What makes a civilization successful?

Group Member Names: Unit 3: Ancient CivilizationsEgypt Mesopotamia India (Indus Valley)China Group Member ContractThe success of the group will depend on the cooperation and professionalism of its members. Employers (places you will work) will expect you to know how to work effectively in groups: how to determine what needs to be done; how to find information; how to assess information; how to share the workload; and how to resolve conflicts that might come up. Effective collaboration includes, but is not limited to: Participating fully (Effort, Engaged in learning, Problem-Solving) Participating professionally (Mature, Open-minded, Heard, Teamwork) Meeting responsibilities (completing assigned tasks on time and to the best of your ability—Prepared) Taking the consequences of not abiding by the group’s rules. (Fair, Clear) Giving group members appropriate credit where due (Fair, Inclusive, Teamwork) Not giving credit where it isn’t due (Fair, Reasonable) After reading through the contract (next page), each member needs to initial each item and then sign the document at the end. If you disagree with these rules, then as a group amend (change) them. They must be approved by the teacher, however.Each group member agrees to show up to class and to outside group meetings on time. Initials: In the event that a group member is less than five minutes late, s/he may quietly join the group without disrupting it to ask what s/he missed. It is optional for the group members to fill in the late-comer. Initials: Group members who are avoidably late must: [write out a “group action” for being late below, must be agreed on by everyone in group.]As a group, we agree that the “group action” for being late and not getting started on our part of the project right away should be _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Initials: A group member who is absent more than _____times will be dismissed from the group. Initials:If a group member submits plagiarized (copy and paste it) material and/or cheats, the group agrees to bring this to the teacher’s attention immediately. Initials: Members agree to treat one another with respect. Respect includes no name-calling. If you don’t like an idea, address the idea, not the person (for example, “I don’t think that idea will work because…” not “That’s stupid”). Initials:In the event that a group member treats someone inappropriately, s/he will [write a “group action”]:“Group Action”: _____________________________________________________________________ Initials: No “cross talking” is allowed. This means not interrupting when someone else is talking. Initials: In the event that a group member or members are dominating the group, it’s the time keeper’s job to politely interrupt them (this is when you can interrupt) and ask that someone else speak. Initials: Other rule(s) that the group would like to add: Each member print name & then sign in space provided below: Date: ______________________ Print Name: Signature: Print Name: Signature: Print Name: Signature: Print Name: Signature:Unit 3: Ancient CivilizationsWhat makes a civilization successful?What factors allow for a civilization to grow? (example: food)What factors allow for a civilization to communicate? (example: transportation)How do successful civilizations relate to other surrounding civilizations? (Example: trade)What factors help a civilization to last a long time? Examples of successful civilizations:My Civilization is… Basic (fun) facts about my civilization:My civilization was located in this part of the world (PLEASE CIRCLE ON THE MAP!).In the modern day country(s) of (CHECK THE CLASSROOM MAP!)….___________________________My Civilization lasted from about _____________ to about ___________________My civilization spoke this language…______________________My civilization lived near these river(s) ____________________________ Ways of Communicating 1 DayTell what their written language was called and describe what it looked like.What did they use to write their language?Draw a sample of their writing and translate it into English.Ways of Governing 1-2 daysA. Strong leaders of your Civilization:1.2.Notes on 1.)Notes on #2Ways of Governing 1-2 daysB. Laws for Order:Laws used by your civilization: of law 1 (how did it help or keep people safe?)Purpose of law 2 (how did it help or keep people safe?)Purpose of law 3 (how did it help or keep people safe?)Purpose of law 4 (how did it help or keep people safe?)Purpose of law 5 (how did it help or keep people safe?)Stable Food Supply 1-2 daysAgriculture and Storage:List crops grown or food eaten by your ancient peoples1.2.3.4.List any methods of food storage you find:1.2.Tell how this civilization’s geography (location, climate, weather, resources) contributed to the types of foods eaten by these people. (Paragraph including an intro sentence, three detail sentences and a concluding sentence.) Write about how this food supply/storage allowed them to stay successful for a long period of time. (Paragraph including an intro sentence, three detail sentences and a concluding sentence.) Economic and social structures 1-2 daysA: Social Hierarchy (who was most important and least important in society): Fill in the triangle. At the top put the most important group and each tier down place group that were less important. center285750014511137907100Most Important Least important65174471430100Was there Servitude (Slaves) in you Society? Yes No (circle one)How did slaves become slaves?How could slaves earn their freedom?Use of Resources and Technology 1-3 daysWhat were some of the area’s natural resources? How were these resources used to better life in this civilization? (Paragraph including an intro sentence, three detail sentences and a concluding sentence.)How were these resources used in trade? (Paragraph including an intro sentence, three detail sentences and a concluding sentence.)What types of early technologies did this civilization invent or use? (Paragraph including an intro sentence, three detail sentences and a concluding sentence.)Religion and Beliefs 1-2 daysImportant gods/goddesses in your religion.1. god or goddess of___________________2. god or goddess of___________________3. god or goddess of___________________4. god or goddess of___________________5. god or goddess of___________________Important religions buildings and purposes.Drawing of building and important symbolsCustoms and traditions related to religion (holidays or rituals)Water Source(s):Resources received from water source(s) complete for each civilization Ways of Communicating MesopotamiaEgyptIndus Valley-AshokaAncient ChinaWritten LanguageMaterials usedOthers ways of communicatingWays of Governing Strong leaders a Civilization:MesopotamiaEgyptIndus Valley-AshokaAncient ChinaLeader #1Notes on Leader #1Leader #2Notes on Leader #2B. Laws for Order:MesopotamiaEgyptIndus Valley-AshokaAncient ChinaLaw #1Law #2Law #3Law #4 Stable Food Supply Agriculture and Storage:MesopotamiaEgyptIndus Valley-AshokaAncient ChinaFood Supply #1Food Supply #2Food Supply #3Food Supply #4 Economic and social structures Fill in the triangle. At the top put the most important group and each tier down place group that were less important. 32766002559050030480021780500Mesopotamia EgyptIndia (Indus-Valley) China3124200254000003492500MesopotamiaEgyptIndia (Indus-Valley)ChinaSlaves: Yes/NoCould you earn your freedom: Yes/NoUse of Resources and Technology MesopotamiaEgyptIndia (Indus-Valley)Ancient ChinaNatural Resources #1Natural Resources #2Natural Resources #3Natural Resources #4 ReligionMesopotamiaEgyptIndia (Indus-Valley)Ancient Chinagod/goddess #1god/goddess ofgod/goddess #2god/goddess ofgod/goddess #3god/goddess ofgod/goddess #4god/goddess of Water SourceMesopotamiaEgyptIndia (Indus-Valley)Ancient ChinaWater source(s)UsesUses Uses Which civilizations were founded on the best water source? Civilization______________ExplainWhich civilizations had the best form of communication? Civilization________________ExplainWhich civilizations had the best laws? Civilization______________________________ExplainWhich civilization had the best geographic location? Civilization_________________________ExplainWhich civilization had the best resources? Civilization_________________________________ExplainWhich civilization had the transportation? Civilization _________________________________ExplainWhich civilization had the most money (combo of Transportation, Resources, and Location)? Civilization_________________________________Explain 8.) Which civilization was the most successful and why? Based on these reasons…Transportation _______________________Communication ______________________Resources __________________________Law _______________________________Location ___________________________Water Source _______________________In my opinion, the Most Successful Civilization was…________________________Final Conclusion (reasons for my choice in complete sentences): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Draw a member of your civilization.Add clothes that suggest he/she belongs to ___________________ social group (PICK ONE!).Draw an important building from your civilization in the background. ................

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