Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

Each person comes from a unique place in their thinking and in the way they interact with those around them. It’s important for me to understand how you view the world in general and yourself in particular. It is also empowering for you, as the client, to begin the coaching process with a clear and thorough assessment of your life.

Our confidentiality and trust begins now. Answer each of these questions as clearly and thoughtfully as possible, expressing the best of who you are. These are “pondering” type questions, designed to stimulate your thinking in a particular way which will make our work together even more productive. I suggest that you take several days to compose your responses to these questions.


1. Why did you choose your current profession?

2. What do you like most about the work that you do?

3. What do you like least about the work that you do?

4. As a professional, which areas do you consider yourself to be most effective?

5. In which areas would you like to see yourself improve or change?

6. If you could wave a magic wand and create the perfect situation for yourself as a professional and as a person, what would it look like?


1. How do you rate your commitment to your health and fitness at this time? (0 to 10)

Has it ever been higher or lower? (explain)

2. What would be helpful for me to know about your overall physical health and fitness?

3. What accomplishments or measurable events must, in your opinion, occur during your lifetime so that you will consider your life to have been satisfying and well-lived; a life of few or no regrets?


4. If there was a secret passion in your life, something which is almost too exciting to actually do (or do more of), what would it be?

5. How committed are you to your personal success and to the coaching process? (0-10)

Please explain why you rated your commitment at this level

6. If there was a 5 year goal and you had the continuing services of a coach to help you make it happen; and money was not an issue, what would that goal be? What difference would working with a coach make?


7. What’s missing from your life, the presence of which would have your life be even more fulfilling?

8. Do you believe in God or the concept of a higher power? If so, please describe the most useful and empowering aspects or your relationship with this higher power. If not, which reference point do you use?

9. What tangible things would you most like to have in your life?


10. Which of the following do you now have written down that you look at on a regular basis?

__ None __ One year goals __ Two year goals __ Five year goals __ Ten year goals

(If you do have any written goals, please provide me with a copy)

11. What would be helpful for me to know about your financial status?

12. How do you track your personal finances?


13. What are the top 5 things you have been tolerating or procrastinating on?






14. What tips would you give me on how you are best supported and empowered?

15. What are three activities that give you energy because you enjoy doing them so much?


16. What are your expectations of me as your coach?

17. What one personal quality do you most want to develop over the next 12 months?

(For example: patience, boldness, courage, calmness, integrity, humor, etc.)

18. What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done? What did you learn and how did you grow from it?


19. How do you feel about working on things that will improve your self-esteem and self-growth?

20. Anything else you want to communicate at this time?

PRIMARY FOCUS: Identify three areas that you want to hold as your MAIN focus during the first stages of our coaching partnership. For each focus area provide a simple heading, and underneath, a description of that measurable result.


Have a system to follow up on calls and letters, be on time, get tasks accomplished, eliminate a sense of overwhelm, and have a realistic goal for new business growth and increased income.




Congratulations! You have completed the CLIENT QUESTIONNAIRE. We now both have more clarity about what you want to achieve in our partnership together.


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