Advanced Placement Literature/Composition

Historical Film Analysis

Over the summer, you will get an opportunity to watch one of the four films listed below. First, select one of the films below you want to watch and find it on Netflix or on DVD at the library. I am not asking you to purchase any of these films. Please pick a movie you have not seen. Preceding your viewing, answer, using your best research skills, Section A of this worksheet. Sections B-E need to be answered during and following your viewing. All of the questions and activities provided are to be filled out and completed by the August 10, 2015, our first day of class next year. This is posted on Google classroom and shepardsophomore.. If you have any questions, please email me at

Pick one of these Movies

1. The Iron Lady – PG – 13 100 min. - An elderly Margaret Thatcher talks to the imagined presence of her recently deceased husband as she struggles to come to terms with his death while scenes from her past life, from girlhood to British prime minister, intervene.

2. The Queen – PG -13 103 min. - After the death of Princess Diana, HM Queen Elizabeth II struggles with her reaction to a sequence of events nobody could have predicted.

3. Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom – PG-13 141 min. - A chronicle of Nelson Mandela's life journey from his childhood in a rural village through to his inauguration as the first democratically elected president of South Africa.

4. Invictus – PG-13 134 min. - Nelson Mandela, in his first term as the South African President, initiates a unique venture to unite the apartheid-torn land: enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

A. Before Viewing

Read a description of the movie that you have chosen. Then research the historical topic and answer the following questions:

1. What is this topic about?

2. Who was involved?

3. When did this topic take place?

4. Where does it take place?

5. Prediction: How do you feel this movie will portray this historic event?

B. Characters

6. List the main characters of the movie and write bios of each of them. Make sure that you use the movie name not the actor’s real name.

C. Literary Terms (Describe or write an example from the film)

7. Setting: Write a description of where and when the setting takes place in the film and then draw a picture describing the setting. If you need to write a description of what is in the picture, you can.

8. Simile: Comparison between two unlike things using a word such as: like as, resembles, or than.

9. Metaphor: Comparison between two unlike things.

10. Theme: What is the recurring lesson the movie makes?

11. Tone/Mood: Feeling evoked from the movie by the characters and/or narrator

12. Summarize the Plot of the movie: Why do things happen in the movie?

13. Symbolism: Some thing, action, or person that represents another thing.

14. Foreshadowing: At least one example of foreshadowing

15. Climax: The action that resolves the movie (It may not be the last action)

16. Cause & Effect: At least one example of a cause and effect relationship from the movie.

17. Moral: What is the movie trying to tell or teach us?

D. Historical Event

Most stories are presented in this order: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. Give an example from the movie for each category below. Each term and their definition is below and then there is space next to each term for your examples.

Exposition – Sets the scene and introduces characters, ideas, and theme

Rising Action – Events and action that builds the story

Climax – Highest point of interest

Falling Action – How characters and events respond to the climax

Resolution – End of the story: How any conflicts are resolved.

18. Exposition

19. Rising Action

20. Climax

21. Falling Action

22. Resolution

E. Historical Perspective (Complete Sentences and detail)

23. What is your overall impression of the film? How does this film effect your opinion of this time in history? Why?

24. From a historical perspective add a scene to the movie by writing the script that would enhance the movie in relation to the historical topic.

25. Accuracy of the film: What was accurate about the film? What was inaccurate? How would you rate this film on historical accuracy from 1 to 10 (10 being the most accurate)?


Shepard Academy – Summer Assignment

Historical Film Analysis



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