Western Wisconsin Lutheran Teachers’ Conference

Western Wisconsin Lutheran Teachers’ Conference

Thursday, February 13 and Friday, February 14, 2014

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School – Onalaska, WI

Thursday, February 13, 2014

8:00-9:00 Registration / Coffee Hour

9:00-10:15 Worship Service in Church

10:15-10:35 Welcome / Announcements / Reports

• Call 2014 WWLTC to order.

o I am Mark Thiesfeldt from English Lutheran in Viroqua. Serving as principal and teacher of grades 1-8. Privileged to serve!

• Welcome administrators, teachers, pastors, student teachers, and guests.

o We pray that this conference not only informs and instructs you as you serve in our Lutheran churches and schools, but also allows you time to share your thoughts and ideas with fellow workers in His kingdom.

• Introduce host principal – Principal Bob Wiegman

o Greeting, host faculty, restrooms, phone, lunch, etc.

• Introduce Executive Committee and Program Committee

o V.P. David Fulton will be taking over after this year’s conference and serving a three-year term. We will elect a new V.P. at next year’s conference.

o Secretary-Treasurer Sharon Pitt is in the first of her two years

o Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Pat Carran will take over in 2016

o Program Committee: Todd Dahlke who is in the final year of his three-year term, Alayne Dorn who is in the second of her three years, and Peter Micheel who is in the first of his three years

o Elections Committee: Mt. Calvary-Grace, La Crosse – Principal Jon Biedenbender

• Review elections for this year

o 1 new program committee member to replace Todd Dahlke

• Future hosts: 2015 is St. Peter, Schofield, 2016 is St. Paul, Bloomer, consider 2017 – a Luther High area school?

• Reminder principals to pay dues ($25 per teacher)

• Reminder to review secretary/treasurer’s report for tomorrow’s business meeting

• Synod delegate updates to Secretary for tomorrow’s business meeting – male called workers on staff so the list of delegates and alternates DAVE NIEMI

• Preview next year’s conference dates for tomorrow’s business meeting – February 12-13 (2nd Thursday-Friday) or 19-20 (3rd Thursday-Friday)

• Suggestions for papers, keynotes, sectionals, presenters for next year

• Guest reporters

• Rooms for sectionals

10:35-10:45 Break

10:45-11:45 Professional Growth Keynote: Common Core State Standards – Dr. Jason Lowrey

• Introduce Professional Growth Keynote (read from presenter biography)


The Common Core State Standards continue to be aligned to curriculum across the country. As schools begin to implement these skills, it is imperative that our WELS schools find a practical and adaptable pathway for implementation in order for our students receive both a Christ-Centered, as well as world class education. This conference will be designed to better understand the need for clear standards and how to implement them into WELS classrooms. The standards will likely shift the way in which we approach teaching and learning. 

Presenter Biography: Dr. Jason Lowrey serves as the Dean of Academics at Shoreland Lutheran High School, and also serves as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s chair of the Common Core Task Force. Lowrey works with WELS school leaders and faculties across the country in school improvement initiatives pertaining standards based teaching and learning. Lowrey received his Ph.D. from Capella University in 2012, focusing on curriculum and instruction and its impact on high quality education in private and parochial schools. He lives in Sturtevant, WI with his wife, Rachel and five children Abby (SLHS Senior), Allison (SLHS Freshman), Adam (7th Grade), Annika (Kindergarten), and newborn son Abel.

• Thank presenter and preview remaining schedule for the day

11:55-12:55 Thursday Sectionals Round 1

A) Community Literacy Night

Terri Salzwedel & Jessica Zahrt (Lower Grades)

B) Science Tips and Tricks

Greg Schibbelhut (Middle and Upper Grades)


Prof. Em. Jack Gronholz (Middle and Upper Grades)

D) Crash, Bang, Boom and Tweet: Instruments Are Really Neat!

Linda Moeller (Grades PK-4)

E) Make and Take III: More Books to Boost Classroom Learning

Kristin Handy & Lisa Carlson (Early Childhood & Primary Grades)

F) Professional Growth Keynote Follow-Up

Dr. Jason Lowrey (All Grades)

This sectional will not be available in round two.

12:55-2:30 Lunch

2:30-3:30 Thursday Sectionals Round 2

A) Community Literacy Night

Terri Salzwedel & Jessica Zahrt (Lower Grades)

B) Science Tips and Tricks

Greg Schibbelhut (Middle and Upper Grades)


Prof. Em. Jack Gronholz (Middle and Upper Grades)

D) Crash, Bang, Boom and Tweet: Instruments Are Really Neat!

Linda Moeller (Grades PK-4)

E) Make and Take III: More Books to Boost Classroom Learning

Kristin Handy & Lisa Carlson (Early Childhood & Primary Grades)

3:45-4:00 Closing Devotion in Church

• Reminder that doors open at 7:30 tomorrow and devotion is at 8:15

• Introduce worship leader

Friday, February 14, 2014

7:30 – 8:15 Doors Open / Coffee

8:15 – 8:30 Devotion in Church

• Introduce worship leader

8:30 – 9:00 Business Meeting / Reports

• Reports

o MLC Continuing Education – Prof. John Meyer (10 minutes)

o Fred Uttech – CLS District Coordinator (5-10 minutes)

o Pastor Prahl – Western Wisconsin DP

• Secretary’s report (motion to accept)

• Treasurer’s report (motion to accept)

• Approve synod delegates – DAVE NIEMI

• Election – Tim Payne and Kristin Handy on ballot, Kristin Handy elected to Program Committee

• Correspondence

• Reports

o Luther, Northland, NPH, Camp basic, Lutheran Home, WLS, LPS, MLS, WLCFS, MLC, CLS

• Jubilarians – we thank the Lord for the following jubilarians who have served…

o Get names from host principal

o Treasurer sends gift


• Offering designated to Northland Lutheran (alternates with Luther High) $464

• Chairman sent out email to all schools/ECE’s regarding continuing education certificates

• Discussion/motion to approve next year’s format and agenda (grade level round tables/time of devotion on Thursday/plenary discussion of keynotes/discretion of program committee)

• Future host

• Motion to thank worship leaders, accompanists, and others who beautified worship

• Motion to thank presenters

• Motion to thank host school and staff for their efforts

• Final announcements by host principal

• Move to adjourn conference following doctrinal paper, sectionals, and closing devotion

9:00 – 10:00 Spiritual Growth Keynote: Remember… And Find Comfort! – Pres. Mark Zarling (MLC)

• Introduce Spiritual Growth Keynote presenter (use presenter biography)

• MLC/BME Report – President Zarling


I remember your ancient laws, O LORD, and I find comfort in them. (Ps. 119:52)

Memory work is much maligned. And no wonder. Neither Satan nor my old Adam desire the word of life to be planted deeply in my heart. Yet Scripture is clear. Your promise preserves my life. (Ps. 119:50) Memory work is marvelous blessing from the Creator who endows us with an amazing ability to memorize the written word, which reveals the Incarnate Word, our Savior. The keynote address will not only emphasize the blessings of memorized Scripture, but also incorporate a hands-on strategy with a twofold purpose. This strategy will help students check their understanding of the passage and their ability to paraphrase its meaning while using a multi-modality approach to memorization.

Presenter Biography: Mark Zarling was born in West Bend, Wisconsin and grew up in Michigan. He has served as a parish pastor at St. Matthew’s Lutheran, Danube, Minnesota (four years) and at Bethany Lutheran, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin (12 years), and professor of Christian Education and Old Testament at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary for 11 years. In July of 2007 he moved his family to New Ulm to begin his service as the president of Martin Luther College. Mrs. Zarling (Colette) was born in South Dakota and grew up in different places in western United States. She is a licensed Lutheran grade school teacher with 12 years of urban teaching experience. She now serves at Prairie Lutheran School in Gibbon, Minnesota teaching grades 1 and 2. Jesus has blessed the Zarling’s with an ever growing family. Joshua, a 2013 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, was assigned to Lighthouse Youth Center in Milwaukee, WI. Cathryn and Pastor Joel Free live in Mauston, WI with two little boys. Joel serves as pastor of St. Luke’s Lutheran in New Lisbon. Anna and Pastor Benjamin Schaefer live in Manitowoc, WI, with three daughters, where Ben is one of the pastors at First German. Ruth is a senior at Martin Luther College, and is engaged to be married this coming summer to Sebastian Roehr of Omaha, NE.

• Thank presenter

• Announce break, sectionals, and closing devotion at 12:45

• Bumping back everything 15 minutes due to running behind schedule

• Principals asked to meet with Fred Uttech during break between sectionals

• Bob Wiegman room announcements and turn in lanyards and badges

10:00 – 10:15 Break

10:15 – 11:15 Friday Sectionals Round One

A) Parental Choice and What It Means for Private Schools

Matt Kussow – WI Council of Religious/Independent Schools (Administrators)

B) Using Foundations

Kenneth Kremer (All grades)

C) What’s New in Picture Books

Prof. Cheryl Loomis – Martin Luther College (Grades K-5)

D) Growing in Ministry: Continuing Education at MLC

Prof. John Meyer – Martin Luther College (All grades)

E) Google Apps, Extensions, and More!

Dave Leonard (Technology)

F) Spiritual Growth Keynote Follow-Up

Pres. Mark Zarling – Martin Luther College (All grades)

This sectional will not be available in round two.

11:15 – 11:30 Break

11:30 – 12:30 Friday Sectionals Round Two

A) Parental Choice and What It Means for Private Schools

Matt Kussow – WI Council of Religious/Independent Schools (Administrators)

B) Using Foundations

Kenneth Kremer (All grades)

C) What’s New in Picture Books

Prof. Cheryl Loomis – Martin Luther College (Grades K-5)

D) Growing in Ministry: Continuing Education at MLC

Prof. John Meyer – Martin Luther College (All grades)

E) Google Apps, Extensions, and More!

Dave Leonard (Technology)

12:45 Closing Devotion in Church

• Introduce worship leader


• Bob Wiegman will do a host report for the conference to pass on to future hosts.

• Mark Thiesfeldt will provide contact information of those serving the conference to new chairman, David Fulton.

• Suggestion was made to bring back grade-level roundtables


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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