1920’s Topic News Report

1920’s Topic News Report

Student ____________________ Topic _______________________

| |Level One |Level Two | Level Three |Level Four |

|Knowledge and Understanding | | |Good use of historical facts; |Considerable use of historical facts; |

| |Limited to no use of historical |Some use of historical facts |demonstrates an understanding of the |demonstrates a thorough understanding |

|Use of historical facts |facts | |topic |of the topic |

| | | | | |

|Comprehension of the assignment | |Shows effort to meet assignment | |Demonstrates a thorough understanding |

|criteria |Does not meet assignment criteria |criteria |Meets assignment criteria |of assignment criteria |

|Thinking and Inquiry | | | | |

| |Few analyses are logical and |Some analyses are logical and | | |

|Analysis |insightful |insightful |Most analyses are logical and |All or almost all analyses are logical|

| | | |insightful |and insightful |

|Communication | | | | |

| |Focus on event is unclear or |Clear and consistent focus on an |Clear and consistent focus on event; |Clear and consistent focus on an |

|Audience Awareness and Clarity |inconsistent |event, somewhat developed |well developed |event; well developed |

| | | | | |

| |Insufficient supporting details, too |Insufficient supporting details, only |Sufficient supporting details |Sufficient supporting details |

| |few repetitious |some specific | | |

|Application |News Report is related to headline/ |News report is related to the headline|News report is clearly related to the |News report is thoroughly related to |

|Use of media in presentation |photograph but only partly in the form|and photograph |headline/ photograph |the headline and photograph |

| |of news report | | | |

|Commenting on classmates’ | | | | |

|presentations/ News Reports | | |Provides effective and accurate |Provides detailed and meaningful |

| |Provides simple and limited feedback |Provides limited feedback |feedback |feedback |


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