Boston Collegiate Charter School

 Happy summer to our new 6th Graders!Your teachers are so excited to welcome you to the third floor next year. From swashbuckling sea battles to mythical monsters, fantastical futures to modern masterpieces, there are plenty of thrilling stories awaiting you in English class next year.As we prepare to start a new school year, we have two summer assignments for you. We hope these will be fun and allow you to continue exercising your language skills over the next few months. Read A Girl Called Problem, by Katie Quirk.This book tells the story of Shida, a 13-year-old girl in rural Tanzania, as she tries to discover why her village seems to be cursed. A novel about adventure, resilience, and self-discovery, we hope this will prepare you for some of the perspective-taking skills we will build together in class next year. This book, which will be mailed to your home, is a text you would have read with Ms. JB, Ms. Hafferkamp, and Ms. Downes in person at the end of 5th grade, until the school closure happened. Parents/families can click here to access an optional folder of background info, discussion questions, visual aids, vocab, and other info to help and guide students as they read! Complete the e-mail writing assignment.Since starting remote learning, we have all relied on e-mail as a way to communicate with other members of our school community. Your 6th grade ELA teachers have each written introductory messages for you, attached to this letter. Please read each of them. Then, write an e-mail replying to at least one of the three messages, using the checklist to fix any mistakes in your writing. If you would like to email your reply directly to us, our contact info is:Mr. Gilbert: sgilbert@Mr. Stauffer: nstauffer@Ms. Cianciaruso: lcianciaruso@We look forward to hearing from you, and we can’t wait to welcome you to our class in September! Have a happy, healthy, and safe summer break.With love,Your teachers! ?Feliz verano a nuestros nuevos estudiantes de 6to grado!Sus maestros están muy emocionados de darle la bienvenida al tercer piso el próximo a?o. Desde batallas de mar revueltas hasta monstruos míticos, futuros fantásticos y obras maestras modernas, hay muchas historias emocionantes que lo esperan en la clase de inglés el próximo a?o.Mientras nos preparamos para comenzar un nuevo a?o escolar, tenemos dos tareas de verano para ti. Esperamos que sean divertidas y le permitan continuar ejerciendo sus habilidades lingüísticas durante los próximos meses.A.) Leer A Girl Called Problem, por Katie Quirk.Este libro cuenta la historia de Shida, una ni?a de 13 a?os en la zona rural de Tanzania, mientras intenta descubrir por qué su pueblo parece estar maldito. Una novela sobre aventura, resiliencia y autodescubrimiento, esperamos que esto lo prepare para algunas de las habilidades de toma de perspectiva que desarrollaremos juntos en clase el próximo a?o. Este libro, que se enviará por correo a su hogar, es un texto que habría leído con la Sra. JB, la Sra. Hafferkamp y la Sra. Downes en persona al final del 5to grado, hasta que ocurriera el cierre de la escuela. ?Los padres / familias pueden hacer clic aquí para acceder a una carpeta opcional de información básica, preguntas de discusión, ayudas visuales, vocabulario y otra información para ayudar y guiar a los estudiantes mientras leen!B.) Complete la tarea de escritura de correo electrónico.Desde que comenzamos el aprendizaje remoto, todos hemos confiado en el correo electrónico como una forma de comunicarnos con otros miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar. Sus maestros de ELA de 6to grado tienen cada uno de ellos mensajes de introducción escritos, adjuntos a esta carta. Lea cada uno de ellos. Luego, escriba un correo electrónico respondiendo al menos a uno de los tres mensajes, utilizando la lista de verificación para corregir cualquier error en su escritura. Si desea enviarnos su respuesta directamente, nuestra información de contacto es:Mr. Gilbert: sgilbert@Mr. Stauffer: nstauffer@Ms. Cianciaruso: lcianciaruso@?Esperamos tener noticias de ti, y estamos ansiosos por darle la bienvenida a nuestra clase en septiembre! Que tengan unas vacaciones de verano felices, saludables y seguras.Con cari?o,?Tus maestros!From:“Mr. Stauffer” (nstauffer@)To:“My New Student” (student@)Date: June 9, 2020 - 10:32 am Subject:Getting to Know YouMessage:What’s up, superstar?YOU DID IT! You survived fifth grade! Give yourself a high-five. I’d give you one right now, but… you know… social distancing and all. :-)Now you have two months to prepare for a year of new experiences, new challenges, and new friends. This will be my second year teaching at BCCS, so I have lots of ideas on how to make my classes even more fun and exciting. How are you feeling about becoming a 6th grader? What are you looking forward to? What makes you most nervous?Oh, by the way, I’m Mr. Stauffer. I’m that tall, goofy guy who was grooving way too hard at the Halloween dance this year. Just like Mr. Gilbert, I am from Philadelphia. If you haven’t heard of our mascot Gritty, I will definitely introduce you! My hobbies include creative writing, baking, and performing. I have acted in more than 25 shows! What are some of your hobbies?Another interesting fact about me is that I am an avid traveler, having visited 23 countries. I love learning about other cultures, trying new foods, and experiencing things I would not be able to in Boston. I even lived and taught in Malaysia for a year! Do you have a favorite place you've traveled? If not, where is one place you would like to visit someday?I’m excited to learn with you! Enjoy your summer, and get ready for the best year EVER!With love,Mr. SFrom:“Mr. Gilbert” (sgilbert@)To:“My New Student” (student@)Date: June 16, 2020 - 3:13 pmSubject:Yo! Whatsup, it’s Mr. Gilbert!Message:Hi friend,Happy Summer! I hope this e-mail message is a nice surprise after a fun day filled with relaxing, ice cream, and movies -- but only if you slept in until noon, had banana ice cream with oreo topping, and laughed out loud to an action comedy on Netflix. Just kidding - I like all movies. What’s your favorite movie or television show? I need some recommendations!I’d like to introduce myself to you! I’m Mr. Gilbert, but you can call me Mr. G or “The Professor”. I grew up in New Jersey, but I went to school outside Philadelphia from 5th Grade to 12th grade, so I like to tell people ‘I’m from Philly’. I love the Philadelphia 76ers and “Trust the Process” is my motto in life and for 6th Grade ELA. Do you have a favorite sports team, or a favorite quote to live by?I studied English and Film Studies at Boston College -- so I love stories; on the page, on the stage, or on the silver screen - I love listening to stories and telling my own. Do you have a good story about you to tell me before we meet in September? Tell me! I’d love to hear it.I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. I look forward to bumping into you into the hallway all the way on the 3rd Floor at Sydney Street.Best,Mr. GilbertFrom:“Ms. Cianciaruso” (lcianciaruso@)To:“My New Student” (student@)Date: June 9, 2020 - 3:46PMSubject:Welcome to 6th Grade! Message:Hey there!Ms. Cianciaruso here, to officially welcome you to the 6th grade. You did it! ? I know that most of you know me from 5th grade, but there are some of you I did not have the pleasure of teaching last year. I am excited to start a new year with you! I am one of the ELA teachers in 6th grade and I work closely with Mr. Stauffer and Mr. Gilbert (Like Ms. Downes in 5th grade). What is one thing you are wondering about as you start 6th grade?I studied Special Education in college at Saint Joseph College (now known as University of Saint Joseph) in Connecticut. Did you know that USJ used to be an all women’s college? When I studied there, only women were allowed to attend. Now that it is a University, it has become co-ed (allows both men and women). I also got my masters at USJ in Special Education with a focus on Autism Spectrum Disorders. I know a lot about how to help kids learn in different ways. Do you know what you would like to study in college?I hope you are enjoying your summer break and getting some much deserved rest and relaxation after such a hard year. I am personally very excited to cozy up with some good books including The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. It is a prequel to the Hunger Games series. I like to read dystopian genres. What is your favorite genre to read? I am also excited to read A Girl Called Problem with you all as well! What other books are you going to read? Let me know if you need any help getting books!As many of you know I have three cats, Mr. Pickles, Escher, and Jack(ie) who have been enjoying the extra time at home with me. Did any of you see them in my zoom calls last year? They are pretty lazy in their old age and spend a lot of time napping in the sun. Do you have any pets? I have been spending a lot of time trying out new recipes at home, including homemade breads. I have also started a garden from food scraps including garlic and scallions so I don’t have to buy them at the store. Do you have any good recipes that I can try? Well that is enough about me! I can’t wait to hear from you and get to know you a little better before we start the year. 1304925122872Bye for now,Ms. CianciarusoFrom:EditingChecklist1333500123825To:Date: Subject:Message:Do not submit until you have used this checklist to edit/revise your email!your name (from), the teacher’s name (to), and the date are typed at the topYou have a relevant e-mail subject (matches what you say in your email)Starts with a “Greeting” to introduce yourselfYou respond to your teacher using 1st Person and in your own voice.You responded to each message included in the teacher emailInclude a “Salutation” to sign off at the end.Sincerely,Thank you,Bye for now,Love,Each sentence starts with a capital letterEach sentence ends with punctuation ................

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