Unit 9 Terms - Covenant History

Western Civilization II Unit 10 Terms

Modernity, Imperialism, and World War I

Chapter 24: An Age of Modernity, Anxiety, and Imperialism, 1894-1914

Toward the Modern Consciousness: Intellectual and Cultural Developments, pp. 720-731

Pierre & Marie Curie

Albert Einstein, theory of relativity

Friedrich Nietzsche

Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis

Social Darwinism, Herbert Spencer

• What developments in science, intellectual affairs, and the arts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries created a modern worldview and how did this differ from earlier worldviews?

• Be familiar with the genres of Modernism, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism, Cubism, and abstract painting and the major artists and works of each.

Politics: New Directions and New Uncertainties, pp. 731-741

Emmeline Pankhurst





Theodor Herzl

Fabian Socialism

David Lloyd-George

Parliament Act of 1911

National Insurance Act

Home rule


Dreyfus Affair

Emile Zola, “J’acuse!”

William II (Germany)

Nicholas II (Russia)

Sergei Witte

Russo-Japanese War

“Bloody Sunday”

Russian Revolution of 1905

October Manifesto


• How did the women’s rights issue emerge? What were women’s early demands?

• What role did socialist parties play in western and central European politics?

• How did a new right-wing politics affect the Jews in different parts of Europe?

• What political problems did Great Britain, Italy, France, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia face between 1894 and 1914, and how did they solve them?

The New Imperialism, pp. 741-751

“New Imperialism”

Scramble for Africa

Boer War

Boxer Rebellion

Berlin Conference

• What motives drove the New Imperialism?

• Be familiar with the major elements of imperialism in Africa and Asia.

• How did the colonized peoples respond to the New Imperialism?

International Rivalry and the Coming of War, pp. 751-753

Congress of Berlin (Treaty of Berlin)

Triple Alliance

William (Wilhelm) II

Reinsurance Treaty

Triple Entente

First & Second Balkan Wars

• What was the Bismarckian system of alliances, and how successful was it at keeping the peace?

• What issues lay behind the international crises that Europe faced in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Chapter 25: The Beginning of the Twentieth-Century Crisis: War and Revolution

The Road to World War I, pp. 758-761



• What were the long-range and immediate causes of World War I?

• How did the assassination of the archduke and the alliance system lead to the declarations of war?

The War, pp. 762-776

Schlieffen Plan

Western Front

Trench warfare


Total war

• What did the belligerents expect at the beginning of the war? How did the course of the war turn out to be so different from their expectations?

• Be familiar with the basic military events of the war: theaters of operation, major battles, etc…

• What events brought the United States into the war?

• What political, social, and economic impact did the war have on the belligerent nations? What role did women play during the war?

• What technological developments emerged that transformed warfare?

War and Revolution, pp. 777-785

March Revolution



V.I. Lenin

Leon Trotsky

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

• What were the causes of the Russian Revolutions of 1917?

• What groups opposed the Bolshevik Regime? Why did the Bolsheviks prevail in the civil war and gain control of Russia?

• What political problems were faced by Germany and Austria-Hungary in the last year of the war?

The Peace Settlement, pp. 785-789

Fourteen Points


Woodrow Wilson

Georges Clemenceau

David Lloyd George

Vittorio Orlando

League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

War Guilt Clause



• What were the objectives of the participants at the Paris Peace Conference? How closely did the final settlement reflect these objectives?

• What were the long-term consequences of the war and its settlement?


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