It’s important to me that CT laws reflect the modern times ...

Dear Senator Winfield, Representative Stafstrom, ranking members Kissel and

Rebimbas and distinguished members of the Judiciary Committee:

My name is Rachel Dreyfus, I am from Fairfield, CT. I am a mother of two, a small

business owner and a consistent voter.

I am testifying in support of H.B. 5448 An Act Concerning a Risk Protection Order or


It¡¯s important to me that CT laws reflect the modern times. The ERPO needs to be

updated in line with the 12 states and Washington, DC that have enacted this law

more recently. Given that gun deaths have risen to over 100/day in America it¡¯s

common sense that family and medical providers would be the first to know if

someone is at risk to himself or others. Remember, the Parkland shooter did all but

take an ad out in the paper announcing his intentions to kill. ¡°Not One More¡±, should

be our mantra.

I prioritize lives over guns. I strongly support H.B. 5448 and urge you to favorably vote

the bill out of Committee. Thank you for your consideration.


Rachel Dreyfus

Fairfield, CT


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