) Ram said to Jadu, “Come to our house at any time to-day.”

(b) Hari said to me, “I cannot go there to-morrow”.

(c) Pranab said to Madhab, “Try to do the work just now.”

(d) He said to me, “I went to your house yesterday, but could

not find you”.

(e) Haren said to Abdulla, “Don’t tease me thus.”

(f) He said to my brother, “Did you pay a visit to Puri last

year V*

(g) Paresh said to Naresh, “I went to Agra two years ago.”

(h) I said to him, “Go hence, or you will be punished.”

'^(i) Bamen said to Rahamat, “Is there any man who is perfectly

happy in this world ?”

(i) Ajoy said to Malay, “Go by this way to the fair”.

2. Change into the Direct Form of Speech : —

(a) Jatin told me that he had finished the work to-day.

(b) He said that he liad visited Delhi the previous year.



(g) iN'aren said to Shyam that no one is happy here on earth.

(d) I told him that I should call on him at his office the next


(e) Sujit said to Ajit to accompany him to the station.

(f ) Nabin said to him that he (Nabin) had not seen him at the

place last night.

(g) I advised him to do the work in that way.

VII. Questions & answers :

When answers are required to be turned into the Indirect

form of narration, complete sentences should be constructed

by presenting in them the words which are understood in the

Direct form j as —

Direct : “What do you want — said Ram to him.

He replied, “Your fountain pen’\

Indirect : Bam asked him what he wanted

He replied that he wanted his (Ram’s) fountain


Direct : I said to him, “Did you attend the meeting

yesterday He replied, “Yes“.

Indirect : 1 enquired of him whether he had attended the

meeting the previous day. He replied that he

had (attended the meeting the previous day).

Direct : “Will you let me see it inquired the prince

smilingly. “Gladly”, replied the lady.

Indirect : The prince smilingly Inquired if the lady would

let him see it. The lady replied that she would

gladly let him see ft.

Direct : He said to Hari, ‘‘Will you go out for a walk f*’

He replied, “No”.

Indirect : He asked Hari if he would go out for a walk*

He replied that he would not.



N.B. There are also uses of such expressions as in the

affirmative and in the negative in the Indirect form of speech

to indicate ‘'Yes” and “No” respectively, used in the Direct

form. But Sit >is advisable [for students not to make any such

use of cumbrous forms.

VIII. Buies for the Combination of different kinds of

sentences used in the reported speech :

(a) If similar sentences are used in succession in the

reported speech the reporting verb should be used only once

in the Indirect form of Narration, but the repetition of the

reporting verb is necessary, if the sentences are not consecu-

tively used. In such cases the reporting verb often begins

with ^ again"* or 'also*.

(b) In case of the combination of sentences of different

kinds, such reporting verbs as are suitable for different

sentences should be used in the Indirect speech.

Examples worked out

Direct : Hari said to him, “Who are you What is your

name ? Whence have you come here” ?

Indirect : TTari asked him who he was, what his name was

and whence he had gone there.

Direct: Bam -said to Jadu, “Why are you so dishear-

tened ? Attempt again and you will succeed.”

Indirect : Bam asked Jadu why he was so disheartened.

He (Bam) advised him (Jadu) to attempt again

and encouraged him that he would then succeed.

Direct ; He said to me, “Why are you displeased with

me What harm have I done to you V I still look

upon you as my brother^\

Indirect : He asked me why I was displeased with him and

what harm he had done to me. He also told me

that he still looked upon me as his brother.




Direct : ‘This is a handy cove/ says he, at lengthy ‘and a

pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company,

mate f*

Indirect : At length, he said that that was a handy cove

and that there was also a pleasantly^ situated

grog shop ; and then addressing him as mate, he

asked him if there was much company there.

Direct : 1 said to him, “I have not seen you for a long

time. Are you all right Try to see me now

and then**.

Indirect : I told him that I had nob seen him for a long

time and asked him whether he was all right. I

also told him to try to see me now and then.


1. Dr Livosey said to the Old Sea-Dog, “If you do not pub

that knife this instant, 1 promise, upon my honour, you

shall hang at next assizes’*.

2. “And now, Sir,” said the doctor to the captain, “since I now

know there is such a fellow in my district, you may count

I will have an eye upon you [day and night. I am not a

doctor only ; I am a magistrate.”

3. “But, Isaac,” said one of them, “you have forgotten one

thing that belongs to a mill”.

“What is that f* asked Isaac.

“Why, where is the miller asked his friend.

“That is true,— I must look for one’*, said Isaac.

4. Dr Livesey said to the Old Sea-Dog, “If I catch a breath

of complaint against you, if it is only for a piece of incivi-

lity like to-night’s, I will take effectual means to have

you hunted down and routed out of this. Let this suffice”.



5. "Well, then,” said he, “this is the berth for me. Here you,

matey”, he cried to the man who trundled the barrow ;

“bring up alongside and help up my chest, I’ll stay here

a bit”.

6. He continued, “I am a plain man, rum and bacon and

eggs is what I want, and that head up therefor to watch

ships oflF. What you mought call me y You mought call

me captain”.

7. “0 Diamond, Diamond”, exclaimed he, “thou little knowest

the mischief thou hast done”.

8. He’ll make a capital workman one of these days”, she

would probably say. “No fear that Isaac will do well in

the world and be a rich man before he dies”.

9. "How did you get here, child ? Whose baby are you

the man asked as he steered clear of the mass. The child

wept more bitterly than ever now and only cried, “I want

my mother, I want my father”.

10. The man took him to the counter of the sweet-shop and

asked, /‘What sweets would you like, child?” The child

turned his face from the sweet-shop and only sobbed,

•‘1 want my mother, 1 want my father”.

11. “I'caii’t understand it,” said Jack, scratching the surface

of the stumpjwith his axe, “I can only suppose that the

savages have been here and cut it for some purpose known

only to themselves. But, hallo ! What have we here f*

12. “Neverthele&s,” remarked Jack, /if that same stone bad hit

any of us, it would have rendered the charge you speak

of quite unnecessary, Peterkin.”



The Transformation of a Sentence means its conversion

or change from one form to another without any change of its


1 . .Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences :

Affirmative :

Negative ;

Affirmative :

Negative ;

Affirmative :

Negative ;

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative ;

Affirmative :

Ncjgative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

As soon as the ijolice came the thief ran awa3\

No sooner liad the police come than the thiet

ran awa^'.

He alone can do the work.

None but he can do the work.

He must finish the work to-da)^

He cannot but finish the work to-da3^

Every man wishes to be bapp3^

There is no man but wishes to be happy.

or, There is no man who does not wish to be


Everybody knows that man is mortal.

Who does not know that man is mortal ?

That man is mortal is known to all.

That no man is immortal is known to all.

1 doubt whether he will comi;.

I am not sure that he will come.

He was absent from the meeting.

He was not present in the meeting.

(b) From Negative to Affirmative

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative :

He is not a bad boy.

He is a good boy.

None but an active man succeeds in life..

An active man alone succeeds in life.




Negative ;

Affirmative ;

Negative ;

Affirmative ;

Negative :

Affirmative ;

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative :

Negative :

Affirmative %

There is no mother but loves her child.

Everij mother loves her child.

I must not reject the offer.

I mast accept the offer.

Nobody will go against this action.

Everybody will support this action.

Ram left nothing undone.

Ram did everything.

Even great men are not without drawbacks.

Even great men have drawbacks.

Hari could not do the work smoothly.

Hari failed' to do the work smoothly.

There is no rose that has no thorns.

Every rose has thorns.

None but experienced hands should apply for

the post.

Only experienced hands should apply for the


II. Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences s

(a) From Assertive to Interrogative

Assertive :

Everybody knows that he is a good man.

Interrogative :

Who does not know that he is a good man f

Assertive :

He is a great scholar.

Interrogative :

Is he not a great scholar ?

Assertive :

Surely, he repents of his past life.

Interrogative :

Does he not repent of bis past life ?

Assertive :

None believes a liar.

Interrogative :

Does any one believe a liar ?

Assertive :

Tiiere is no use of wealth if it is not spent in

noble causes.

Interrogative :

What is the use of wealth if it is not spent in

noble cases.


From Interrogative to Assertive.

Interrogative :

Can we ever forget that charming natural

scenery ?



Assertive s

Interrogative :

Assertive :

Interrogative :

Assertive ;

Interrogative :

Assertive :

Interrogative t

Assertive :

We can never ‘forget that charming natural


Who is afraid of him ?

Nobody is afraid of him.

Does not the distress of the ' flood-stricken

people beggar description ?

The distress of the fl )od-stricken people beggars


Who is so base as to hate his native land ?

There is none so base as to hate his native


What though he goes against you 7

It does not matter if he goes against you.

III. Interchange of Exclamatory and Assertive Sentences r

(a) From Exclamatory to .Assertive.

Exclamatory :

Assertive :

Exclamatory :

Assertive :

Exclamatory :

Assertive :

Exclamatory :

Assertive ;

Exclamatory :

Assertive :

What a fool you are \

You are a great fool.

If I were a king !

I wish that I were a king.

Alas f T have none to help me in this danger.

I am sorry that I have none to help me in thia


How kind yon are to me ;

You arc very kind to me.

Hurrah j O ir team has won a goal.

I rejoice that our team has won a goal.

(b) From Assertive to Exclamatory

Assertive :

Exclamatory :

Assertive :

Exclamatory :

Assertive i

Exolamatoiy :

It is a very charming scenery.

What a charming scenery it is )

He is very foolish.

How foolish he is f

I wish (that) I had the wings of a dove.

Had I the wings of a dove j



Assertive :

Exclamatory :

Assertive :

Exclamatory :

A little learoiDg is a dangerous thing.

What a dangerous thing a little learning is ;

You are a scoundrel, and must be off/

Be off, you scoundrel f

IV. Interchange of Degrees of Comparison

Positive :

Comparative :

Positive :

Comparative :

Positive :

Comparative :

Superlative :

Positive :

Comparative :

Superlative :

Superlative :

Positive ;

Comparative :

Positive ;

Comparative :

Bam is as good as Shyam.

Sh37am is not better than Bam.

Now-a-days fish is not so cheap as meat.

Now-a-da3\s meat is cheaper than fish.

There is no virtue so great as non-violence.

Non-violence is greater than all other virtues

(or any other virtue).

Non-violence is the greatest virtue.

or, Non-violence is the greatest of all virtues.

No other girl is so beautiful (or, as beautiful)

as Lila here. ,

Li^a is nare Itavliftl then cvy other girl (or, all

other girls) here.

Lila is the wost Icavtiful girl here.

or, Lila is the mest hfavl'lfv! if all the girls here.

Nefaji is one of the statesmen of the


Very few statesmen of the world are as great

as Netaji.

Netaji is greater than mo&t other statesmen of

the world.

Jadu is at least as good as any other boy in the


f Jadu is not worse than any other boy in the class.

INo other boy in the class is better than Jadu.

V. Interchange of Parts of Speech.

1. Uses of Nouns in place of Adverbs ; —

(a) He acted honestly.

He acted with honesty.


(b) Hari lives happily,

Hari lives in happiness,

(c) The warrior fought bravely.

The warrior fought with bravery,


2. Uses of Verbs in place of Nouns :

(a) He has attained success in the examination.

He has smceeded in the examination.

(b) Try to send an early reply to my letter.

Try to reply early to my letter.

(c) Your success is a great encouragement to him

Your success has greatly encouraged him.

3. Uses of Adverbs in place of Nouns :

(i) There is no doubt that he will stand first in the

H. S. Examination.

He will undoubtedly stand first in the H. S. Exa-


(ii) Haresh performed his duty with honesty and


Haresh performed his duty honestly and sincerely,

(iii) Paresh acted with great promptness and wisdom,

Paresli acted very promptly and wisely.


1. Transform the following sentences from Affirmative into

Negative Sentences and vice versa : —

(a) Only graduates are eligible for the post.

(b) Abani is the best boy in the class.

(o) Haren is as intelligent^as Bamen.

(d) Bahim is not a dishonest man.

(e) We shall ever remember you. I

(f) None but an active and honest man can prosper Jn life.

(g) There is no man but wishes to be happy.

(h) Everybody admits that he is an honest man.



(i) No sooner had the police come than the thief ran away.

(j) I am aware of the matter.

2. Change the following Sentences from Assertive into

Interrogative Sentences and vice versa : —

(a) A dishonest man can never enjoy happiness in life.

(b) Who knew that he would fail so miserably ?

(c) What is the necessity of wealth if it is not properly


(d) The glory of Netaji will never fade.

(e) Is there any one who docs not love his native land ?

(f) Everybody disbelieves a liar.

(g) Who is so foolish as to do this V

(h) This is not the proper way to do the job.

(i) What you say is meaningless.

(j) Are not all men subject to death ?

3. Change the following sentences from Exclamatory to

.Assertive Sentences and vice versa :

(a) What a fool you are t

(b) How charming the scenery is t

(c) Oh, had I the wings of a dove ;

(d) If I were a king ;

(e) This is a grand success for him.

(f) I wish I had a kingdom.

(g) A little learning is a dangerous thing.

(h) Hurrah f My brother has won the first prize.

(i) Away with you, you villain J

(j) The girl is very beautiful to look at.

•A. ( I ) Removal of *But'

(i) There is no man but wishes to be happy.

There is no man who does not wish to be happy.

(ii) But for your help, I would have fallen in [a great


Had it not been for your help, I would have fallen

in a great danger.


(liiJ'He could not dui submit to the authorities.

He, could not help submitting to the authorities.

(iv) Hemen is poor, hut happy.

Though poor^ Hemen is happy.

(v) Jadu is something of a dramatist, but rather .more*

of a poet.

Jadu is more a poet than a dranjatist.*]

(2) Removal of “Too’’

(i) He is too clever to be cheated.

He is 80 clever that he cminot be cheated.

(ii) Karim is too fond of gardening.

Karim is exceedingly fond of gardening.

(iii) Jatin is too indulgent to his son.

Jatin is over-indulgent to his son.

(iv) fit is never too late to correct yourself.

It is never so late that you cannot correct yourself.

(v) He cannot be too careful about his studies.

He cannot be careful to a fault about his studies.


1. Remove “but”/rom the following sentences : —

(i) He is very rich, but unhappy.

(ii) But for you, ho would have been ruined.

(iii) He cannot but do this.

2. Remove “too” /rom the following sentences :

(i) It is never too late to mend.

(ii) He is too weak to walk.

(iii) Hnri is too fond of anything.



Punctuation means the division of Sentences by marks or

stops in order to make the meaning clear and to facilitate

pronunciation at the time of reading.

The Principal Stops are


Comma (


Semicolon ( )


Colon ( : )


Full stop ( . )


The Note of Interrogation ( ? )


The Note of Exclamation



Dash ( — )


Quotation M/irks (

(Or, Inverted Commas)

a w j


Hyplien ( - )


Apostrojihc ( ’ )


Asterisk ( * )


Brackets ( ) [ ]

(I) COMMA ( , )

The Comma is generally used :

(i) For separation of ihrte or more words or phrases of the

same part of speech from one another by connecting only

the last two by the Conjunction, and ; as —

I gave the boy a bookj a copy book and a pen.

He is intelligent^ active and polite.

(ii) Before and after oppositional words or phrases to>

separate them from the rest of the sentence • as —

Rabindranath, the world-renowned poet, won the

Nobel Prize.

Ram, brother of Shyam^ is a very good boy.


(iii) Before and after the Vocative to separate it from the

rest of the sentence ; as —

I love you, Amal, from the very core of my heart.

liameah, let us go out for a walk by the riverside.

(iv) After an absolute construction for its separation from

the rest of the sentence ; as —

The sun having set, we all returned home.

The game over, they went away.

The teacher entering ( or, having entered ) the class, all

the boys stood up.

To tell you frankly, I cannot rely on him.

(v) Before words, phrases or clauses to mark when they

are let into the body of a sentence ; as—

Ham, however, sympathises with me.

There is a co-coanut tree, fifteen feet high, in our orchard.

(vi) Sometimes before and after a long adverbial clause to

separate it from the principal clauFo j as —

Wheii he tvas five years old, he was sent to school.

I could not attend school, as I was laid up with fever.

(vii) Sometimes after adverbs or adverbial phrases when

they are used at the beginning of a sentence, j as —

Fortunately, ho succeeded in the examination.

At the advent of spring. Nature assumes a .beautiful look.

(viii) Between /aZZy expressed co-ordinate clauses ; as —

Abdul is poor, but he is honest.

He is a teacher, and his brother is a writer.

(ix) To mark oflF quotation j as —

Ramesh said, “I shall go there to-morrow’’.

He said to me, ‘‘Where are you going f”

(x) To separate a clause, introduced by a Relative Pronoun

in a continuative sense, from the rest of the sentence as —

I know Karim, who is a very good boy.

Ram came to me last night, when I was going to bed.



II. The Semi-^Golon ( j )

The Semicolon ( ; ) which indicates a longer pause than

the Comma, is usually used to separate co-ordinate clauses ; —

(a) When- they are not connected by conjunctions ; as —

He is an honest man ; everybody loves him.

God made the country ; man, the town.

(b) When they are joined by such conjunctions as buty

stilly yety wherasy however y otherwisey so, etc. -used to express

alternativey contrast or inference ; as —

(i) If you go there, I shall accompany you ; but I shall

remain here if you do not go.

(ii) I have repeatedly warned him of the danger ; still he

• remained indifferent and inactive.

(iii) When he was in distress, I helped him my utmost ;

yet he accuses me of selfishness.

(iv) He was laid up with fever ; so ( or, therefore ) he

could not attend the meeting.

(v) The beggar is suffering from cold for want of clothes ;

however. Ram has supplied him with a wrapper.

(c) When the parts are broken up by commas ( in cases

of lengthy co-ordinate clauses ) ; as.

The boy is intelligent, meritorious and active ; and he

is expected to achieve a brilliant success in the exami-

nation. He is a bachelor, but he possesses several

brick-built houses as well as ample hard cash ; his

only nephew will inherit all these.

III. Colon ( : )

The Colon which indicates a longer pause than the

semicolon, is used :

(a) To separate sentences which are not grammaiically con-

nected^ but are related in sense ; as — ^

We all must try to acquire knowledge : knowledge is .


Ram is meritorious : Sbyam is dull.


(b) To introduce occasionally a guo^cUion or an example of

‘Some rule ( usually with a dash ) ; as —

Always remember : — “Honesty is the best policy”.

The sermon runs as follows : — “Forgiveness is the

noblest revenge”. •

Examples of an Abstract Noun are*: — Honesty, beauty,

modesty, happiness, etc.

IV. Full Stop ( . )

The Full stop is used : —

(a) At the end of a sentence to indicate its completion ;

as —

(i) The sufferings of the Hood-stricken people beggar


j(ii) Rahim is a very good boy.

{h)2 After initials and abbreviations ; as —

Mr A. K. fiasu is a barrister.

He is an M.A. ( M.D., M.B., M.L.A., M.P., etc. )

V. The Note of Interrogation ( y )

The Note of Interrogation (?) is used after a direct

question ; as —

Where are you going now f

Will you*accompany me to the station ?

' VI. The Note of Exclamation ( ! )

The Note of Exclamation ( ! ) is used after words or

sentences to express or denote emotions of joy, sorroWy wish,

admiration, apostrophe, surprise, etc ; as —

(a) Hurrah f we have won a goal.

(b) Alas ! he is undone.

(c) Oh, ‘were I a king I

(d) Bravo [ Well done.

(o) Kalidas 1 thou shouldst be alive in our midst.

(f ) How charming the scenery is ;



VII. Dash ( — \

The Dash ( — ) is used : —

(a) To indicate an abrupt break in a sentence or to mark

a sudden change of thought, e.g.,

(i) He said — Oh, how transient the human life is t

(ii) : Happy were our forefatliers — but why should we lose

heart in our misery ?

(b) Occasionally to mark off words in apposition or expla”

nation j^as —

He has lost everything — health, wealth and fame.

We owe everything to God — the Supremo Being of

the universe.

(c) Sometimes to resume a scattered subject ; as —

Ram, Shyam, Jadu, Madhu, Hari — all went there.

(d) Occasionally to invert a parenthesis followed by

another dash ; as —

Ram is — we all know — is an honest man.

He is — to speak plainly — a villain.

VIII, Quotation ( “ * )

Quotation Marks or Inverted Commas ( " ) are used : —

(a) To cite the exact words of a speaker, or a quotation ;

as —

Ho said ‘‘I am unable to go there”.

That “Honesty is the best policy’* is known to all.J

(b) To mark a particular word or the title of a booh or |of a

poem or prose piece ; as —

The word “I” is a pronoun.

Have you read “King Lear ?”

IX. Hyphen ( - )

The Hyphen ( - ) is used to form a compound word by

joining two or more words : as —

country-made goods ; brother -indaw^^ a five-year plan :

every-day life : day-labourer : etc.



X. Apostrophe ( ’ )

The Apostrophe is used : —

(a) To denote the posBesaive cases of nouns : as —

Ram^a pen is very good.

He took one month* s leave.

(b) For indication of the omission of a letter or letters : as —

You cant go there. i.e., You cannot go there.

1 wonH do it. i.e., I mill not do it.

WhaVa your name ? i.e.. What is your name y

(c) Occasionally to form the plural of letters and figures :

as —

Two M. Pfs attended the meeting.

He does not know the three

Three m^s : several 5*s.

XI. Asterisk ( * )

The Asterisk indicates the intentionl Omission of some words

or clauses : as —

Shyamlal * * was united with Radhika at long last.

Xir. Brackets ( ), [ ]

Brackets are used : —

(a) For introduction of an explanation : as —

He has lost all ( Iiis wealth, health and reputation ).

(b) For enclosing a parenthesis : as—

He mastered ; so meritorious ’he is ) ^English ,in two


Uses of Capital Letters

1. Capital letters are used to begin : —

(a) The first word of a sentence ^ as —

Man is mortal. The cow is a useful animal.

(b) The first word of each ifne of poetry \ as —

**Like birds in their nest,

Are ready for rest.

And sport no more seen,

On the darkening Green."



(c) The first word of a quotation ; as —

Hari said, ‘ ^Honesty is the best poIicy’\

2. Capital letters are also used at the beginning of : -

(a) All Prosper Nouns and Proper Adjectives ; as —

India, England, China, Indian, English, Chinese,

Shakespeare, Shakespearean, Ram, Shyam, Sunday^

May, etc.

(b) All personified objects ; as —

In spring Nature assumes a charming look.

(c) All nouns and pronouns relating to God • as —

How merciful Thou art, O God [

It is God Who has created us all.

(d) All nouns of address in letter- writing ; as —

My dear Mother, Dear Sir.

3 . The pronoun and the interjection “0” are always used

in capital letters.


Punctuate the following, using capital letters, whort^

necessary : —

J. Did you hear the story of Newton and his little dog dia-

mond one day when he was fifty years old and had been

hard at work more than twenty years studying the theory

of light he went out of his chamber leaving his little dog

asleep before the fire on the table lay a heap of manuscript

papers containing all the discoveries Newton had made

when his master was gone up rose diamond and jumped

upon the table overthrowing the candle the papers imme-

diately caught fire.

2. Were you addressing me Sir says the doctor and when the

ruffian had told him with another oath that this was so.

1 have only one thing to say to you sir replies the doctor

that if you keep on drinking rum the world will soon be

quit of a very dirty scoundrel.

G— 8



3. Im not a doctor only Im a magistrate and if I catch a

breath of complaint against you if its only for a piece of

incivility like tonights III take cffectnal means to have

you hunted down and routed out of this let this suffice.

4. If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket

I promiri(3 upon my honour you shall hang at next assizes.

Then followed a battle of looks between them but the

captain soon knuckled under put up his weapon and

resumed his seat grumbling like a beaten dog.

5. I seem to myself like a child observed he playing on the

sea shore and picking up here and there a curious shell or

a pretty pebble while the boundless ocean of Truth lies

undiscovered before me.




Above all ( ) — Sir ilsutosh was, ahom all, a social


A. B. C. ( )— -He taught me the A. B. C. of


Above board ( •'e ) — Ram Babu’s dealiugs are

always above hoard.

After alh{ fi^c^NQ ; C3itr.$^ )

— The doctor is, after all. a good man.

All in all — Paresli Babu is all in all in the factory.

All along ) — He accompanied me all along.

All but ( )-“lIe was cdl but ruined.

As it were ( ) — He was, as it were, a god to them. The

sun is, as it loere, the lamp of the universe.

z\ll the same ( ) — (i) It is all the same to us

whether ho goes there or stays here, (ii) I have helped him

in various ways, all the same he accuses mo of selfishness.

All over with ( ) — The man was attacked vdth an

incurable disease ; now it is all over with him.

At one’s wit’s end ( )— -He was at his wil^s end as to

what to do in such a danger.

At home (in) ( ) — He is at home in music.

At a loss ( ) —I am at a loss to know what

to do.

At least ( ) — Try to be a graduate at lea^st.

At last ( ) — He succeeded in his attempt at last.

At bay ( ) — He is quite at bay, and there is no way

of his escape.

At a stone’s throw ( ) — His house is a a(one’«

throw from mine.

At sixes and sevens ( )— His books are lying

at sixes and sevens on the table.

Apple of discord ( )~Their

paternal property was the apple of discord between the two

brothers. Freedom of speech is the apple of discord between

the two leaders.


Apple of one’s eye ( C5tC^^ ) — The boy is an apple of

his mother* B eye.

An open question ( ) — Free education of all

the children of the soil remains an open question.

At all events ( ^1 C^^ ) — I must perform my

duty at all events. ,

At one’s beck and call ( )— 1 am always yowr

heck and call.

At one’s disposal ( ) — The post is lying

at your disposal. I am always at your disposal.

At a stretch ( vfis^ ) — He ran two miles at

a stretch.

At times ( ) — He comes here at limes.

Avail oneself of ( ) — (i) He availed himself

o/ the opportunity. {i\) 1 availed myself of the morning train


At a low ebb ( ) — His influence in the locality

is now at a low ebb.

At the eleventh hour ( c*f^ )— -The doctor arrived at

the eleventh hour when the patient had almost expired.

At arm’s length ( ) — He kept his enemy always at

arm’s length.

At hand, or near at hand ( ) — Our Annual Exa-

mination is (near) at hand.

At daggers drawn ( ) —These two fellows are

always at daggers drawn with each other.


Bag and baggage ( ) —They left the place ^>7f/

and baggage.

Bad blood ( ) — There is bad blood between tlie two


Bed of roses ( )— Human life is not a bed of roses.

Bear down upon ( ^^1 ) — They bore dawn

upon their enemies.

Be>all and end-all ( va^5(t3[ ) — Enjoyment of worldly

pleasure should not be the be-all and end-all of life.

Bid fair ( )— Ram bids fair to be a poet.

Birds of a feather, or. Birds of the same feather

) — Birds of a feather or, of the' samfi feather) flock




Bird's eye view ( ) — We have only a bmVs eye-

view of the place.

Black sheep ( ) — He is a hla^k sheep of the family.

Blue blood )— Harish Babu is proud

of his blue blood.

Bolt from the blue ( ) — The news of bis

death came upon us as a bolt from the blue.

Bone of contention ( ^1^*1 )—

Their parental property was the bone of contention between the

two brothers.

Bosom friend ( (Si]TM ^^1 ; )-— Jadu and Madhu

are bosom friends.

Bring to light ( ^^1 ) — He brought the secret to light.

Bring to book ( *ltf% ) — The culprit was brought h)


By fits and starts ( ) —The train was moving

by fits and starts^ so it ran far behind time.

By and by ( ) — You will come to know of the matter

by and by.

Bring to pass ( )— The food crisis has been brought to

pass by hoarders.

By way of ( ) — Ramen won a wrist watch by way of


By dint of ( ) — He prospered in life by dint of

l)er 80 verance.

By the by ( ) — I told him about the matter by

the by.

By virtue of ( ) — Jadu did well in life by virtue of


By leaps and bounds ( ) — The price of f*)od“

stuff is rising by leaps and bounds.

By degrees ( ) — You will come to know of it by


By all means ( You must try to perform this

noble deed by all means.

By no means ( ^1, )'— 'You can,

by no means^ do it.

By turns ( ^t^tapW, )— Happiness and misery

come by turns.

By hook or by crook ( )— I must do it by

hook or by crook.



Build castles in the air ( ) — It is no

use building castles in the air.

By far — He is by far the best player in the team.

Beggar description ( ^€^1 )— The sujfferings

of the flood stricken people beggar description.

Bull in a China stop— ( )— Fatal is a

bull in. a China shopiw view of the mischief done by him.

Burning question ( )— Unempolyment is

the burning question of the day.

Beat black and blue ( CStcft ) —

They beat the miscreant blade and blue.


Call in question ( '^-31 ) — His character cannot be

called in question.

Come to light ( ) — The secret came to light

at last.

Cut .short ( ^^1)— His life was cut diort by an


Crying need ( )— The solution of the pro-

blem of unemplyraent is the crying need of the country.

Crocodile tears ( ) — Babin shed crocodile tears at

the adversity of his rival.

Come true ( ^ -The prediction of the

saint came true, at last.

Come to grief ( ) — If you idle away time,

you will come to grief in future.

(In) Cold blood ( )— The murder was com-

mitted in cold blood.

( To be ) Cut to the quick ( ^^^1 ) — He was cut to

the quick at your adverse remark.

(A) Close-fisted man ( ) — Everybod}^ dislikes

Chunilal who is a close-fisted man.

Como to terms ( — They cafne to terms

with us at last.

(To) Call to mind ( *51 ) — I cannot call his name to


(A) Cock and bull story ( ^t«f )

— I don't like to hear your cock and bull story.

(To) Come to nothing ( 59^1, =11 )— His

attempt came to nothing.



(To) Come to a head ( )— The abscess has come

to a head.

(To) Curry favour ( •a(5it5 Gift's? C5ll )

He always curries favour with his boss.

(To) Cut a sorry figure ( )— He rut a sorry

figure in the last examination.

Curtain lecture ( #1^ )— Curfata leciures often lead

to cJenvage in a joint family.

(A) Dead letter (ars?! ^1 a«t1 )— Thi.s rule has become

a dead letter now.

(To) Die in harness ( )--.Dr Shyama

prasad Mukherjeo died in harness.

(To) Do yeoman’s service ( <^'^1 )— Sir Asutosh

did yeoman\<i service to Dengal in the field of education.

(To) Drive into a corner ( ^*11 ) — The man was

ft'/i/o « by the miscreants who robbed him of his



(To) Eat tho humblo pie ( ><t^1 )— Jaiin imd to eat the

humble pie for his haughtiness.

(To) Eat into vitals ( ) — Mai- nutrition

eats into the vitals of man.

(To) P:nd in smoke ( )— All his efforts ended in



Pall flat ( ) — His speech on female education

fell flat upon the audience.

Fall in with ( ) — He cannot fall in with you on

this point.

(A) Far cry ( ) — It is afar cry from nationalism to

universal brotherhood.

Fair and square ( STt^F, ) — His dealings are fair and


Fair weather friend ( )— A fair weather

friend should not be relied on.


(To) Fall a prey to ( *f®1 )— He feU a prey to


(To) Pall short of ( )— His result fell far short of

our expo tat ions.

Par and near ( or, far and wide ) ( ) — Thfe news of his

victory spread /ar and near ( or ^ far and wide ).

Pew and far between ( ) — His visits to

this place are few and far between.

(To) Pight shy of ( ) — He fights shy of his


Find fault with ( ) — He is always in the habit of

finding fault with others.

Fish out of water ( ) — The newly

married girl is like a fish out of loaier in her father-in-law’s


Flesh and blood ( )— Flesh and

blood cannot put up with such an insult.

For the sake of ( ) — He sacrificed his life for the sake

of his country.

For good ( )- He renounced his country for


From pillar to post ( )

— The prince was driven from pillar to post by his enemies.


(To) Get rid of ( ) — He got rid of the danger, at


(To) Give one one’s due ( ^^1 )

— -Even an enemy should be given his due.

(To) Give rise to ( C^f^1 C*f6^1 ) — His interference in the

matter gave rise to new troubles.

(To) Give away ( *) — He gave away money to the

poor lavishly.

(To) Give efifect to ( ) — The new rule will be

given effect to on and from the first March next.

(To) Give vent to ( fffH ^91 )— The sorrowing mother

could not give vent to her feelings out of emotion.



Gift of the gab ( ) — Bepinchandra Paul wa«* endowed

•with the gift of the gab.

(The) Golden mean ( ) — He brought about an ami-

cable settlement between the two partners by folloAving the

golden mean.


Hand and glove ( ) — Jadii and Madhii are hand

and glove with each other.

Hang in the balance ( ^1 )—

The case is still hanging in the balance.

(A) Hole and corner ( ) — T am always averse to a

hole and corner policy.

(To) Hold water ( C&^1 ) — Such a lame excuse will not

hold water.

(To) Hold good ( -sjcqtsfr )— That rule

holds good here also.

(To) Harp on the same string

— Don’t harp on the same string always.

Honest penny ( ) — He always earns

an honest penny,

Kair-breadtii escape ( X< )-*“Wc are

astonished at his hair -breadth escape from the danger.

Hue and cry ( ) — The cowboys raised a hue and

cry at the sight of the wolf.

Hard and fast ( ) — The Head clerk of our school

always adheres to the hard and fast rules of the office.

A hard nut to crack ( ) — He is a hard nut

to crack. The problem of unemployment is a hard nut to crack.

Over head and ears ( ) — He is over head and ears

in debt.

Heart and soul ( ) — Ramesh is trying heart and soul

to stand hrst in the examination.

Head and tail ( ) — Nobody will be able to 7nake

head and tail of what he states.

Herculean task. ( )— The solu-

tion of the problem of unemployment in India is a Herculean




High time ( ) — It is high limp for you to build up»

a dwelling house.

High and low ( ) — All of us, high and low, are

subject to dcatli.


In afjcordanre with ( )— I must act always in accor-

dance v:ifh your instruction.

Inasmuch as ( ) —He cannot do well in life, inas-

much ns he idles away his time.

(To) Bo in a fix ( ) —

I am in a fix as to what to do. I seek your valuable advice,

because I am in a fix.

In black and white ( ) — The agreement between

the two persons was made in hlncJc and white.

In cold blood ( ) — The murder was committed

in cold blood.

In case j In case of ( ) — What will he do in case of his

failure y In case he fails to come, you should do his work.

In defence of ( ) - We should lay down Our

lives, if necessary, in defence of our native land.

In time ( ) — He arrived at the station in time.

In tlie event of ( ) — What should I do in Ithc event of

his failure to do the job f

In the fat e of ( ) — You must perform y’^oiir duty'^ in

the face o/all obstacles.

In full swing ( ) — ^The school is running in full


In keeping with ( )— His words are not in keeping

with his actions.

In lieu of ( ) — He gave me a book in lieu of my


In the long run ( ) — If •you misuse your time, you

will have ti repent in the long run.

Ins and outs ( ) — The ins and outs of the

family are known to me.

In the nick of time ( ) — He performed the work.

in the nick of time.


123 -

In a nut-shell ( ) — Tell the .story of Dhruva in ct


In order that ( ) — He tried hard in ord^r that he

might win the prize.

In respect of ( ) — I know nothing in respect of his


In regard to ( *|*>*1c^ ) — He told me everything in regard

to his success in life.

In the teeth of ( )— He siiocceded in his

attempt in the. teeth of M opposition.

In view of ( ) — In view of his tender ago, the boy

may be pardoned this time.

In vogue ( ) — This rule is no longer in vogue.


(A) Jack of all tnides ( cu

ST1 ) — Soumon is a Jncl^ of all trades, but

master of none.


Kith and kin - ) — He has been deserted by his

kith and kin for his rude belmvionr,

(To) Know "no bounds )-“The joy of his

parents knew no hounds at the news *of their son’s brilliant

success in the examination.


Laughing stock ( ) — His peculiar m.anners

made him a laughing stock to all.

(To) Lay waste ( ^^1 ) — Many a country is laid waste

in times of warfare.

(To) Leave no stone unturned ( ) — He

left no stone unturned to achieve his object.

Life and soul ( ) — His only son is the life and

soul of the family.

(To) Live from hand to mouth ( —

Most of the Indian peasants live from hand to mouth.

Lion’s share ( c^'Pf )— Ram has the Hone's share of the^

profit of the business.



Loaves and fishes ( ) — Most of our

political leaders are concerned with loaves and fishes of office.

(To) Look down upon ( ^«t1 ) — The rich generally look

down upon the poor.

The long and the short ( ) — I like to know the

long and the short of the whole story.

(To) Lose heart ( ) — Never lose heart at a


(To) Lose one’s temper ( ^^1 )-“He lost his temper

at the rudeness of the boy.


(A) Man of parts ( ) — Ramaiiath Babu is

a man of parts,

(A) Man of letters ( ) — Humayun Kabir was a

man of letters,

(A) Man of straw ( ) — I cannot rely on a

man of straw like you.

(A) Maiden speech ( ) — His maiden

speech in the house highly impressed the members.

(To) Make one’s mark ( ^Ttf^ ^^1 ) — Tansen made his

mark in music.

(To) Make both ends meet (

) — He can hardly make both ends meet with his meagre


(To) Make good ( )— Try to make good the


(To) Move heaven and earth ( ) — He

moved heaven and earth to achieve his object.

(A) Moot point ( ) — Free primary education

is still a moot point in West Bengal.

(To) Muster strong ( ^>3111) — The people mustered strong

to listen to the orator.


(T) Nip in the bud ( )— All his hopes have

been nipped in the bud for pecuniary difficulties.



Now and then ( ) — He calls on me fiow and then.

Null and void ( ) — ^Tlie scheme is now null and void.


(To be) On the alert ( )— The absconder ms alwayv^ o?i

the alert lest he should be arrested by the police.

On the verge of, or on the brink of ( ) — He is on

the verge of ( or, on the brink of ) ruin.

On behalf of ( ) — The secretary delivered u speech on

behalf of the Managing Committee of the school.

On the contrary ( ) — He is not at all idle, on the

contrary^ he is very active.

On the face of ( ) — His proposal is absurd on the

very face of it.

Of course ( ) — Great, of course, was my joy at

the nows of my brother’s brilliant success in the examination.

Once in a while ( ) — He visits this place once in

a while.

OS an on ( ) — He Avrites to me off and on.

Once and again ( ) — I warned him once and again

not to drink any more.

Once for all ( ^3? ) — He left his country cnce foi'


Of late ( >i^r3 )— Ho has shifted his family of late.

(To be) On the eve of ( ) — He saw mo on the eve of

his departure.

On the whole ( ) —I paid him fifty rupees, on the


Open question ( ) — The problem of unem<

ployment is an open question in West Bengal.

Open and above board ( ) — His dealings are open

and above board.

Open secret ( «r1W )— That the

Manager of this factory takes bribe is an open secret.

Out and out ( )— Ram Babu was, otU and out, &

social reformer.


Out of doors ( c^t^l )— Don’t go out of

doors in this biting cold.

Out of pocket ( ) — Prolonged sickness has rendered

liim out of 'pocket.

Out of the woods ( ) — He is now out of the woods

being helped by his friends and relatives.

(To be) Out of sorts ( ) — He feels out of sorts


Out of date ( ) — Such fashions are out of date now.

Over snd above ( ) — I gave him fifty rupees in cash.

Over and abovc^ I supplied him with a piece of cloth and shirt.


Palmy days ( ) — He waa welcomed by

all in Ins palmy days.

Part and parcel ( ) — Education is the part

and 2 ^cLrcel of a nation.

(To) Play false ( '-^^1 )— I don’t like to play

false with anybody.

(To) Pick a quarrel ( sftC^ ^?I1 )— Why do

you pick a quarrel with him ?

Pros and cons ( ^ ) — You should pru-

dently consider the pros and cons of the scheme.


(A) Red-letter day ( )— The fifteenth of

August is considered by the people of India as a red-letter day^

Rhyme and reason ( ^t^*l ) — He is speaking ill of me with-

out rhyme or reason.

(To) Run the risk of ( )— I cannot run the

risk of investing five thousand rupees in starting the business.


Salt of the earth ( Great men like Vidyasagar

are the salt of the earth.

(To) Stand in good stead ( ) — This book will

stand you in good stead.

(A) slow coach ( )— I do not like a slowcoach like




(To) Steer clear of ( )— He sleeted clear of all

his difficulties by dint of perseverance.

(A) Sleeping partner ( )— Latif is a

sleeping partner of the business.

Stone’s throw ( ) — His house is at a stances throw

from mine.

Sum and substance ( ) -The smn and substance of bis

speech is given below.

Tall talk ( ".1^1 5^351 ) — Hari always indulges in tall


(To) Take heart ( ^<3^1 )— He took heart at my


(To) Throw light on ( ) — 1 request you to

throw some light on the principles of education.

(To) Take to heart ( ) •— He took your adverse

remark to heart.

(To) Take one to task ( ) — His father took him

to task for neglect of his studies.

(To) Tide over ( ^<11 ) — He tided over all obstacles

by virtue of keen insight and intelligence.

Time and again ( ) — I warned him time and again

not to do this.

Through and through ( )— I studied him

through and through.

Through thick and tliiii ( ) —

He was the same man of truth through thick and thin.

The three B’s ( >6 )

— Hem knows only the three E^s.

To and fro ( ) — He is loitering to and fro.

Tooth and nail ( f?!f1 ) — I must opi>ose him tooth

and nail.

To the contrary ( ) — I have nothing to say to the


To the backbona( ) — He is wicked to the back-




To the letter ( ) —His word is true to the letter.

To be at one’s wit’s end ( )— He is at his wit^s^

end at this critical situation.

(To) Turn over a now leaf ( )— At

last, ho turned over a new leaf at the instruction of his uncle.

( To) Turn a deaf ear to ( ) — He turned^m deaf ear

to my earnest request.


Under a cloud ( )— His motive in ihis^creapcct is

under a cloud.

(To be) up and doing 'AW ) — Be up and doing

in all respects, if you aspire after prosperity in life.

Ups and downs ( ) — Every life has its ups and



Ways and means ( ) — Devise some ways and means

of performing the job.

Weal and woe ( ) — He stood by me in weal and woe.

What with ( G? W )--What with

poverty and what with lack of guidance, he could not receive


With a view to ( ) — [ went to Delhi with a view to

participating in the seminar.

With an eye to ( ) — Do everything with an eye

to your future.

With one accord ( ) — They performed the task

with one accord.

(A) Wild goose chase ( ) — It is no better than a mid

goose chase to try to implement this plan.

Yeoman’s service ( ^>1 ) — Vidyasagar did yeo7nan's

service to Bengal in the fields of social reformation and



(At the) Zenith of one’s power ( ) — The British

empire was at the zenith of its power during the reign of Queea



[ Intended for Glass IX ]


Lesson I



1. Assertive Sentences


^ f^CelVt — Kaftdasa was a worshipper

of beauty.

— Union is strength. ( Or, Unity is strength. )

Rabindranath was born of the Tagore family of Jorasanko.

c^l <4^^ He does not live in this

village now.

— He does not know how to swim.

Note : Sentence C^tCiil f%5

ai asai

Sentence-C7^ Assertive Sentence I Assertive Sentence-c^

as^l ^K— AflBrmative ( Negative

( sfl ?lt5^ ) I Assertive Sentence-^ Subject vJHf^

Verb ^ I

T— 1




'srtlf— There are iAree

universities in Calcutta.

cq? C^f CStsft? ®f9f 5l — Here is a eup of tea for you.

C»fs| — Down went the ship.

'St^’F Go he must.

Note : Sentence-ii|?f Introductory ‘there’, ‘here’,

Subject Verb-on^ •fc? I

2. Imperative Sentences

( ‘siitift, ^t’Fj )

JFtcn C^rt^i’ltsT s|1 — Do not make a noise in the class.

*If1 *r$T — Always speak the truth.

'5lWc=P Sft^ %— Kindly lend me

five rupees.

C«fC^ ^'6 — Be off hence.

Note : C51 Sentence- a 'Sfi?ort«( 4fff%

'3t^C^ Imperative Sentence Jicsf i Sentence- >«i JltsrtK*!^:

‘You’ Subject-f? «rtt^ I

3. interrogative Sentences

( J )


fV ’I'S.’I'? ^*^1^ f5(irf%9l ?— Did you go to Kashmir

last year I

'?C^ ?— Have they got themselves

admitted into the school ?

m fV ?C»1 JltH ^11 ■/ — ^Does he not go to school

regularly ?

C*l fv»l f — ^Why did you not go to school

the other day 1

Note : « sentence-a C^tC?IlKi*f ^



Interrogative Sentence I Sentence-»<|

Subject Verb-iiiil *tW, fV’^1 Auxiliary Verb '9 Principal

Vorb-iilll \


y— IFAicA of the pictures do

you want ?

5IC«(I »|<( y— ll'AicA of the four

pens is the costliest ?

«&1 i—What is that ?

Note : Interrogative Sentence-iD Subject!^ Interrogative

Pronoun 95 ^11*1 I

4. Optative Sentences

( \W\ 41 4t4SI )

C^l5lt4 ^*?1 '^‘T 4*4*4 — May God fulfil your wish !

«t'^, e3t4l4 ^^4* ! — “Lord, Thy will be done.”

' 5(4 — May you live long !

1ft ii^t ««ii-{ i I

Note : £4 Sentcnce->ii ^*51, «tK4l ^4114

Optative Sentence ijC®! I *lt4l4*t^! Optative Sentence -44

'Silers may 4£4 44* Subieotj& ^4J4f9'5 *lt4 '« Principal

yerb-44 4t4 I ^t4t4, wmld ( ) ^41# 414414

4f44t« ^«IC41 4*4£41 Optative Sentence ’5(14'5 ^41 44 I

5. Exclamatory Sentences

( ^:«r, '»lt4»»r, f4’44-’?5^ 4t4fJ )

4l?f1 4l^T*| ^ »it4^ C4t4itt 41 %si4 .I— What a brave warrior

%ana Pratap was {

^ 4C4t44 4^ ! — How charming is the scenery !



! — What a lovely child [

?tll ! ^^91 ! — Alas ! I am undone.

Note : C^l Sentence-4 '55 affRs 5IWt«t4

Exclamatory Sentence ^c«| I *iT«rt^«f^: Noun-44

what 44* Adjective Adverb-iil4 »lf^'5 Iww 4T4^4

4t4i*t sentence 4^41 ^4 I Exclamatory Sontence-4 verb

C^tai 4tc^ I


Translate into English : —

(a) 4^t^tcsi 44C441 I 'srt>l41 '5jf^ 4^44

C4t^t^4ftst *ftC^C4 4t^l 4^14 4'C«14t4

«ft?i^4 ?4 (break out ) i 4«TC? C^t4t4 4fC^1Br #[C4 I

'«rr4t4 '«rt^f6f^ 5f4 ^^41 i44tJ5 I (Aristotle) 4C5i;^,

“JIt«{4 *lt4tfif^ ^4” I 4f44tC^4— “«ft4t4 ^44^ '5Tt4l4

4t^ (message) i”

(b) C'5t4t4 4^91 ^^4?! #f4W 4'$IC4f •«!S!44'I 4*1441 551

(pursue). 4'?t5 ftHTl 4f91C4 41 I 'Slt^l, 4^4 ■af'St'S (lovely

morning) j ' t%^1& '5(4f4 | C*st4t4 '44*1^ ’Jsi ^^4* ( to be

blessed with a child).

(c) 3Ftt“t I 4*t51 *4tf4

4f4t#f 4'S41 ^t4 I '^t4f4 4i:4 4?.»I4 5tC5I4 *ft4 4tf?C4

(look up) I «lt4t4 ^‘I4'l4^f44t5 (to do one a good turn) ;

C45t4tl4* 44I4t4 %'3fl I C*I f4S C4C^4 ^*14

4t'9t^4i ^itc^ y

(d) »t4«'Kai4 '(f®4l^ ? wrtf4 egtlit'O

4^t4 4t^ 4t^ I f^f4 '4^ 449t4 *1(^411^4 (to be in a fix) |

C*l ?1*5 4tCai 4t4l f^4tCf I *r54li:4 '4114 C4f®'eC*5 '®t4'l f44tf^

( gave a radio-talk ). C'®t4t4 ^ y

(e) ^ 4‘fel 4f44l ffe4®1 C^fsiC^C^ I *ft5

4«,*I4 4t4«. f%f4 ‘4'?(& ilt&^ (drama) i 4tf5i *5[lfefel

C«fC 4 f ^«i4tl4 ^1^ ( has been raining in torrents) |

*lt9l C«IC4f ^tf4 ^4^ 'sif?C»l C^4T4^4 ^t«r I

Lesson 2




Iswarclmndra Vidyasa(jar was born in the village of Birsinha

in M idnapore.

— SiUi is doing science at school.

6'od is almighty.

Note ; ^1

Proper Noun i Proper Noun-vij^ ^t<[ C^fC^I

^article s(1 i


— Bankim is called the Scott of


— He is a Chanakya in politics.

— Suitzerland is the Kashmir

of Europe.

Note : Proper Noun-vi)-^

article |


— The Ganges falls into the Bay

of Bengal,

— There are many

islands in the Pacific Ocean,

^W<i T/ie Himalayas

are in the north of India.

s|tRl*^5T Cocoanut grows in

abundance in the Andamans.



Everest ia the highest

mountain-peak in the world.

iff ? 61 iSfWt? — Plenty of tea grows in Ceylon.


Note : Jlf, Si^, '£1’?% Proper Noun

'the' <Stt articlef^ I

the ^c»i I


C9t5f *lf%— I read the Statesman daily.

*(f^>S i5f^ — The Oita is a sacred book of the


'stpFtC? ^■^—The earth is many

times bigger than the sun.

SCS? C*iWc^ — The poet is moved by the beauty

of the moon.

faiUCSI =3^^ «J5 v8 »ft»E3t f^C^F

According to the law of nature, the sun rises in the east and

sets in the west.

Note : HU, 5?S,

»r^ «f^f% Proper Noun 'the' ^c>( i


He has been learning

English for three months.

He is well-versed in German.

*lt?^ 5ftf^ — The English is a brave nation.

Note : English, German, Chinese

word-ii^ the «ftf% ^ the ^

C«ft^ ^9f«n

jjtsj c«(rj^ yfte Boses of Ballygunge are very


Wl C*iJf vai*|f^i:9t ^— >1 ( or, One ) Ratm

Sen came here yesterday.

Note : csrf^ >«?• ^f^9l

*ff9Ttt99 Hfft? Article i


Translate into English : —

wf*! I ‘ifaj^'l -a^taf »19 C6t9

C9pt 5£9| (largest circulation) | 9t*51t9

(the Milton) 9511 ^9 I f%pf atfvsf?9 *I^t£5i £9^191*1 *lti 9fC99 I

C9C’1t%9 'I^9t511 9ff99tf^C5i9 | va^ £9frtf^9

C99 '*9%9 ^9t9 *I“C5f Cif«l1 9^91^ >ilt9f^C5)9 i 99^ ^t£5Il£^9

( source ) | 5cg9 'SftC^I 9? I '^fii 9C3?f‘19t’f9 Cff^9t^

f% ? '^5j fr9£«fin «f9^^ I 5(¥91 I

Lesson 3



r The cow cats grass.

919 9t9— < A cow eats grass.

Cows eat grass.

993 «t9^9rt9 Wt^ *tt^— TAe peacock is the national bird

of India.

^i^^The dog is a domestic four-

footed animal.


Jfam is the architect of his

own fate.

Note : Singular Common Noun-iii? the ^4^1 an

*iJi5f Brtf^ ^ c«t% I man

the ^T^'5 I CJHR, ^'i;^—Man is mortal.


— ^You have a lovely garden.

3lsfS(i|rt(atll f5f|?T'»rtit1 -srlCf— There is a zoo in Calcutta.

dfVst^CSC^— TAe boy is running fast.

^fftW — Many flowers are blooming

in the garden.

Note : Singular Common Nonn-Jifl Indefinite

Article a an i S C^PtCSJ! -IFf^ ^1

Definite Article |


b^^^^\^—Tke natural scenes

of Switzerland are charming.

petite's? — The cows of Holland give

much milk.

^^*1 ^^^—The forests of Africa are very


Note : Plural Common Noun-k£i< vj;c^ C^tFl»l1

Article Jjl | caff^ ^jfi? ^1 Plural

Common Noun-iil?f Definite Article ‘<Ae’ i



— Be kind to the poor (=poor people).

— Only the brave ( — the brave men)

win the prize.

^l^—The strong lord it over

the weak.


Note : Adjective-i)? the adjectivefB Plural Noun-

,ij^ I Adjective, Subject correspond-

ing Verbid Plural |


»ff45r) C'3l5ltir «f9 ^f^5Tflc«1iT I c^lt? 'Stf^

1 ( gentle ; i ( the

learned) *1^31 (everywhere) (honoured) l” *15^»15|W

st5 1 ^tSfl I C^tf^si ^>155 *lt5T I

( being ) i (mortal),

£^t*<n ?” (how beautiful) J

^fCif £if?5 «ftJl (the dead) fift*) l”

Lesson 4



*1^11 *l'«1 — 'I’he meeting will be held

at 4 p.m.

^b-« *l^?J — The West Bengal

Assembly consists of 280 members.

— The police has dispersed

the crowd.

Slltil <fC«l 'Sftf^Htflsi—

•Crowds of pepole came to Calcutta to see the Prime Minister.

Note : Singular Collective Noun -149 C^^tC^I-JlI-

Article 919^® 9^91 ^ftC^ I Collective Noun »lpfT9*f^:

Sing. Number-4^ 9JW® ^

•‘crowd’, 49 ° i9^9i*f 9rc9^(& Collective Noan-49 Plural

JSfumbere 9^91 l



— The jury is nnaaimous in their


31« The jury are divided in their


Note : Collective Noun <i]^3g^

corresponding Verb|& Singular ^5t5

^tC5 corresponding Verbjfe Plural 55 I


f^^C^—The peasantry are

against the imposition of this tax.

aR*lt5t5‘l — Tfie public are against


5lf^5fT^T5 Ji-Sfifll ^1—

The aristocracy of Calcutta uiill not lend support to this change.

N.B. ^^5fl3(si Collective Noun ( ^''ll — peasantry, gentry,

tenantry, gentry, ministry ) Plural Number-vfit 59.

^5tCifiI the I


?tiI5-«fTf^5 «1'|^ JftH Mankind has

contributed much to the world civilization.

*l?It«f <2ff^ ^f55t5 5!f5C^ *rti:5 ^1— Society can-

not do full justice to every individual.

5C91, «ft%— People any that the

fox is a very cunning animal.

^t5'9 ’TTS’I'® '?5r Government

(or, the Government) has (or, hove) decided to set up five

hundred more schools.

Note : Collective Noun ( mankind, society,

eoph 4t'f )-ta5 the 5C*l J11 1 fspi Oovemment 5f<rrt&5

the 5f^1 *tC5 Verb Singular 5 I Plural





^ ^ ! — How charming is the scenery of

Shillong T

*15I« ^f^9t£5S(— He has disposed

of all his furniture.

Note : Collective Noun (CT?liT, scenery, furniture,

machinery C^^sfSftai Singular Number-ifl?i?^ I

Some Collective Nouns in Common Use

— a group of boys.

— a company of


a/Zocifc of birds.

— a cluster of star

^’t^— a snrnrm. of


a flock- of sheep.

Ciatt^5(®^ — the audience.

a gang of


— a /reap of singers

>ii^ <);'t 4 3i1^— a .thoal of fisli.

— a group of islands.

«t1l— a rmv of trees.

— a herd of cows,

visit's — the Christian ■



Translate into English : —

»i>f^ (members) I *tt5[

Slid I sitii^crfR R®tc5T 'Sf'SlJi? 1

5FRl?il 'SfRn'H I ^l^ltC^il

(security) I

c«rR'5 ^^91 1 *hp^ *ft9i 91W urtu i’ *it^'

5lW5 C*f9I I «R51

(charmed) | C^CSl ( shout ) i

Lesson 5

Material Nouns and Articles


— Water has no colour.

— Gold is a precious metal.

f^cn^ is very useful in

modern industry.

Note : Material Noun-^n^ »jr.^ Article JRl

-5^^ Plurals 9?l I


5t®I ^5 *1^ — rice of Dinajpiir is very fine.

«fTil^tDr? ^^511 ^5511 kK^'t—The coal of

Dhanbad is better than that of Banigunj.

*I^C5ra — The wheat of Australia is

the best.

Note : Material Noun C=?1W1 material,

Common Noun »f«IT

I vSi'.’iKaS *JC^ Article «rtC^ I


1 . TransUUe into English : —

'8191 '5t^i c^twi «rt% nic'a sil i

I fspr ill ^^91 HCcl a1 (do without) I 3l|^ JltRl

^5 I (stapje food) | csi')^ 'stC‘1^1 *rt?l?

(mercury) ^ift I ^*11 I 9fWl?I

N®! ’1R3[ (sacred) I '5t^ >8

( staple food ) i 'srt^f^T*! ■'5l5[-^t^ ( rice and curry )

(enough) | (diamond) 'aTf% I

Lesion <


— l^owledge is power.

Jiwpf — Health is wealth.

’®*l — Truthfulness is a noble virtue.

— Diligence is the mother of good


Note : Abstract Noun-v« Article sfl,

^ Singular Number-iii ^ I


— The beauty of Kashmir is


Cir>l5|^ driest^ ’5rl>ltf?»tw \% — We are all impressed

by the patriotism of Deshabandhu,

CfiC4p( — The patriotism of. Netaji is


— The nobility of Akbar is praise-


srf® T%tt:?5T— He has

experienced the joys and sorrows of life.

Note ; c^irftarl ?l '•‘I ^ ^1

Abstract Noun- Article ^ i


Translate into English : —

i<wsf5 si^'5. sH I (bravery) ^fnrl

^«R<3 Jfl I C*i“Nc% (worshipper of

beauty) I ^ ^ sfl (incomparable) I

fittsM (pride) | »fflp!fsr 'a

(key to) I ^ 'OTJfH WNt^ITtir

(justice) f|pR I orr^ftsi

^{*f (unmeaning nonsense) I

Chaptfr II


The Tenses :

Lesson 1


1 The Present Indefinite Tense


I go.

We go

— You go

CSfSRTt ^ — You go.

<31 ^ — He goes.

They go


^ !n— I do not go,

^ iTl-We do not go.

^ *11 — You do not go.

CSrtTi ^ JTl — You do not go.

C*f ^ 5Tl — He does not go.

^ stI — They do not go.

Note : ^f*t1 word^fSpr Affirmative 'e

Negative form-^atf STO ^ I Negative Sentence

‘do’ verb-fSpF auxiliary wt I

Interrogative (Affirmative)

I go ?

^i^nn ^ Do we go ?

'1^ ?h« f- Do you go ?

C*l fV ^ y- Does he go ?

^ Do they go ?

Interogative (Negative)

'srtfSf ^ JI1 ?- Do I not go ?

^*rt5Rrl 1% ^ ~ Do we

not go 7

^'e sn ?- Do yon

not go y

C*i ^ STiy- Does he not go?

’<mr ^ y- Do they

Ttof go ?

Note : Interrogative Sentenae-<Rtr Affirmative-4 «Wt5|^ ‘do’

4 ^ Verb-f5 Auxilary 1 Negative Sentence-4

not 4tr c^Wftr ^IC4 *1^ ^ i 4^r?f

word-'S^C® Affirmative « Negative Form-4tf





■« ®fp6Jt t?t?5 'SI^ *lt?— The sun rises in

' che east and seta in the west.

J^sie| — He walks everyday in the


m The moon always

moves round the earth.

f^f^— We return home

from school just at 4 p.m.

— Plenty of rice grows in Bangala


Note : (i) ( habitual action ), ( universal

truth ) Present Indefi-

nite Tense i

(ii) Nominative ( Third Person 9 Singular

Number Resent Indefinite Tense-ii|?l c^m

a I


— The school reopens to-morrow.

— The Tufan Mail starts

at 5 a.m.

f^fSr — -He leaves for Madras

on Wednesday next.

Note : {near future)

?tV^1 Future Tense-iil'a Present Indefinite

Tense ^^^<5 I


Keats says, “A

thing of beauty is a joy for ever.”

Shakespeare says,

‘•The world’s a stage.”

Note : C^tWI C9I«f1 df?*!

Reporting Verb-16c^ Present Indefinite Tense

2 . The Present Continuous or Progressive Tense


I am going.

We are going.

— You are going.

— You arc going.

C>J — He is going.

Tl1^C'®Cfe— They are


Interrogative (Aff.)

f— Am

I going j>

'stt>i?1 V— Are wo

going f

fV ?— Are you

going ?

C'St’i^n r— Are you

going ?

C*l j* — Is he going*/

?— Are tliey

going f


"•HtfV ’Sfttc'sf^ ^1—1 am ml


WfJI?! Jil— We are not

* going.

'^fsi ^1— You are ml


^1— You are

not going.

— He is 9iot going.

They are

not going.

Interrogative (Neg/i

f^F ill ?~Am

I not going f

? • - Are

we Tiot going ?

fi’ V— Are yon

not going f

f% ^flt'35 '/—Are

you not going y

CJJ 1V ill y— Is he not

going f

j(1 7— Are

they not going J


They are. sirimming in the


— Ratna is writing a letter.

My sister I5i}/a«/f?i5f0ii*

a harmonium.

• — ^You are not doing your lessons.



Note : CTtTJil ^H'S

Verb-<fl5 Present Continaous ( or. Progressive Tense )

I lii^ Tense-<i| Principal Verb-ia? c*tW -iny

Subject-^? Number '« Person 'Sfgvtff am, is are

■4>J1 I


'St^rt^l iFfW C^ff5isit»[ J—Are they making a noise

in tho class J*

^fsi C^Jf ? — Why are you not doing

the work f

C*I 'SIttf C^Jl y— Why is ho sitting idle ?

Note 5 Present Continuous Tense-vS Interrogative Sentence-

<«1 Nominative->i)^ ‘am’, ‘is’ ‘are’ <iftC^’ i


srtf^— I am going to your

house to morrow.

'srt<n^ 5t1w I am sitting for

the School Final examination next month.

Note; c^twi ^?ff5

Future Tense ifl

Present Continuous Tense 1


'«rM1 ’l'H'^19 *lt'n I hope you will

succeed in the examination.

w I in(e7id to start

a new business.

’ll ’IJl'Sf 5|jts Ho/cel« out of sorts.

^tC'S X thank yon on

behalf of the students.

Note :

Verb-'il^ ( ?|sf1, feel, thank, believe, hope, bate ) caftai Present

Continuous Teuse-ii?i *it<Ct?‘t'5; Present Indefinite

Tensed i

Tr— 2



(iii) The Present Perfect Tense

AffirmatiTe Negative

I have gone. I have not

— ^We have gone.

— You have gone.

C3rN^1 f»r?ltf— You have


— He has gone..

frrstCf— They have



1> ?—Have I

gone f

'Sftsi^ll Ptmfl •(>— Hove

we gone ?

^—Have you

gone f

C^t3f?1 fV -f—Have

you gone ?

C*l f% RftCl f—Haa he

gone f


they gone f


We have

not gone.

— You have not


i(t^— You have

not gone.

iTtt— He lias not


5It^— They have

not gone.

Negative Interrogative

f— Have I

not gone J

'srtsilil sit^ J>— Have

we not gone J

f% Trt« Have

you not gone f

C^?I1 srt^ f—Have

you Twt gone ?

C*l ^ ^t^f— Has he

not gone f

?— Have

they not gone J




havt, just g<A your letter.

=¥31^1 He liaa preaeMed me

with a pen.

C*I fV y— Has he not yet reached

Madras y

Note : C^tWl til^sitai C*!"^ c«i^

^F®! <4^55*1 Vcrb-J)^ Present

Perfect Tense I Ten 8 e *4 ^si Vcrb->il^( Past Partici-

plef& ^|%5l Nominative-iilf Person « Number

fei« 'srl^1 have I


C*l He Cfme here yesterday.

*f^t5it<F»f?iar ^R?ITC^^---He passed -away last


»ltW '3Jf3IlC?'5 tC'^T^I 'fft'SFl The

Annual Examination of our school ims held last month.

^tsf 'si'&l ^tf*i’SI'tC^il— He came here half an

hour ago.

3|tW ’FCsi^tl 5It^1 R’UlC^il — He died of cholera last


Note : word-.il?I

?t^ll6 Present Perfect Tense-^il^ Items'®

Past Indefinite Tense I


— If *3 dawn.

'SfttsTl f^f^l — Tlie light is Out.

C<l9l1 C*t^ — ^The game is over.


— He w in a financial crisis.

'B'Wif The doctor is out.

Note : ^c^?l faFJMt??, W-lfS Present

Perfect Tense- i| Present Indefinite Teme

otttV I

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense




f?ir -<yt«fi8

— I ^nve been doiwj the


— We have been doing

the work.


— You have been doing

the work.

C*I ( '5(CJ|^ f?si

— He has been doing

the work.


— They have been

doing the work.


? — Have I been

doing the work ?

5^1 — 1 have not been

doing the work.

\im ^U<)

^1— We have not been

doing the work.


m — You have not

been doing the work.

C»i ( 'STtflSF ffif

■^l — He has not been

doing the work.

■yf^C'SC^ — They have not

been doing the work.


'aiTf*[ fV ( ffil )

ill ?— Have I

not been doing the work f




f — Hare we

been doing the work y

^T^f5 ‘(—Have you

been doing the work 7

'(- Have you

been doing the work p

CJJ (^CT-IF f^i? 3PtWf&

7 — Has hii been doing

the work p

•319 1<1 («ti;iKs fifM

(—Have they

been doing the work p


( 'S[CS(^ Tito'S.)

p— Have we

not been doing the work p

^ 1^0 m p— Have you

not been doing tho work y

^trsIS ill ?— Have you

not been doing the work p

C*l f% ('Sflii’F tifif

ill ? — Has he not been

doing the work p

fV ('«lti|59

p— Have

they not been doing the work y


He has been madimj the

book for five hours.

You have hem

carrying on this business for the last three years.

— It has been raining

incessantly since Saturday last.

He has been walking

since 5 a.m.

Note ; (i) cjptWI ^ttf

— 'stsj Present Perfect Continuous Tense

I Tense -><1 Nominative-vH? «fni Person « Number

has been have keen 'srt?! Verb>^? cnt’l-ing



(ii) Tense-^ *fsrW9 ( period of time )

for, Jjsnf ( point of time ) since

^ I


1. Translate into English : —

(a) C!I9|t? *lt^<l1 ’ffii »ttll I fsfs *i=Fti:9r i

<jf5rfr (move) I ^^5 i

xtl*l 'artc*i5n

^srtc?? ^ertl fife (holidays) (commences) I ’jf%?r55

“CJl cn (helpless) l”

(b) ?t»rttir ?5T ^fqc^Cl? (pluck) ? 3?l1 fV

sfl ? C*I RftJftK 'Site? I . C*1

«tfN*t?r ^C5r I ®[? «t«f (to feel feverish) i

^511 (play on) i vil^siw

( a book on science ) ’iffC^SC? I "?fJ(t^3i^ ?Ff5l^t^1

>sattslc5i (fly to) I

(o) «itf^ .a<F(& (novel) f^f^tltf^ I f^'

iftf^%« r ^l9t?( 'srHI c«t^ i *(^n I

* 1 ^ *i3rtg I *1^ c*t 'ii«ftw 'sitf^’Jtc^' I

iSivs »ltf|reT ‘CiftMsr (Nobel Prize) «1l65fC!i^ I

(d) C*l iS-v.^ *it5l c«tC^ l?t^tir ^t*I I »I1^ 3|1*(

Tlt^'V f C^r I f«5) 'Ntf^ '5it5It“ira

( dysentery ) ■^C'35f| I C<irc^ U*f®

( drizzle ) l ’^t^T ’?•■&! «(f«in C'St’lt?! «fC® '^^<(»tC5( ( eagerly )

■afaWl I siet? c^sitfl c^tc^i fsfl

Jfl I 'sarcsit^plB c*i^ *i5Ft®i c^?f5[

(chat) I f^JT ^ csfel sFf?|C^fg, »l?It«ftJl (solve)

*ftft9(t5( J11 I

Lesson 2


1. The Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Interrogative

f— 2)t<i I


We weMt.

C*I He we.nl.

"SW?! They went.

You went.

You went.


— I did not go.

sitt J11)

— We did not go.

c*j ^rln Jilt ( ill )—

He did not go,

(f*nrtf^9i iii)

— They did not go.

— You did not go.

^rt'e (f5|irlf|t9iJil)

— You did not go.

go ?

'sifJKII %tf|®It3r ?— ZWrf

we go ?

C*l fV r^fUtM 1—Did ho


f— />td

they go J>

f^?ltflcsr J—Did you


?— Did

you go ?


J?1) ?— Did I not go ?


5?1) f — Did we not go y

c*i fV nn (fnutfvisi sfi) ?

— Did he not go ?

^ sit^ (f^I^l1%

^1) ? — Did they not go ?

Jit'S ilt^ (f»I«tf|C9I m)

— Did you not go ?

<^81^1 Jits irt^ ( fn^t-

ff C*l ^l) ? — Did you nol go ?



Alexander invaded


f»t9tf%5it;r— I went 'to Darjeeling

last year.

The pick-pocket was

caught red-handed*

Note; 'sr'5^^5ffc5f5 c^c^l Vorb-^a? Past

Indefinite Tense i


*(^tt5r C^?t»n He used to play on the

violin every morning .

^Tsitif isfcfitsrw 'a(t3(t9 He would help me

in my need.

'^tfv ^R'31 — I used to write poems in my


Cif»r^ ^-^“*15 >f^9rc^ '©ttsJtiltRc'SSI— Desabandhu loved

all — the high and the low alike.

Note ; '*1^^

Past Indefinite Tense i

'®r«f Verb-i|^ 'used to\'would' I


— He gave me much good


'4^ *i*^tir He flew into a

high rage as he heard this.

Not® ; ^tt®n C1W 4 t^jf

^tctl^ fapilttc?? Past Indefinite

Tense ^ I



'Sltlft 1 — Would you go

out for a walk with us ?

'«lWC?r ?*ff^ Sft4 -f— Could you

lend me ten rupees ?

Note : c*i\«3 ^«JW1 Present Tense- Verb-^m

Past Indelinite Tense <Ff4C^ ?? I

The Past Continuous Tense

Verb — ‘to go’

Affirmative Negative

I was 'Ntfv il1— I was


'SftW'ill Wezrere


^fsr J(T^C‘4i|cM~Vou mere


You were


Tliey were



'*11151 ? Was

I going •{

'S(t3)<l1 f?F ?—

Were we going ‘i*


you going y

c'5t3(5i 9f ? —

iVere you going y

C»l ^—Was he

going y

Were they going y

not going.

■«lt5I<n 5it^c^f^f|tsi ill— We

wore not going.

'jfii ill— You

were not going.

C'Sfsi^l ill— You

were not going.

'31^1^1 ill— They

were not going.

Interrogative Negative

'N'tfii f% ai y—

Was I not going y

'Sltsi^l r^' 5It^C3f|«lt’l *11 y—

Were we not going V

f¥ 5 I 1 y—

Were you not going y

c^smi ill y—

Were you not going y

C*I y— Was

he not going y

5it^r3f|9r ill y—

Were they not going ?



— He was plucking Sowers in'

the garden.

^tfsT — I was then having my bath.

?ft9IC»?1 jPtCH C*ft9t^t5I The boys toere making

a noise in the class.

Note : c^wl -illf ‘t M

( ^tW) Verb-H? Past Continuous Tense-

I >11^ Tense Verb-il? Present Tense-

ing ^t^5| Nominative-J]^ Person '«•

Number was were i


sfsjt^fiisi — The train was in motion.

<3^ '$4tiT'6 5f5irsf|«1 — This law was still in force.

Note ; «t^f%

Past Continuous-^a? Past Indefinite Tense

The Past Perfect Tense


— I had gone before

he came.

c»i '»ttf%5it? '®rl3i?il

We /tad gone be-

fore he came.

C*[ 'Sftf^I^t^ f?f?t-

f%Cel — You had gone before

he came.

C>i *311^ C'5tl[?1 f?nit-

fic®! — You had gone before he


'^tf^ C*I f^lllT-

f%9l — He had gone before I


c*f Pffl-

flei — They had gone before he



c*i 'srtf^’it^

iJt^ — T had not gone before he


cn '5rtf»r^t<

i(t^ — We had not gone before

he came.

c*r ^fsi iit^'

— You had not gone before he


Cn C'5t5I^1

— You had not gone before

he came«

CT ^115 sitt

— He had not gone before 1


— They had not gone before-

he came.


27 -

Interrogative (Aff.)


?— Had I gone before

he came ?

? — Had we gone

before he came ?

? — Had you gone

before he came f


? — Had you gone be-

fore he came f

'Sltfir c>i

? — Had he gone befoi'e

I came ?

^tf^l^t^l ^JA

f — Had they gone be-

fore he came ?»

Interrogative (Negative)

?— Had I not gone before

he came ?

7— Had we not gone

before he came ]»

^lA fV ^t'O

? — Had you not gone before

he came f

7— Had you not gone

before he came 7

7 — Had lie not gone before

I came y

7 — Had they not gone

before he came y

— The thief had run

tf^*r csT^ife

away before the police arrived.

— The patient died after

the doctor had arrived.

«tt5 51^*19 He said

that he had gone to London five years ago.

Note : 5lt»fl C»l1^

eves Past Perfect Tense I Tense

Verb-Jl^f Past Participle-iS^ had I

vrW? ’ft® He had.

been writing a book five years before I was born.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

*1]:^ art? ^I’iK

— He had hem doing public work for about three

years before he died.

Note : C^il^ '^C’f ^?1

'SiCJi’Pf^Jf 5f«I^f^er £*l^l5r5 Past Perfect Continuous I


Translate into English : —

(a) ■I'S «(t^l (lend) I >aio

«l^5l ^31 (flood) C?«I1 I

»WtI I C^t^It? (success)

(b) (for failure of duty)

(to chide) i «rsf1? 'stTfifC? (in eager expectation)

C^t?r?f ^31 I ?

« 3ffil -431 aftC“t3 sir^T ^?,35t3 3'f3£'$^5( (to

shout)? ?|C9 «f>C3 Ffi|C'3f1>5T I *ffC3 >1*1^13

I ’^t=Pti:*t ^t3t'9f% 3ff33l (twinkle) ;

(c) '8ltf5l3t3 C5t3ffe *(5lt|3l C^f^l I

C<1:')fl3t3 ctnfB ^lf^3l (to steam off) |

(famine) Cff*l1 fJr3t3 ^t!5t31 -Sft^t ^tt®31 »I?C3 5f^3l 3tJf I

■5l’git3 C3t^f& >lt3l C»fSf I '5lt«Jr 5ltf^5f, '5l3*i3

ifJfsp?! vflCSll I C^t9l§1 '5itC5t| 'ai3:*>ltC'5 f»t3tf%?l (go to the dogs) I

'®lt’It3 C^t^Jll 3ft«f S11 (had little effect on) i

(d) 3E^i:?r ^^3t3 ^ «{'^3 3l#fC^ 3rf3t^f%5f I

5tf 3) ( job ) *t1^3t3 3Ft*it1p3

( deal in ) i f?Jl ^3

I site's^ '^51t«rft3t3 31 ^ 1 * 1*1 3^t^CT3

f3K3i 'sitJ135 Rsf 3f33l *^^'SrtSl St^lt^CsfllsisT I

Lesson 3


The Future Indefinte Tense

Affirmative Negative

^1— t shall not gc

«rt5ra1 J(1— We shall

— I sJtall go.

'snsi?1 We shall go.

— ' ou u'iU go.

C^tsr?1 You will go.

C*1 — He will go.

They will go.

Interrogative (Aff.)

-attfv f% s)ti5^ Shall I go ?

•{ — Shall we

feo r

’^fsi fis V — Will you

go r

f'# ? — Will

you go p

0\ ‘f—Will he go '(

f?? 't—Will

they go y

not go.

^1^C<1 i(1— You will not


m— You will

not go.

C>i III— He will not go

^1— They will

not go.

Interrogative Negative

'silfv ill p— Shall 1

not go p

'SflsiSI i=n p— Shall

we not go p

^fsr ?— Will you

not go p

^t^C5l iI1 p— Will

you not go p

C*r p— Will he

not go p

?— Will

they not go p


'5(tsill1 'Stfitl We shall visit Agra

during the summer vacation.

'sRuC'S — You will be a great

doctor in future.



(jf ,<|| ^f|. — He will sit for the M. A.

Examination this jear.

Note : Vorb-^nii shaU «r«f^1 will Future Indefi-

nite Tense I ( Simple

Futurity) Verb-il^ First Person- ii shaU Second « Third

Person-ii will i


•4^ JI1— I will not allow him to

■ do this work.

>4^ — He aluill do this work.

“ttf% Those who

made a noise shaU bo punished.

Note : ^^1^ ^1 First Person-vH

wiU i4^^ Second "G Third. Person-i4 shall ^C»[ I


C*t fV >4^ ? — WiU he get himself admitted

into this school f

f’F '^Wt^ '4^<Jtf^ ?— WiU you give me

a novel f

=?1^1 Jllf— FTtK not Sits sit for the

examination J

Note : Interrogative Sentence- 4

First Person-^ ‘shall’ 4^^ Second 'Q Third Person-^ ‘will’ |


fsiHin ^ifl iifi— Njever teU a lie.

Uli ol^C ^ — Take care of your health.

^ «C^ ^ik^—Get up from bed early

in the morning.

Note : fapiptcf 'sR®** sftRFtsi'e

'^si’S Present Indefinite ^ l

The Future Continuous Tense


^ I shall

ie going.

— We

shaU be going.

^fl[ Otic'S You toill

be going.


mil be going.

C*! ’(ttrs — He wiU be



will be going.

Interrogative (Aff.)

Shall I be going ?

Shall we be going ?

f% ^t^C'3 7— Will

you be going f

1> ’Tttt'® iil ?

— 1F*K you not be going y

cs[ y— Will

he be going y

«rtf%csi T—

Witt they be going y


^tfsi Jil— I shall

not be going.

Jitter ^1— We

shall ml be going.


Y''ou will not be going.

c^t5i-<i itf^w 5i1—

You will not be going.

C>I eltf¥c^ Rl— He

will not be going.

Otic'S «ftf%c?r 511—

They will not be going.

Interrogative Negative

'Bitf^ y—

Shall 1 not be going y

'»it3i^1 5ri y

ShaU we not be going y


Witt you not be going y

c^lsnii fV ^lilt's <rtf^w 511 y

— WtZZ you Twt be going y

c*i f% 5H y—

IfiZZ he not be going y

'5t?t9l 5ji y

— -ITtTZ they not be going y



sAall be telling a story.

v<)^ — It toill be raining for an


ffelS fsiPrr® «(tfVw ^—Wm y;ou be miting

ii letter then f

Note ; ‘c^twl Verb- 4 il

Future Continuous Tense | ^ Verb-4^ Nomi-

native 4^ Number « Person 'shall be' ‘mil be''

4^^ CtC^ -ing ^ I

The Future Perfect Tense

Affirmative Negative


— I shall have reached

Calcutta by then.

C*flf|ll1 Wc shall have

reached Calcutta by then.

— You wtK have reached

Calcutta by then.

You will have

reached Calcutta by then,

cn '3^«FC‘I

— He will have reached

Calcutta by then.


*11 — T shall not have

reached Calcutta by then.


«rtfV^ ill— We shall Jtot have

reached Calcutta by then.

ill — You will not have

reached Calcutta by then.

ill— You will not

have reached Calcutta by then.

5^1 — He will not have


reached Calcutta by then.

They will have 'c’flf^ill vftfVc^ ill —They will not

reached Calcutta by then. have reached Calcutta by then.



Uses in Sentences

‘^'^*1 CT C'frf^irl — He will have reached home

by now.

# «rtf%^— We shall have

reached there before it starts raining.

csrr^ C^%rsf Cf\ «fTf?FW— He will have

run away before the policeman arrives.

Note : C^FtRl ’<lf5P3

Future Perfect Tense ^tr I *ilC^ ^ Verb-

Past Participle-.i|^ *shall have' ^ 'will have' ^ I


Translate into English : —

I. (o) ^ (?iFr5i osiTfR c*1t^

I wl W ^ I ?

'srtt’PI' ’anrt^r ( to disobey ) Sfl I <!tl?

^ I '?C®nr ’tpifefl ( discipline ) ^itlsnsl

sfilP? STl ?

(b) 'SN I ^ 'arW?r «rar

^*W «rtf^ ? wtmtir ( to

twinkle ) ? 'tf^ ( lectures ) t<=||'J^'>fw‘

( audience ) ^ ^I^C® I ‘taWl (?I

*t%® oltf^c^ I *11?^ 'sfWW^ *fsHl 6^It^ I

(c) CJf ?1#1 5|t% '®roPF «f%l ot1»IW I

al^ltsi^ >il5pf5 *ff^PRRl ^tn ( to chalk out a plan ) l

tat 9 m<| ( by now ) 1^1^ <ltf^CW I ^

brotpi 1%f^ I 1 k*iton cict "ifNl

tilii <rt%^ I


Trandtire and IntransitiTe Verbs


^ Valmiki wrote the Ramayana.

*1Tf% J?1 — cannot bear ( or,

tolerate ; or, put up with ) this insult.

<5^511^ CSWif 15(^*11^151—1 have just got (or, received) your


Note ; 4l“N5fN ^ll^ Transitive Verb ^

^ I sentence-li%3 italicized word-'tl^ Transitive

Verb Object 'ailc^ I Object ^514^

Verbis Transitive ^ I


HN I fipi ^ 4f?fC3f^ — A storm war blowing all day long.

'®Tlf4 %»1 41 — do oot sleep at day-time.

fSpif^ §S5^l4 ^ 41— Minati never laughs.

Note : 4^9114 I^RllPP ^4l^ftr5 49|1 ^ -Intransitive

■Verb. Intransitive Verb->a4 wlt4l 4rtf 41W 41 I


44^1414^ '4t4li?’tPP ^41^1 *1914— Ramani Babu teaches ns


C5l4tC!P 45piS ^*44 ^*4 4^ f?4— I shall give yon a

nice story book.

^ 'stWW -iPPfS 54««444 ’fW 4^l4lf^— You told mean

interesting story.



Note : Transitive Verb-*iRi Object

t’HW? >IC«0 Direct Object ?|C9f ; «i|^ CUft

Indirect Object ^ I fe’icsf CSTt^ ^

word-^ISi Indirect Object, ^ 'afroi ^*n (italicized) word

Direct Object.


^ aff«Wf^ — I dreamt a dream last night.

^f»(CSR — He laughed a hearty laugh.

f%f5r ?f®hr ^ — He slept a sound sleep,

ffeRI — The freedom fighter died a

heroic death.

Note : Intransitive Verb-ii|^ ^ Verb

Object I Object-C’P Cognate Object

^ ^1 sentence -'9f%C3 FM 1 . word-'Sf^

Cognate Object I


SR ^ — Do not pride yourself on your wealth.

»l'3^ 1 C®I — He absented himself

from school yesterday.

^ Pl'WW flWt fiWPl^ He proved

himself a hero in the battle.

JR £ 5 ^ ^4 1?^ — All his efforts proved false.

^pfl^ C'IC’F fW 'fR ' — Keep aloof from bad associates.

Note : Intransitive Verb-ifRr *tRf ^'«Pre

4 stif 6 Reflexive Pronoun Object ?iic*t ^ ^ ^5«R Transitive

Verb->a? «|^ "tc® i Reflexive Pronoun itfij *|csj JJttfRI®;

s«// ^ selves ’Wife ^ ^ I



CSfsftW C^^l^c'ac^ — You look pale.

^?1 C?6?rl — The house is to let.

We elected him*


SRJT ^1% JTI— I do not consider him


Note ; '5r< Sfcgr Intransitive

Verb-vi)7 ^ Complement Wi I Subjective Complement

?C3l I 'sr< W Transitive Verb >3?

Complement ^ | Objective Complement ^ ^ I


Translate into English : —

1 . i2i^ »r^Tc«i ?jW 5( ^ciiH I 2. f% Tftair® *|i5tt9»rt'

’W ? 3. ^ ( chirp ). C*rr^^ ( dawn ) |

4. C?%1 ^hs 5. ^ (noble

death) ^«| (died) | 6. 'arpjtS

(charge) (false) I 7. ^ *< 1 ^^ 'anrsit? ^ I

8. ^iSt^ %SI I 9. 'srrf^ *!«. siPT ^

( consider ) srI I 10. 'arWH I 11. igpF-

I 12.

13. *t^ 14. tR ( wealth ), or '« c^ <c» ra

( youth ) sff :oflhe srI I 15.


Simple And Causative Verbs


*ftii — He reads the Koran

•everyday in the morning. (Simple)

<<1^ — He teaches Arabic in this school.


'srfsral fsfe 3T«r|Jrt?r m We many a

tiger in the Zoo. (Simple)

^ He showed

us many a tiger in the Zoo. (Causative)

C»I ^51^ — He will eci* rice. (Simple)

?rr5l — Mother is feeding her child.


Note ; W ^ VerbfS Simple

Verb ( 'srf^ f®?n ) I ^«(ST >rt«fTtir

VerbfB Causative Verb ( ^ I *4^lwr,

‘C?«fnRl’ Verb-'Sf®! Causative Verb.

Causative Verb-4^ Simple Verb RtsTlft


^ — Ram made us laugh. Or, Ram

caused us to laugh.

9lt^— I shall get the work done bv


C®W^ ’Ttfl CJRfPS ^1^ f— When will you get yoiu

Souse repaired “i

CTR f— What makes you laugh ?


fWl — I shall have the sum done by


Note ; Verb-<ii?r Causative form I »RS5f ci^i

make, cause, have, get *rt^Nl 5|^ Caysative-iiBr ^

«W»f ^ I


1. Translate into English : —

1. 2. ^ ffe I 3. 'Sttf^

( half a mile ) <^f<| I 4. c*l

<iPf ^nt^i ^?n ( walk ) I 5. ^ ^ »

6. 31^ ftarfBc^ c^!p?r ^ %5H i 7. c^sl^rRinr

«t«r C«ta C«lt4f ^ I 8. <JWI^ w ^ ^ ^

( to raise ) ? 9. ^ifHS ^<T«F|3r l 10.

vD^ «R;f I



A. The Indicative Mood

3I1^ ’?!& — Man ‘is the supreme creation of God,

(?iWf 31t5!^ ^sTTsT — The beauty of flowers charms

the mind of man.

3|t!P? — There are many up»

and downs in human li^.

4^4twr srff OPT Sflt. ^ f — 7s there any one

who has not heard the name of Tagore ?

Note: 3rf? m«ftf CSPtWl ^ ^JTl ^ ^ ^ 4W 1«fWt*R

^ tpt, Verb-tiRT Indicative Mood ipt t


B. The Impeimtive Mood


^ ^'6— Z-ooJt after your old parents.

^FTtf^ ^ srl— Never tell a lie. j . •

1^*fr C«{PP ^ WiR— Please save nie

from the impending danger.

^—Do not sleep at day-lime.

Note : 'aim, §’m, 'sra!C?fT«f, att’kl, <21^

Verb-iiRT Imperative Mood ^ir I Imperative Mood->i|ir

Sabject-f^ *R Second Person, 'N<t«. ‘You’ 1

‘You’ »rftrni‘t^5 ^ «(tC^ I


5*1, '*il>nri cwl^ ^ US 8° out fof u '^ulk,

tft^^Let him read that book.

"Ttf^ — Let him be punished.

Note : First Person 'e Third Person-va Imperative Mood

^C*l *lep ffUl ^PFjfS 'Sft5« ^'ftc'5 ^ I


Jf®J ^ Wl Speak the truth, or I will put

you to death.

^lc>rtft SR, ’tSWlit Csr /lead

attentively, or you will fail in the examination.

C. The Sabjunctive Mood


The Conditional Mood

^ ^ # tU, ^ ^Itf^ ^ JTl— If it rains today,

1 shall not stir out of home.


d»sf$ c?®! TOJf >4^ ^ 1^ tt/Bcsiif— He walked fiut

lest he. should miss the train.

C^ST5ftt¥ 5|ra[3r If you Aflrf

come here, I would have given you a pen. (Or, Had

you come here, 1 would give you a pen).*

^t^r, '51^ ^|c5f c5it^?H5F *rtT?l^

Were I a king, 1 would help the poor.

'srtW !— Oh, that Tagore were

alive today !

dSlsfl?! — May you prosper in life.

'«rW, 'srtf^ !— Oh, that I were a king !


Note : ^«(iT8 Verb-v<l^ Subjunctive Mood 'sfWWl

^ tin I Subjunctive Mood-iil?f Optative Use ?|C9| )

»rS (condition), ^ Verb-ua

Subjunctive Mood ^ 15 ^ ^ I Subjunctive Mood-ta Verb-«<i?f

Third Person '6 Singular Numbcr-iri es ^ ^ sil 1

D. The Infinitive Mood


'srmtc^ *n^ He promised

to help me.

^ ^ ’lt5R«r*r, Wl — To err is human, to forgive

( is ) divine.

flrlWH ? — Does he know how to swim ?

Note : (i) jrr«rf?'l^ ^9|tir Vf

In^nitive Mood ^7^5 I


*RWtsr ^ 'tt?— It is difficult to sohe Hut

present food problem.



^ — He seems to be thoughtful.

Note : Infinitive ^ isM? t — (i) Simple or Noun Infinitive 4 ^

■(ii) Gerundial or Qualifying Infinitive. Noun Infinitive Subject,

Object or Complement-iKt I Infinitive-4T

-vjrt Verb-4tr to ?[Pl |


^ — Give me a little water to drink.

C^Tt^ — He is not the man to be afraid.

CSItttf — He has no chair to sit on.

Note : Sentence Verb-

Gerundial Infinitive I Noun- 4 ? »tc?

Noun-f6c^ Adjective-4? ^11^1 qualify ^C? 1


W ^'>11 '®rt5f1^ 'NWiF 7b speak

the truth, he has done me much harm.

-’Rcm’t ?prc^ C’fcn C^T^rf? C^rt^F <Sf»fC5 Jo be

brief, you are happier than all other men in the world.

Note : Gerundial Infinitive ^<Pr<3 ?R<fJ? ^tl?

^*lf^ 'Sfsjf'^ Parenthetically ?]?35^ I

The Infinitive without Ho’


?f3rw ?fe— Let him say all that he baa

got to say.

%ltc^ 4^ ?ffai I heard Lila sin$

a Tagore song.



^ C»wtl5r C?%Tfe3t ?— Did you see me go there f

Ram need not do the


CT »rt^ Pe helped me

pass the examination.

^ ^ f — What makes you say like that f

Note : Let, make, see, hear, dare, need, help

Verb-<fl^t ’I?! Infinitive-»fl5 Uo 1 Verb-'Sisf Passive

Voice-n ‘to’ ^ «f1C^ 5i1 I ^**11 —

^«(T He was made to do

that work:

C^sW? «l*R*rl C«rt5rl He was heard to

praise you.


' ^*1 ^flR, Sfl— I would rather die than beg.

CSt’TN ^ oreftt ^5M1— You had better give

up politics.

1%f5r ^ ^1i5l JTlt— He did nothing

but do harm to me.

Note : ‘Would’, ‘had better’, ‘rather than’, ‘but’

*nr Infinitive Mood-tHiI ‘to’ ^ «ftW I

. Exercise

Translate into English : —


1. ( famous scientists ) «|iaW

I 2. *r5J^ *11^ ^ ^ f 3.

(philosophy) (to realize) f% f

4. Tr4W5l ^ "4^ ( to defend ) fV sff 7




I 2. ( the

hungry ) «tt«, mftftJT ^fire i 3.

ff« ( to expel ) 4. ( according to

her will ) sffsf spf^ iffe | 5. S®! '®rl>Rrl »PF^ ^

( to raise subscription ) i 6. ^*1^1*1 'll I

7. C3i^if?[ ^1 8. »r®i ^*in 431, ^r«(i

CSfltC^ fsif ( to pardon ) I


1. fWt^‘^'6 1 2. 'srf^, «>fT% 3. 4l?

4S'iri 5Tl W, ^ C^WC4F ■■*11^ C?<jtrl 1 4. -srlft 4Wt5f-

4tl ^ I 5. ^lTf, >R;1'4n ntfl ^

#lf^ ! 6. C»T 4# W 4s*ri 4f^, «r*R*rf ( to

praise ) I


I. fPT JRTI ^5T JH I 2. "arfft

( advice ) CSOf^sTt^ I 3. ^5ttrr4 f^lf^Rltl

4^ iltt I 4. <Tt% 5R 5. ?^4l?

>r<fl^ ( to be cut to the quick ) I 9. >r3il ^

4l31C® f^, 'aftfil^ ^ «rar ftff I 7. JTnWT 4%^ C»fC3l ( to be

brief ), C?*f4f 4 fl^ ( charity ) 'S(*tt4^ ( immeasurable ) I

8. 'sn^tc^ 4t%4 4t^ >fte I f3lR4l4 C^5t4t4 C^n?11

41WI4R srl^ I 9. 'srt’Rl ^11?P ClfN ( fault )

( to confess ) 4T4I 4d%5frj( l 10. C«lT|t4 44 *n

«tt»rl I 11. 44t 444 4^ 44r®1 ff4T4 41^ ( to give in ^

to yield ) JO I




<’r — He sleeps at day time.

’tt%1 fee® — Birds fly in the sky.

Note : Intransitive Verb ( feU ’Tt’Tt^'TSS Passive

Voice ( ?P^<rr5I ) STI I


C*i feofgrPl (PnPf — He writes a novel. [ Active ]

vi)^ fe*f9rr*l ^ — A novel is written by him.

[ Passive ]

'5rf^®l >*|SFf6 ^ CifRirtft®! — Abdul saw a tiger. [ Active ]

^ — ^A tiger was seen by

Abdul [ Passive ]

shall buy a chair. [ Active ]

OTt?f ‘sflTl — A chair will be bought by

me. [ Passive ]

OFC^W — Deben is making a table

[ Active ]

Cfpypt C&Rsf — A table is being made

by Deben. [ Passive ]

*1151 stt%®fl3f-^h<adhabi was singing a song.

tfl® — A song was being sung by

Madhabi [ Passive ]

^RutCfi — My brother has done this

work. [ Active ]



4t^l5 '®fr5(t'4 'ot^ *r^ — ^This work has been

done by my brother. [ Passive ]

Note : (a) Transitive Verb-^ ( IShtI ) Active

« Passive ^ Voice-i9 ’tR^f I

(b) (i) Active Voice-C^ Passive Voice-<i|

Active Voice-D^t Object )-c^ Passive Voice-iiRf Subject

?Eir I (ii) Active Voicc-<il5 SubjectfS Passive Voice-iii

‘by’ <i|^ Preposition-i<i?f Object vftCTi I (iii) Active Voice-iiRr

Principal Verb-fBf Past Participle Nominative-

Tense, Number '« Person Verb Uo bc’-iiRf C^R»rl

form ( ^ — be. ant, is, are, was, were, being, been, )

^ I


Ram Babu will give me a

pen. [ Active ]

f (i) A pen will be given me by Ram Babu. [ Passive ]

\(ii) I shall be given a pen by Ram Babu. [ , ]

— He teaches me Bengali. [ Active ]

(i) I am taught Bengali by him. [ Passive ]

(ii) BjgHiJt is taught me by him. [ Passive J

Note ; Active Voice-<iii Object ( Direct ■« Indirect )

Ittwi Passive Voice-»i| Subject

'apitrfS Object 1 C*l^ Object-fBc^ Retained Object

4C91 1 ^5^5^ 'ill?fC3[ Passive Voice-v<i^ ^ form ^ |


cspfl ^tCI^ — The letter has been written.

'4^ Wl This was said.

CTt*r ^ — Romc»was not built in a.



Note : Scntcnce“«|5iC3 agent ?ri doer ^ I

<4^ Passive Voice ^ I


«t5 — Read the book . [ Active ]

<1^ ( C'35f>n ) 'fSl — Let the book be read (by you).

[ Passive ]

>iwf6 ifto — Give him a piece of cloth. [ Active ]

orsfl — (i) Let him be given a piece

of cloth. [ Passive ]

(ti) Let a piece of cloth be given to him [ Passive ]

£*l — ^Let him work out the sum. [ Active ]

— Let the sum be worked out by

him [ Passive ]

^pp — Send for a doctor. [Active^

vl^t^ I5W — Let a doctor be sent for. [Passive]

Note : Imperative Mood->i)7 Verb-i4^ Passive Voice

Sentence-^^Rf ^ ‘let’ ^ I


Translate into English t —

1. f%f% (to lend) l

2. ' aiS t P lVl 1^*1 I 3.

^ I 4. ''51^ TO I

5. c*l T >4^ atst®^ trow

I 7. %a TO (break out) ^^iVstR I 8.

*toI 5 ^^5-^ ifte I 9. ^*11 (look down upon)

JTl I 10. uppi^ ^^3|*ICT TOT C?e?1 (to inform) | 11. ^

(to bring out) f% ? 12. I 13.

14. <11^ ^ TOrtjs ^ J

Chapter V



The NominatiTe Case


C5fli ^3 fe®R — Ramchandra was the eldest son

of Dasaratha.

C<pt — Malaria has spread all over the


•tf*f£«T #r ? — A mad man speaks anything.

Note : Nominative Case

tfW I Nominative Case-*rf*rr!f*f^! Sentence-<iRf < 2 Wisf ^ I


— You should be punished.

C8WPF cwr— T om look like a prince.

'SrtCT f??rmrn?r «RI Til^—Vidyasagar was bora

in the village of Birsingha.

OIC^ ^5 ^ — This country has produced many


Note : ^?PPre ’ms ^ ’RN ’PN^,

■« *m ’IdN ^«Nl? Nominative Case -flJWS ^ I


^1^ *tf?C3C ? — It is raining cats and dogs.

’Nil — It is evening now.

^ >1^ — It is difficult to work out the sum.

Note : ^*11 Sentence-«a? *IT word^ ffWl

^ I 'If Preparatory ‘if ^ i


The Position of the Subject


//e will go to London for

higher education.

iRThitnt^ ^<!rt*rf«(j C5^

Mahatma Gandhi tried his best to remove untouchability.

Note : Sentencf->ii?[ Subject ^ i


'^RtTl ^ ^ srtt ? — Did they not go to school

yesterday f

^rlWl ! — Long live the king.

! — May he be happy t

\4|^R4 — Go he must.

C»rt9lt®tf5 ^ ! — How beautiful is the rose i

Note : (i) Interrogative, Exclamatory, Optative

Emphatic Sentence-in Subject-f5 ’R^r, in^ Verb-f5 R*l I

(ii) Subjunctive Mood-il ^ fecsW Jfl Subject-^

Verb-in^f *tc?r R*l I


'Sin'Anrf ’Plftf? — ^There are many temples

and mosques in India.

4^ CSTSfRl ®f3r ^ — Here is a book for you.

^ 'srni® ii^«T — N o sooner had we

reached home than the storm burst.

TO — Now is the time.^

Note : (i) 'There', 'here', 'no sooner^, 'scarcely' 'now*,.

word fwl Sentence Subject-fS

Verb*4^ *1B[ ^ I




Translate mto English

1. (71^ C?CT^1 I 2. vilt ’FSPTJ OJprt

JTl I 3. V<l| ntC5 -Sj]^ (plenty) Jfsj SfOl I 4.

(crocodile) ^ I 5. ^ W I 6. ^ *rf^ >3f

4H4fS ! 7. ^ ^ Cirf^ (foolish) i 8. 1^ €=^>1^

*rpstft f fl^ I 9. srmfe fwrsics «f««r ^‘&i *fl®5i i

10. '«{ff5fe <fttC5 (sit down to dinner), ^•e l

11. 14*1^ ^ f% ^iWa »nc^ srI (stand by) 1


I'hc Objective Case


lilt should read this book.

'4^ t*r'1Pl«rt 'Stst^ arfatrtfespf — Hazarat Mohammad

propagated Islam.

^txni CtffsraTf^ — I have lost my book.

^t?nc^--Your words have offended


Note ; Object Vei b-iiw *tca 4W I


*flW ttf5yl lil’rfpf He came here on foot.

59l« ct=T 0 ^ ’IW -He died as he fell down

from a running train.

aictfl f^tn 'stti*K44— He will come back within

an hour.

Note : rraPriP, ^Tl^

'^SPrt? *Pnr Preposition-iiitr petf Object ^ ^ I

T.— 4



’TS ?rtC3i dreamt a sweet

dream last night.

^tsi?n isrf'l We laughed a hearty laugh.

Note : Intransitive Verb-*ii^ CTO'e

Object ^C*! ?PI I Cognate Object ^sil ^ l

Intransitive Verbj5 Transitive-iatl ?|i*f eft^ ^ I

The Position of the Object


f^fJl ^"“rc^ ®fC5ft^tf»iC55l— He loved his country

with all his heart.

^*15 — Put the book on the table.

Note ; Object Transitive Verb ^ Preposition lirf^rt

governed <tC?r I


^ *RC»f C?^1 f—Whom did you meet

there ?

’{ — U'hich picture will you buy ?

Note : Interrogative Pronoun Object 'H«R1 Object-4i

^ Interrogative Adjective ObjectfS Verb-<iRl ^ I


C*ll5fl — Gold and silver have I none.

'®rW^ — Son and daughter have I none.

^ ^ — That you must do.

Note : Emphasis Object Verb-eiti l

Note : We have seen how various sentences in various

forms are to be translated. So we are uow at a stage when

simple and narrative passages in Bengali may be taken up for

franslation. We do it in the next Chapter. Please note it


Chapter VI

Translation of Paiges

Introduction : Translation of passages plays an important

part in the School Final Examination. After all, it is the

passages that are set for translation in the examination, not

detached sentences. So it deserves a careful study on the part

of students concerned, and an equally careful treatment of the

of the subject by the teahers, who take up the subject.

How to translate passages ; Translation of passages is not

so difficult as it is supposed to be. After all, a passage is

nothing but so many .sentences, so arranged or put together

as to form a single whole. If you can translate correctly and

well the sentences in the passages, you may rest assured that

more than half the battle is won. So your attention should be

concentrated on the correct translation of the sentences. The

only thing you should take care to remember in this connec-

tion is that a connecting link is to be maintained. This may

necessitate in places ‘free translation’.

N. B. Home work plays a very important role in acquiring

facility in translating passages. In fact, pract'ce nine points

out of ten, in order to acquire the necessary ability in the

matter. Now look at the Models below.



[ Narrative Passages Worked Out 1

r I j

dflW ^ l-f%

m I ^ ! 'SWa >2nrFi

?^9| I i >irrw

^ I ’F«t1 ^ ’If

^ct5 *riw Sfl l” <l31’f‘l ^ ^ ? '^PT



«irat«R I «n^sn ^ ^ ^

^ <sipr *ftf5 i" ijc^

C5tw «r»i I ^fsfcsR— ^ c3Tsili»r^ ^ i

C95t>ral i"

There lived in uur village an old Brahmin. He tried his best

to impart proper education to his sons. But. alas, all his

efforts ended in smoke. His sons would not pay any heed to

what their father used to say. The Brahmin said. ‘‘My boys, be

serious about your studies. It is your duty to obey your

parents. None can be great without education." The sons

said to their old father," “Education will lead us nowhere.

Money is what is needed in life, is it possible to earn money

by so-called education ? Bless us, father, that we may earn

money enough in life.” Utterly disappointed, the old man said,

with tears in his eyes. “May God make perfect ‘men' of you !

May you live long and be happy !"

Note : Passage-lBr® Sentence-ui5 <2KllT»f-

spfj I Affirmative •« Negative, Assertive,

Imperative. Interrogative. Optative, Exclamatory — ^CSR

Sentence-'i|?[^ <SJClfSR I

C 2 1

311131 (plt^ ^ I -4^ 3ttCT f|»I

>rN?r, 5PT^ « I ?i%ic^ I

dtlTf 'aim I iJJWlsf 'S

'slfNtl ^ 511 1 (SltlW? ^

4^15 I dtnSN fewsi ^■e ^ tss 5KI? I jppcspi

?lt;i dlfW f 511^ I

"pRw 1



Once there lived in this village some five thousand people.

There were a temple, a mosque and a church in this village. A

few relics of them are still to be Pound there. But this village

is almost deserted today. The historic importance of this

village, inhabited by Hindus, Mahoniedans and Christians,

cannot be ignored. It is a sacred duty of ours to recons-

truct the village and it is not so diificult to do ( or, develop )

it. It should be remembered that the rural life is very simple

and natural ; it is free from artificiality : It has to be realized

that the future of India depends on the rural development.

Note : Passage-f5c35 Introductory ‘There'-^^

Preparatory •sfr.trtn ‘There' ’ll

'afjf iflt I .‘?cntpncc-.!l^! fitsfcsi

SentencefB ^5 I

r 3 I

-in'® I '<ri^rci 5171^ &tif I ^11 tt? ciRTct?^ I

i cstw ctcji >51:311 ^ 1 1 %^

^ f*ta c^w ^k^rl I fe'f c’wc^ cifi«t

«rfG?ftC5 ^5IC3R, ^ I

9R ’HR, ’?? *1t?R I '®rtR ^ ^

=Hr^ I ^ ^ ^ I jpg ^ ^ I

W 5R>‘?! I CSRIW ftfRI W ^

'srtfjf I cstrswR, «rRR «tt^ 1"

A Mother’s Dream

It was a moon-lit night. The silver-white moon was up in

the sky. The mother, was showing the moon to her child. The

ebild was charmed by the beauty of the moon i and it caused


it to sleep (or, made it sleep). But after a short while, the

child began to cry. The mother fe It that it was hungry. So she

said, while feeding the child with milk, "My child, you will

grow up. I shall walk you, feed you, bathe you^ teach you and

make you sleep. 1 shall get many things done by you.

i shall send you to school when you grow up. You will be

a learned man. Then you will secure a big job ; 1 shall get

a big live-storeyed house erected by you. May my darling

enjoy peace and happiness in life.”

Note ; PassageiSus Causative Verb Simple Verb

-'S? ^ I — 1 caused him to

laugh (Or, I made him laugh) : ‘make'-Ji^ infinitive-um

sign ‘to’ ^ ‘cause’ verb-f8

Inlinitive-ui? ‘to' I

[ 4 J

Hl^ ITRI t

Jitw '«rr® ^ ift? ^1, ®rRi i

^^FpRTi *rrf^, i

5t3ionr >11^ »PR si^ttjF^cjnr ^ i

^ cHpn 1 <3fcn?i c*ri

'sn^tft’iR ’^‘1 I

«fWf^ I ^ sftl^


Those who are industrious can prosper in life. Everybody


knows that success cannot be achieved without labour (pr^ It ia

known to all that success cannot be attained without labour^

Those who rose to eminence in life were industrious and

persevering. If we read their life^history\ we can learn that

translation of passages


they made the best use of time. It is the duty of students to

follow the ideals ot these great men. They should remember

that it is their duty to serve the country. Their primary duty

is that they should study regularly and build up their physique

and character. It should be borne in mind that the future of

the nation depends on the student community.

Note : Passage-fBc% Complex Sentence->i )9 sfl^

feirl^‘1 I Complex Sentence with Noun Clauses,

Adjective Clauses "O Adverbial Clauses-vD clause-vH^ fitctrf^

I SRJl TtRw. Principal Clause->£|^ Finite VerbfS Present ?|1

Future Tense-«i) Subordinate Clause-^)? Finite Verb c^-

crFf Tense-»a *ftRf l Principal Clause->i)? Finite

VerbjB Past Tense-i) Subordinate Clause->i)? Finite

VerbfB^ Past Tensc-^^« i

[ 5 J

I ^ ^ mm ^'1 I

^tsnr fwi i c^'ift'e ^ ,

*if^ I C?,

^ sfi I ^5 c^tiRi ^rrsiOTi ciwi

^ I ^C5 I CT^ ^C'® *RTIPT^

I *RJt^ ^Rtl ^ 1

^*tl ’TPf I

^Plftc^ CT '«rt»fr% fsRMlf ^

fiiw 5I%5R, •'WSTR

m '»Tl’»RR fsRfe fel l”

It was evening. Two friends were walking along the road

together. Suddenly they lost their way and entered into a


forest. There was no human habitation to be found there ; the

two friends, naturally enough, were afraid. One of the friends

said to the other, “Dear friend, what is in store for us I do not

know. We have been walking on for five hours ; not and a single

man have we come across. Let us take rest under this tree”.

Just at that moment, a monk appeared there. The monk said.

"Travellers, don’t worry (or^ be not worried.) 1 have been

living in this forest even before you saw the light of the day»

1 assure you that \ will escort you tomorrow to a place

of safety. The two friends fell at the feet of the monk and

said. "We shall remain ever grateful to you for this kind and

noble act of yours”.

Note : Passage-fee® Tense-i!i?i •

^ 'SW? f5%S Idiom-^s^ -W ’W I

I ft 1

'S'^fe I 'St'

^ '« ^ cif«?n I ::niw

#nri ’f'ti Nt^c® I fH®w ^ '« »jf|®

^ I >ilt ?rf«fTPJ *WW-f&5

I :rPn *rta

*tfe® ?[^c®£^ I ^ *1^5 »nrt^ I

'BTstw fWir*! <ii^fe -j^wf I

The Ramayana is an cpic^ composed by Valmiki. This

epic was translated into Bengali by Krittibas. Countless

characters have been depicted and a large number of episodes

have been narrated in it. Ramchandra may be looked upon as

the hero of this epic. Accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana,

•I RANSI.ATION of passagks


Rama went into exile to respect the wishes of his father.

The social pictures of the time have been drawn in an

ttlle?,orical form in this epic. The Raniayana is being translated

into many languages of the world and is being read all over

the world. The poetic meiit of the epic has been appreciated

everywhere. The Ramavana is lust like ;i gem in the store*

house { or. giillcry) of world literature.

Note ; PassagefBps Active Voice Passive Voice-<spi

^ 1

[ 7 1

COPT’S ^9^ ’ifatil’l

I 'Jitn 5R?i

jH 'stfiiPr csf"rc5srttf sfRcsscs i '5t%l c*(

"®lt c?. '’tPfPi ^t?r cst^rPi

'srilx cspiltr cjpf 5.rf? i"

«95f?!r 5^ Hi I *5fH *11^ Hi HT«, 'SfW<

*|C^ HHIH I ^ CT, ^fif ^dVp! ^

^ nit i”

A certain mosquito Hew over the horns of .in o\ for some

time and then settled down on his horn. And he thought within

himself, “Perhaps the ox feels distressed under my weight,”

So thinking, he said to the ox, “Dear friend, if iny w'eight is

distressing to you, tell me and 1 shall fly away immediately. 1

do not like to cause you any pain.” On hearing this, the ox

said, “Don’t worry. ■ It is all the same to me whether you stay

or go away. You are sw small that T could not feel so long

that you are on my horn.”

I 8 1

■aimralH 955f, ^ HW«f,


« I I '^iw.w

^^PTo wira =^fiic3Pf Jji I ^hc*nr <2fl^ ^ ▼sjst'?

*Rm f^f^ ^tlPll'AH,

'R ^<if *Pi&^ *4i^ c*i^ 4fli

*R.s} ^«rl I

Asutosh was a student all his life (or throughout his life).

Whether at school, or at college, or at home, whenever he

had leisure, he would derive knowledge as well as pleasure by

reading various instructive books. In fact, good books were

his constant companions. Asutosh never wasted time. In

order to make fruitful every moment he always made the right

use of time. He knew that human life is but the sum-total of

little moments ; and wastage of these moments means virtually

the wastage of the whole life.

I 9 J


'sffsfnt '^<1 fitt? c?n^*i?

%«R I ^THr^tt^i ’®rw^ f|c»R ^%3|^

srtc^ ^rtc^ ’®rtf^c3ir, »ii:5f

I ^ israr siw ^

^ I >ii5pf5 5t^ >iop

’«nPfSl(^®l 1 CT ’afWliff ^ W

*lc^ ^ ^ J|1 1 CT >5]:^ %if^, 'shfic® *ft9Tft—

•*rPitiini ^*1 I

My father had been engaged almost always in travelling

from country to country a few years even before I was born.

In my boyhood, my father was as good as as a stranger to roe.

Sometimes he would come home, accompanied by up-country

servants. 1 felt very eager to make friends with them. Once

a tender-aged Punjabi servant, named Lenu, came with him.



The reception we accorded him would not have been unworthy

of Ranjit Singh. Besides being an up countryman, he was a

Punjabi — that is what particularly won our hearts.

( 10 1

^ r •srrN

'sW?! 5T%1 '5lt !" ^ ^ f?«i

^ I ^fell ^1 Slim

I vn .ilC5( 'srtfsi

5S|^ r C5f«l ^ I

'®Kiw 'srtl^ I 'snf^ ^*65 srtfsrst^, c^i^i

^ ^n— OT I «CW fn-'N’tftfes ^j5t?tPP

^ '<f«rl 1?? ?

Suddenly Indra stood erect and said, ‘1 will go.’* I

grasped his hand firmly. “Have you gone mad, my friend 7’*

Indra made no reply. He drew out a big knife from his pocket,

took it in his left hand and said, “Stay here. Srikanta. if 1 do

not come back, you will go home and report it to my family

that I am gone. His face was very pale ; still his eyes were

glowing (or shining). I knew well the stuff he was made of.

1 knew for certain that he could be dissuaded by no means ; go

he must. How could 1 prevent a fellow like him who WcJci ever

a stranger to fear ?

[ 11 )

I 5«««

^ ^ #n ’icsJi I «iWlir 5f%i

15 ^ ^ SIR 9fac9H R *i^»W ftjir ^ ^

vfiRR =»flcR, ?r*Fi ntR I


•isfe® I f:^ 31PI fSrcRf^i i2tl^*rir '®re*W

srft I 111314 C4t’f-"RTr4 ^51

istKai 4f4c«iii CM. fitlx'tM ’Ipi^

4'M'I I t'?t4 *(4

•sr?^ ^s:c5f4 liiM^ TOM' *r«H?:53 MCMI srffi c^Ic^h i

There is a tine anecdote told about the death of

Habar. In the summer of n30, his son, Humayun, fell ill. He

was brought to Agra in a boat. But the treatment of the

physicians of that place did him little good. Disappointed.

Babar thought that he would offer to God what was dearest to

himself — which might save the life of his son. The courtiers of

Babar asked him tti offer to God the much-celebrated

diamond, Kohinoor : but Babar thought that, to a man, there

was nothing dearer than his own life. He went round the sick

bed of his son thrice and prayed that his son’s life might be

saved in exchange for his own. After this Humayun s health

began to improve. But Babar fell ill and passed away a few

weeks later.

[ 12 J

*PS1 ) I <4^ to '®IPF

^ I Ml'«ltW?l4 'iIMPtf®! C'^ f&4pr»l^ I

*114*11 ^4 SlMMnfST 4?% -SlCMtSto

MsetrtoH I 4^ Mltol *1^4I'f4 feC4rtl»f 'SRF^ ^31 1

*tf^Pf4 4^1*11^ «rt4^ »lf4?l54*l *ntl*f^ f4*R

f ] ^®lt9f4 '*T*fT^ 4ll5l®^'*f4 f3iC4fl I — H. S. Exam. 1966

A reception meeting was held in the Town Hall, Calcutta,

on the occasion of the fiftieth birth anniversary of Rabindranath


61 :

( on January 28,1912). The poet bad to hear (or, pockets

many unsavo; ry (or, unhappy : or, uncharitable) words in

connection with the celebration of this function. A section

of people of Bengal were always against Rabindranath. They

thought that the admirers of the poet organized this reception,

being persuaded by the poet himself. But, in fact, this was held

under the auspices of Bangiya Sahitya Parishad. insticc

Saradacharan Mitra was then the President of the Parishad and

Ramendrasundar Trivedi, Principal, Ripon (Surendranath)

College, was its Secretary. — H. S. Examination — 1966

L 13 J

5|t»( I

w C51 'srmT?ri ?.c!r c^r^rfsT i

cif^t5i iff?l f^l mmm c^'®, c?ti5 w\ ^

*fc® «rnF'5f5( 1 .gc® c5(^w I ^

irtesf 'srfl^ <?R5 I ^ i

«rT^C5 cm STI I ■— H. S. Exam. 1968.

It was the month of January, 1902 ( or. January, 1902).

I was yet to complete the fifth year of my birth. At this

time 1 heard that I would be put to a school. On hearing this

news, 1 was beside myself with joy. Day after day, I had seen

with my own eyes, my elder brothers and sisters, with their

best ciothes on (being properly dressed) go to school ; I

was left alone at home simply because I was but a little boy.

This put me out of temper. So 1 was beside myself with joy

at the idea of going to school. At long last 1 would also be

going to school just like my elders. Barring the holidays k

would not have to be pent*up at home.


L 14 1

fsrM 6l%i. cm\ -4^ ^■’ts sitfSt®

I (?\ '*1^ *fff^, '5t^ Croft'S

Wl ’K^’S ^

6^ Sfirai C^f6 'NT?! *11^ ifl I <4 ^ 5I«siK? 'SW? ^

^ ^ <?P y *wt®l«'#lt? *t?ic«-!l [wt CIlWl^*Rl lie*!!

*il^iT^ srtfypi i ^f^'3 «fi5F yffSni ?|*nn

«rtTpnt^®tw^! W’l^ir If® of%3 sftf^ I

— H. S. Exam., 1968

After Mini had gone away Rahainat heaved a deep sigh and

sat down on the ground. All on a sudden it occurred to him

that his daughter had also certainly grown up by now ; and

that he would have to make acquaintance with her anew ; — he

would not get her exactly as she was before. Who knows what

had happened to her during these eight years ? The flute played

on, was giving forth a sweet melody in the soft sunlight of the

autumn morning. Sitting in the interior part of a Calcutta

lane, Rahamat began to dream of a desert mountain in


C 15 3

^?PItsT ^ '9 I «lt5 C»rf*|si <flW

ifl I 'sftf^ ’tif^ I cif%i captcf

^irt l^rstc^ V cntft««T5rt«i ^*1

'®rr? r

srt^i I c’fff^»?«rtc5Rr «tMi

(wtf^ I*

c*f “cntf^5iix'i?r PrsR «rt*nti

ft ? '■HHIWK *r»tft <?! ^ ’•Tfral

«fft*ft5Fr 5 pf^— ^ CiW? ^

atwi5t?(?ni ^51 ^ I’



Haralal was very unruly by nature ; he was disobedient to

his father. The will or testament of a Bengalee family scarcely

remains a secret, Haralal came to know of it all. Haralal, on

examining all the aspects of the will, was mud with anger and

approached his father with red-hot eyes and said, “What is

this 7 Gobindalal has been given one-half of the property and

only three-anna share of the property has been allotted In favour

of me. Has it been just ?”

Krishnakanta said, “It has been quite just. 1 have given

Gobindalal only the one-half share which is the legitimate right

of his father”.

Haralal was so selfish that he said without any hesitation,

■"It is dithcult to see how it can be u legitimate right of

Gobindalal's father ? Who is he to claim the right of our

property ? Besides, the maintenance of his mother and sister

will rest with us. Why, then, is it that one anna-share has been

allotted to them ? You had better allow them life interest

only, or the right to maintenance.”


Passages For Translation

( With helpful hints )

[ 1 ]


^1 csfTt^^ fitw

c»i <rtpr,

'atf« 9lC«f I — )

— H. S. Examination I 962 , H. S. Comp. Exam. 1967



{ Hints : — midnight. — the

rain and storm abated. — plucking up courage.

iSJM *1^ ^4 'll — V'ou need not go up to a village,

the temple keeper. C5rif«>9| the moon is

up ( in the sky ) | ’StpRfif »lt5li^ — materials for kindling


C 2 ]

4itt3ni ciw srna c<^l^r?r •#5 1 -gfg i

<ri^ ’Itfp?! *!ff6®i *tfwi I stt?! «!? 1 C*l^«ftCiJ C^t^ws

»1^ 'NTJ ^15 OT >rWl ’« fir4 i i

•sna ■5051 at® i a® ^tfw Jfl^i iicijn i

^5Wa o^c«!a sr® i ^*tfa i

cwtcS 41 1 al‘t-«f6c3 c«t& ^Nal *tta 41 1

— 4C?"1 ( ■Ta«.65 )— H. S. Exam. 1973

[Hints ; sjtRa «nta-~on a meadaw. C^CT — on the

outskirts of the village. >rf«in — verandah. vtfB? «1ff551 *tf^

fiprlC^ — the mud walls had crumbled down, sit®! 41^ —

there was no straw on the roof or the hul. 4^ — this

was his all. 4S ^tfRI — out of great affection. tlC^I ^ C^PH

sfS — Mahesh was as good as his son. ^45^1 — failure of crops.

^41 C*l& ^^41 ^f«n — to have two square meals a day.]

[ 3 J

'««R WC8Rf%4^ ft'ftin C5flWV(l) ’F^CSR, "51?,

■«#[ <81^ ^ I 4tt I '*fWlf 41

»i^i?K'i #nri «i^ (2) I ifpfl ’4*ik

»i>r® f445r *r^ (3) *if^ wi ^

414 (4) I (?I ^lf4 f4W »ilTs 'Sl^fCS fW fw

^ ^f44lC5rl I ’*11414 ^ 44^1*1531 CT ^ iflR®! ^4fC5 (5)



^ ^ (6) (7)

ff?C9R (8) I — S. F. Exam.

Hints : (1) With folded hands (2) Your honour (3)

Please allow me to say in a nutshell all that i have got to

say (4) To bequeath (5) Submit (6) Forged. (7) As he said

thisi (8) Fainted (swooned) trembling.

.1 ** ]

(1) cirRm >ii¥WW I 4fVit9iiT,

1 csFiTw f ^51, ntcir

(2). C5t5{i?f r<Ff ^ f

*rr^ ^ *rat f (3) fsR '3T^t< w

f?c5Fr I CT «rrf^5F^'i (4) i^*t i c*i i

^57 C?f^ (5) ftf'TS ('•) I — )

-S. F. 1971

Hints : (1) Begged help of her. (2) You have orna-

ments on. (3) Will you be content if you get the ornaments.

(4) For a short while. (5) At this. (6) Was astonished,

[ ’ )

cnFi, rtc6 (1)1 csFrai wm 'srtf^ csi^ i

«Ri3Fi 'srfsfPi ^TTi «ic?ic^ I ^isiirtcai 'srwoni

iSjlPf *f5t?r .(2) I c»j^ fjrfec®

«FFm =IRIt®R (3), >il3R 'STtBlfil 'srfsiT^ 4fSt«R I

f%cs5 (4) 1

t4 ®tc5ii (5) I c’mjn, 'srrix jiws 5tt jti i

— S. F. Exam. 1967

Hints : (1) Listen (or, Let me tell you), I am still alive.

(2) Organized a meeting in our village. (3) Many condo-

led ; Many expressed . their sorrow. (4) Behind the crowd ;

audience. (5) His speech was very impressive.

T.— 5


[ 6 3

bRki cim I ®i^ c*i^ (i)

«tt5 'srwf^ w 5tf9l?5P ^^‘1 (2) I ^

^ ^ ^C3f55I (3) I CSPH »W (4)

*tT'«in ^ ^ 1 ^fRc®fe5H,

^ttc5 f^w, in ^ '®n^ '?;«fl-'5¥i (5)

■S|CT <1*^ I

'Bjifsi Jlt^ I (6) *f!:^ i(C^® ^ C»l'*ftW

^51 I — 'srmili ( ), s, F. Exam. 1956

Hints : (1) In that lonely ( or, desolate) place. (2) Was

looking around. (3) Was getting terribly Irightened ; Fear

gripped her heart. (4) Any human sound. (5) We had

better suffer ( tolerate ) thirst and hunger. (6) Door ; bolt.

[ 7 ]

’F'fl (O' I -il^

(2) fees I *1^

^ ’tttira ’Flc^ 5 ^ (3), c»fi5 ’tW

•fffsPF I ipi t%5R 31?®1 (4)

^tal ‘(^Rl sit’RSH, ’ll CWf ^ ^*11^ *relilt^ I CStWil

«(i?i ^ i^’ra 'ii«i ^ft*f*rl (5) I f*wft 'flc*i ifif^ (6)

■Rmt I ^rWj ^ '«rWir '

^C3R— ^tWj (?Rt?r 'ft^ cto (7), 4 '^W? I

— S. F. Exam. 1 965

Hints : (1) It is what luppened one morning. (2) A

flight of swans, (3) There was an arrow piercing through its

breast (4) Drew out the arrow. (S) Tears blurred his vision

( eye-sight ). (6) Claimed. (7) My nursing has brought it

bio'c to life.



[ 8 ]

m ^§rf^ (1) f^fjRfii srai

%t%«H I *fRf ijiirT? ww ^ cv -^nwra

»Pra i^«( C5iiw^ i^fj? •giisti ajW (2) I f'sfit

•^5 4(«rtFt 3i^< ^'i-<i jf5r< fe'SR (3) I

'*rri^ ?rr5i ciff«fi:=?R, e(«fcsi^ «nFt< 'srft^ (4) i «itwi ^

fs^iHi '^Ur.^ 31^ “3r^4t^, ^sptfirfk*!

c5rr^r<F cpsi. ^i^tr.<f ’srif^j >)5ric<i’Fi fsre^if •-^f^iri 3(?>i (5) i

^tWl oirfi ■!#iri ^shot, '«r«:i

f 3i!^r ]w\^, “«rlf>t Jrt3f ^fBui

^IPfir JTfsf fir^ (6) I — H. S. Exam. 1965

Hints : (1) Stningers. (2) Make a list. (3) Entrusted

the Chief Minister with this rcsponsibiliay ; gave the charge v^f

it to the Chief Minister. (4) His name topped the list. (5)

1 consider him the greatest fool. (6) Write their names in

that place (or, instead).

^ 9 !

.ic3faJTt«r 31^1 «f»r5ir3i ( i ), (2) i -5r$t?i 5rt»iTtJT

I C5( JTt^r c^ft’W ( l)

im:3f I 3?C3fS-<ft\5I5t ^tap3( l3R-t«, (4) 51^ I

(5) I ^ am fsife

c^t^i (6) I sfcita c«fPtc5 cjrf^ c3fc^, (7) ^ s-a 5i%pst6 i

Jirfsc^c^— cirfes ftf*rc^ i w\ Ws (8)—

'BR^ (9) I sfc^tir «fri3i *(tc^r ^ 3rR^ ^^rwc^nii

(10) J ^■sp^ ^fwl 3rt5f 3Ff3Cs!:f, 41

'3t3rf45 (11) C4S? 41 3(T4t3irf4 C4s^ ^ «rr^c5 1

( — (^"sp 4fwa ) H. S Exam. 1969 ( Compart. )

Hints : (1) An immensely rich man. (2) Landlord. (3)

Keeping its name concealed. (4) Thirty, (5) In his own


barge. (6) passed without any obstruction. (7) Constantly.

(8) Restless. (9) Playful ; sportive. (10) Were tending the

cews. (II) Some were enjoying a smoke.

[ 10 ]

(1) I fsfH #1^

firsr? c«irc^5 ts (2) i

(3) I ■Slf^ ^^tsf

I ««R fsf^ 'il^^ ’115'P (4)

W«T*f I '1164 f4

C^l Wf«> (.1)1 WR <t«rC4TC1 CT R 'arre^,

(6) I Ir<4fg atw ■arlfw^ C^ISITC ^tsr

‘ttft I ar*tc4<i ^rsf4t<( c»i arrsrtii srit (7) i

H. S. Exam. 1972

Hints : d) Mighty : powerful. (2) He lived a life which

was just like a very ordinary man. (3; His wife alone managed

all household works. (4) To engage a cook. (5) 1 am, after

all, a very poor man. (6) Belong to the people. (7) I have

no right.

C II ]

C4H ?rr^i4 wnr 44- (i) i <?i 4«ri (2) 4%i

*fT^ (3) I ^irsfl f^^4C4 t«l

I >5411? >54 (4) «RT ®t?t? f^Pf«

(5) I Il?;i4 ?fm? ^4& elt'ff^’SFl 4f?»r (6) l ?fwi

'*if3tc>f»r <itf®5T 4?i ^1? m (7) I ^ ^ esw?

Cl C4R 1?C1? 'It? r f^4 ifipl,

'STTfsf 1WC4I? 6lt l”



Hints : (1) Jester ; clown. (2) Humorous words. (3)

'Would afford entertainment (delight) to the royal guests. (4)

Serious crime. (5) Was sentenced to death. (6) Begged the

king to spare his life. (7) It is impossible for me to set at

naught the sentence.

i 12 !

(1) '«fi« »n'sfei< »t5ra

^'sn <i»(i (2) I siifcn’) w

(3) c*!^ (4i

'SW I -adfv ‘H'iisiil ■'^1— >^1*^ ’TR,

'STtCb' (5) l” -IsfC^feCT

^1 (6) I istfeUfiJic^

C^'f'n (7) I — H. S. Exam. 1970

Hints : (1) J wrolc in my letter of yesterday. (2) I

would make an engagement with the poet Kalidas, (3) 1 sat

ready with a book in hand. (4) The local post master. (5) 1

have got some special ( urgent ) appointment with him.

(6) That man would not have understood it well even if 1 had

told him (even if he were told). (7) 1 had to say good-bye

to Kalidas.

r 13 1

TVif ■aitfil c^fg (1) ^'1 #I?f1 afl C»i

Wil^) (2) I "'£T?n ^ (3), ’stWH

(4) I W C>ff^

^13*11 flf3) f^fsnn «ft3, ^fWif Blit'S 3K'»I (5) I

4«tiFPi3 <rti:ri-c^5C3l *ri 5| «rTi?p <6i i

5fP“r 4‘V*RI r^5f Rf I '®«R 33»l Csif*!

HI C^H (7) HI C^H, viRIH^R

HI 1

Hints : (1) i Was but a little boy. (2) 1 was not a baby

at the breast. (3) Far from that. (4) 1 was then twelve or


thirteen years of age. (5) They keep themselves informed

of all the happening of the world. (6) are not so simple

as a child is (7) However aged might be the boy ; however

advanced in years might be the boy.

[ 14 ]

(1), >511?

vfl^ C5FM *t«f Sff6?fl 1 (2) !

^3R f^5i ;rl, Tc*! (3)

^ ^ iSfC<n ^#3 I 5(lfl Tf^W (4) I

'«ttf*r3 i;*! Tff (5) f?wl >511^ '^4* fit’ll^ "«

^f»r3 THMTft m « 4T‘fft4 I

— (fgl ( »Rr'*>5a ) H. S. Exam. (Compart.), 1964

Hints : Pointed out as the jewels of the institution. (2)

How deep was their attachment to each other ! (3) Under a

banian tree. (4) All the three belonged to (lived in) the west

of Hooghli. (5) Across a bridge over the Saraswati.

[ 15 J

»r5P^^ *(4 *1^^ (I) «r4' SPF f%?% (2) 'SOT? 'ilCW I

>sm ^fs(135f C«tw ’fC'SC^Jf (3) 1 C<*fC^ C»tC^, fft (4) ^Tl

*ran^ (5) i ^4 va?? ^tcs4 4t4i '«t4C®4 »rtn4-

4^41 5ft3i 'iiw ^of*t 4!:^ I

I f4*r iart 4''.44 C«(C^ 'arc^^Ci(4

'srm (6) I irnCT ^4t4 'srtfil^t 45W ^irf5[ (7) i cm

'S’pfB ft4*|pre ’iwl^ (8) '4Wt?44

>4WC^ 4 st 4 'Q I H* S. Exam. 1916

Hints .• (1) Down the centuries. (2) Millions and

millions of foreigners. (3) Fell in love with India. (4)

Entered into the worldly life, (5) Turned mendicants,

(6) Only with the prospect of earning money. (7) Never

did they feel eager to know.

Cfiapter VII

Comprehension Test


Answering Questions From An Unseen Passage

What Comprehension Test is : Answering questions from an

unseen passage, commonly known as Comprehension Test^

is one of the subjects of study in the present School Final

English Syllabus. The aim and object of this Comprehension

Test is obviously to test the student's ability to comprehend^

i.e. to understand an unseen passage in the first place, and at

the same time to test his ability to answer in correct English

the questions given.

How to do it : The passage should be read carefully — very

carefully, and repeatedly also, say three times at least. It is not

unlikely to come across words that are unknown. Students

should not be afraid of it. If the subject-matter of the passage

is fully grasped the unknown words will cause little difficulty in

answering the questions, required to be answered.

How to make the answers upto the standard. In order

to make your answers upto the standard the follov ing points

should be kept in view ;

(1) Answers should be brief and to the point.

(2) Answers should be written in correct English. The

sentences made use of should be simple yet expressive.

(3) The words and expressions occurring in the given

passage should be avoided as far as possible.

(4) In a word, answers should be suitably worded and

consistent with the tone and spirit of the question.

Now look at the Models given on the next page and note

carefully the answers : —


[ On Answering Questions ]


The happiness of the lovers was sadly crossed at this

moment by the entrance of a messenger, who brought a letter


from Antonio containing fearful tidings. When Bassanio read

Antonio’s lettter, Portia feared it was to tell him of the

death of some dear friend, he looked so pale ; and inquiring

what was the news which had so distressed him, 'he said, ‘‘O

sweet Portia, here are a few of the unpleasantest words that

ever blotted paper : Gentle lady, when I first imparted my

love to you I freely told you all the wealth I had, ran in my

veins ; but I should have told you that I had less than nothing,

being in debt,” Bassanio then told Portia, what has been here

related, of his borrowing the money of Antonio, and of

Antonio’s procuring it of Shy lock the Jew, and of the bond by

which Antonio had engaged to forfeit a pound of flesh, if it

was not repaid by a certain day ; and then Bassanio read

Antonio’s letter.

Questions :

1. Why was the happiness of the lovers sadly crossed ?:

2. What did Portia fear and why ?

3. Did Bassanio tell Portia the whole truth when first

imparting his love to her v

4. On what condition did Antonio procure the loan for

Bassanio ? ( W. B. H. S. Exam., 1971 )

Answers :

1 . The happiness of the lovers was sadly crossed by the

entrance of a messenger, who brought a letter from Antonio

which contained fearful news.

2. Portia’s fear was that the letter might contain the sad

news of the death of some dear friend of Bassanio. Bassanio

looked very pale as he read Antonio’s letter. Hence her fear.

3. Bassanio confessed that he did not tell Portia the whole

truth when he first imparted his love to Portia. He had told



her that all the wealth he had, was spent out. But in fact, he

was so involved in debt that he had less than nothing.

4. Antonio procured the loan for Bassanio on condition

that if he failed to repay the money by a fi xed date, he would

forfeit ‘a pound of flesh’.


The art of printing conferrerf untold benefits on the human

race. It enlarged the boundaries of knowledge and did away

with much ignorance and superstition, and led to discovery of

the most important laws of nature. Almost every adult now

learns to read and write, and even the children now know facts,

which were hidden from the wisest of our ancestors. Before the

invention of this art, writing was very laborious and books were

very rare. Since the discovery of steam, the art of printing

has made enormous strides, so that what once took weeks to

print, can now be produced in a few hours. Recently the lino-

type machine has been invented, by which type can be set up

almost as quickly as the words can be written down.

Questions :

1. What benefits did the art of printing confer on men ?

2. Why w'ere books so rare before the invention of

printing ?

3. How did the discovery of steam lead to the

improvement of printing ?

4. What are the advantages of a lino- type machine 7

Answers :

1. Many are the benefits conferred on men by the art of

printing. It has expanded the latitude of knowledge and has

removed ignorance as well as superstition. The most

important laws of nature are now known to them. An adult

can now read and write. Even children know many facts

*of which their forefathers were quite ignorant.


2. Before the invention of printing men had to write

books with their own hands. It was a very laborious process.

This accounts for the rarity of books before the invention of


3. The discovery of steam has brought about enormous

improvement in the art of printing. It has saved a lot of time.

Books can now be printed in a few hours.

4. A lino-type machine can set up types fairly quickly

and books can be produced very rapidly. It saves a lot of

trouble. These are the advantages of a lino-type machine.


Later on in the afternoon, Montgomery of the sixth happened

to be passing by the infirmary^ when Fate, aided by a sudden

gust of wind, blew a piece of paper at him. “Great Scott”, he

observed, as his eyes fell on the words “Ode to the College”.

Montgomery, like Smith, was no expert in poetry. He had

spent a wretched afternoon trying to hammer out something

that would pass master in the poem competition, but without

the least success. Tnere were four lines on the paper. Two

more, and it would be a poem, and capable of being entered

for the prize as such. The words ‘imposing pile’, with which

the fragment in hand began, took his fancy immensely. A

poetic afflatus seized him, and in less than three hours he had

added the necessany couplet, (The Prize Poem )

— (W. B. H. S. 1972)


(i) What did Montgomery find and why was he happy to

find it ?

(ii) Where and how did he find it ?

(iii) What did he do with it ?



Answers :

(i) Montgomery found a piece of paper containing a four-

line verse entitled, '‘Ode to the College''. He was exceedingly

happy to find it because he needed one such verse for the

poem competition. He was no poet. He had tried, all after-

noon, to compose a poem. But it was all in vain. As such

he was very happy to find the verse.

(ii) Montgomery found the verse in the afternoon while

passing by the infirmary. A piece of paper was blown at him

by a gust of wind. Much to his joy, he found that it contained

a four-line verse, entitled ‘‘Ode to the College.

(iii) The addition of two more lines would impart whole-

ness to the four-line verse. The words ‘imposing pile' pleased

him. He wrote out the necessary couplet in less than three



1 lay in sorrow, deep distressed ;

My grief a proud man heard ^

His looks were cold, he gave me gold.

But not a kindly waird.

My sorrow passed, — paid him back

The gold he gave to me ;

Then stood erect and spoke my thanks

And blessed his charity.

I lay in want, in grief and pain ;

A poor man passed my way ;

He bound ray head he gave me bread.

He watched me night and day.

How shall 1 pay him back again

For all he did to me ?

Oh, gold is great, but greater far

Is heavenly sympathy.

(B, U. Entrance, 1967)


Questions :

(i) Why did the speaker pay back the gold to the “proud

man.” ?

^ii) How was he treated by the poor man ? ^

(iii) How did the speaker feel after he had received kind

treatment at the hands of the ‘poor man' ?

Answers :

(/) The ‘proud man’ had money but no heart. He gave

gold to the speaker in his distress out of pride, and not from

the bottom of his heart. As such the speaker paid the gold

back to the ‘proud man’ after his sorrow was over.

(ii) The ‘poor man’ treated the speaker quite sympatheti-

cally. He fed him, nursed him, and looked after him day and

night in his distress.

(ii) After having received kind treatment at the hands of

the 'poor man\ the speaker felt that money is precious, but

sympathy is much more precious and divine than money. Un-

like money, sympathy cannot be paid back.

[N. B. The words in italics in the above passages are for

the students’ attention being drawn to them. They are

important expressions and their significance should be properly

clearly understood.]


Read the Passages carefully and answer the questions given

below each of them : —

1. Brittles capitulated on these terms ; and the party

being somewhat reassured by the discovery (made on throw-

ing open the shutters) that it was now broad day, took their

way upstairs, with the dogs in front ; and the two women

who were afraid to stay below, bringing up the rear. By

the advice of Mr. Giles they all talked very loud, to warn any

.evil disposed person outside that they were strong in numbers.



Questions :

(a) With what reassurance did the party take their

way upstairs ? (b) In what order was the party proceeding *?

(c) What did Mr Giles advise and why ?

— Purulia Zila School Test Exam., 1972


‘Now, for what purpose did I summon you three boys ?’

asked Mr. Perceval, of Smith, Mont-gomcry and Morrison, in

his room after morning scliool that day. He generally began

a painful interview with this question. The method had dis-

tinct advantage. If the criminal were of a nervous disposition,

he would give liimsclT away upon the instant. In any

case, it was likely to startle him. ‘For what purpose f

repeated the Headmaster, fixing Smith with a glittering eye.

will tell you', continued Mr. Perceval. ‘Ic was because

1 desired information, which none but you can supply. How

comes it that each of your compositions for the Poetry Prize

commences with the same four lines V The three poets looked

at one another in speechless astonishment.

Questions :

1. What did Mr. Perceval ask the three boys after sum-

moning them to his room 2. At what kind of interview

would he generally ask the question ? Why would he

adopt this method ? 3, What had Mr. Perceval found wrong

this time ? — W. B. H. S. Exam., 1970.


You must have heard about our Community project ;

of the silent revolution that is going on in the countryside.

We are all agreed that community development is a wonderful

thing. But how many of us really understand what the term

means ?

In the first place, what is a community ? Your dictionary

will tell you that it is a group of people living in the


same \0c2A\iy— for instance, in a village,. Note that carefully.

Community means the people. So a Community development

programme is concerned with developing the people. How

do we develop the people ? Is it by building schools to

educate them, and hospitals to cure them ^of diseases ?

Development must start in the minds of the people. For

centuries life in our villages has gone on in the same way.

The result is that the people have got into a rut : They

do not want any change in their manner of living. Their

general attitude is : what was good enough for our Others is

good enough for us. What use would schools, hospitals,

new drinking water wells be if the people did not want them ?

Here at last we have the heart of our problem. How are we

to get the villagers to want the things that will improve their

lives ? The answer is : they are like people in a deep sleep.

We must send someone to wake them up and tell them how

the world is changing.

Questions :

(a) What was Community ? (h) Why is it that the

people generally do not want a change? (cj What are

the things needed for them ? (d) How can the attitude of

the people be changed ?


Once in January, he made a marvellous discovery about

the planet Jupiter. He found that whereas the earth has one

moon, Jupiter has several. Yet, strange to say, there were

still people who would not believe him even when they saw

the moons through the telescope. Of course, Galileo only

laughed at them. He had many friends and he thought that

there was no need to bother himself with people who did

not wish to believe their own tfyes. And so, for many years,

he continued to make new discoveries, and to teach people

about Copernicus. ‘The earth’, said he, ‘moves round the

sun’, and explained all the good reasons he had for believing




Unfortunately, he was living at a time when it was not always

wise to teach what other men did not believe. And now, when

so many people were listening to Galileo, his enemies were

alarmed and angry. ‘He teaches things which arc not in the

Bible’, said some. *He is against the Church of Rome’, said

others. ‘He believes things which the church does not teach.

All these ideas are wicked. The learned churchman says

that the earth does not move around the sun '

W. B. S.F. Exam. 1962

Questions :

(a) What did Galileo discover about the planet Jupiter ?

(b) What was his discovery about the earth ? (c) How was it

opposed to the views of the learned church-men ? (d) Why

the teachings of Galileo anger and alarm his enemies ?


Almost all of the elaborate rules regarding health and

behaviour which were laid down in the Old Testament had a

sound basis at the time, although some of them arc, out-of-

date now. We know so much more about the body now, and

about how to keep our cities healthy that one would think we

should have solved this problem of health long ago. But as

civilization goes on, more difficulties seem to arise. We get

new illness — which hardly existed a hundred years ago. The

more artificial the world becomes, the more difficult it is for

the human body to adapt itself to the environment. The

rushing motor cars dot only kill and injure thousands, but

make us all the more anxious. Machinery does the heavy

work which kept our bodies fit and strong. More and more

we sit in machines and attend to machines, and the body’s

power of fighting disease is reduced. Also, when human

beings get bored, they eat too much, smoke too much, drink

alcohol, and get discontented. Discontent causes unhappiness,

unhappiness causes bodily illness — illness of a kind doctors

cannot cure.



Questions :

(a) Why is it that the problem of health should have been

solved long ago ? (b) Why is it difficult to find a solution to

the problem ? (c) How does machinery bring ofi diseases ?


I (Mahatma Gandhi) never took part in any exercise,

cricket or football, before they were made compulsory. My

shyness was one of the reasons for this aloofness, which I now

vsee was wrong. I then had the false notion that gymnastics

had nothing to do with education. Today I know that physi-

cal training should have as much place in curriculum as mental


I may mention, however, that I was none the worse for

abstaining from exercise. That was because I had read in

books about the benefits of long walks in the open air, and

having liked the advice, 1 had formed a habit of taking walks,

which has remained still with me. Those walks gave me a

fairly hardly constitution.

Questions :

(a) Why did not Mahatma Gandhi take pari in physical

exercise at school ? (b) What was his opinion about it

afterwards ? (c) How did he acquire a fairly hardy

constitution ?

Chapter VIII



What Summary is : A summary may be defined as “a

succinct digest of the essential facts contained in a piece of

printed, or written, or spoken mtater.”

Its usefulness : The usefulness of summary-writing must

be admitted. In official works this is very useful.

Modern life being very busy and time-bound, summary-writing

has become a necessity.

Difference between a Precis and a Summary : The subtle

difference betwen a precis and a summary should be noted.

While a precis is very brief dealing with the nwst essentia!

points onl)\ the scope of a summary is a little less restricted.

A precis must have a title, in summaries a title may or may

not be added.

How to write a summary i No hard a nd fast rule, however,

can be laid down for summary-writing. Still, the following

points, if closely followed, will be of great use for the purpose :

(i) The student must read the passage several times —

say, three times at least. It is through repeated readings that

the meaning of the passage will be clear to him. Certain un-

known words might be there, but that should not make him


(ii) He will see that somehow or other he has gathered the

important points and ideas through repeated readings.

(iii) It should be always borne in mind that in Summary-

writing a student is required to present only a digest of the

essential facts. Hence details must be carefully avoided.

(iv) A suitable title for the summary should be

included. But it is not compulsory as in a precis.

(v) A rough draft of the summary, may be prepared at

first. This means the summing up of the chief or main points

T— 6


in the passage. Out of this is to be prepared the final draft

with additions and alterations, with touches and retouches

where necessary.

(vi) “Brevity is the soul of wit” This saying should be

carefully remembered. The summary must «be written in

correct English and in simple English.

(vii) Direct narration must be avoided.

(viii) The length of a summary should not exceed one-half

of the original passage.

Now look at the models :


Examples Worked Out


Passage : As a boy Abraham Lincoln had sailed down the

Mississipi River as far as New Orcleans, and there had

seen a sale of slaves. A slave-girl walked up and down the

auction-room for the bidders to inspect, as if she had been a

a horse. Abraham was there with two other lads. One of

them declared, in after years, that it was in this auction-room

that the iron ran into his soul against slavery, and Lincoln said,

“By God, boys I let us get away from this. If ever 1 get a

ehance to hit that thing. I’ll hit it hard.” He was to hit this

thing so hard as to bring it clattering down like a house of


Guiding Points :

1. In his boyhood, Lincoln had seen how a slave-girl was

being sold like a horse.

2. He was touched to the quick.

3. Later in life, he did away with the evil practice.

Summary : In his boyhood, Abraham Lincoln had once

seen - how a slave-girl was being sold just like a horse. He

was touched to the quick at this cruel sight. He made a firm

resolve to abolish this evil practice if he could ever get a

ehance. Later, he abolished the system for ever.




Passage : The chief business of war is to destroy human

life, to batter down and burn cities, to turn fruitful fields into

deserts, to scourge nations with famine, to multiply widows

and orphans. Are these honourable deeds ? Grant that a

necessity for them may exist : it is a dreadful necessity, such

as a good man must recoil from : and though it may exempt

'them from guilt, it cannot turn them into glory. We have

thought that it was honourable to heal, to save, to mitigate pain,

to snatch the sick from the jaws of death. We have placed

among the revered benefactors of the human race, the dis-

coverers of arts which alleviate human sufferings, which prolong

comfort, adorn and cheer human life ; and if these arts are

honourable, where is the glory of multiplying and aggravating

tortures and death ?

[ Word notes : Batter down — ^ I Scourge —

CifGYl I Recoil from— I Multiply — ^ ^ I

Mitigate — I Revered benefactors — astra I

Aggravate — ^ wl l Alleviate — I ]

Guiding Points :

1 . War is a destroyer of the human civilization.

2. It is often looked upon as honourable and heroic.

3. War is a dreadful necessity.

4. There is no glory in it.

Summary ; War destroys human civilization. Still, it is

invested with a false glory. It is often looked upon as some-

thing honourable and heroic. A destructive agent, war causes

horrors and devastation. War is but a dreadful necessity.

There • is no glory in war, because it neither alleviates the

.misery nor increases the happiness of man.


Passage ; Man is the architect of his own fate. If he

makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accor-

4 ]ing 1 y; he is sure to improve and prosper in life ; but if he


does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too tate, and he*

will have to drag a miserable existence from day to day. To

kill time is as culpable as to commit suicide, for our life is

nothing but the sum-total of hours, days and years. Youth is

the seed-time of life. In youth, mind is pliable and soft and

can be moulded in any form we like. If we lose the morning

hours of life, we shall have to repent afterwards.

(W. B. H.S. Exam. 1971.)

[ Word notes : Architect — ! Repent — 1

Culpable — l Drag a miserable existence -

I Pliable — I Morning hours of life --

^ I ]

Guiding Points :

1. The fate of a man depend.^ on his ownself.

2. Right use of time is the keynote of success.

3. Life is the sum-total of little moments.

4. To waste these moments is to waste the whole life.

Summary : Man is the maker of his own fate. If he

makes the proper use of time, he will achieve success in life ;

else he is sure to fail and suffer. Life is but the sum-total of

little moments. To waste these moments means to waste the

whole life. The habit of making the right use of time should

be cultivated from youth, because a young mind is very plastic.


Passage : The story of Florence Nightingale’s achievements

in the Crimea reads like an epic. The medical arrange-

ments in the army there were as unsatisfactory as possible.

But everything was changed with the arrival of Nightingale.

Doctors and patients welcomed her gladly. Not so the officials

who were responsible for the sad state of affairs. Florence,

however, refused to be discouraged by opposition. Whenever

she could, she won people over to her side j but if they would

not co-operate with her, she swept them out of her way. To



the patients she seemed to be an angel. Night after night,

lamp in hand, she would walk through the hospital to see that

all was well. The men would rise off their pillows to salute

her in gratitude for her constant care. But the officials who

refused to give the things she needed, found her a courageous

and dangerous enemy. Yet with it all, she was always calm,

quiet, modest, never over-bearing.

[ Word notes : Epic — i Angel — l Modest —

I Over bearing — i ^

Guiding Points :

1. Fl orence Nightingale's achievements in the Crimea was


2. A radical change was brought about in the medical

arrangements in the army.

3. She found opposition from the officials.

4. She threw out those who did not co-operate with her.

5. She was an angel to the patients,

6. Her calmness and honesty.

Sinnmary : Great were the achievements of Florence

Nightingale in the Crimea. The medical arrangements in

the army were miserable. A radical change was brought

about by Florence Nightingale.

Courageously did she face all opposition from the official.

The patients looked upon her as an angel. With a lamp in

hand, she watched, even at night if everything was in order.

She was a terror to the non-co-operating officials. Always calm

and modest, she was never over-hearing,


I lay in sorrow, deep distressed ;

My grief a proud man heard ;

His looks were cold, he gave .me gold.

But not a kindly word.

My sorrow passed^ — I paid him back

The gold he gave to me ;


1 Stood erect and spoke my thanks.

And blessed his charity.

1 lay in want, in grief and pain ;

A poor man passed my way ; •

He bound my head, he gave me bread,

He watched me night and day.

How shall I pay him back again.

For all he did to me ?

Oh, gold is great, but greater far

Is heavenly sympathy !

( C. U., P. U. Exam. 1972 )

[ Word notes : Deep distressed — I Charity —

^ I Cold — 1 ]

Summary ; Sympathy is much more valuable than gold or

money-help. Want may be relieved by money help. But it cannot

touch the deepest chord of the human heart. Money-help can be

paid back and with that one becomes free from all obligations.

But sympatliy and kindness can naver be paid back ; they put

one under obligation for all times to come.


1. Read each of the following passages carefully and

repeatedly, jot down the guiding points, and then write out the



In civilised countries, when two individuals have a

quarrel they cannot settle aipong themselves, they go before

the judge. The judge, by his decision, settles the quarrel.

It might be expected that a similar course would be followed

by civilized nations in quarrel among nations ; and some

progress has been made in this matter, in recent times, by the

employment of arbitration to settle quarrels between of nation

and Ration. But, in spite of this, war is still regarded as the



only ultimate way of settling national quarrels ; the armies of

great nations are larger than they ever were before in the

history of the world, and there seems little hope of the peace of

the world, without the need of war.

(W. B. H. S. Examination — 1968)


Oh for a book and a shady nook ! a man cried long ago ;

and in truth there is nothing to equal a book. Nothing has

been able to stop the men who write books. Tyrants have

burned their books and writers have been tortured by fire, but

books have spread themsleves through the world so that there

is no land on Earth without them now. They are the only

things that live for ever, for new copies are made as old ones

pass away, and so through all the ages of time a book is

stronger than a statue carved in marble, and in the story of

mankind the book has been the mightiest and noblest invention

conceived by the human mind. The man who writes a book

laugh at Caesar and Napoleon ; they perish, while he lives on.

(W- B. S. F. Examination, 1957)

[Word notes ; Tyrants— I Tortured—

I Statue — ^ I Carved in marble — ]


In the present century, life has become more comfortable for

greater numbers of men and women. Tasks which formerly

had to be performed slowly and painfully by hand, often

in the flickering light of candles or little oil-lamps, can now be

performed simply by the pressing of an electric switch. Every

detail can be supervised under the piercing glare of powerful

electric lights. The world grows smaller every year, we are

told. People come more and more closely in touch with each

other, and in a few miniutes, something that happens in an out

of the corner can be causing reactions all round the globe.

Even more important to the average citizen are the comforts and '

eonveniences which Science has brought into our homes.

(W. B. H. S.Exam, 1971)



[ Word-notes : By the pressing of the electric switch —

f5f^ I Under the piercing glare of powerful

electric light— I ]


A man with a strong will is sure to attain success in

almost all the works he does. Very few things are impossible to

him. He never becomes daunted in any way. Difficulties may

appear before him, obstacles may try to make his path thorny,

failure may cloud his atmosphere, but he firmly neglects them

all. With a strong determination of mind he pushes on.

Gradually he finds that, all the troubles disappear from his

path one after another. He then reaches his goal and is crow-

ned with success. The well-known story of ‘The crow and the

pitcher’ is a good example in point. A weak-minded man, on

the other hand, gets frightened at the sight of a slight difficulty

and leaves his job on the half way in despair. He may begin

another. But there also he comes across similar difficulty and

gives it up for lack of firm determination. His weakness of

mind makes him quite nervous and compels him to give up

every work he begins. His life is a total failure. If we,

therefore, want to succeed in life, we must be men of

strong will.

[Word notes ; Daunted — I Thorny — I Pushes

— I Disappear — ^ I Crowned with success —

^ I ]


It is much better to give hope and strength than money.

The best help is, not to bear the troubles of others for them,

but to inspire them with courage and energy to bear down

their burdens for themselves, and meet the difficulties of life

bravely. So we must be careful not to destroy independence

in our anxiety to relieve distress. There is always the danger

lest whatever is done for men should make them more depen-



dent instead of more independent. It is important, therefore,

as far as possible, not so much to give a man bread, as to put

him in the way of earning it for himself, not to direct aid, but

to help others to help themselves.

[ Word notes : Destroy independence — -^1

I To relieve distress — ^ ! ]


It is physically impossible for a well-educated intelle-*

dual man to make money the chief object of his thoughts

just as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of

them. All heahhy people like their dinners, but their dinner

is not the main object in life. So all healthy-minded

men like making money — ought to like it and to enjoy

the pleasure of winning it. But the main object of their

life is not money ; it is something better than money. A good

soldier, for instance, is glad of his pay — very properly so, and

justly grunibl.'s when you keep him long without it — still his

main notion of life is to win battles. So with all other rightly

trained men. Their work is first, their pay second — very

important no doubt, but still second.


As daylight can be seen through very smail holes, so

little things will illustrate a person's character. Indeed

character consists in little acts, well and honourably performed

in our daily 1 ife. One of the most marked tests of character

IS the manner in which we conduct ourselves towards others.

A graceful behaviour towards superiors, inferiors and equals

is a constant source of pleasure. It pleases others because it

indicates respect for their personality : but it gives ten-fold

pleasure to ourselves. Every man may, to a large extent, be a

'Self-educator in good behaviour, as in everything else : he can

be civil and kind, if he will, though he may not have a penny

in his purse. Even a kind look will give pleasure and confer


happiness. Gentleness in society is like the silent influence of

light, which gives colour to all nature ; it is far more powerful

than loudness or force, and far more fruitful.

( C. U. Pre-University Exam, ’61 )

[ Word-notes : consists in — I graceful behaviour

— I superiors, inferiors and equals —

I even a kind look— v£i>R

I fruitful— 1 ]


Men can make a nation great,

Not the glittering gold ;

Men whose hearts are pure and true

And both strong and bold ;

Men who never fear defeat

For their country’s cause ;

Men whose hearts are pure and true.

And who never pause ;

Men who labour lovingly,

Heedless of their own gain ;

These are a nation’s truest wealth,

Without them gold is vain.

( C. U. P., U. Exam. 1968 )

[ Word-notes : Heedless of their own gain —

I Gold is vain—

^ sTit. *rr<^^ I ]


What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare ?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows ;

No time to see, when woods we pass.

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass :



No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night :

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance :

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich than smile her eyes began ;

A poor life this if, full of care.

We have no time to stand and stare.

-W’. //. Diivies..


We call anything beautiful that gives us pleasure, and

that depends as much upon ourselves as upon what is outside

us. Perhaps the majority of people find the sea beautiful when

it is blue. 11 someone has lived in Italy as a child, and has to

live beside the grey northern seas when he is grown up, he will

think that the grey seas are ugly, and that nothing, can be so

beautiful as the blue Mediterranean. But suppose a Scotsman

who loves Scotland had to go and live in Italy. He might find

the blue sea after a little while very uninteresting, and only

when he went home and saw the grey sea would he find

the sea beautiful.

We are all made in different ways, and grey may be just as

beautiful as blue if you find the right persons to look at it,

just as the cry of a baby may be found more sweet in some-

one's ears than the finest note of the finest singer that ever

lived. Nothing is beautiful or ugly in itself, but thinking

makes it so.

[Word-notes ; Nothing is in itself — c^tRl

sfiT, I But thinking...so—

^ I ] (W. B. H. S. Exam. 1965)


All wild life is happy in its natural surroundings. In

nature there is no sorrow, and no ripening. A bird from a

flock, or an animal from a herd, is taken by hawk or by


oaraivorous beast, and those that are left rejoice that their time

had not come to-day, and have no thoughts of tomorrow.

When I was ignorant, I tried to rescue birds and young

animals caught by hawks or by eagles, and deer caught by

carnivorous beast, but soon found that in trying to rescue one

1 caused the death of two. For the talons of a hawk and an

eagle, and the teefh and claws of carnivorous beasts, hold

poison in the form of decayed flesh or blood. Only one in a

hundred of rescued birds or animals survive, and killer being

deprived of its prey, immediately finds another victim to satisfy

its hunger or the hunger of its young.

( W. B. H. S. Exam. 1971 ]

[ Word-notes : Carnivorous — I Hawk —

I Decayed flesh— srK*! I Survive—

I ]

Chapter IX


What a Letter is : “A letter is a piece of message”. Ir

establishes communication between two persons, whatever

the distance between them. Letters are an intrgral part of

modern civilized life. In every sphere of life, letters are

essential. So letter-writing is very important.

Letter- writing, an art ; Letter-writing is an art. ft is, as-

it were, a heart-to-heart talk between two persons. In the

words of the English poet, James Howel—

“As keys do open chests

So letters open breasts.

Classification of Letters :

Letters are of different kinds. They can be roughly

classified under the following heads ;

1. Private or Personal Letters.

2. Business or Commercial Letters.

3. Official Letters.

4. Academic Letters.

Language and style to be used in Letters ;

A letter is a medium of communication in written words.

It should be written in simple and direct language. Brevity

is a virtue in the art of letter-writing. Neat and legible

hand-writing make a letter attractive. The spelling and

punctuation should be consistently followed.

Different Parts of Letters :

A letter usually consists of six parts. These arc : —


I. The Heading Or the Writer's Address and the Date —

The address of the writer is to be written at the right-

ihand corner of the letter ; and just below it is to be put

,the Date ; as for example :

14B, i\Oad,


25th December, 1973.

The date is however written now-a-days in any of the

following ways ;

(i) 25 December, 1973. (iii) 25th December, 1973

<ii) Decembar 25, 1973. (iv) 25.12.73.

II. Salutation : It is the formal way of address. The

form of the salutation is determined by the relation between

the writer and the person written to. Note below the various

forms of salutation :

(a) In Private Letters

(a) To Relatives and Intimate Friends ;

My dear Father, My dear Ratan,

My dear Mother, My dear Aparna,

(b) To less familar friends :

Dear Mr Roy, Dear Shri Roy.

(b) In Business Letters :

To a Business Firm Or Limited Company.

(i) Sirs

(ii) Gentlemen, or. Dear Sirs,

(iii) Dear Sir,

III. In Official Correspondence :

To an Officer :





IV . The Body of the Letter :

It is, in fact, the ‘message' of the letter. Hence it is the

most important part of the letter. The language of personal

letters should be simple and conversational while that

of Business Letters should be concise and to the point. The

language of official letters should, however, conform to a

formal and dignified standard.

V. The Subscription :

It marks the conclusion of the letter. It is essentially

a courteou way of leave-taking, ft has various forms,

depending on the intimacy of the writer and the person

written to. It is usually as follows : —

(!) In Privte Letters ;

(a) To Relatives and Intimate Friends .

(i) Yours affectionately, (iv) Your loving friend,

(ii) Affectionately yours, (v) Yours ever. Ever yours,

(iii) Your affectionate Father, fiv) Yours sincerely. Sincerely


(ii) In Business Correspondence :

To a single individual :

(a) Yours faithfully, (c) / remain,

(b) Faithfully yours. Sir,

Yours faithfully

(iii) In Official Correspondence :

I remain,


Yours faithfully,

V. The Signature or the Name of the Writer :

Just below the subscription the name of the writer

of the letter should be written.


VI. Saperscription : The name and the address of the

person to whom the letter is written form she superscription.

It is like this : —

Superscription :

From :

P. K. Sen.

10, Lake Road.


I Stamp

Shri, Ramesh Chandra Bose,

B. A.,

5, Vivekananda Roao\


Model of an Olficial Superscription :


The Minister of Finance.

Writers* Building.


Some Important Points to Note in Letter-Writing

(a) No comma, no cxelamation mark — should he put

after the salutation,

(b) If the letter ends with such participles as ^Hoping\

*Wishing\*Thariking\ a comma— and not a full stop—should

be put after them.

Academic degrees such as B. A., M. a., 3. T., Ph. D.

D. Liti., D. Sc., etc. should be written after the names of

persons. So, too, with the titles of honour such as M. L. A.,

M. P., etc.

While writing to any business firm or news-paper, you

should not address any one Sy name ; It should be always

in t>:ie name of ofDce hearers ; as for example ;


The Manager,

Rupa& Co.


The Editor,

The Statesman.


1. Letter from a boy to his father asking for permission

to visit a hill resort : — H. S, Exam,, I960,

25, Broad Street,


24 November, 1973

My dear Father,

Our half-yearly examination is just over. And I am

relieved of the prolonged stress and strain. 1 hope I shall

come out of the examinatiun not with discredit.

1 am glad to let you know that our school has arranged

for an acamedic tour to Simla. Simla is a famous place.

It is particularly famous and attractive for its health-resort.

Quite a number of students’ are going to visit the place. A

teacher will be there to guide the party.

I have been requested by my friends to join the party.

The natural sights and sounds of the place attract me

irresistibly. The beauties of nature will have a soothing

effect on my jaded nerves. As you know, I have never been

to a health resort. So 1 am all too eager to make the most of

this golden chance. Would you kindly permit me to visit

Simla, ‘the Yarrow' of my dream.

I am eagerly looking forward to your letter of consent.

With best regards for you and mother.


Sri Ajoy K. Bose

“Govt. Quarters"


I am^

Your affectionately^




2. Letter from a boy to his Uncle describing his school :

H. S. {comp.) 1961


10 January 1972


My dear Uncle,

Your sweet note is just to hand. You are eager to know

something about our school. Well, let me tell you all that

1 know about it.

The fact that I am a student of Siliguri Boys’ School

makes me proud indeed. I'his is by far the best school in

the town. The school-house is a magni&cent and imposing

building. It is so planned that it admits plenty of air and

light. The rooms are spacious enough.

The roll-strength of the school exceeds twelve hundred.

Perfect discipline prevails in the school. The students are,

most of them, serious about their studies. Our Headmaster

is an experienced educationist. He is an able admini-

strator too. The assistant teachers are all well-educated. They

take a keen interest in the affairs of the students. The

relation between the teacher and the taught in this school

is, as it should be, sweet and cordial.

The school has a big library with a rich stock of books

of all kinds.

The school has a beautiful play-ground, where students

can take part in games, indoor as well as outdoor. Emphasis

is laid on extra-curricular activities.

The school has an auditorium where meetings are held

and dramas are occasionally staged.

The reputation of the school is spreading far and wide.

I love my institution very dearly.

No more today. With ‘Branams’,


Yours affectionately,



3« A letter to your friend, telling him how you propose to

spend yonr time after the S. F. Examination.


December 25, 1973

My dear Nirmal,

Only a month more and my School Final Examination

will be over. I shall have, in between, at least three

months" time before I go in for higher education. Let me

tell you how I should like to spend that period of time.

You know 1 have always strage ideas in ray head. So

I have drawn up a plan for some reconstruction work

in my village. As soon as the examination is over, I will run

to my village- I will devote all my energy towards the

uplift of my village. My village is steeped in ignorance.

We, a group of idealists, will set up a night school. Our

primary object is to dispel the darkness of illiteracy. Besides,

we will try to set up a hospital in the village, now a den of

diseases. I know it is too big a thing for us. But we will, by

our activities, bring the Government in our favour. We will

at present impart lessons on general health to the ingnorant

villagers. Roads that badly need reconstruction will be

immediately looked to for improvement.

fn fine, I would do my best so that my village may be

an ideal village — ‘a nest of peace and happiness’. The

misery of the suffering humanity touches the responsive

chord in me. My heart bleeds and bleeds for these rnffering


No more to day. With love for you and regards for your



I remain,

Yours sincerely,



4. A letter to your a friend, asKing him to spend the Pujah

holidays with you in your village home.

P5S, Southern Avenue.


15. 8. 73

My dear Dipu.

Only a fortnight more and the Puja Vacation of our

school sets in. What a nice time we shall have of it !

I would invite you, Dipu, to our village home during

the Puja Vacation. A city-dweller, you have long been

pent-up within the bounds of Calcutta. Why not come to

our village home and enjoy the sights and sounds of

nature ? Why not live in the lap of Nature ? You will be-

simply captivated by the glories of nature. Here you can

have a look at the green meadows and the unclouded sky.

Che soft bed of grass, so cool and smooth ; the open spaces ;

the babbling river ; the green fields— that have their tales to

tell in silence, will be a grand feast for the senses. Above

all. the innocence, simplicity and cordiality of the village

folk will certainly impress you.

My parents will be very very glad to have you in their

midst. Your pleasing company will make the holiday

unthinkably enjoyable. Far from the madding crowd, you

will have a new experience. So, do come please. Let us.

live together in a ‘nest of peace’.

We are quite well. Trusting all is well with you.

\Superscription :

1 am;

Yours ever,




5. A letter to your friend about your aim in life.

Or, The profession you would choose for your career.

IS Bidhan Sarani


10 December, 1973

My dear Hamid.

Your loving letter is just to hand. Yes, my S. F.

Examination is forthcoming. Hence your curiosity to know

about my future aim in life. As you are so curious, let me

jot down a few lines to satisfy your curiosity.

Yes, 1 have already taken a dicision about my aim in

life. I should like to take to the medical line. And why

is it that I choose this profession ? The answer to me is not

far to seek. Today corruption runs rampant in every sphere

of the society. The only profession that yet remains noble

and sacred is, I think, the profession of a physician. Besides,

our country, purticularly the villages, needs a large

number of doctors. Thousands and thousands of people die

every year for lack of proper medical care. I still visualize

the picture I saw before the sad death of my mother. At the

moment of her death, not a single doctor worth the name

was available in the village. She practically breathed her

last without proper treatment. Hence my fond wish to

take to the professioa of a doctor.

Having passed the S. F. Examination, J have a mind to

take up the science course of study. J must obtain the

M. B., B. S. degree. Then I cherish a desire to do some

research work. Yes, I shall try to qualify for the M. D.

degree of the Calcutta University.

With these academic attainments I shall devote myself

to the service of the poor villagers.

Pray to God that my ambition in life may be realized.

With the best of wishes.

1 am,

Your loving friend,




6. A letter to a friend congratulating him on his succc!

at the examination. — IF. B. H. S. Exam. 1961



5th July. 197.1

My dear Bikus,

1 can't tell you how glad 1 am to know of your brillian

success at the Higher Secondary Examination ! Indeed

words can hardly expre.ss my unbounded joy. My heart-fel

congratulations on your success. 1 wuh you ail the mon

good luck in the examinations to come. Your credi

and prosperity in life will be valued by my me more thar

others. Your success will be a constant source of joy t(


You had to appear at the examination, while convalesf

ing after a prolonged illness. Hence your success with ar

asterisk, (i. e., 75% marks in the aggregate) is no little credit

This kneeness and singleness of purpose retained, you art

sure to do much better in future.

Would you let me know what course of studies you

propose to take up next ?

Wishing you the best of luck.

Superscription :

Yours sincerely,




7. A letter condoling a friend on his mother's death :

—H. S. Exam, {Comp,) 1961, 1967.


A letter to a friend who has recently lost his mother.

12, Bagh Bazar Street,


3id March, 1973

My dear Mujib,

What a sad and shocking news ! Your mother is no

more ! 1 can hardly believe that she has shuffled of her

mortal coil. I can still visualize her face beaming with

love and affection. To me the news of her passing away is a

boll from the blue.

f quite realize what an irreparable loss it is to you. The

loss is too deep for tears, flow can 1 console you in your

mishap ? Words of consolation often fail to have the desired

effect in such cases. Still sorrow shared is sorrow les .cned.

I have one and only one thing to tell you. Is there

anyone who can defy mortality ? None. I rather feel all

the more for your father who will suffer acute lonelines in

his old age.

May the departed soul rest in peace in heaven ! And

may God give you strength enough to bear the loss !


Yours sympathetically,



8. A letter to your friend, describing your favourite

hobby, or, recreation, or, pursuit : ( W. B. H. S. J970 )

^ Contai

Dt. Midnapore,

5. 12. 73.

Dear Asish,

Your letter of the 10th instant is just to hand. You feel

curious to know of my favourite hobby. Here are a few

lines just to satisfy your curiosity.

Different men have different hobbies. Some find pleasure

in stamp-collecting, while others take pleasure in fishing

or travelling. My hobby is gardening. This is what gives

me an untsld pleasure. As you know, there is a small

plot of land in front of our house ; there is fencing all

around it. I have made a garden of it. And what a

lovely garden it is ! There are flowers of variegated

colours ; the garden is full of their peculiar fragrances.

I water them in the morning as also in the afternoon.

From time to time 1 plant fresh flower-plant^. In fact,

there is something like a bond of kinship between the

plants and myself.

The garden presents a lovely scene. Only a poet could

have described it. How I wish you could be here in our

midst and enjoy the lovely sight of my garden.

With love for you and regards for your revered parents.


Yours ever,




9. A letter to a friend who has long heeu silent.



15.8. 1?.

’My dear Jainal,

r have not heard from you for a long time. I wrote

you three letters one after another, but there was no reply

from you. Hence your silence causes me grave concern.

Let me hope that this silence is not due to any illness or any

• calamity? So, immediately on receipt of this letter, do

write to me please and relieve me of my grave anxeity.

We are far. far away from each other. Letters alone

can fill up the physical barrier and sustain the chain of

communication between us. Through letters alone we can

have a heart-to-heart talk with each other. Don’t fail,

•therefore, to write to me e\3ry now and then.

Awaiting a prompt reply from you,


I am.

Your loving friend


10. A letter to your friend telling him of the prize-giving

• ceremony of your school. — W, B. H. S. 'Comp,) 1969



March 5, 1973

My dear Amalendu,

The prize-giving ceremony of our school was held

yesterday. I may claim to be a bit of a hero of it. 1 won as

many as three medats. Hence I am so eager to give you

a short account of it.


The ceremony was held in the School Hall rather on Si^

grand scale. The gates of the school were decorated with

leaves and flowers. The school building looked a diflerent

picture— magnificent and so imposing ! On ^he platfrom

was placed the President’s chair. The medals and prizes,

kept on a table and arranged in order on the left wing of

the President's chair, presented an excellent outlook.

Dr Satyan Sen, Vice-Chancellor, Calcutta University,

took the chair. There was a respectable gathering of

guardians and educationists. The function opened with a

Tagore song. Then began the recitation. I recited the

famous poem ‘Africa’ by Tagore. I was cheerrd and

cheered and was spell-bound by claps which followed my

recitation. I was adjudged the best among the competitors.

We then staged a one act drama. It was a grand success.

The Headmaster read out the Annual report of the

school. It revealed many things which we were delighted

to know. Some of the gentlemen present made speeches

suited to the occation.

Then the prizes were given away to the students one

after another. I was awarded three prizes — one for recitation,

another for general proficiency in the last Annual Examina-

tion, and the third one for regular attendance and good

conduct. To be frank, my Joy knew no bounds when there

were claps and claps as 1 received the prizes.

The President, Dr Sen, made a nice little speech. He

stressed the importance of discipline in academic


With a vote of thanks to the chair from the Headmaster,

the ceremony came to an end. And I returned home like*

a proud victor.

1 hope this will find you in high spirits.

With best wishes.


Yours sincerely



11. A letter to your younger brother describing the last

Annual Sports of your school.

Jadavpur High School


15th March, 1973

My dear John,

The Annual Sports of our school came oil yesterday.

I won as many as three prizes and ihus won the individual

championship prize. It is interesting to tell you that ( was

the centre of all attention and was the much-taiked of

fellow in the function. Hence I teel I should give a short

account of the function.

The function was very inieresling indeed. There was a

respectable gathering of students, teachers, guardians.

The function was well organizei. i'herc were very many

interesting events- such as high-jump, pole vault, discuss-

throw. race, sack race, and so on. a\I 1 the boys of the school

took a keen int(?resi in all the events. The contestants

showed their skill. I he event that ga\c pleasure to one and

all was the tug-of-war between the teachers and the

students. That was the last event.

Then the prizes were given away to the students by the

secretary of the school. Our Headmaster delivered a neat

little speech. He stressed the usefulness of sports in

life. You will be surely interested to know of the events that

won for me the championship. Of the three prizes I won.

one was for the high jump, another for the long jump,

and the third one for the discuss-throw. It was a galla day

for me. So I got back home like a victorious Caesar.

Superscript ion :

Yours affectionately,



12. A letter to your Uncle describing an accident

— F. S. Exam., 1961.

Sailendra Sirkar Yidyalaya,


1st February, 1973

My dear Uncle,

1 have your letter of the Oth instant. It is a nice letter.

But I am afraid 1 am not in a mood to write a reply to it.

And I should tell you why.

I had probably the saddest experience of my life yester-

-<lay. Oh. what a horrible street accident it was ! And it

took place under my very nose ! I am sull haunted by the

spectre of it. Well, let me tell you all about it.

It was about 5 p.m. With Susil, a friend of mine, I was

getting back home from school. We were walking along the

pavement near the junction of Central Avenue and Grey

Street. A taxi was running at high speed. All on a sudden a

rubber-ball dropped at the crossing of the road. A boy of

ten or eleven rushed to pick it up heedless of the running

taxi. The driver could not check the speed of the taxi.

And, alas, the boy was run over. And lo ! the boy

was smashed. The remains of his body were reduced to

/a lump of flesh bathed in a pool of blood. The passers-by

rushed to the spot. They thought that the boy was injured.

But alas, the light was gone ? The oweping mother was

almost mad with grief. It was a touching sight to see and too

deep for tears. Ihe sight is still before me. I still

visualize the lovely face of the boy. Peace be with the

soul in heaven I

With •Pranams’ to you.

Superscription :

Yours affectionately,




13. A letter to your younger brother Selim, about the

usefulness of newspaper-reading. — B. H. S, 1960.

Midnapur Collegiate School,


15th April, 1973

My dear Selim,

I have just received your letter. I am glad to learn that

you are reading the newspaper very regularly. 1 would

encourage you to continue the habit all along.

There are some people who might say that the reading

of the newspaper is sheer wastage of time. But 1 do not

share their view. Can we think of modern life without the

newspaper ? Is it not the primary duty of a student to

acquire general knowledge ? How' can vou know wliat

goes round the world, unless you go therough the new-

paper. The newspaper is like a mirror that rellecls before

us the World as a whole. It supplies news from all corners

of the globe. It gives more or less all kinds of news, but

generally political news gets the priority. But. sports news

cinema news also ligure prominently. If you do not care

to read the newspaper, you will remain ignorant of the

current affairs of the world.

I'he grievances of the public are ventilated by the news-

paper. The letter-columns throw a good bitof lighten public

views and the editorials severely criticize the Government

when the measures go against the people. The newspaper

is a source of entertainment. In moments when you are

mentally sick or feel rather lonely, you can tone yourself

up by reading it.

But I have a note of caution for you. There are some

papers that are purely party papers and propaganda papers.

You do not get there unprejudiced presentation of news and

views. Do not read them.

1 am so so. With love for you and Mother dear.

Yours affectionately,


Superscription :


14. A letter to your younger brother about the useful-

tess of joining the Naiional Cadet Corps.


12 June, 1973

My dear Dipu,

Your letter is to hand. I am really glad to learn that

you are keen on joining the National Cadet Corps in your

school. Yes, 1 give my whole-hearted consent to it. In

fact, I have been very happy and encourage you to loin it,

because I am all very enthusiastic about it.

The N. C. C. is a para-military organisation. As a cadet,

you will have to undergo the rigours of military training.

And it will help you build up a sound and strong physique.

It will make you active and hardy. Besides, you will

acquire such qualities as discipline. punctuality,

promptitude, and the like. It will foster a spirit of team-

work in you and inspire you with patriotism.

The N. C. C. will also open up an avenue of career for

you. You can join the army. Remember, an N. C. C. cadet

is a valiant soldier of the country.

I hope you will prove yourself a disciplined and worthy


With love.

1 am

Yours affectionately.


I Superscription

15. A letter to your younger brother about the usefulness

of a radio set in a family.


2nd July» 1973

My dear Narayan,

1 have your letter just now. 1 see you all are too keen

to know why 1 asked you to have a radio-set in the family.

Well, let me explain the reasons.



The radio is an excellent source of entertainment. It

can cater to the tastes of almost all people. The musical

programme of the radio will delight father. Mother is a

drama connoisseur. The radio dramas will give her a

lot of entertainment. Besides, you can know what is

happening at home and abroad. You arc a student of

science. You can listen to the learned discussions on the

various aspects of science. The radio will help you keep

abreast of the recent discoveries and inventions of science.

As you know, I always take a keen interest in sports and

games. The A. I. R. has very recently introduced Sports

Services. Almost all the important matches are relayed

through the rado. I can now enjoy them, silting in an

arm-chair in my humble cottage.

The educative value of the radio is much. Talks on

various subjects by eminent persons are highly instructive.

So each and every one of us in the family will benefit from

a radio-set.

1 hope a radio-set will be a welcome addition to our


VV*ih love, I remain

Yours alTcctionatcly,



16. A letter to your friend describing an exciting foot

ball match. — W, B, //, S, Exam,. 1961

15, Beadon Street,


August 20, 1973

My dear Gautam,

I am just back from the Calcutta Maidan, having

witnessed a very exciting match played between the two

traditional rival clubs— East Bengal and Mohun Bagan


Mever have 1 witnessed such an exciting game. It

ended in a 2 — 1 victory for East Bengal. From the very

kick off till the final whistle, the match was full of suspense

and excitement.^ It was a memorable treat indeed. Both the

teams were star-studded. In the very first minute, the

wily forward, Habib, scored a nice goal with a rasping

shot. It was an interesting performance indeed. Having

eluded three defenders, he beat the international

goal-keeper. Tarun Basu. But this did not dishearten the

Mohun Bagan players. They made deep inroads into the

East Bengal territory. Surajit Sengupta. the clever right-

wing, passed the ball to the link-man, Mohun Singh, who

beat Arun Banerjee, with a powerful shot. It was an excclent

goal. Both the teams now became up and doing to win the

laurel. The defenders rose to great heights,. Bui no further

goal was scored in the first half.

After the recess, the match became all the more exciting.

Neither side played a defensives game. Both sides made

movements alter movements. On two occasions, however,

the cross-piece stood in the way. The dying minute was

electrified when Subhash Bhowmick sealed the fate of the

match with a clever header. With that came the final’

whistle. Yes, 1 very much enjoyed the game. It was a

clean game, played in a true sporting spirit.

Hope you are all quite well.

Superscription :

Yours sincerely,.




17. From a girl to a friend about where and how she

spent the last Summer Vacation. — fV. B. S. F. {Comp.) 1956.

P. O. Kamakhyaguri,

Dist. Jalpaiguri.

1st July. 1973.

My dear Madhuri,

Your sweet note is to hand. You are eager to know

wheicand howl spent the last Summer Vacation. I will

certainly tell you.

I spent the Summer Vacation with my parents at

Darjeeling where we have a beautiful house. It is ‘a nest of

peace’, as it were. We had long been pent-up in the crowded

city. Sick and tired of city life, we decided to spend

the summer days at our hill resort. It was a life, calm and

quiet, Tar from the madding crowd and the ignoble strife’.

I saw and enjoyed the glories of Nature. The Himalayas and

its snow-capped peaks were a feast to my eyes. In the

afternoon 1 used to walk up and down with my parents. I

made friends with a few girls of my age. I had occasional

associations of a number of good Nepali friends also. The

tourists coming from different parts of the world lent a

special charm to the place.

We had plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and meat. With

the result that there is a marked improvement in my health.

I witnessed some Bengali and English films with my

new friends. In fine, I enjoyed the vacation to the full.

Hope this finds you quite well.

Superscription :

Yours sincerely,


T .-8


18. From a girl to her friend, telling her how she hopes

to five in the School Final Examination.

P. O. Panihati,

Dist. 24 Parganas.

7th December, 1973

My dear Supti,

Your sweet letter is just to hand. You all seem to be a

bit too keen to know how I hope to fare in the coming

School Final Examination. Well, let me satisfy your


Only a couple of months more and the examination

commences. It is certainly a crucial ordeal in life. But

to tell you frankly, I do not feel so nervous. I feel I am in

my own way prepared for the examination. I hope I shall

come out of the examination well, at least not with dis-

credit. I expect high First Division marks. And that’s

enough. I am not so ambitious. I expect to do well in

English, Mathematics and Sanskrit. But I am afraid of

history, which calls for a lot of memory-work.

I know my teachers have great expectations abopt me.

But I don’t know how far their expectations will be fulfilled.

Trusting all is well with you.

Superscription :

I am.

Yours sincerely,




19. A letter to your friend, describing a visit to a place

historic interest.


8th July, 1973

My dear A joy,

I am just back from Murshidabad. I visited the place

with my friend, Swapan. Murs hidabad is a historic place

and well worth seeing. The place has deeply moved my

mind. And hence is the urge within me to tell you something

about it.

Our school was closed for the Summer Vacation. And

we seized the opportunity to visit the place. Accompanied

by my parents, [went there by bus. According to prior

arrangements, we put up at the Tourist Lodge. After a

little rest, we went out to visit the Nawab’s Palace. It

pained me to see that it hd^ lost much of its splendour and

grandeur. Yet, I was simply charmed by the architectural

beauty of the Nawab’s palace. Next morning, we visited

Hajarduari, a mansion having a thousand doors. We saw

other relics of the mightly Nawab dynasty as well. They all

reminded me of the evanescence of things. Pomp, power

and glory are, after all, nothing but passing shows. In the

evening, we saw the historic mango-groves of the Plassey.

The sun was then going down in the western horizon. The

sun-set view reminded me of the sad tale of the past history

’Of Bengal, the sad story of how Bengal lost her freedom and

how the English came to rule over India for two long


Next day we left for home, it was a memorable tour


Hoping you all are well at home.

Superscription :

I am,

Yours ever,



1. An application praying for leave of ^ibsence after

a short illness :


The Headmaster,

Midnapur Collegiate School,



1 have the honour to state that I could not attend school

from the 10th to the ISth instant on account of an attack of

cold accompanied with fever.

May I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough

to grant me leave of absence for those days only.

I remain.


Your most obedient pupil

Dated, Midnapur, Lalitkumar Choudhury.-

15th Feb., 1973 Class X, Section A,

Roll No. 25,

2. An application praying for leave of absence dnrins



The Headmaster,

Ballygunge Government High School,



I had been laid up with influenza for about a week and

so could not attend claves from the 12th November to

19th November, 1973. I am now progressing towarda



..recovery. But as 'advised by the attending physician, 1

am yet to take rest for a week more.

So I hope you would be good enough to grant me leave

of absence for about a fortnight only^

A medical certificate is enclosed herewith in confirma-

tion of my statement.

Kasba, Yours obediently,

19th November, 1973 Pradip Mullick.

3. An applieation for a holiday in honour of the visit of

a distinguished visitor :


The District inspector of Schools.



We, the students of BaghBazar High School, request the

favour of your kindly granting us a holiday in honour of

kind and august visit to our institution

Yours obediently.

We the Students of

Bagh Bazar High School


16th April, 1973


1. An Order For Snpply of Books.

57, S K Dev Roads

P. O. Siliguri,

Dist. Darjeeling

12. 12. 73


Messrs J Mullick & Brothers

Booksellers & Publishers.

57/1, College Street,

Calcutta — 12

Dear Sirs,

I shall be much obliged if you kindly send me per V.P.P..

the following books at your earliest convenience by thr

address, which, please note above

Yours faithfully,

Dipak Banerjee

List of Books For Supply :

1 Copy of David Copperfield — Charles Dickens

2 „ „ Ivanhoe— Sir Watler Scott

3 ., „ Ramayani Katha— Dineshchandra Sea'

N. B. Note the form of address in Business Letters.


1. An application for flie post of a teacher :

-IE. B. H. S., 1968


The Secretary,

Town School,



In response to your advertisement in the Amrita Bazar

Patrika, dated the 20tb August, 1973, for an experienced

teacher of English, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for

the situation.

As regards liiy academic qualifications I beg to state

that 1 passed the H. S. Examination of the Board of

Secondary Education in the First Division in 1964. I

obtained my B. A. degree with Second Class Honours in

English from the University of Calcutta in 1966. Since

then 1 have been in the teaching line.

A senior teacher of English, I have some six years of

teaching experience where I am now serving as a teacher.

I am now thirty. I come of a respectable fair, .y of

Chandernagar I am a healthy man with a healthy


I would, therefore, request you to sympathetically

consider my case. I would assure you that, if appointed,

I shall spare no pains to give you satisfaction by conscien-

tiously discharging my duty.

I enclose herewith a few copies of my testimonials, for

your inspection.

Yours faithfully,

Alak Basu,

Assistant Teacher,

Dated, Calcutta, Bosepara High School,

2Sth Aug, 1973 Calcutta


1. Write a letter to the Corporation of Calcutta com*

plaining of the long uncleaned garbage in yonr locality.

12, Beniatola Street,

Sova Bazar,

Calcutta— 5

15th March, 1973

2 To

The Offlcer*in*charge,

Conservancy Department^

The Corporation of Calcutta

Dear Sir,

I beg to draw your kind attention to the long accumu-

lated garbage in our Sova Bazar locality, hoping that

prompt action will be taken in the larger interests of the

inhabitants residing in the locality.

It is a fact, and a notorious fact indeed that the street

garbage in our locality is hardly regularly cleared. Such

a huge quantity of garbage has been accumulated in it

that the atmosphere of the quarter has been polluted to

a considerable extent. The offensive smell of the garbage

is a perennial nuisance, so much so that the health of

the locality is dangerously threatened. In view of the fact

that epidemic diseases have already broken out in the city,

the removal of the garbage is an immediate necessity.

May I, therefore, request you to be good enough to take

immediate action for the removal or the garbage and

oblige ^

Yours faithfully,

Alok Chatterjee.



Write a lettn :

1. To your younger brother about the value of discipline

in student life.

2. To a friend describing life in your school hostel.

— H.S. Exam., IV64.

3. To your friend who has just recovered from illness,

inviting him to your sea-side house for a change.

— H.S. Exam., 1960

4. To your friend about a memorable day in your life.

— H. S. Exam., 1 963 (Comp).

3. To a friend, describing a visit to the Zoo in Calcutta.

6. To your mother about your iirst day’s experience in


7. To your father, seeking his approval to accompany

your school team to play a <football match in some Muffosil


It. To your teacher, seeking his instructions as to how

you can overcome your dilhcuUies in learning English.

9. To your teacher, asking his help in making a selection

of books. — H. S. Exam. 1960

10. To your father, giving him an account of a day’s


11. To your friend, describing your experience in the

examination hall.

12. To your friend, telling him why you have taken the

Humanities Course or the Science Course.

13. To your friend explaining the usefulness of joining

the army.

14. To your friend, about your favourite author or book.

1 5. To your friend, who has been lying ill at a hpspital,

wishing him a speedy recovery.

16. To your sister, sympathising with her in har failure

at the S. F. Examination.


17. To your friend, inviting him to your next birthday


1.8. To your friend, thanking him for a presentation to

you on your birthday. — H.S. (Comp) 1960

■19. To your guardian, requesting him for a further

remittance in view of expenditure on unforeseen items.

— H.S. Exam. 1966

20. Write an application to the manager of a mercantile

firm, begging employment as a clerk. — H.S. Exam. 1967

21. Write a letter to your younger brother, advisting him

to take regular physical exercise. — H.S. Exam. 1970

22. Write a letter of apology to your friend for failing to

keep an engagement you made with him. — H.S. Exam., 1971.

23. Write a letter to your pen-friend in a foreign country

giving him an idea of the present day life in the place where

you live. — H.S. Exam., 1969

24. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the

condition of the road in your locah'y. — H.S. E.xain., 1969.

25. Write a letter to the Po.s{fnaster General, West Bengal,

requesting sanction for opening a Branch Office in your

village. — H.S. Exam. 1967.

26. Write a letter to the Editor of newspaper, drawing

attention to the inconvenl^ices caused by street beggars in

your city. — H.S. Exam, 1965.

27. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, describing

the discomforts caused by the use of microphone - during

religious festivals.

28. Write a letter- to the ^Municipal Chairman about

insufficitent water-supply in your house.

29. Write a letter to the Station Master, enquiring about

a missing parcel.

30. Write a letter to the Postmaster, enquiring about a

miksing letter.

Chawer X


What is a ^paragraph’ ? ‘Paragraph* today means a distinct

part of a piece of discourse or writing, usually consisting of

a bunch of sentences. It is used to mark a division in a written

compositi n. A paragraph generally deals with one main idea.

It has, therefore, a certain structural compactness of its own,

yet it is not the whole theme. It is but the part of a ‘theme*

Whenever we pass on from one point to another, we should use

a new paragraph. To use a simile : A building is made of so

many pieces of brick ; similarly the complete whole of a piece

of writing is made up of several paragraphs. And this complete

whole is called the theme.

Length of a paragraph : There is no hard and fast rule as

to the length of a paragraph. It all depends on the nature

of the topic. Variety adds fb the beauty of a paragraph. And

it is best acquired by varying the length of sentences ; and also

by using different forms of sentences.

On the basis of topics, paragraphs may be divided into

different classes : Descriptive ; Narrative ; Reflective.

Usefulness : Paragraph-writing is, in a sense, a stepping

st^ne to essay-writing. It may be characterized as the back-

ground leading to essay-writing.

Now look at the Models and note their presentations

.carefully : —


Q. 1. Write a paragraph on ^Your Daily Liie’.

(' Answer )

My Daily Life

My life is not an extra-ordinary life. It is a simple

^ordinary type of life. Still I try to follow a definite routine of


work. This does not, however, mean that my life is free from>

variety. Variety is the spice of life. A life is robbed of half its-

grace without variety. 1 am an early riser. 1 take a little walk

in the morning. Then I take my breakfast. Breakfast over, I

turn to my study, which continues for about three*bours. I set

out for school at 10-30 a.m. and return home at S p.m. I have

some light refreshments. I am then out to take some physical

exercise, or for playing this or that out door game with my

companions. I come back home with candle-light. Half an hour

after or so, I devote myself to my studies. Whenever I study,.

1 study with rapt attention. At 10 p.m., I have my supper

with my parents and sisters. It is a happy get-together indeed.

Supper over, we enjoy a chat with one another. Sometimes

1 read a book of entertainment for half an hour. Then I go to

bed. I see films ; do outing ; visit the Zoo or the Museum ;

which take away the monotony or boredom from an otherwise

regular life of mine.

Note : The paragraph has a unity of its own : the theme

is “Afy daily life". Within this narrow scope, the speaker has

described bow he (or she) spends his (or her) day. You should'

note also that the opening line informs you of what it is all


Q. 2. Write a short paragraph on “The Flower”.

( Answer )

The Flower

When I look at a flower, I am simply charmed. What a

wondrous object of nature it is ! Its hue, its odour, its-

shape — ^all delight me. It is^a thing of beauty and hence a

joy for ever. The world of flowers is a varied fare. They

have variegated colours. They havd their own peculiar fragran-

ces. Flowers haunt me like a passion. And whom does it-

not 7 All, especially poets, are fond of their beauty. In many

Of Tagore’s poems flowers play a distinct role. Different-



poets have looked at flowers from different stand-points.-

Keats enjoyed only the sensuous beauty of flowers. To-

Wordsworth, a flower meant much more. To my young

mind, a flower is a symbol of purity and chastity. That is why

I offer flowers at the feet of God.

Note : The same unity pervades the above paragraph also.-

It is a ll a bout flow ers. The personal impressions of the

speaker have been described first. Incidentally, he (or she)*

has referred to different poets.

Q. 3. Write a paragraph on Great Man You Admire Most.'

( Attswer )

A Great Man I Admire Most.

The world has produced many a great man. 1 have

reverence for all of them. Still 1 must say that I admire

Netaji most. And why ? The answer is quite simple..

Hero-worship is spontaneous. It comes from within. It is not

to be taught or learnt. 1 look upon Netaji as a ‘total’ man.

I find in him a genuine patriot ; a thorough-going scholar ; a

philosopher ; a valiant warrior ; — all rolled into one. But what

attracts me irresistibly to him is his love for his country and his-

inimitable sacrifice. And what a great leader he was ! He

inspired the whole nation with patriotism. How bravely did

he fight with the British in India 1 He was a true lover of his-

motherland — a patriot to the marrow of his bones. His life

is a living message to us. I cannot but take my hat off to

this great hero.

Note : The above paragraph has an element of variety in

it. Yet the unity of theme is ^here. Admiration and*

emotion go together. So the paragraph has sentences of all

kinds — especially, the Exclamatory ones.


Q. 4. Write a paragraph on ‘the Aim and Object of Yonr life.’

( Answer )

The Aim And Object of My life.

It is said that life without an aim is like a ship with-

out a rudder. It is quite true. So I have a definite aim in

life. I should like to study medicine for my career. I wish to

"be a plysician — ^an M.B., B.S. So T am pursuing the science

.course. If any one asks me why this choice of medical

profession, my answer forthwith will be : this is the profession

which gives us a chance to serve our community. The

profession is not a non-paying one. It fetches a lot of money.

But that is not the be-all and end-all my life. This profession,

followed nobly and truly, can serve still greater purposes.

Our pountry needs a large number of doctors. Any number

of people die every year for want of medical care and treatment.

As a qualified physician, ( can do some service to the teeming

millions whose distress is fathomless. I shall never play the role

of a Shylock as a medical practitioner. I shall try to improve

the general health of my country people. It is a long-cherished

desire of mine that 1 may contribute substantially to the

world of medical science.

Q. 5. Write a paragraph on ‘How You Uve And Move In

Yonr Family’.

( Answer )

How 1 Live And Move in My Family

Ours is not a big family — quite a small one. It consists 'of

four creatures only ; our beloved parents and we two — brother

and sister. It is a very happy family — I should say. Love

binds us together. Our hap^pness does not spring from

plenty. Far from that. My father does not earn quite

a lot. He is a teacher. Still we enjoy heavenly bliss on earth.

My mother is an ideal lady with liberal views. She is always

sweet to us. We have not known ever what a mother’s frown

iis. I reciprocate her love for me. She is, indeed, the



fountain>head of my inspiration in life. My little brother is

only seven ; I am about IS. My father is all the more fascinating.

Although scholarly by nature, he becomes quite a changed

man when with us. He becomes too talkative, too liberal,,

too childish. The manner he treats us is so pleasing that

when he is out on duty, we are morose and melancholy. I am^

really proud of our pretty small family.

Q. 6. Write a paragraph on ‘Gifts of Science On Modern


( Answer )

Gifts of Science On Modern Life.

Many are the gifts that science has conferred on modern

life. Indeed, they are far too many to be counted. Would it

be tbo much to say, they have revolutionized human life ?

Surely not. We owe all our ease and comfort in modern days

to the gifts of science. FtOm morn till night, we are served

humanely by science. A cup of tea cheers us in the morning ;

a shaving razor cleanly shaves our face. The newspapers-

bring to our bed all the news of the world. Arc not all these

gifts of science ? The radio entertains us ; the electric fan

cools us ; the telephone contacts us with a distant friend. Are-

not these due to the gifts of science ? Today we can move

from one place to another by buses, trams, trains, aeroplanes.-

The vast distance of the world has been narrowed down to*day

by Science. Scientists have invented so many wonder drugs ;

their effects are so miraculous. Diseases hitherto incurable,

have become curable. Landing on moonland is no more a

dream. It is a reality today. In fine, all our amenities of

life are due to the generous gifts of science.

Q. 7. Write a paragra^ on “Your Favourite Book”.

( Answer )

My Favourite Book.

I am still at school. My range of study is, there-

fore, very limit ed. 1 have read only a few books of EngUsIs


literature. AEsop's Fables is my favourite book — ^a book

that haunts me like a passion. I am simply moved by the

interesting manner of its story-telling. I do not know much

about the author. All I can say is that he is a master story-

teller. Every fable has a perennial appeal to the mind.

The birds and beasts have been portrayed in a very beautiful

manner. They have been made to appear before us as so' many

living human beings. They are endowed with feelings and

■emotions. They are not ‘type’ characters but sharply in-

dividualized. The Thirsty Crow ; The Hare qnd the Tortoise,

Fox and the Crane, to mention only a few, delight me. How

simple and lucid is the style { I have read it so many times.

Still, I feel inclined to read it again. It is my bed-side book.

It has inspired me to write short stories.


Q. 8. Write a paragraph on ‘The Cinema’.

( Answer )

The Cinema

- The cinema is one of the most popular amusements of today,

Modern life is Ifull of ‘sick hurry and divided aims’. Today

you are perplexed by the cares and anxieties of life. The

cinema affords you much relief in your human existence.

If you feel tired, why not go to a cinema house and see a film 7

It will relieve you of your monotony and give you a lot of

refreshment. It caters to the tastes of different men and

women. If you are a light-hearted jolly fellow, you can enjoy

a lot of fun and sportiveness in a comedy film (say a

^mbay film or a Hollywood moving picture). If you are

a man of serious nature, go and see a Satyajit Ray film. It will

provide you with much food for thinking. If you are a street

anfiiin, you had better see a battle film. The film world is,

therefore, a source of great entertainment If you are intelligent

enou^, you can use it as a medium of culture and education.

Yet, the fact remains that there are some kinds of film which

do more harm than good.



Q. 9. Write a paragraph on ‘The Village Folk’.

( Answer )

The Village Folk

During the last summer, 1 went to a remote village

.in Midnapore — Ramtajatala. I was invited by a friend of mine

over there. Not very far from Digha, this little-known village,

I was surprised to see, has a population of some six thousand

people. But, strangely enough, it is inhabited mostly by the

Adivasis. I* fact, I was simply moved by the peculiar mode of

living of these tribal people. They are simple and innocent

people, not yet affected or spoilt by the niceties of urban civi-

lization. They live a near-primitive life. Scantily dressed, they

are, most of them, farmers. Dark-complexioned, they are full

of vigour and courage. They have a hardy constitution. {Their

women have a primitive tribal ^eauty of their own. They wear

colourful garments and ornaments. They are hospitable.^ They

accorded me a warm reception when I met them. Their dialect

appeared to be a mixed dialect. They are living quite in

amity and harmony with other communities of the society.

Q. 10. Write a paragraph on *A Picnic’.

( Answer )

A Picnic.

On December 25, last year, a picnic was arranged at

Fuleswar by our school. As many as seventy-five students

and fifteen teachers attended the picnic. The place was

well chosen. Fuleswar is a beautiful place, very beautiful

indeed. It stands on the river. The sights and scenes

3f the place are very charming. We had been there by

ms. We were singing all the way. ' Our teachers

ilso joined with us. What an interesting experience I We

’cached there within a couple of hours. We put up at the

jovemment Bunglow. We had our breakfiist with egg^

anaoB, toast, tea. We procured rice, meat, vegetables


and many other things collected from the nearby market..

Cooking was done by two expert cooks. We helped them a

bit. We had our dinner together. It was a happy get-together

indeed. Then we visited the objects of attraction there. In

the afternoon we had tea with rice and telebhaja. Quite

a number of snaps were taken. In the afternoon we enjoyed

boat-aiding. At about 6 pm we left for Calcutta and returned

home at 8 pm. The experience of the picnic haunted me all


Q. 11. Write a paragraph on *A Fire’.

( Answer )

A Fire

It was midnight. 1 was fast asleep. A hue and cry

was raised. It awakened me. I got up and was startled. “Fire !

Fire 1’’ — that was all I could hear. I unbolted the door and

could see only the burning flames of the swelling fire. When

I recovered myself, I understood that the house of my friend,

Abdul, was on fire. Naturally perturbed, I rushed to his house

which was not very far from ours. Meanwhile, a vast crowd

gathered there. A few of them were trying to extinguish the

fire. But they made a hopeless mess only. Some were mere

lookers-on. Wind is supposed to be the friend of fire. It is^

exactly so. A wind was blowing causing the fire to spread.!

Some tried to extinguish the fire by sprinkling water. Some

threw bags of sand into the fire. But the attempts were a

bit too late. Because before Ihe fire was extinguished a heavy i

damage was already done. One of the cottages owned byj

Abdul was reduced to ashes. A good bit of their asset — ■*

ornaments and hard cash — was also destroyed. They were

hard hit by the accident and were sorrowing. I consoled-

Abdul and his sorrowing mother. Fortunately, however, none:

of the members of the family was physically hurt ot burnt.



Q. 12. Write a paragraph on ‘Rome was not bnilt in

a day*.

Ans. Rome was once the most beautiful city in the world.

It was the seat of learning and culture. A great civilization

flourished here. Evidence of this rich ctvilization is still

to be found in the city. There are churches, temples, theatres,

domes, palaces, which bear the unmistakable stamp of

old architectural excellence. The much-celebrated paintings of

Raphael and Leo da Vinci are still extant in the city. In fact,

all fine arts — music; painting, sculpture, architecture —


flourished here. But did the city of Rome assume its present

form overni ght ? The answer is an emphatic *no’. A good

many people contributed to this civilization. After years of

contribution, bit by bit, the city of Rome became the focal

point of attention of the world. Likewise, no great task

can be achieved hastily. In order to accomplish a noble and

great task we should have patience, diligence -and perseverance.

These will lead us on to success.

Q. 13. Write a paragraph on ‘A friend in need is a friend


( Answer )

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed I

Genuine friends are few and far between in the

world. It is very difficult to distinguish a true friend from a

false one. There are many fiiir weather friends who flock

round us in our palmy days. But they desert us in our

adversity. It has been truly said that adversity is tiie test of

a true friend. He who stands by us in onr weal and woe

is a true friend indeed. He who leaves a friend in the lurch is

a dangerous man. Such men should be left alone. The story

of ‘The Two Friends and the Bear’ illustrates the rarity of

true friends. Friendship is a noble thing. But false friends

are dangerous. We should always be on our guard against


T.— 9



Write a paragraph on each of the following r —

1. Yoi|r school (12 lines),

2. Prize-day at your school (IS lines).

3. Your little brother’s birth-day anniversary (lu lines)

4. Books ( 12 lines )

5. Health is wealth (12 lines),

6. The beauty of a moon-lit sky (12 lines).

7. fkn exciting football match (IS lines).*

^ A rainy day (10 lines).

9;K;>S^set scene in a village.

A visit to the Zoo in Calcutta (IS lines).

11. ,A visit to the Museum in Calcutta (10 lines).

Your hobby (12 lines).

13. Mahatma Gandhi (12 lines).

14: Rabindranath Tagore (12 lines).

15. A rolling stone gathers no moss (10 lines),

16. A walk (10 lines).

17. A pet animal (8 lines).

18. A holiday (12 lines).

19. A street accident (10 lines).

20. Anger.

21. A flood (10 lines).

22. Punctuality.

23. War. -

24. Examinations (12 lines).

25. To day’s weather (10 lines).

26. The elephant.

27. Boating.

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