Topic of WebQuest: Pumpkins

Pumpkins WebQuest Teacher Information Page

Grade Level: Kindergarten or First grade

Created by: Andrea Chouhan, Kindergarten Teacher, Houston, Texas

[pic] The Process and Purpose of a WebQuest

A WEBQUEST is an extensive way to learn more about a topic, using research skills on the internet. Books and websites will be visited often during the process.

[pic] Ways to use this WebQuest

Option A- It can be posted on a wiki or website of your own, so that students can easily access it for independent research. They will then click on the blue links and record their findings in a notebook, journal or printed sheet from this site.

Option B- The entire WEBQUEST project that you are reading can be printed out and completed with the help of a teacher, older student or a parent at home.

[pic] Resources & Materials

Pumpkin stories

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Websites with useful pumpkin information and extension lessons:

Pumpkin Unit

Kinder Corner Pumpkin Patch

Addie’s Pumpkin Potpourri

The Virtual Vine

First School with printables

University of Illinois site

[pic] Student Tasks

The students will be detectives and find out many facts about pumpkins. After the WEBQUEST they should know the following:

Different types of pumpkins-similarities and differences

The life cycle of a pumpkin

When pumpkins should be planted, how long they take to grow and when they are harvested

Many uses of a pumpkin

The weight and size of pumpkins

[pic] Evaluation Options

The student or the teacher can choose an option to show the child’s learning and application of what they have learned.

Option 1- Create a non-fiction book with each page containing new facts

Option 2- Create a pumpkin poster that contains facts and illustrations or even the life cycle of a pumpkin

Option 3- Create a Power Point about pumpkins

Option 4- Create a short informational video, using a web-cam, iPod video recording, etc… which tells the details learned during the WebQuest


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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