Chapter 2 – Disciplines of Purity

Joshua’s Men - Books ~Renewing the Mind~Disciplines of a Godly Man(Chapter 10 to the End)by R. Kent HughesQuestion/Application Sheet Chapter 10 – Discipline of IntegrityWhat is integrity? Define it. In what area is your integrity most tempted? Why? What will you do to strengthen that area?Chapter 11 – Discipline of TongueAnd just in case you’re interested in the Boxer Rebellion, check out this WikiPedia article about the Great Wall hoax: HYPERLINK "" “Lives have been elevated and lives have been cast down by human speech. Goodness has flowed like a sweet river from our mouths, and so has the cesspool.” In what ways have the words of others helped you…hurt you?Of the 5 “verbal cyanides”, (gossip, innuendo, flattery, criticism, and diminishment) which is more likely to be heard from your lips? How will you improve?Jot down a brief thought about the tongue from each of these passages:II Corinthians 7:5-7Isaiah 6:1-8Ephesians 4:15Proverbs 16:28Proverbs 17:9Proverbs 26:20Proverbs 26:24-25Proverbs 26:28Chapter 12 – Discipline of WorkDo you agree with Martin Luther that “Your work is a very sacred matter”? What can you do to remind yourself that your work matters to God?Which direction do you lean more toward-taking it easy or workaholic? ___________________________________________1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Taking it easy WorkaholicAre you where you want to be? Are you where God wants you to be? If not, how will you change?Read Colossians 3:15-17, 22-25, then list as many applications as you can for your work life. Are there applications that you need to put into practice? Confess this to God and ask for His help in doing better.Are you happy in your work? Whatever your answer, why? Is God trying to speak to you about something?Chapter 13 – Discipline of PerseveranceDid anything stand out to you in this Chapter?Chapter 14 – Discipline of ChurchIn what ways (specifically) do you support your Pastor?In what ways (specifically) is your church better because of your presence there?If someone close to you was not attending church on a regular basis, what would you say to them? Chapter 15 – Discipline of LeadershipWhat is your vision for your church? Does that vision align with Gateway’s vision?In what way (s) do you act as a leader to help your church achieve that vision?What leadership character traits of Stephen are mentioned in Acts 6:3-5? Are these evident in your life as a father or boss or church leader? What can you do to allow God to develop these in you more fully?Review the list of Joshua’s preparation for leadership. What stands out most to you?Chapter 16 – Discipline of GivingAre you tithing to your local church? If yes – are you giving joyfully? If no – when will you begin? Do you use a tithe as the pinnacle of your giving or as a starting point?If someone you knew was not tithing, but they claimed to be a strong, mature Christian, what would you say to them? What if you knew them to be a more immature Christian?My day-to-day money management is problem free. ____________________________________________________1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Money ProblemProblems FreeChapter 17 – Discipline of WitnessAre you cultivating relationships for the purpose of sharing your faith? In what ways do you cultivate those relationships?Can you list three names of people you are praying for and intentionally spending time with?Are you prepared and willing to share your faith?Chapter 18 – Discipline of MinistryDo you believe that your steps are ordered by the Lord and that the people who pass your way are divine appointments? Is this how you live your life with the people you rub shoulders with at work, down the block, at church, in traffic, at a restaurant, etc.? What is your ministry? ................

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