Projects List - Intomedia

| |Project |Genre |Producer |

| |Addo's Elephants |Wildlife |Nic Van Oudtshoorn |

| |The story of a herd of elephants hunted to |1 x 52 | |

| |the brink of extinction a hundred years ago |Available June 2004 | |

| |and now a unique model of conservation in | | |

| |South Africa. Shot over three years with the| | |

| |elephant families and scientists studying | | |

| |them. | | |

| |Adventures with the Cropp Family |Family Adventure |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |A sequel to an earlier documentary, The |1x 52 | |

| |Young Adventurers, this film continues to |Available Now | |

| |document the Cropp family's obsession with | | |

| |and knowledge of the underwater world. | | |

| |Australia's Wild North |Environment |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Ben Cropp and his sons, Dean and Adam, |1 x 50 | |

| |explore the vast and remote coastline of |Available Now | |

| |Australia¹s far north from their vessel, | | |

| |Freedom II. It¹s an adventure along the Top| | |

| |End - Cape York, the Gulf of Carpentaria, | | |

| |Arnhem Land and the Kimberley Coast. | | |

| |Beauty & the Beast |Environment |Frank Shields |

| |The story of the campaign to save the |1 x 50 | |

| |amazing Triton cephalopod – the only |Development | |

| |predator of the Crown of Thorns starfish | | |

| |decimating the world’s coral reefs – with | | |

| |amazing footage of the creature enveloping | | |

| |these deadly coral killers. | | |

| |Children of the Revolution |Culture and Society |Producer David Max Brown |

| |South African filmmaker and activist, Zola |1 x 52 | |

| |Maseko, tracks down five South African |Available Now | |

| |exiles twelve years after their return home | | |

| |and reveals that life is not entirely what | | |

| |they would have hoped for. | | |

| |Straight from the Heart |Biography |Ad Astera |

| |A unique biography of the world’s first |1 x 50 | |

| |heart transplant surgeon made by film maker |Available Now. | |

| |and life long friend, Dirk De Villiers who | | |

| |reveals the private as well as the public | | |

| |side of this amazing man. | | |

| |Dicing with Love |Relationship Game | Chris Thomas |

| |Relationships have three key stages – |Half Hour Series | |

| |introduction, courtship and consummation – |Format available now | |

| |this format asks contestants to enact how | | |

| |they manage each stage in a funny but | | |

| |skillful dramatic performance. | | |

| |Eat Me |Romantic Comedy Feature Film |Rezso Bodonyi |

| |From the best selling novel by Linda Jaivin,|Financing | |

| |this picture is a cross between Bridget | | |

| |Jones’s Diary and Sex and the City. | | |

| |Etched in Stone |History/environment |Ralph Stutchbury |

| |The granite hills of Zimbabwe are a |1 x 26. | |

| |storehouse of ancient rock art. Four years |Available now. | |

| |in the making the film explores the lives of| | |

| |ancient African civilisations. | | |

| |Exotica and Erotica of the Deep |Wildlife |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |What goes on under the surface of the ocean |1 x 50 | |

| |would make your toes curl. A fascinating |Available Now | |

| |exploring of the mating habits of marine | | |

| |creatures. | | |

| |Exploring Cape York Peninsular |Wildlife/Environment |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |A third film in the series of adventures |1 x 50 | |

| |undertaken by Ben Cropp and his two sons, |Available Now | |

| |Dean and Adam, around the top end of | | |

| |Australia¹s wilderness coast to the | | |

| |Kimberley¹s. The other two films being | | |

| |Australia¹s Wild North and The Kimberley | | |

| |Coast. | | |

| | Naki – Hands of a Forgotten Hero |Culture and Society | |

| |The story of a black servant who became one |1 x 52 | |

| |of the most skilled of surgeons and did it |Development/Pitching | |

| |in secret in the midst of Apartheid South | | |

| |Africa. | | |

| |Karaoke Star |Entertainment Format |Intomedia Pty Ltd |

| |National competition to discover the best |Format available now. | |

| |and finest karaoke performers. | | |

| |Kid Docs |Children’s Factual |Intomedia Pty Ltd |

| |Documentaries about kids, by kids, for kids.|26 x 11 | |

| |With young people production teams deciding |Format available now. | |

| |what and where they will shoot. | | |

| |Kid Swaps |Children’s Reality |Intomedia Pty Ltd |

| |What would two boys and two girls do if they|13 x 22 | |

| |swapped lives for 48 hours….boys at ballet –|Format Available Now | |

| |girls at football – and school??? Now that’s| | |

| |funny. | | |

| |Legends of the S Pacific |Travel and Adventure/Culture |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Vanuatu is alive with legends and Ben Cropp |1 x 52 | |

| |takes his camera to outlying Vanuatu island |Available Now | |

| |communities to reveal some of the macabre, | | |

| |the amusing and the weird legends of the | | |

| |South Pacific. | | |

| |Lions of the Kalahari |Wildlife |Pro Vision |

| |One of the most beautiful portraits of these|1 x 52 | |

| |amazing animals living on the edge of |Available Now. | |

| |existence in the might Kalahari desert. | | |

| |Little Tracker |Wildlife/Travel Adventure |Pro Vision |

| |A young white boy is initiated into the |1 x 52 | |

| |mysteries of the art of tracking by his |Available Now | |

| |black mentor in the veldt of South Africa. | | |

| |Lost Dinosaurs of New Zealand |Wildlife/History |Red Sky Film and Television - |

| |How a 62 – year old amateur palaeontologist |1 x 52 |Bryan Bruce |

| |overturned the conventional wisdom of the |Available Now | |

| |world’s dinosaur experts and revealed new | | |

| |theories on why the world’s mightiest beasts| | |

| |became extinct. | | |

| |Movie Stars |Reality series leading to |EPIC Films |

| |The nationwide casting show as we put |feature film. | |

| |selected wannabe stars through a rigorous | | |

| |acting course and select the cast for our | | |

| |movie. They start on Monday! | | |

| |Sea Monsters |Health, Science and |Red Sky Film and Television - |

| |Do they exist? Did they ever exist? An |Technology/Wildlife |Bryan Bruce Film and Television |

| |exploration of the myth and reality of the |1 x 52 | |

| |recurring legends of the sea creatures that |Pitching | |

| |eat ships and people. | | |

| |Secrets of the Great Barrier Reef |Travel Adventure |Look Films |

| |takes you on a journey of discovery on land,|1 x 52 | |

| |in the rainforest, around tropical far north|Pitching | |

| |Queensland - above and below the waterline | | |

| |Shark Net |Wildlife adventure |Intomedia |

| |An investigation of the effect of putting so|1 x 30 | |

| |called shark proof nets around beaches to |Development | |

| |protect swimmers. Glamourous diver, Sasha | | |

| |Dench joins the sharks to show that all the | | |

| |nets do is kill other fish and give no | | |

| |security to swimmers. | | |

| |Ningaloo Reef where ocean giants meet |Environment |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia is where,|1 x 52 | |

| |every April, whale shark go on a spectacular|Available Now | |

| |feeding frenzy on their migration around the| | |

| |Indian Ocean. | | |

| |Nomads of the Savannah |Wildlife |Ralph Stutchbury |

| |The amazing story of the much maligned |1 x 26 | |

| |highly endangered carnivore, the wild dog. |Available Now | |

| |The film tracks one pack in south east | | |

| |Zimbabwe | | |

| |Pack Your Bags |Travel Adventure Game |Intomedia Pty Ltd/Travel Media |

| |Teams travel the world with a list of tasks |13 x 30 | |

| |to perform. And to prove they carry them |Format available now. | |

| |out, they must video themselves on the road.| | |

| |A cross between Lonely Planet and Funniest | | |

| |Home Videos. | | |

| |Portrait of a Muslim Woman |Culture and Society |Rayda Jacobs. |

| |The film explores the question of what does |1 x 26. | |

| |a Muslim woman of today in the Western Cape |Available now. | |

| |of South Africa look like? | | |

| |Quarter Life Crisis |Romantic Comedy Feature |David Rowe |

| |Two twenty something young misfits find love|1 x 90 | |

| |in an instant photo shop. A charming comedy |Financing | |

| |that will touch every heart. | | |

| |Quetzalcoatl. The Forgotten King. |Ancient History investigative |Andrew Williams |

| |The search for proof that a King of Crete |documentary. | |

| |went to South America 1,500 BC and left a |1 x 60 | |

| |mark on central and South America that |Financing. | |

| |endures to this day in the heritage of the | | |

| |Inca and the Aztec. | | |

| |Savage Secrets |Wildlife |Pro Vision |

| |A dramatic expose of territorial conflict |1 x 52 | |

| |between wild African animals in striking |Available Now | |

| |close up scenes | | |

| |Sea Snakes of Marion Reef |Environment/Wildlife |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Up close and personal with some of the least|1 x 52 | |

| |known creatures of the sea and some of the |Available Now | |

| |deadliest snakes on earth. Explorer Ben | | |

| |Cropp takes us on a study of sea snake like | | |

| |you’ve never seen before. | | |

| |Sea to Summit |Travel and Adventure |Mike Dillon |

| |Journey from sea level to the highest |4 x 52 | |

| |pinnacles of the world in a trek that takes |Pitching | |

| |viewers through some of the most spectacular| | |

| |and fascinating countries on earth. Made by | | |

| |the director who created the film of the | | |

| |same name with mountaineer Tim McCartney | | |

| |Snape who walked from the Indian Ocean to | | |

| |the summit of Mount Everest. | | |

| |Search for Sunken Ships |Travel Adventure |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Hundreds of undiscovered sunken ships of |1 x 52 | |

| |treasure litter the ocean floor around |Available Now | |

| |Australia. Ben Cropp discovers some of | | |

| |these wrecks and finds treasure. | | |

| |Secrets of an Oasis |Environment/Wildlife |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |In the midst of the harsh land of Australia,|1 x 52 | |

| |an oasis is an island of life. Fed by pure |Available Now | |

| |underground springs, the crystal clear pools| | |

| |of the Oasis are home to an incredible | | |

| |variety or life brought to the viewer in | | |

| |close detail. | | |

| |Spice Travels |Food, Drink and Leisure |Intomedia Pty Ltd |

| |Journey around the world with spice merchant|8 x 30 | |

| |Ian “Herbie” Hemphill as we explore the |Financing | |

| |place, the people, the tastes and aromas of | | |

| |pepper, cardamom, saffron, chilies and many | | |

| |more of the world’s most fantastic tastes. A| | |

| |Feast of travel, culture and food. | | |

| |Spirit of the Eland People |Culture and Society |Pro Vision |

| |For centuries, Tsodilo Hills – sanctuary of |1 x 52 | |

| |the Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari has |Available Now | |

| |protected its spirits and their legends from| | |

| |the probing eyes of the western world. Now | | |

| |film maker Dirk Hunter has been accepted | | |

| |into this mystical world the age old beliefs| | |

| |and great traditions of an enigmatic nation.| | |

| |St Helena |Culture and Society |Liz Fish Productions |

| |Napoleon spent his last days on this remote |1 x 52 | |

| |island but what is it like to live their |Available Now | |

| |today – beautiful, remote and definitely | | |

| |British even though London is many thousands| | |

| |of miles away. A wonderful experience of a | | |

| |culture on its own. | | |

| |Surfaces |Health, Science and Technology |Intomedia Pty Ltd/ Agaton |

| |Everything in creation has boundaries – |1 x 90 | |

| |surfaces that distinguish one from the |Development | |

| |other. But the surfaces are also the | | |

| |transitions between cell and organism, land | | |

| |and sea, atmosphere and space. By exploring | | |

| |the surface, we experience creation through | | |

| |different eyes. By Emmy award-winner Mikael | | |

| |Agaton. | | |

| |Tales of a Shark Hunter |Wildlife |Ben Cropp Productions |

| |Ben Cropp was once a shark hunter. Now as a |1 x 52 | |

| |leading marine expert and conservationist, |Available Now | |

| |he shares with us his stories that take us | | |

| |from hunting to saving these denizens of the| | |

| |deep | | |

| |The Battle for the Bundu |History |Amun-Ra Films Pty Ltd |

| |The story of General Paul von |1 x 52 | |

| |Lettow-Vorbeck Father of Modern Guerrilla |Development | |

| |Warfare. Often compared to T.E. Lawrence, |Seeking pre sales | |

| |von Lettow-Vorbeck was one of the most | | |

| |remarkable military commanders of World War | | |

| |I, the only German commander during that | | |

| |period to hold British territory and never | | |

| |to have suffered a defeat. | | |

| |The Big Mystery |Health Science and Technology |Red Sky Film and Television - |

| |Why did the dinosaurs become so big and then|1 x 52 |Bryan Bruce Film and Television |

| |disappear? What happened to the large |Pitching | |

| |mammals that replaced them? Why will the | | |

| |world’s large animals vanish in our | | |

| |children’s lifetime? Featuring Dr Jack | | |

| |Horner of Jurassic Park fame, this is a | | |

| |tantalizing analysis of a puzzle that | | |

| |engages many of the world’s finest minds. | | |

| |The Coral Reefs are Dying |Environment |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |A study of the plight of coral reefs and the|1 x 52 | |

| |environmental degradation that is |Available Now | |

| |threatening some of the most amazing living | | |

| |structures on earth. | | |

| |The Coral Sea - Emerald Islands in a Rainbow|Environment |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Sea The remote and beautiful islands of the |1 x 52 | |

| |Coral Sea, east of Queensland, Australia, |Available Now | |

| |attract scuba divers from all over the | | |

| |world. Green turtles, sharks and tropical | | |

| |fish abound in this pristine environment. | | |

| |The Elusive Mermaid |Wildlife |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |The dugong was thought to be the ancient |1 x 52 | |

| |mermaid described by sailors. In this film, |Available Now | |

| |explorer Ben Cropp brings us face to face | | |

| |with this majestic maiden of the sea. | | |

| |The Killing Game |Wildlife |Pro Vision |

| |African wildlife at its best. The reality of|1 x 52 | |

| |survival shot against the majesty of the |Available Now | |

| |African bush. | | |

| |The Kimberley Coast |Travel and Adventure/Wildlife |Benn Cropp Productions |

| |Experience one of the most remote and |1 x 52 | |

| |beautiful coastlines in the world as we go |Available Now | |

| |exploring with veteran diver, Ben Cropp. | | |

| |The Lost Czar |Health, Science and Technology |Intomedia Pty |

| |When Czar Nicholas of Russia was murdered in|1 x 52 |Ltd/Look/Storyteller |

| |1928 with all his family, that was supposed |Pitching | |

| |to end his dynasty. But did it? Around the | | |

| |world there are claims that two children | | |

| |survived and there are now grandsons who | | |

| |have the right to be called Czar of Russia | | |

| |with all that it means. With the best | | |

| |forensic and investigative techniques | | |

| |available, we go in search of the truth. | | |

| |Will we find The Lost Czar? | | |

|The Tuan of Antonies Gat |Culture and Society |Rayda Jacobs - Riempie Productions |

|Antonie's Gat, a cave on the coastline of Cape |1 x 30 | |

|Town, South Africa, became home to imprisoned |Available Now | |

|Indonesian sultan after his escape from the Dutch | | |

|in 1700. Was it he who brought Islam to South | | |

|Africa? | | |

|Tiger Shark - Legendary Thug of the Sea |Wildlife |Ben Cropp Productions |

|Dive beneath the Coral Sea and get up close to |1 x 52 | |

|these extraordinary creatures. They might seem |Available Now | |

|fearsome but they are elusive and rarely filmed so| | |

|this is a unique experience with veteran marine | | |

|explorer Ben Cropp. | | |

|What Makes Us Human? |Health, Science and Technology |Intomedia Pty Ltd |

|An artificial limb doesn’t effect our humanity but|1 x 52 | |

|how far can we go with replacing our organs before|Pitching | |

|we cease to be human. A challenging exploration of| | |

|medical breakthroughs and how far we might go. If | | |

|we finally replace every part of the body, are we | | |

|human or machine? | | |

|World's Deadliest Creature |Wildlife/Adventure |Benn Cropp Productions |

|The box jellyfish has a venom that can kill or |1 x 52 | |

|maim. It is hard to see and hard to avoid. |Available Now | |

|Scientists seek help from Benn Cropp to study the | | |

|behaviour of one of the world's deadliest | | |

|creature. | | |

|X Bugs |Health, Science and Technology |Red Sky Film and Television - Bryan|

|They are the oldest, tiniest, creatures on the |1 x 52 |Bruce |

|planet. They can live in boiling water, acid lakes|Pitching | |

|,pure salt or ice. They can eat anything – even | | |

|rocks. They probably came from outer space…..and | | |

|one day soon, they will rid us of everything from | | |

|oil slicks to cancer. | | |

|X Marks the Spot |Gameshow. | |

|When mobile phones become television cameras. This|Format | |

|game show format takes the genre to the next level| | |

|as contestants use their mobile phones to |Available Now | |

|photomessage and video message their actions to | | |

|the gamesmaster in the studio. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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