Research Essay and Presentation:

Name _________________________

Greek Mythology Presentations

For this assignment, you and a partner will give a three- five minute informative presentation on an aspect of ancient Greek mythology. This will prepare us for our study of Homer’s The Odyssey. You will be assigned to research one of the topics listed below. Then, we will spend one day in the lab researching these topics. After that, you have a week to create your presentation that will teach the class.

The presentations will start Monday, November 17th and will be worth 25 Formative Points

Category 1: Greek Gods and Goddesses: Discuss the major characteristics and events connected with each god.

1. Zeus: King of the Gods

2. Hera: Queen of the Gods

3. Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt

4. Apollo: God of sun, music and prophecy

5. Athena: Goddess of wisdom

6. Hephaestus: God of fire and metal working

7. Ares: God of war

8. Aphrodite: Goddess of love

9. Poseidon: God of the sea

10. Hermes: The messenger god

11. Hades: The god of the Underworld

12. Demeter: Goddess of the harvest/seasons

13. Dionysus: God of revelry

Category 2: Characters in The Odyssey and other myths: Discuss the major characteristics and events connected with each being.

14. The Monsters: Scylla, Charybdis, Cyclopes

15. The Witches: Calypso, Circe, and the Sirens

Presentation Guidelines:

• You will be working in pairs.

• Your presentation should last about 3-5 minutes.

• Your presentation should teach us about your topic.

• Think creatively; how are you going to help us remember your information?

• Don’t overwhelm us with insignificant details; get the big points across to us!

| |Your visual aide is |Your visual aide is neat, |Your visual aide may |Your visual aide looks |Your visual aide looks |You have no visual aide. |

| |neat, well organized, |well organized, explains |not be clear, |hastily assembled OR is|hastily assembled AND | |

| |clear, explains all info|some information, and is |interesting, well |missing important |is missing important | |

| |fully, and is fun/ |partially helpful to the |organized, or neat. |information. |information. | |

|Visual Aide |helpful to look at. |audience. | | | | |

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| | |(9 Points) | | | | |

| | | |(8 Points) |(7 Points) |(6 Points) | |

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| |(10 Points) | | | | |(0 Points) |

| |You were confident, made|You were confident, made |You attempted eye |You made no eye contact|You made no eye contact|You did not do the |

| |lots of eye contact, had|some eye contact, had ok |contact and had low |OR were too quiet. |AND were too quiet. |speaking portion of the |

| |good volume, and nice |volume, and ok posture. |volume. | | |presentation. |

| |posture. | | | | | |

|Public Speaking | |(4 Points) |(3 Points) | | | |

| | | | |(2 Points) |(1 Point) | |

| |(5 Points) | | | | | |

| | | | | | |(0 Points) |

| |You did an excellent job|You did a good job |You did an ok job |You had few facts OR |You had few facts AND |You did not present any |

| |researching facts. They|researching facts. You |researching facts. You|your facts did not |your facts did not |facts on your topic. |

| |are pertinent and |are missing a few |are missing pivotal |relate to the topic. |relate to the topic. | |

| |interesting. |important details. |pieces of information.| | | |

|Facts/ Research | | | | | | |

| | | |(8 Points) | | | |

| | |(9 Points) | |( 7 Points) |(6 Points) | |

| |(10 Points) | | | | |(0 Points) |

Research Notes:

Things to consider: What does your person/ people look like? Are there any symbols associated with them? Who are they related to? What important stories are associated with him/her?

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