Reading 27: Gender as Structure - Commack Schools

Reading 27: Gender as Structure (Risman)1. Theoretical perspectives within the gendered selves tradition all share the assumption thatmaleness and femaleness are properties of individuals.2. Which theory is commonly accepted among many sex-role theorists?reinforcement theory3. Which term is central to sex-role theory?personality4. The author considers herself a(n)structuralist.5. Much of the research on structural perspective has focused onworkplace behavior.6. Doing gender requireslegitimating inequality.7. Which statement reflects a weakness in the doing-gender approach?It does not address the pervasiveness of gender inequality in organizations.8. The author argues that many theories about gender focus onindividual choice.9. West and Zimmerman articulated an insight whose time had come—that gender issomething that we do.10. All of the following are examples of gender stratification at the institutional level except thebeliefs acquired during socialization.1. Define gender stratification.Those social systems in which socioeconomic resources and political power are distributed on the basis of one’s sex and gender.2. Briefly describe how the feminist psychoanalytic approach explains the development of gendered personalities.Girls develop selves based on connectedness and relationships while boys develop selves based on independence and autonomy.3. Briefly describe three consequences of gender stratification.At the individual level, for the development of gendered selvesat the interactional level, for men and women face different expectations even when they fill the identical structural positionat the institutional level, for rarely will women and men be given identical positions.4. Identify two ways the influence of gendered institutions and interactional contexts are organized by gender stratification at the institutional level.the distribution of material resources organized by genderthe ways by which formal organizations and institutions themselves are genderedgendered ideological discourse5. Provide one example of a structural influence on gender. Gender Pay Gap can influence working parents’ decision about who stays home with the kids, more often it is the woman in part due to typically lower salary. ................

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