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Ecosystem Encyclopedia Research Project DirectionsRequirements:Slide 1: Create a cover page for your ecosystem project. It should include a title, a picture from your ecosystem, and your name (or if in groups, list all group member names). Slide 2: Using your research, write a brief description of your ecosystem. This should include any general information that you found in your research. Include another picture of your ecosystem on this page as well. Slide 3: CLIMATE – Include average temperature, rainfall, snowfall, ect.andLOCATION – Include a description of where the ecosystem is located as well as a map that shows where your ecosystem is located. Slide 4: BIOTIC FACTORS – Include explanation of biotic factors and list, with pictures, five examples.Slide 5: ABIOTIC FACTORS – Include explanation of abiotic factors and list, with pictures, five examples.Slide 6: PRODUCERS – Include explanation and at least 2 examples with pictures.Slide 7: CONSUMERS – Include an explanation and list the types of consumers. (No pictures required.)Slide 8: HERBIVORES – Include an explanation and list at least 2 examples with examples. Slide 9: CARNIVORES – Include an explanation and list at least 2 examples with examples. Slide 10: OMNIVORE – Include an explanation and list at least 2 examples with examples. Slide 11: DECOMPOSERS – Explain and list at least two examples of decomposers in this ecosystem, as well as an explanation of how they recycle energy. Add pictures with the examples.Slide 12: SCAVENGERS – Include an explanation and list at least 2 examples. Add pictures with the examples.Slide 13: FOOD CHAIN – Include an explanation of a food chain. Create a food chain that would realistically happen in your ecosystem. Each organism in your food chain should include the name of the species, as well as a picture of the organism. Use arrows to show the flow of energy from one organism to the next. The components of your food chain MUST be plants and animals that exist in the ecosystem that you are researching. You need at least 1 producer, 2 consumers, and 1 decomposer in your food chain (you can have more consumers if you wish). Slide 14: BREAKING THE CHAIN – Explain what happens to a food chain when an organism disappears from that ecosystem. You will explain what might cause the organism to disappear and then explain what will happen as a result of that organism disappearing. You will duplicate your healthy food chain slide and then put and X over the organism that was ‘removed’ from that ecosystem to make that food chain unbalanced and then show or explain what will happen to the populations of each organism in the food chain as a result of removing a specific organism. Be sure to include a picture for each organism in your broken food chain. Slide 15: FOOD WEB – Include an explanation of a food web and how the organisms in a food web depend on other organisms to survive. You will use words and or pictures to draw a foods web with arrows showing how the plants/animals in your web are interconnected. The components of your food web should be plants and animals that exist in the ecosystem you are researching. You need at least 10 different components in your ecosystem with at least 2 producers, 7 consumers, 1 scavenger, and 1 decomposer.Slide 16: HEALTHY ECOSYSTEM MODEL – Create a model of a healthy ecosystem that includes biotic and abiotic factors (at least 2 abiotic factors, 2 producers, 7 consumers, 1 decomposer, and 1 scavenger). **Use pictures that you already found for the other sections of your project.Slide 17: UNBALANCED ECOSYSTEM MODEL – Duplicate your healthy ecosystem slide to create a broken ecosystem by removing a species or causing some other kind ecological disaster (overfishing, pollution, habitat removal, etc.). Explain your disaster or what you removed from your ecosystem and why it broke or unbalanced the ecosystem. Slide 18: INVASIVE SPECIES – Research to find an invasive species found in your ecosystem. Explain what an invasive species is, what your invasive species does to your ecosystem, and list any methods that are being used to rid the ecosystem of the invasive species. Slide 19: SOURCES – You may use your notebook or a device to research your project. YOU MUST LIST EACH SOURCE THAT YOU USE FOR YOUR RESEARCH! This means that you need to type the name of each book or website that that you used for your research. Ecosystem Encyclopedia Research Project – Part 1 Rubric DUE: _______Correct Descriptions / Facts on the SlideImage from the Assigned EcosystemEcosystem Title on Each PageSlide 1: Student’s name, title, and a picture from the ecosystem4 pts. / ________ 2 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 2: brief description with general info and picture 5 pts. / ________ 2 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 3: CLIMATE description including average temperature, rainfall, snowfall, LOCATION description, and map5 pts. / ________ 2 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 4: BIOTIC FACTOR explanation with five examples and pictures 5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 5: ABIOTIC FACTOR explanation with five examples and pictures5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 6: PRODUCER explanation and at least 2 examples with pictures5 pts. / ________ 2 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 7: CONSUMER explanation and list the types of consumers. 5 pts. / ________ N/A (No pictures required)1 pt. / ________Slide 8: HERBIVORE explanation with at least 2 examples and pictures5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 9: CARNIVORE explanation with at least 2 examples and pictures5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 10: OMNIVORE explanation with at least 2 examples and pictures5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 11: DECOMPOSER explanation with at least two examples/pictures, explanation of how they recycle energy5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________Slide 12: SCAVENGER CARNIVORE explanation with at least 2 examples and pictures5 pts. / ________ 3 pts. / ________1 pt. / ________TOTAL POINTS59 pts. / _______ 29 pts. / ______ 12 pts. / _____ FINAL GRADE FOR PART 1Ecosystem Encyclopedia Research Project – Part 2 Rubric DUE: _________Total PointsSlide 13: FOOD CHAINExplanation of food chain5 pts. / ________Realistic creation of a food chain from the assigned ecosystem5 pts. / ________Includes all required components (1 producer, 2 consumers, and 1 decomposer) 5 pts. / ________Slide 14: BREAKING THE CHAINExplanation of what happens when food chains are broken or unbalanced5 pts. / ________Explanation of possible reason for the unbalanced ecosystem5 pts. / ________Duplicated healthy food chain, with pictures, and an X over the organism that was removed5 pts. / ________Explanation of what happened to the populations of each organism in the food chain after one was removed5 pts. / ________Slide 15: FOOD WEBExplanation of a food web and how the organisms depend on each other5 pts. / ________Realistic creation of food web from the assigned ecosystem 5 pts. / ________Includes at least 10 components (2 producers, 7 consumers, 1 scavenger, and 1 decomposer)5 pts. / ________Slide 16: HEALTHY ECOSYSTEM MODELHealthy model using pictures5 pts. / ________Required components (2 abiotic factors, 2 producers, 7 consumers, 1 decomposer, and 1 scavenger)5 pts. / ________Slide 17: UNBALANCED ECOSYSTEM MODELDuplicate healthy model with pictures and then remove a species or abiotic factor to unbalance the ecosystem5 pts. / ________Explanation of what disaster might cause the removal of the species or abiotic factor from the ecosystem5 pts. / ________Required components (2 abiotic factors, 2 producers, 7 consumers, 1 decomposer, and 1 scavenger) 5 pts. / ________Slide 18: INVASIVE SPECIESExplanation of an invasive species 5 pts. / ________Example, with picture of the invasive species from the assigned ecosystem5 pts. / ________Explanation of the problems the invasive species is causing in the required ecosystem 5 pts. / ________Methods being used to rid the ecosystem of the invasive species 5 pts. / ________Slide 19: SOURCESA list of used sources5 pts. / ________TOTAL POINTSFINAL GRADE FOR PART 2Ecosystem Encyclopedia Research Project – Part 3 Rubric DUE: ___________ORAL PRESENTATION / EYE CONTACTMaintains eye contact and pronounces all terms precisely. All audience members can hear15 pts. / ________Occasionally uses eye contact, mostly reading presentation, and incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing10 pts. / ________Reads with no eye contact and incorrectly pronounces terms. Speaks too quietly5 pts. / ________EXPLANATION Clearly demonstrates understanding of the content through explanation without having to read straight from the PowerPoint15 pts. / ________Was able to present information from PowerPoint with only some reading from the PowerPoint. 10 pts. / ________Presented all information by reading straight from the PowerPoint5 pts. / ________GRAPHICSExplain and reinforce screen text and presentation15 pts. / ________Occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation10 pts. / ________Uses superfluous graphics or no graphics5 pts. / ________SUBJECT KNOWLEDGEDemonstrates full knowledge by answering all class questions with explanations and elaborations15 pts. / ________Uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions10 pts. / ________Does not have a grasp of the information. Cannot answer questions about subject5 pts. / ________SCREEN DESIGNIncludes a variety of graphics, text, and animation that exhibits a sense of wholeness. Creative use of navigational tools and buttons15 pts. / ________Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation. Adequate navigational tools and buttons10 pts. / ________Either confusing or cluttered, barren or stark. Buttons or navigational tools are absent or confusing5 pts. / ________MECHANICSNo spelling errors. No grammar errors. Text is in authors' own words15 pts. / ________Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Most of text is in authors' own words.10 pts. / ________Many spelling errors and/or text is copied5 pts. / ________PRESENTATION TIMEPresentation was under five minutes10 pts. / ________Presentation was between 5 and 10 minutes7 pts. / ________Presentation was longer than 10 minutes pts. / ________TOTAL POINTSFINAL GRADE FOR PART 3 ................

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