Roth 10e NCLEX

Roth 10e NCLEX

Chapter 6


1. The nurse is teaching a group of clients in a cardiac rehabilitation class about food sources of proteins. In what foods will the nurse say protein is found?

|a. |in foods derived from both plant and animal foods |c. |only in foods derived from plants |

|b. |only in foods derived from animals |d. |only in fortified foods |


Proteins are found in both animal and plant foods.

PTS: 1 REF: Food Sources

2. The school nurse is making a presentation to parents of teenage students. One parent is concerned that their child is not getting adequate high quality dietary protein because the child has stopped eating meat. The nurse tells the parent that certain diets that do not contain meat can still provide adequate protein. Which of the following statements could the nurse make about vegetarian diets and protein?

|a. |all vegetarian diets deliver adequate high quality |c. |lacto-ovo vegetarian diets deliver adequate high quality |

| |dietary protein | |dietary protein |

|b. |fruitarian diets deliver adequate high quality dietary |d. |vegan diets deliver adequate high quality dietary protein|

| |protein | | |


All vegetarian diets do not include high quality protein. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets include both milk and eggs which are high quality proteins. Vegan diets include no animal products and therefore no high quality protein. Fruitarian diets include no protein containing foods.

PTS: 1 REF: Food Sources

3. The nurse orders a protein supplement for an elderly client who is recovering from major surgery. Which of the following reasons could the nurse give the client to explain why the supplement is needed?

|a. |The additional protein is needed to help heal the |c. |The protein supplement will keep the client from gaining |

| |surgical incision. | |weight while hospitalized. |

|b. |The protein will stimulate the client’s appetite. |d. |The protein supplement is a snack to satisfy the client |

| | | |so dinner can be delivered later. |


Extra proteins are usually required after surgery, severe burns, or during infections in order to replace lost tissue and to manufacture antibodies.

PTS: 1 REF: Dietary Requirements

4. The nurse cautions a client not to overuse products that neutralize stomach acids. Which of the following statements could the nurse make to support this advice?

|a. |Hydrochloric acid is needed in the small intestine for |c. |It just isn’t a good idea to use acid neutralizers. |

| |proteins to be absorbed | | |

|b. |Hydrochloric acid is needed to prepare the stomach to |d. |The pancreatic enzymes need hydrochloric acid to |

| |breakdown proteins. | |breakdown proteins. |


Hydrochloric acid prepares the stomach so that the enzyme pepsin can begin its task of reducing proteins to polypeptides. Pancreatic enzymes work in the small intestine, but do not require hydrochloric acid to work.

PTS: 1 REF: Digestion and Absorption


1. The client asks the nurse “What are the best food sources for high-quality protein”. Which of the following foods could the nurse say contain high quality proteins? Select all that apply.

|a. |cheese |d. |fish |

|b. |corn |e. |milk |

|c. |eggs |f. |peanuts |

ANS: A, C, D, E

Meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and cheese are sources of high quality protein because they are complete proteins. Corn and peanuts are incomplete proteins.

PTS: 1 REF: Food Sources

2. The nurse is teaching a client who follows a vegetarian diet how to combine plant based foods to provide all of the essential amino acids. Which of the following food combinations could the nurse say would be complementary proteins? Select all that apply.

|a. |cereal and milk |d. |white bread and peanut butter |

|b. |corn and brown rice |e. |white rice and pinto beans |

|c. |macaroni and cheese |f. |whole grain bread and cheddar cheese |

ANS: A, C, D, E, F

Corn and brown rice are not complementary proteins. Either corn or brown rice could be combined with beans to make a pair of complementary proteins. All of the remaining combinations are complementary proteins.

PTS: 1 REF: Classification

3. Which of the following teaching statements could the nurse make to a healthy adult client who is consuming 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Select all that apply.

|a. |Excess protein intake may put more demand on the kidneys |d. |Protein calories should represent no more than 15-20% of|

| |than they are prepared to handle. | |daily calorie intake. |

|b. |Excess protein intake may put more demand on the liver |e. |The recommended protein intake for healthy adults is 0.8 |

| |than it is prepared to handle. | |grams per kilograms of body weight. |

|c. |It is difficult to get that much protein in each day, so |f. |You will need to consume at least 3 grams of protein per |

| |drink some protein shakes to get to your goal. | |kilogram of body weight to remain healthy |

ANS: A, B, D, E

The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences considers the average adult’s daily requirement to be 0.8 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight/ The National Research Council recommends that protein intake represent no more than 15-20% of one’s daily calorie intake and not exceed double the amount given in the table of DRI’s. Excess protein intake may put more demands on the liver and kidneys than they are prepared to handle.

PTS: 1 REF: Dietary Requirements and Excess Protein

4. The nurse is concerned about the welfare of an infant who appears to be malnourished. The nurse evaluates the child’sappearance and concludes that the child may be suffering from marasmus. Which of the following observations/symptoms would support the nurse’s conclusion? Select all that apply.

|a. |dull, dry hair |d. |irritability |

|b. |Edema |e. |painful skin lesions |

|c. |extreme wasting |f. |wrinkled skin |

ANS: A, C, D, F

Marasmus, a condition resulting from severe malnutrition, afflicts very young children who lack both energy and protein foods as well as vitamins and minerals. The infant with marasmus is irritable and appears emaciated from extreme wasting, but does not have edema. Hair is dull and dry, and the skin is thin and wrinkled. Painful skin lesions and edema are signs of Kwashiorkor, another type of protein energy malnutrition.

PTS: 1 REF: Protein Energy Malnutrition

5. An elderly client tells the visiting nurse that protein foods are not part of the client’s diet because meat prices are too high to be affordable. What non-meat foods could the nurse recommend the client consume to boost protein intake? Select all that apply.

|a. |beans with rice |d. |Eggs |

|b. |Cheese |e. |oatmeal with milk |

|c. |corn tortillas with beans |f. |peanut butter on bread |

ANS: A, B, C, D, E, F

Cheese and milk are both sources of high quality protein and grains combined with legumes are complementary proteins.

PTS: 1 REF: Classification

6. A parent of three children whose ages are 3, 10, and 16 asks the nurse if all three children should be fed the same amount of protein each day. What could the nurse say determines how much protein a person needs each day? Select all that apply.

|a. |Age |d. |physical condition |

|b. |emotional condition |e. |physical size |

|c. |Ethnicity |f. |Sex |

ANS: A, B, D, E, F

One’s protein requirement is determined by size, age, sex, and physical and emotional conditions. Ethnicity is not a consideration in determining protein requirements.

PTS: 1 REF: Dietary Requirements


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