National Standards for Beginning Physical Education Teachers

National Standards for Beginning Physical Education Teachers

Dispositions and Outcomes

Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Understand physical education content and disciplinary concepts related to the development if a physically educated person.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* believes physical activity and fitness are important to the health and well being of individuals.

* has enthusiasm for the importance of physical education as a means of developing a physically educated person.

* seeks to keep abreast of new ideas and understandings in disciplines related to physical education and education.

* believes that physical activity can foster self-expression, development and learning.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|1.1 |Identify critical elements of motor skill performance, and combine |Satisfactorily demonstrate the ability to identify critical |Have in-depth knowledge of critical elements across a |

| |motor skills into appropriate sequences for the purpose of improving |elements both verbally and by written analysis. Motor skills |wide range of physical activities to demonstrate |

| |learning. |are combined sequentially to facilitate motor performance. |efficient movement performances. |

|1.2 |Demonstrate competent motor skill performance in a variety of |Demonstrate competent motor skill performance in several |Demonstrate proficiency of performance in a wide range |

| |physical activities. |physical activities and proficiency in some. |of physical activities. |

|1.3 |Describe performance concepts and strategies related to skillful |Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and strategies |Analyze performance in a wide range of activities and |

| |movement and physical activity (e.g., fitness principles, game |related to skillful movement through accurate analysis of |identify reasons for different performance levels, form|

| |tactics, skill improvement principles) |“why” movement performance occurs as it does, and by the |novice to proficient to expert. The analysis includes |

| | |identification of factors that distinguish novice from expert|recommendations for performance improvement. |

| | |movement performance. | |

|1.4 |Describe and apply bioscience (anatomical, biomechanical) and |Demonstrate bioscience knowledge and use this knowledge |Demonstrate, through written analysis, an advanced |

| |psychological concepts to skillful movement, physical activity and |appropriately to plan and teach for skillful movement, |understanding of bioscience concepts and the |

| |fitness. |physical activity, and fitness. |application of these concepts to physical activity. |

| | | |Bioscience concepts are strongly considered in planning|

| | | |and implementation of physical education content. |

|1.5 |Understand and debate current physical activity issues and laws based|Demonstrate the ability t think critically about issues |Clearly differentiate between opposing viewpoints |

| |on historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. |related to physical activity, through verbal and written |related to key issues and laws. Able to debate these |

| | |analysis, and an understanding of the law as it relates to |issues by expressing personal viewpoints, both verbally|

| | |physical education teaching. |and in writing, in a professional manner. |

|1.6 |Demonstrate knowledge of approved state and national content |Demonstrate, through verbal and written documentation, |Demonstrate, through verbal and written documentation, |

| |standards, and local program goals. |knowledge of approved standards including the NASPE content |knowledge of approved standards including the NASPE |

| | |standards for physical education. |content standards for physical education. Use these |

| | | |standards for curricular and instructional planning |

| | | |purposes. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|1.1 | | |

|1.2 | | |

|1.3 | | |

|1.4 | | |

|1.5 | | |

|1.6 | | |

Standard 2: Growth and Development

Understand how individuals learn and develop, and provide opportunities that support physical, cognitive, social and emotional development.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* appreciates and promotes physical activity in the overall growth and development of learners.

* appreciates individual variations in growth and development and is committed to helping learners become competent and self-confident.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|2.1 |Monitor individual and group performance in order to design safe |Demonstrate the ability to determine student needs through |Demonstrate strong observation and monitoring skills, |

| |instruction that meets student developmental needs in the physical, |appropriate monitoring, which is followed by the design of |leading to the design of safe instruction in a variety |

| |cognitive, and socio/emotional domains. |safe learning environments. |of activities, to meet student developmental needs in |

| | | |all domains. |

|2.2 |Identify, select, and implement appropriate learning/practice |Identify and implement developmentally appropriate learning |Identify and implement developmentally appropriate |

| |opportunities based on expected progressions and levels of readiness.|opportunities for a whole class, and extend and refine |content, and then individualize instruction for those |

| | |content for the class as appropriate. |students who exhibit greater readiness or faster |

| | | |progression of learning. |

|2.3 |Identify, select, and implement appropriate learning/practice |Demonstrate understanding of the interaction of student, |Consistently identify, select, and implement |

| |opportunities based on understanding the student, the learning |learning environment, and task, and identify/select |appropriate learning/practice opportunities based on |

| |environment, and the task. |appropriate learning/practice opportunities based on this |understanding the student, the learning environment, |

| | |learning. |and the task. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|2.1 | | |

|2.2 | | |

|2.3 | | |

Standard 3: Diverse Learners

Understand how individuals differ in the approaches to learning and create appropriate instruction adapted to these differences.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* believes that all learners can develop motor skills, feel successful, and enjoy physical activity.

* appreciates and values human diversity and shows respect for varied talents and perspectives.

* is committed to helping learners become physically educated in personally meaningful ways.

* seeks to understand and is sensitive to learners’ families, communities, cultural values, and experiences as they relate to physical activity.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|3.1 |Identify, select and implement appropriate instruction that is |Demonstrate the ability to identify, select, and implement |Fully consider student needs in identification, |

| |sensitive to students’ strengths and weaknesses, multiple needs, |appropriate instruction based on student needs. |selection, and implementation of instruction. |

| |learning styles, and prior experiences (cultural, personal, family, | |Accommodation of individual learning styles and student|

| |community). | |experiences is evident. |

|3.2 |Use appropriate strategies, services, and resources to meet diverse |Use appropriate strategies, services, and resources to meet |Demonstrate effective use of varied instructional |

| |learning needs. |diverse learning needs. |formats, appropriate referral to school services, and |

| | | |selection of innovative resources to meet diverse |

| | | |learning needs. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|3.1 | | |

|3.2 | | |

Standard 4: Management and Motivation

Use and have an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a safe learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* accepts responsibility for establishing a positive climate in the physical education setting and school environment.

* believes that providing opportunities for learners’ input into instructional decisions increases their commitment to learning.

* recognizes the importance of positive peer relationships in establishing a climate for learning.

* recognizes the value of intrinsic motivation to lifelong participation in physical activity.

* is committed to using appropriate motivational strategies to meet the needs of individuals.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|4.1 |Use managerial routines that create smoothly functioning learning |Use managerial routines that create smoothly functioning |Develop and implement managerial routines that maximize|

| |experiences. |learning experiences. |active student engagement and provide optimal learning.|

|4.2 |Organize, allocate, and manage resources (e.g., students, time, |Organize, allocate, and manage resources (e.g., students, |Are most effective at organizing, allocating, and |

| |space, equipment, activities, and teacher attention) to provide |time, space, equipment, activities, and teacher attention) to|managing resources in order to maximize activity time |

| |active and equitable learning experiences. |provide active and equitable learning experiences. |and to ensure that all students have an equal |

| | | |opportunity to participate and learn. |

|4.3 |Use a variety of developmentally appropriate practices (e.g., content|Use a variety of developmentally appropriate practices to |Are adept at recognizing the motivational needs of the |

| |selection, instructional formats, use of music, appropriate |motivate school age students to participate in physical |student. Use a wide variety of developmentally |

| |incentives and rewards) to motivate school age students to |activity inside and outside of the school. |appropriate, and individualized practices to motivate |

| |participate in physical activity inside and outside of school. | |students to participate in physical activity both |

| | | |inside and outside of school. |

|4.4 |Use strategies to help students demonstrate responsible personal and |Use appropriate strategies to help students demonstrate |Use the widest possible range of strategies to help |

| |social behaviors (e.g., mutual respect, support for others, safety, |responsible personal and social behaviors (e.g., mutual |students demonstrate responsible personal and social |

| |cooperation) that promote positive relationships and a productive |respect, support for others, safety, and cooperation) that |behaviors (e.g., mutual respect, support for others, |

| |learning environment. |promote positive relationships and a productive learning |safety, cooperation) that promote positive |

| | |environment. |relationships and a productive learning environment. |

| | | |Such strategies will be evident in both curriculum and |

| | | |instructional planning and implementation. |

|4.5 |Develop an effective behavior management plan. |Develop an effective behavior management plan. |Develop and implement an effective behavior management |

| | | |plan that contributes to a positive learning |

| | | |environment. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|4.1 | | |

|4.2 | | |

|4.3 | | |

|4.4 | | |

|4.5 | | |

Standard 5: Communication

Use of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to enhance learning and engagement in physical education settings.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* recognizes the importance of communication skills and being informed of technological advances.

* appreciates the cultural dimensions of communication and seeks to foster sensitive interactions with and among learners.

* is committed to communicating with school colleagues, parents/guardians, and the community.

* is committed to serving as a role model.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|5.1 |Describe and demonstrate effective communication skills (e.g., use of|Demonstrate effective communication skills (e.g., use of |Consistently use effective communication skills (e.g., |

| |language, clarity, conciseness, pacing, giving and receiving |language, clarity, conciseness, pacing, giving and receiving |use of language, clarity, conciseness, pacing, giving |

| |feedback, age appropriate language, nonverbal communication). |feedback, age appropriate language, nonverbal communication).|and receiving feedback, age appropriate language, |

| | | |nonverbal communication) to create a positive and |

| | | |learning-oriented environment. |

|5.2 |Communicate managerial and instructional information in a variety of |Communicate managerial and instructional information in a |Use the most appropriate, innovative, and varied means |

| |ways (e.g., bulletin boards, music, task cards, posters, Internet, |variety of ways (e.g., bulletin boards, music, task cards, |of communicating managerial and instructional |

| |video). |posters, Internet, video). |information. |

|5.3 |Communicate in ways that demonstrate sensitivity to all students |Communicate in ways that demonstrate sensitivity to all |Demonstrate the most consideration for all school age |

| |(e.g., considerate of ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, ability, |students (e.g., considerate of ethnic, cultural, |children, by using sensitive, appropriate, and varied |

| |gender differences). |socioeconomic, ability, gender differences). |means of communication, materials, and resources. |

|5.4 |Describe and implement strategies to enhance communication among |Implement strategies to enhance communication among students |Routinely use varied and effective strategies to |

| |students in physical activity settings. |in physical activity settings. |enhance communication among students in physical |

| | | |activity settings. Interstudent communication might be |

| | | |related to management or instruction. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|5.1 | | |

|5.2 | | |

|5.3 | | |

|5.4 | | |

Standard 6: Planning and Instruction

Understand the importance of planning developmentally appropriate instructional units to foster the development of a physically educated person.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* values short- and long-term planning to reach curricular goals.

* values the use of multiple instructional strategies to develop competence, cooperation and higher order learning in physical activity settings.

* believes that plans must be open to revision based on student needs and changing circumstances.

* is committed to using learner strengths as a basis for planning instruction.

* is committed to continuous learning about pedagogical content knowledge and its impact on learning.

* believes that the safety of students is the first priority in any movement setting.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|6.1 |Identify, develop, and implement appropriate program and |Identify, develop, and implement appropriate program and |Identify, develop, and implement appropriate program |

| |instructional goals. |instructional goals and demonstrate effective goal setting |and instructional goals using a wide range of physical |

| | |techniques. |activities to demonstrate effective goal setting |

| | | |techniques. |

|6.2 |Develop short- and long-term plans that are linked to both program |Demonstrate the ability to develop short- and long-term plans|Demonstrate the ability to develop short- and long-term|

| |and instructional goals and student needs. |that are linked to both learning goals and student |plans that are linked to both learning goals and |

| | |needs/performance. |student needs/performance. Teacher candidates adapt |

| | | |these plans to ensure student progress, motivation and |

| | | |safety. |

|6.3 |Select and implement instructional strategies, based on selected |Select and implement instructional strategies that are based |Select and implement appropriate instructional |

| |content, student needs, and safety issues, to facilitate learning in |on content, student needs, and safety issues, to facilitate |strategies that are based on content, student needs, |

| |the physical activity setting. |student learning. |and safety issues, to facilitate student learning in a |

| | | |wide range of physical activity settings. |

|6.4 |Design and implement learning experiences that are safe, appropriate,|Design and implement learning experiences that are safe, |Demonstrate the ability to design and implement varied |

| |relevant, and based on principles of effective instruction. |developmentally appropriate, and based on principles of |learning experiences that are safe, developmentally |

| | |effective instruction. |appropriate, and based on principles of effective |

| | | |instruction. |

|6.5 |Apply disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in developing and |Demonstrate the ability to apply disciplinary and pedagogical|Consistently apply disciplinary and pedagogical |

| |implementing learning environments and experiences. |knowledge in developing and implementing effective |knowledge in developing and implementing effective |

| | |instruction. |instruction in a wide range of physical education |

| | | |content. |

|6.6 |Provide learning experiences that allow student to integrate |Demonstrate, through effective lesson planning and |Consistently plan and implement learning experiences |

| |knowledge and skills from multiple subject areas. |implementation, t he understanding that physicals education |that integrate knowledge and skills required by local |

| | |can provide an environment for integrated learning |and state curriculums with developmentally appropriate |

| | |experiences that draw on students’ classroom experiences. |physical education content. |

|6.7 |Select and implement appropriate (i.e., comprehensive, accurate, |Demonstrate their ability to select and implement |Demonstrate their ability to select and implement |

| |useful, and safe) teaching resources and curriculum materials. |developmentally appropriate (i.e., comprehensive, accurate, |developmentally appropriate (i.e., comprehensive, |

| | |useful and safe) teaching resources and curriculum materials.|accurate, useful and safe) teaching resources and |

| | | |curriculum materials for a wide range of physical |

| | | |activity settings. |

|6.8 |Use effective demonstrations and explanations to link physical |Use effective demonstrations and explanations to link |Routinely use effective demonstrations and explanations|

| |activity concepts to appropriate learning experiences. |physical activity concepts to appropriate physical activity |to link physical activity concepts to appropriate |

| | |experiences. |physical activity experiences in a wide range of |

| | | |physical education content. |

|6.9 |Develop and use appropriate instructional cues and prompts to |Develop teaching cues and prompts, as evidenced by lesson |Identify and plan teaching cues that facilitate |

| |facilitate competent motor skill performance. |plan contents. These cues are sufficient to facilitate |proficient performance. These cues are designed to |

| | |competent motor skill performance. |challenge higher-level performers to refine skill |

| | | |performance. |

|6.10 |Develop a repertoire of direct and indirect instructional formats to |Demonstrate direct and indirect instructional formats to |Demonstrate a repertoire of direct and indirect |

| |facilitate student learning (e.g., ask questions, pose scenarios, |facilitate student learning (e.g., appropriate levels of |instructional formats to facilitate student learning |

| |facilitate factual recall, promote problem solving, critical |student time on task, ask questions, pose scenarios, |(e.g., appropriate levels of student time on task, ask|

| |thinking). |facilitate factual recall, promote problem solving, critical |questions, pose scenarios, facilitate factual recall, |

| | |thinking). |promote problem solving, critical thinking), in a wide |

| | | |range of physical activity settings. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|6.1 | | |

|6.2 | | |

|6.3 | | |

|6.4 | | |

|6.5 | | |

|6.6 | | |

|6.7 | | |

|6.8 | | |

|6.9 | | |

|6.10 | | |

Standard 7: Student Assessment

Understand the use of varied types of assessment and their contribution to overall program continuity and the development of the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* values ongoing assessment to identify learner needs and ability.

* recognizes that a variety of assessment strategies are necessary.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|7.1 |Identify key components of various types of assessment, describe |Identify key components of various types of assessment, |Routinely use knowledge of key assessment components to|

| |their appropriate and inappropriate use, and address issues of |describe their appropriate and inappropriate use, and address|select and/or develop appropriate tools for student |

| |validity, reliability, and bias. |issues of validity, reliability, and bias. |assessment. Such tools will be valid, reliable, and |

| | | |free of bias. Assessments reflect varying learning |

| | | |needs of individual students or groups, and are aligned|

| | | |to specific instructional goals. |

|7.2 |Use a variety of appropriate authentic and traditional assessment |Use a variety of appropriate authentic and traditional |Use a wide variety of appropriate authentic and |

| |techniques o assess student understanding and performance, provide |assessment techniques o assess student understanding and |traditional assessment techniques o assess student |

| |feedback, and communicate student progress (i.e., for both formative |performance, provide feedback, and communicate student |understanding and performance, provide feedback, and |

| |and summative purposes). |progress (i.e., for both formative and summative purposes). |communicate student progress (i.e., for both formative |

| | | |and summative purposes). Ongoing assessment practices |

| | | |will measure learning in all domains (i.e., |

| | | |psychomotor, cognitive, and affective). |

|7.3 |Involve students in self and peer assessment. |Involve students in self and peer assessment. |Routinely use a variety of authentic and traditional |

| | | |assessment techniques to involve students in self and |

| | | |peer assessment, thereby engaging students in |

| | | |self-analysis and reflection. |

|7.4 |Interpret and use learning and performance data to inform curricular |Interpret and use learning and performance data to inform |Make short-term curriculum and instructions revisions |

| |and instructional decisions. |curricular and instructional decisions. |based on student learning and performance, and consider|

| | | |the implications of student learning and performance |

| | | |data for the longer-term curriculum development. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|7.1 | | |

|7.2 | | |

|7.3 | | |

|7.4 | | |

Standard 8: Reflection

Understand the importance of being a reflective practitioner and its contribution to overall professional development and actively seek opportunities to sustain professional growth.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* is committed to ongoing self-reflection, assessment, and learning.

* values critical thinking and self-directed learning.

* is committed to seeking, developing, and refining practices to address individual needs of learners.

* recognizes responsibility for engaging in and supporting appropriate professional practices.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|8.1 |Use a reflective cycle involving description of teaching, |Demonstrate a sufficient ability to use a reflective cycle |Consistently demonstrate use of a reflective cycle |

| |justification of the teaching performance, critique of the teaching |involving description of teaching, justification of the |involving description of teaching, justification of the|

| |performance, the setting of teaching goals, and implementation of |teaching performance, critique of the teaching performance, |teaching performance, critique of the teaching |

| |change. |the setting of teaching goals, and implementation of change |performance, the setting of teaching goals, and |

| | |as evidenced by lesson reflections and lesson modifications |implementation of change by reflecting in action |

| | |implemented in subsequent lessons of comparable nature. |through the implementation of changes and modifications|

| | | |both during and following instruction in order to |

| | | |impact student learning. |

|8.2 |Use available resources (e.g., colleagues, literature, professional |Use several resources such as colleagues, literature, and |Use a wide variety of resources such as colleagues, |

| |associations) to develop as a reflective professional. |professional associations to develop as a reflective |literature, and professional associations on a regular |

| | |professional. |basis to remain current and continue to develop as a |

| | | |reflective professional. |

|8.3 |Construct a plan for continued professional growth based on the |Effectively assess personal teaching performance and develop |Routinely assess teaching behaviors and relate these |

| |assessment of personal teaching performance. |a professional development plan based on these data. |data to student outcomes in developing a plan for |

| | | |professional growth. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|8.1 | | |

|8.2 | | |

|8.3 | | |

Standard 9: Technology

Use information technology to enhance learning and personal and professional productivity.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* recognizes the contribution of technology toward the design, development, and implementation of effective teaching strategies.

* recognizes the varied use of technology toward both the knowledge acquisition and knowledge transmission in the learning environment.

* values ongoing use of technology to enhance the learning and teaching environment.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|9.1 |Demonstrate knowledge of current technologies and their application |Possess an adequate knowledge of current technologies and |Possess an extensive knowledge of current technologies |

| |to physical education. |apply these technologies appropriately to physical education |to physical education, as demonstrated by appropriate |

| | |content and instruction. |use in a wide variety of instructional and curricular |

| | | |contexts to facilitate and enhance student learning. |

|9.2 |Design, develop, and implement student-learning activities that |Employ several types of information technology in the design,|Effectively employ numerous and varied types of |

| |integrate information technology. |development, and implementation of student-learning |information technology in the design, development, and |

| | |activities. |implementation of student-learning activities. |

|9.3 |Use technologies to communicate, network, locate resources, and |Demonstrate a sufficient use of technologies to communicate, |Demonstrate an extensive use of technologies on a |

| |enhance continuing professional development. |network, locate resources, and enhance continuing |consistent basis to communicate, network, locate |

| | |professional development. |resources, and enhance continuing professional |

| | | |development. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|9.1 | | |

|9.2 | | |

|9.3 | | |

Standard 10: Collaboration

Understand the necessity of fostering collaborative relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians, and community agencies to support the development of a physically educated person.

Dispositions -- The teacher:

* values collaborating with teachers of other subject matters.

* is willing to consult with others regarding the total well-being and education of learners.

* respects learners’ privacy and the confidentiality of information.

* is willing to work with others to improve overall working environment.

| |Outcome |Acceptable |Target |

|10.1 |Identify strategies to become an advocate in the school and community|Identify several appropriate strategies to become an advocate|Effectively identify a wide range of appropriate |

| |to promote a variety of physical activity opportunities. |in the school and community. Teacher candidates demonstrate |strategies to facilitate advocacy in both the school |

| | |the ability to promote a moderate variety of physical |and community. Teacher candidates also promote numerous|

| | |activity opportunities. |physical activity opportunities in both the school and |

| | | |community. |

|10.2 |Actively participate in the professional physical education community|Participate in the professional physical education community |Participate in the professional physical education |

| |(e.g., local, state, district, and national) and within the broader |at the local and/or state levels and demonstrate limited |community on numerous levels and within the broader |

| |field of education. |participation within the broader field of education. |filed of education. |

|10.3 |Identify and seek community resources to enhance physical activity |Identify some community resources to enhance physical |Effectively identify and use community resources to |

| |opportunities. |activity opportunities and seek to use them on a limited |enhance physical activity opportunities by establish |

| | |basis. |collaborative relationships, where facilities and |

| | | |expertise are employed to provide physical activity |

| | | |opportunities that might not other wise be available to|

| | | |students. |

|10.4 |Establish productive relationship with parents/guardians and school |Establish somewhat productive relationships with |Consistently establish productive relationships with |

| |colleagues to support student growth and well-being. |parents/guardians and school colleagues on a limited basis to|parents/guardians and school colleagues on a consistent|

| | |support student growth and well-being. |basis, as needed to support student growth and |

| | | |well-being. |

| |Rating |Comments |

|10.1 | | |

|10.2 | | |

|10.3 | | |

|10.4 | | |


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