The American Constitution for Dummies

The American Constitution for Dummies

Your group has been commissioned to write a book called The American Constitution for Dummies. Using language that is simple enough for a 4th grader to understand, yet true to the intentions of the framers, you will re-write a section of the original Constitution to present to your publishing company.

Since you will be pitching your version of the book to a publisher, you must create an engaging poster to sell the publisher on your concept.

Additionally, you will include a written proposal in which you include the text of your book (the translated words of the Constitution) and an explanation of why the framers of the Constitution would have included guidelines such as these.

You will assign each member in your group a role in order to be the most efficient in completing the assignment. Roles should include: artists, translators, and scribes (someone to write on the poster as well as someone to type up the translations to be handed in).

To complete your project, you must:

1. Read your section of the Constitution (pages 760 – 773).

2. Translate every line of your section into modern-day, simple English. You will turn in a written report that must be typed.

3. Create a poster including a colorful, easy-to-read version of your section of the Constitution as well as illustrations.

4. Ready yourself to present your poster to your fellow students by __________.

Your group will be assigned one of the following sections of the Constitution:

Pages 760-763: Article 1, Sections 1-7

Pages 763-766: Article 1, Sections 8 – 10

Pages 766-768 Article 2, Sections 1-4

Pages 768-769 Article 3, Sections 1-3

Pages 769-770 Article 4, Sections 1-4

Pages 770-771 Articles 5, 6, 7

Pages 771-772 Bill of Rights, Amendments 1-5

Pages 772-773 have Bill of Rights, Amendments 6-10


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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