Objectives - University of Kentucky

5070475-15684500157150KENTUCKY 4-H LESSON PLANNING GUIDE00KENTUCKY 4-H LESSON PLANNING GUIDE-19878958629Time NeededSkill/Grade LevelCore Area1 hour prep2 one hour presentations(Can be modified)K-3Family and Consumer ScienceLife SkillsDecision makingCritical ThinkingProblem SolvingGoal SettingEducational StandardsCore Curriculum2.302.335.44.4Workforce PreparationCareer ReadinessTime NeededSkill/Grade LevelCore Area1 hour prep2 one hour presentations(Can be modified)K-3Family and Consumer ScienceLife SkillsDecision makingCritical ThinkingProblem SolvingGoal SettingEducational StandardsCore Curriculum2.302.335.44.4Workforce PreparationCareer Readiness1828800971550Objectives/OutcomesTo make youth aware of the importance of personal skills, or soft skills, in the workplace and to help them develop those skills.Introduction to ContentWhat do I want to be when I grow up? Introduce a variety of occupations by using the career cluster information (Kentucky Department of Education). Curriculum Workforce Preparation and Career Readiness Background Information Many employers agree that employees need more soft skills such as integrity, initiative, dependability or reliability, adaptability and professionalism. Practically speaking, they are referring to the potential employee accepting responsibility, being punctual, following directions, willing to learn, accepting new roles, and having self-control in difficult situations. (National Network of Business and Industry Associations, Common Employability Skills) Employers review applications and interview potential employees then analyze work experience, technical skills, academic accomplishments and extra-curricular activities. These qualifications may be indicators of soft skills, which are hard to confirm. There are steps beginning at an early age to help develop soft skills that benefit youth as they go through school and into the workforce which include: learning good communications skills, learning to be responsible for their actions, working in groups to complete an assignment, and learning to manage their time.Materials Needed You Tube videos, projectorCommunity partnersBusiness representativesGetting Ready What do I want to be when I grow up? Introduce a variety of occupations by using the career cluster information (Kentucky Department of Education). 00Objectives/OutcomesTo make youth aware of the importance of personal skills, or soft skills, in the workplace and to help them develop those skills.Introduction to ContentWhat do I want to be when I grow up? Introduce a variety of occupations by using the career cluster information (Kentucky Department of Education). Curriculum Workforce Preparation and Career Readiness Background Information Many employers agree that employees need more soft skills such as integrity, initiative, dependability or reliability, adaptability and professionalism. Practically speaking, they are referring to the potential employee accepting responsibility, being punctual, following directions, willing to learn, accepting new roles, and having self-control in difficult situations. (National Network of Business and Industry Associations, Common Employability Skills) Employers review applications and interview potential employees then analyze work experience, technical skills, academic accomplishments and extra-curricular activities. These qualifications may be indicators of soft skills, which are hard to confirm. There are steps beginning at an early age to help develop soft skills that benefit youth as they go through school and into the workforce which include: learning good communications skills, learning to be responsible for their actions, working in groups to complete an assignment, and learning to manage their time.Materials Needed You Tube videos, projectorCommunity partnersBusiness representativesGetting Ready What do I want to be when I grow up? Introduce a variety of occupations by using the career cluster information (Kentucky Department of Education). 097155000342900 Personal Skills (Interpersonal skills, work ethic, reliability)0 Personal Skills (Interpersonal skills, work ethic, reliability)95258172450Learn more at or contact your county extension office.0Learn more at or contact your county extension office.left0 Personal Skills (Interpersonal skills, work ethic, reliability)00 Personal Skills (Interpersonal skills, work ethic, reliability)5124450-114300000571500Procedure (continued)Use videos, visitors and/or career day to share with students. Ask presenters to talk about their education requirements, what they do, what they enjoy most and what employers expect of a good employee. Include component of greeting someone with eye contact and shaking hands.Share/Process/Generalize (Reflect) Discuss with students: what careers they remember, what jobs did they learn about? Is education important? What qualities make a good employee? Record discussion. : Use videos, visitors and/or career day to share with students. Ask presenters to talk about their education requirements, what they do, what they enjoy most and what employers expect of a good employee. Include component of greeting someone with eye contact and shaking hands.00Procedure (continued)Use videos, visitors and/or career day to share with students. Ask presenters to talk about their education requirements, what they do, what they enjoy most and what employers expect of a good employee. Include component of greeting someone with eye contact and shaking hands.Share/Process/Generalize (Reflect) Discuss with students: what careers they remember, what jobs did they learn about? Is education important? What qualities make a good employee? Record discussion. : Use videos, visitors and/or career day to share with students. Ask presenters to talk about their education requirements, what they do, what they enjoy most and what employers expect of a good employee. Include component of greeting someone with eye contact and shaking hands.95258801100Learn more at or contact your county extension office.Learn more at or contact your county extension office.5248275-95250000-635 Personal Skills (Interpersonal skills, work ethic, reliability)00 Personal Skills (Interpersonal skills, work ethic, reliability)5181600285750Extended Learning Civic EngagementCommunicationsFuture Readiness VolunteeringJunior Mentor/Teen00Extended Learning Civic EngagementCommunicationsFuture Readiness VolunteeringJunior Mentor/Teen03943350Award & Recognition 00Award & Recognition 07029450AuthorsPaula Jerrell, Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Education, Ballard County; Charles E. Stamper, Ed.D., Extension Special Projects Coordinator 4-H Youth Development Education, Editor; Jessica Watkins, Administrative Assistant, Formatting 00AuthorsPaula Jerrell, Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Education, Ballard County; Charles E. Stamper, Ed.D., Extension Special Projects Coordinator 4-H Youth Development Education, Editor; Jessica Watkins, Administrative Assistant, Formatting 08514715Learn more at or contact your county extension office.Learn more at or contact your county extension office.05772150References Step Up To Leadership Series, National 4-H Council00References Step Up To Leadership Series, National 4-H Council02343150Supporting Projects/Events00Supporting Projects/Events0285750Apply Make a poster about a job you think you would like to do. Have the following categories: Job Title, Education Requirements, What do you do in this job? What makes a good employee for this job? Discuss that these are called soft skills. Display at school, for a Career Day, Parent Night at school or other opportunity.00Apply Make a poster about a job you think you would like to do. Have the following categories: Job Title, Education Requirements, What do you do in this job? What makes a good employee for this job? Discuss that these are called soft skills. Display at school, for a Career Day, Parent Night at school or other opportunity. ................

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