Personal Timeline

Personal Timeline

For this assignment, you will take a journey through the important memories in your life and record them in a timeline format. (Remember important doesn’t al ways mean big events, sometimes we learn the most from small, seemingly insignificant, daily events.) This timeline is important as it will help you brainstorm ideas for your memoir.

1. Select 10 important memories/events from your life to display in your personal timeline. Each event should be in chronological order beginning with your birth and ending with your present age, although you may have “memory clusters.”

________/ 10 pts

2. Each memory/event must have a 3-4 sentence explanation of the event including its importance and impact on your life.

_______/ (2 pts/memory = 20 points)

3. Shows effort, reflection and thought.

_______/ 10 points

4. Uses symbols, pictures, or color

_______/10 points

Personal Timeline

For this assignment, you will take a journey through the important memories in your life and record them in a timeline format. (Remember important doesn’t always mean big events, sometimes we learn the most from small, seemingly insignificant, daily events.) This timeline is important as it will help you brainstorm ideas for your memoir.

1. Select 10 important memories/events from your life to display in your personal timeline. Each event should be in chronological order beginning with your birth and ending with your present age, although you may have “memory clusters.”

________/ 10 pts

2. Each memory/event must have a 3-4 sentence explanation of the event including its importance and impact on your life.

_______/ (2 pts/memory = 20 points)

3. Shows effort, reflection and thought.

_______/ 10 points

4. Uses symbols, pictures, or color

_______/10 points


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