Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance

Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on

Car Insurance


Rod Hanks President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance


The nfrmtn rsntd in this rrt sll and fully rrsnts the views of the uthr s f th dt f ublitin. An missin, r tntil msrrsnttn f, n l r mns is ntirl unntntnl. As a result f hnging nfrmtn, nditins r ntxts, ths uthr rsrvs the rght t ltr ntnt t thr sl dsrtn.

The rrt s fr infrmtinl urss nl nd whl vr ttmt hs bn md t vrf th nfrmtn ntind hrin, th uthr ssums n rsnsblt fr rrrs, nurs, nd mssns. Eh rsn hs unu nds nd ths bk nnt tk ths ndvdul dffrns nt unt. Fr s f us, ll links n ths rrt r rdsrtd thrugh ths lnk t fltt n futur changes nd mnmz dd lnks.

This -bk s rght ? 2017 "Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group" with all rights rsrvd. It is illegal to , distribute, r rt drvtv wrks frm ths bk n whl r n rt. N rt f ths report m b rrdud r trnsmttd n n frm whtsvr, ltrni, or mhnil, nludng htng, rrdng, r b n informational strg or rtrivl system wthut xrssd written, dated and signed rmssn from th author.

? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance

Table Of Contents



Table Of Contents




Shop Around For The Best Rates


Compare Insurance Rates Before You Buy A New Car


Raise Your Deductibles


Reduce Coverage On Cars Older Than 10 Years


Buy Auto Insurance And Home Insurance From The Same Company


Keep A Good Credit History


Use Low Mileage And Safe Driver Discounts


Group Insurance Discounts


Seek Out Other Discounts


Review Current Policy Coverages Annually


? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance


D u ever wndr wh diffrnt cars t you different munt fr auto inurn rmium? Wh is it tht a nw Crvtt may cost u $1,600 a month in ut inurn nd n ldr Buik Regal m only cost u $90 r mnth? Th nw car insurance t vru the ld r inurn t i a ubjt tht u must review bfr you buy any car. Review inurn costs bfr u bu and u will not get ught in a financial trap.

Nw r t more t insure thn old r fr three reasons. Firt, n auto theft f a nw nd xti r t much more thn th auto thft of n ldr and vrg tl r. Thi i bu of the lrg vlu difference f th nw r vru ld r. For example, a nw Chv Cri i muh mr costly t inur thn n ldr Chv Cri. It iml t mr mn to rl a nw, xniv r than n ldr, l xniv r.

Snd, th t t rir a nw r i muh mr thn the cost to fix n ld car. As uh, thi ft hll l increase your insurance premium cost fr a nw car. Fr xml, if a new Chv Caprice i damaged in an idnt, th auto repair h will hrg u muh mr mn for rir than if th subject r wr a tn-r-ld Chv Caprice. For thi rn, your inurr will charge u muh mr inurn rmium n a new vehicle thn n older r because f uh rir t.

Third, the tl nd type f car l hll grtl affect the cost f automobile insurance premiums tht ur car insurance mn will hrg you. Inurn mni u turil ttiti tables whih show thm the t loss experience n styles nd types f r. They u th tbl, to hl calculate wht rmium to charge thir customers in th future. Statistical tbl show th insurance companies that wnr f rtin tl and t f cars, uh sports r, ngg in more rik driving behavior thn wnr f cars tht r of vrg t nd tl.

? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance

For xml, inurn mn ttitil tbl hw tht the inurr h xrind more losses with rt cars thn with vrg cars. It i because th owner f a Corvette will rbbl driv uh r ftr and rikir thn th wnr of a Toyota Cmr. With such d nd risk l m lng mr l fr th inurn mni. With uh rik nd l increase, the insurance mn mut then inr thir rturn and hrg more fr auto inurn premiums.

Anthr xml of hw th type and style of the vhil may rnt an insurance mn with mr rik is th ff-rd tl vehicles uh as the Hummer line of vhil. These vhil r dignd t rfrm in th ff-rd t nvirnmnt. Th r raised up off th grund mr thn regular utmbil for undrrrig lrn. Additinll, th also hv four-wheel driv bilit.

With such dign biliti, th ttitil tbl hw that th insurance mn h xrind mr losses with th t f cars thn rgulr r. Thi i bu the wnr f such vhil will engage in off-road driving whih i bth rik t th vhil nd drivr. In ft, m inurn mni m br recovery fr uh damages, when the owner of th inurd vehicle was dmgd while any ngging in risky, ff-rd driving. Agin, with mr risk, the insurance company will inr rturn and thus auto inurn rmium. Nw that u know that rtin tl nd t of cars t more t inur thn thr, u hv to b mrt but wht kind f vehicle u are going t bu.

Rthr thn take a gu t wht u bliv a vhil' inurn t r, rd on to divr Stupid E Ways To Save A Lt of Money n Car Inurn.

? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance

Shop Around For The Best Rates

Fr th best rt on your car inurn, On of th bt tip t ml i to shop around fr th best rates. Th first thing you hv t do t get urlf the best ut inurn rt is t think about wht you want ut f a policy. Thr r a lt f diffrnt ftur you n dd t a basic policy tht will mk it more mn. Some of th additions you might nidr musts, u hv to did for urlf. If u d not want vrthing inludd in ur li, u d nt have t.

On u knw wht ll u want, u r ready to g to diffrnt companies. The rn u should knw wht you wnt first i because u might gt tuk getting vrthing.

Aftr u hv figurd out what you wnt your li t lk like, th nxt t in gtting the bt auto insurance rates is shopping around. Yu want t g to at lt five different mni to get th bt dl.

Obviul, the firt thing i to g nt the intrnt nd start searching fr quotes. Thi i md ir by some mrin wbit tht can d vrthing fr you in a few minut.

With th wbit, you nd t nd tim ntring ll of th relevant infrmtin required for ur inurn including all of your rnl dtil lng with th details f ur r. On you have mltd th dtil, jut lik on th buttn and lt th website do it job.

Yu hll thn be fd with different ut from a rng f insurance companies. You can thn ik th n tht bt suits u, however, d k in mind tht th ht m not actually b the best depending on what u ruir.

The ht insurance ut may lack certain aspects uh rvr frm n idnt r brking down fr xml, u have t mk ur u rd ll f th dtil f wht is vrd bfr u rd. It n giv u bttr f

? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance

mind sometimes if you nd u with m additional extras n ur insurance even if u do have t a littl bit mr fr it.

You huld l rmmbr that nt vr insurance mn i affiliated with these mrin websites however th mjrit f them do appear n it. But mr details huld b diud for the tul mltin f th forms t save u as much money possible.

Whn u are completing thm, u should rll fu n vn th mllt details regarding ur r and th ltin. If u k it in a garage, then u hv t mntin it tht n v you money compared t it itting n the street. Al if ur r h n immbilizr thn inlud that in the details due t it making it harder fr it to be tln.

Yu l mut include if it h a tracking tm intlld whih i bming more ulr in mr expensive r du to the ability t find it gin if it i tln. Th r jut a few thing tht u huld think but and ut on th form nthing whih mk it mr secure nd less likl to b damaged or stolen can nl hl u.

So whn you r hing rund for th cheapest r insurance ut remember nd use the mrin wbit as ur first tin. Fill in mn details as you can ill th ftur that mk it safer fr th r. Double hk what is included in th inurn ut t if it d vr vrthing that you need as it can nd u saving you mn in th lng run.

If u limit urlf t n r two companies, you run the risk of bing givn basically th m rt. Th whl purpose f hing around is to find yourself the cheapest rt ri for th bt vrg.

Anthr rn tht shopping rund for the bt auto insurance rt is a good thing is bu it giv u n id of wht that mn will b lik your insurance company. If th are nt rll willing to wrk with you vr the hn a potential utmr, hw will th be whn u are a utmr, and u wr just in n idnt? This l is mthing tht could ftr into your diin.

? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


Ten Stupid Easy Ways To Save A Lot of Money on Car Insurance

Compare Insurance Rates Before You Buy A New Car

When it m t getting a new r inurn li, it is important to k several things in mind t ll tim. Thr r diffrnt types f r insurance policies ut thr, so you nd t mk ur u hv th vrg u lgll need, well the coverage ur finning i ging t ruir u t hv. Your tt will ruir u t hv at least the br minimum vrg tht tt allows. If u have a brnd new r tht u have a ln ut on, it i important to mk ur tht u have full vrg. Not nl will u nd thi t mk ur tht you r covered in case th car ends up ttld in n ut idnt, but lmt all lndr will require it.

Thi rule f thumb i nt nl t protect you but l t protect the best interest of the bnk tht llwd u to borrow th money t urh th car. If your r is newer nd d not hv a ln tthd t it, then u hv th tin f gtting a nw r insurance policy tht is limited r full vrg. Since mr thn likl th r is worth a dnt munt f mn, it i a gd id t k full coverage inurn on the vhil. Thi i tht u n get a replacement car of ul value in the vnt that mthing bad hn t ur r.

On u hv decided what t f nw r insurance u will be lking for, it is a gd id t mk ur that u r shopping rund. The id that ll f th companies will hrg u th same i false. Evr mn has diffrnt rates to make sure that u are ving the mt munt f mn ibl you r ging t wnt t shop around. K in mind tht ll r inurn mni do look t the m ftr whn deciding what t charge u fr th li.

Yur rdit score will hv a lt to do with how muh ur nw car inurn is ging t t you. Th bttr ur rdit r i, th bttr your rmium payments will b. If you hv a shaky rdit score, thn you nd t b rrd to spend a littl mr in mnt. The rn behind this i tht th inurn companies believe tht th have found tht th with lower rdit scores nd u mking mr lim. The xt in bhind this i a littl unclear, but it seems t ring tru in mt cases.

? 2017

Rod Hanks, President The Hanks Group


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