Grade 10 Summer Reading: FICTION

Grade 10 Summer Reading: FICTIONName: __________________________________Book Title: _____________________________________ As your review and/or finish reading your text, complete a post it for each of the following prompts. Completing a post it means:Label the post it with the title of the prompt you are answering (Ex=PLOT)Find a section of the text that connects to the prompt. Label the post it with the page number(s) of this section. When you are finished writing your comments on the post it, place the post it on that page with a bit of the post it sticking off the page.On the post it, completely answer the question in a few sentences (4-6). Be thorough. You may use more than one post it if necessary.Respond to each of the prompts below on a post it for each (check them off as you go):PLOT: Where in the text does a really significant event occur? What is the event? Describe it. Why is this event so important? How does this significant event change/affect/influence the storyline?CHARACTERIZATION: Where does a main character do something that allows the reader to get to know more about that character? What does the character do? Describe the character’s actions. What does this behavior reveal/show about the character (his/her personality, background, beliefs, experiences, etc.)?SETTING: Where in the text does the setting play an important part? What is this setting? Describe it. Why is this specific setting so significant to the text as a whole? How does the setting impact the text?CONFLICT: Where is an important conflict/fight/moment of tension in the text? What people or forces are struggling against each other? Summarize the conflict. Is it resolved by the end of the novel? Why is this fight important to the text as a whole?THEMATIC IDEA: What is one word that describes a major topic or issue that is examined in the text? Identify this topic. What part of the text (event, character, etc.) is a good example of this topic? Summarize the part of the text that most relates to the topic. Why is this topic so important to the text? What is the text saying about the topic? What overall messages or ideas is the writer trying to convey (pass on) to the reader about this topic?READER RESPONSE: Where does the author write about something that you can relate to and/or that generates a strong emotion or reaction in you? Explain this connection/response to the novel.LITERARY DEVICES: Find an example of ONE of the following literary devices that help make your text so memorable.Imagery (descriptions using sensory details such as sight, sound, smell, taste, touch): Choose a passage that is strong in imagery. Identify the sense that the writer appeals to and what the example of imagery is in that passage.? Ex:? sight=the broken windows with jagged glasssound=scratching of branches on glasstouch=mist on the window pane? How does that imagery help the reader to make a prediction about a plot event, about a character’s upcoming actions/thoughts/feelings, about the mood, or about the setting? Be sure to explain thoroughly what that prediction is and how it is based on the senses addressed.Mood (atmosphere/feeling): Where in the text does the writer work purposefully and carefully with word choice to create a particular mood?? What is the mood (choose one or two adjectives to describe it)?? What words does the writer include in the passage to create that mood?? Why is that particular mood being created at that particular point in the text?Point of View (perspective from which a story is told): Through what point of view is the story told?? Why would the author make that decision?? What are some of the advantages to the author's choice of point of view?? What are some disadvantages/limitations of that point of view?SAMPLE POST ITRemember to label the category, include a page number, answer the prompt fully, and place the post it so that it sticks off the page a little.SETTING (pg. 7) The novel takes place in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930’s. It is a small, Southern town in which everyone knows everyone’s business. As people talk about scandals, like the Tom Robinson case, rumors may be spread and the truth may be lost. Additionally, the time matters because the events take place before the Civil Rights Movement, so African Americans were still greatly discriminated against. Tom then has even more difficulty receiving a fair trial. ................

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